Om Peacemaker's Dream
A tale of Romance, Spiritualism and Historical Tragedy: The story of Pocahontas, one of the bravest heroines ever to walk the earth, is told with compassion and sensitivity.PEACEMAKER'S DREAM cares to reveal shocking aspects of the story previously only documented by Native Americans, denied by the invading Colonists, and gives pause for thought about what really happened during the founding of America.The hopes and dreams of Pocahontas are brought to life as she navigates love, friendship and loyalty in attempting to bridge the divide of two worlds with conflicting values, sacrificing her own needs for the sake of her tribe and those she loves.From the forests of Virginia, to the starving English Colony of 17th Century Jamestown, to the magnificent Court of James 1 in London, PEACEMAKER'S DREAM is a story of Trust and Hope pitted against Betrayal, Cruelty and Hate, signifying the beginning of the end of a Pure and Spiritual World that, to this day, struggles to survive in an envirnment of greed and destruction.
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