Om Journey To New Beginnings
The year following my diagnosis of breast cancer, having a total mastectomy and chemotherapy, I felt as if I was out at sea in the midst of a storm.The faster I ran from the darkness and turmoil the closer it came. I was frightened but I learned to depend on the energy of the Universe. I realized that the quickest way to the light was to go directly into the darkness and face my fears.
Accepting my new body image was very difficult, along with not being able to respond to my husband touch. Due to my insecurities, low self-esteem and self-confidence I placed my marriage in jeporady.
Learning to rediscover myself was difficult.I learned to trust in the positive energy of the Universe to help me heal. Depending on myself only led me further away from where I wanted to go. I needed to allow God and His angels to take me in their hands and carry me. Depending on the power of the Universe established inner strength and courage to be a survivor. We have a choice in how we react and respond to situations, lessons that life presents to us. Learning to let go of certain feeling and situations is difficult but it makes each day more peaceful and comfortable.
Learning there is life after breast cancer is a difficult journey. Everything happens for a reason and it is up to us to learn from the lessons which are presented to us. You can be a survivor when you accept that being a survivor is a state of mind which is dictated by you and not others. Realizing that guilt and shame is wasted energy, and that you are still loved and can love others.
Everyone's path in recover and rediscovery will be different and the rate in which we achieve it will be different. What worked for me may not work for you. We cannot compare oursleves to others. We are individuals with different childhood experiences, different backgrounds, personalities and with different suppport systems.
I hope that "Journey to New Beginnings" gives you a sense of comfort and hope. Sharing my journey has helped me heal. Each year will be another path of learning, experiencing the joys of living and life - enjoying the extraordinary in the ordinary.
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