Om El nio con flores en la cabeza
En la cabeza de David hay miles de flores de bonitos colores. David le cae bien a todo el mundo porque es como sus pétalos, dulce y delicado.David es muy especial, tiene la cabeza llena de flores. A veces le rodean abejas e incluso pájaros, es muy divertido. Todo el mundo lo quiere. Pero un día comienzan a caérsele los pétalos y su cabeza se queda llena de ramitas que pinchan. David se pone triste y se queda muy callado. Su mejor amigo no puede permitirlo y pone en marcha un plan para devolverle los colores que ha perdido.-------------------------------------------His name is David. He's the boy with flowers in his hair and he's my best friend...David is the boy with flowers in his hair. He's sweet and gentle, just like his petals. But when David's flowers begin to fall - a single petal at first, then every last blossom - his best friend never leaves his side. And through kindness and creativity, he even finds a way to give David his colour back... Beautifully illustrated and sensitively told, this story is about being there for someone when they are at their most vulnerable, and brings to life a pure and poignant friendship that children will never forget.
After Thank You, (Gracias in Spanish) Jarvis returns with a moving tale of friendship, kindness, and acceptance, softly touching on the subjects of illness or hardship in a way that young children can understand.
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