A USA Today BestsellerAn intimate and hopeful collection of meaningful, smart, funny, sad, emotional, and inspiring essays from today's authors and advocates about what it means to be Jewish, how life has changed since the attacks on October 7th, 2023, and the unique culture that brings this group together.On October 7th, 2023, Jews in Israel were attacked in the largest pogrom since the Holocaust. It was a day felt by Jews everywhere who came together to process and speak out in ways some never had before. In this collection, 75 contributors speak to Jewish joy, celebration, laughter, food, trauma, loss, love, and family, and the common threads that course through the Jewish people: resilience and humor. Contributors include Mark Feuerstein, Jill Zarin, Steve Leder, Joanna Rakoff, Amy Ephron, Lisa Barr, Annabelle Gurwitch, Daphne Merkin, Bradley Tusk, Sharon Brous, Jenny Mollen, Nicola Kraus, Caroline Leavitt, and many others. On Being Jewish Now is edited by Zibby Owens, bestselling author, podcaster, bookstore owner, and CEO of Zibby Media.All profits will be donated to Artists Against Antisemitism. Contributors:Abby SternAli RosenAlison HammerAlison Rose GreenbergAlix StraussAliza LichtAlli FrankAlyssa RosenheckAmy BlumenfeldAmy EphronAmy KleinAnna Ephron HarariAnnabelle GurwitchBarri Leiner GrantBess KalbBeth RicanatiBradley TuskBrenda JanowitzCara MentzelCaroline LeavittCorie AdjmiCourtney SheinmelDanny GrossmanDaphne MerkinDara KurtzDara LevanDavid K. IsraelDavid Christopher KaufmanDebbie Reed FischerDiana FerskoEleanor ReissaElizabeth Cohen HausmanElizabeth L. SilverElyssa FriedlandEmily Tisch SussmanHarper KincaidHeidi ShertokIlana KurshanJacqueline FriedlandJamie BrennerJane L. RosenJeanne BlasbergJennifer S. BrownJenny MollenJeremy GarelickJill ZarinJoanna RakoffJonathan SantloferJudy BatalionJulia DeVillersKeren BlankfeldLihi LapidLisa BarrLisa KoganLynda Cohen LoigmanMark FeuersteinNicola KrausNoa YedlinRebecca Keren JablonskiRachel BarenbaumRachel Levy LesserRachelle UnreichRebecca MinkoffRebecca RaphaelRenee RosenRochelle B. WeinsteinSamantha EttusSamantha Greene WoodruffSharon BrousShirin YadegarStacy IgelSteve LederTalia CarnerToby RoseZibby Owens