Om Through Frosted Glass: Third Edition
To change the world, it's a tall order, leaving little time for love. Passion must stand in line and wait its turn. This engrossing autobiography traces the path of a true love that never ran smooth, yet triumphed with the passing of time. The author's Dark Lady is a constantly felt presence and a promise, parenthesising his hectic life of political engagement. Along this bumpy road the author has close encounters with the great, the good and the ugly of the political establishment and the world of entertainment, while somehow still finding the time to write three studies of 20th century totalitarianism and feature as a multi-instrumental Jazzer on BBC radio and at Ronnie Scotts, the Millennium Dome and Tony Blair's Downing Street Christmas party. History teaches that rarely if ever does revolution measure up to the dream. But true love changed and fulfilled the author's life where revolution failed.
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