Om 15 Miles In The Right Direction
This book is a part four of a five book series named the "Single Chick." Part one titled, "10 Tips on how to quit dating assholes," is filled with dating anecdotes of my own life. Book 2, titled "9 secrets that he tells his dog that you know nothing about," is a book about how to treat your man right and basically is based in experimental psychology, but this book is unique on the series in which this is a book that contains only anecdotal stories from my blog, "Why You Suck."
These stories formed a collections of "growing up" moments. Growing up moments or "Aha" moments is when something that was right in front of you, the solution to your problems (a problem that you probably created) comes to life.
This book is for those women that timidly go to the self-help or psychology shelves of a Barnes and Nobles and Books a Million; their psychotherapists, and online seeking answers about their relationship and their boyfriend responses or habits.
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