Om Vegeland
Vegebuds live in Vegeland a natural land full of good healthy fruit and vegetables that grow to make you and me as healthy as possible! Vegebuds love to keep you healthy and grow more and more but the Junk Food Gang (JFG) and Saltman ruin all the healthy vegetables and turn them into processed food with too much salt and chemicals that destroy the good stuff that helps keep us all healthy and strong. Oscar Onion and Ruby Red Onion are two Vegebuds getting married in Vegeland and they are really hoping the Junk Food Gang stay away! Camilla Carrott is Ruby Red's bestest Vegebud and she hopes to show how strong and clever she is to make sure the JFG do not ruin Ruby's important day. Spiny Spinach is always training hard to stay strong to keep the JFG away from his healthy Vegebuds too - but will Camilla and Spiny manage to stop Saltman and the JFG from spoiling their wedding day?
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