Om 100% Meditation
Discover your True Nature... through Self-Meditation
Today, the word Meditation has been confined to practices of mindfulness, concentration exercises, relaxation techniques and contemplation. However, these are mere by-products in a journey that leads to the ultimate purpose of true meditation.
Truly speaking, the essence of meditation is not the techniques, but the clear realization of who-we-truly-are. The practice of meditation with right understanding leads us to transcend the limiting beliefs and tendencies of the mind and stabilize in pure consciousness.
This book is one in the 'Ocean in a drop' Series. Through a series of conversations between seekers of truth and Sirshree, this book expounds the deeper understanding that lends completeness to the path of meditation.
100% Meditation dispels prevalent myths about meditation, identifies the roadblocks in the journey and unravels the heart of meditation, leading to the sublime state of unshakable peace and bliss.
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