Om Aliens-USA Meetings: Vol. 1. Transcripts of what aliens extraterrestrials & intraterrestrials told our governments
Published by Times Square Press, and UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. This is volume 1 from a set of 2 volumes. It contains: Mind-blowing conversations and dialogues (Q&A) with aliens, extraterrestrials and Grays intraterrestrials. The secret Aliens' Transcripts (AT). USA-Aliens meetings: Who attend or have attended these meetings? Topics discussed at the meetings. Did Israel, and Pope Pius XII steal the Aliens Transcripts and minutes of the meetings of the United States and extraterrestrials? Origin of alien spacecrafts. Who is piloting aliens' spacecrafts? Purposes of aliens' spacecrafts. How aliens' spacecrafts move and operate underwater? Their mode of operation and source of energy. Non-human species living on planet Earth. Who are the aliens and extraterrestrials? What did we learn from aliens and extraterrestrials?
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