Om What Good is Jesus?
When children are sold into slavery-what good is Jesus?
When wretched disease takes a loved one's life-what good is Jesus?
When marriages crumble and jobs disappoint-what good is Jesus?
Many know of Jesus, but few actually know Him. The real entity of Jesus has been tainted by how His followers have portrayed His image in their lives. The institution of religion has overtaken the beauty of relationship, and many Christians are walking away with a bitter taste. Faced with declining opportunities, a war-torn globe, and seemingly-insurmountable crises, many millennials are asking the sincere question: what good is Jesus?
Pastor Marv Nelson doesn't avoid tough questions; instead, he tackles issues head-on with love and wisdom. Examining sexuality, politics, racial tensions, suffering, and more, Nelson addresses these problems through a relational rather than religious approach and shows us just what good Jesus really is.
Endorsements for What Good is Jesus?
"Years ago there was a season when Christians ran around saying 'Jesus is the answer!' The problem was they weren't really listening to the questions. In his book, What Good is Jesus?, Marv Nelson listens to the questions and then lovingly shows how Jesus really IS the answer. Thank you Marv. This book will point many toward The Answer!"
Dr. Ron Walborn
Dean of Alliance Theological Seminary
"A fresh voice with a humble heart takes us on a journey of discovery. Marv asks us to reconsider Jesus and what He may mean to us in this day and this culture. I loved Marv's personal stories and his ability to help us see the potential connection of Jesus' story to our own story."
Len Kageler, Ph.D.
Author of Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society
"Marv has been effectively working with and serving the millennial generation for years. And as a millennial himself, he has great insight into this generation. His goal in life is to live so authentically and vulnerably that his life truly demonstrates how God works in and through people."
Kent Julian
Founder of
"In his second book, Marv Nelson writes from his passion both to see Jesus be real to people and believers real with one another. Marv candidly shares his own journey out of legalism to his desire to see the Church be real and authentic while working to bring positive change to humanity. Marv is not afraid to tackle subjects most authors and preachers avoid -religion, homosexuality in the church, and diversity, just to name a few. You will want to take your time going through this work, for it is not meant to entertain but to challenge you to not do church, or go to church, but to be the church!"
Dr. John Stanko
Author of A Daily Dose of Proverbs
"In What Good is Jesus?, Marv Nelson creates a necessary conversation that we need to be having with millennials in our churches. With bold transparency, Marv explores the beauty of who Jesus is while addressing cultural challenges for young and old alike. I'm thankful for this book personally and believe it will have a significant impact on our churches in the U.S."
Tim Meier
Director of Sites for Envision
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