Om 7th Edition. Secret Transcripts of what the Extraterrestrials and Intraterrestrials Told our Governments. Volume 1
Published by times square press new York.
The objectives of this book is to shed light on the information obtained from extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials and aliens, and how to benefit from such extraordinary discoveries, information and revelations...and not to fuel controversy and create gossip about this of that official, and what he/she has done and/or what he/she is hiding from the general public.
Information obtained via Privileged access:
Meaning access to governments' Above Top Secret files not shared with other intelligence agencies.
In many instances and cases, United States Congressmen, The White House, and even the President himself were denied access to these files.
This is an absolute fact.
A combination of undisputed reports and findings:
This, includes official reports, always Top or Above Top Secret level (Sections III, IV) by governments' specialized agencies and units, and knowledge/information "gained" from the Anunnaki Ulema;
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