Om Funny Brummie Pictures 2
Here is Volume 2 of Funny Brummie Pictures by RobertGeoghegan about his home city of Birmingham where he haslived all his life. His paintings, often captioned, are full of thedetail and colour of modern urban life with a comic twist. There's something here for everyone - from punks on a nightservice bus to squirrels taking part in 'Parkrun'. There are footballpictures about Blues, Villa and West Brom and, of course, moreBirmingham bus pictures with zoo animals, the Beach Boys, dogs,bears, Jim Morrison and Hattie Jacques all aboard. The Peaky Blindersare included again, this time on a 'Team Building Day Out atBirmingham Sea Life Centre' and Tommy and Arthur riding e-scooters. Landmark buildings are here - Highbury Hall with a Rebecca twist,Cadbury's factory where they're making dark chocolate on thenightshift, Sarehole Mill where a school party are causing 'Trouble atMill', to name but a few. Pubs and chippies also feature, with acustomer complaining of soggy chips outside Kings Heath's Hi Tide. The Loch Ness monster, Gandalf, the Owl and the Clocktower and theBrothers Grimm all make an appearance. Munch's The Scream appearson 'The Ramp' and Van Gogh paints Starry Night over Birmingham'scity centre skyline. There are alsopictures of the 'Mechanical Bull' inCentenary Square during BirminghamCommonwealth Games.
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