Om Fair Havens Farewell
Everything comes to an end. My wife and I have had nearly 20 good years, as season siters, at Fair Havens Christian Camp, near Orillia.
We've got good memories of the many Augusts spent there, and I certainly have amassed a great databank of excellent flowers, sunsets and autumn photographs.
This special book in John's Photobook Series gives an overview of the grounds and landscapes around Fair Havens. It also highlights my flower photography, sunsets and my past autumns there. While reminiscing, I explain the special effects I use [FX] and the advice on Eureka moments in picture-taking.
Since my wife and her sister co-own the trailer, the sister and her husband have gotten July while we took August.
This August, however, has been the last month for us at Fair Havens because we are selling the trailer. We've had a good run and I cherish the excellent photographs I've gotten there, and of course, the friends we've made.
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