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Böcker utgivna av World Bank Publications

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  • - A Strategy for Employment and Growth
    av World Bank

    Assesses the impact of the strong economic growth on employment. This study addresses the question of what Nigeria could do to increase the availability of quality jobs and reduce rising youth unemployment, and proposes a strategy to sustain and further accelerate Nigeria's growth performance and enhance quality of employment.

  • av Fulbert Tchana Tchana

    Chad's economy has contracted since 2015, preventing poverty reduction and the improvement of development outcomes. This Systematic Country Diagnostic identifies key constraints on poverty reduction and recommends solutions.

  • av Damien de Walque

    Dans de nombreux pays à faible revenu et à revenu intermédiaire, la couverture sanitaire s'est considérablement améliorée au cours des deux dernières décennies, mais pas les résultats en matière de santé. Ainsi, la couverture effective - une mesure de la prestation de services qui répond à une norme minimale de qualité - demeure à un niveau inacceptable. Le rapport Améliorer la couverture effective en matière de santé examine une approche particulière visant à améliorer la couverture effective: les incitations financières sous la forme d'un financement basé sur la performance (FBP), une réforme globale qui comprend généralement la rémunération liée à la performance pour les agents de santé de première ligne ainsi que l'autonomie des établissements, la transparence et l'engagement communautaire. Ce rapport de recherche s'appuie sur un vaste ensemble d'études rigoureuses et de nouvelles analyses. Par rapport au statu quo, dans les pays à faible revenu dotés de systèmes de santé centralisés, le FBP peut entraîner des gains substantiels en matière de couverture effective. Toutefois, les avantages relatifs du FBP - la composante rémunération liée à la performance en particulier - sont moins clairs lorsqu'il est comparé à deux autres approches, à savoir: le financement direct des établissements, qui permet d'octroyer des budgets de fonctionnement aux services de santé de première ligne en accordant aux établissements l'autonomie en matière d'allocations budgétaires, mais sans rémunération liée à la performance; et le soutien financier lié à la demande pour les services de santé (c'est-à -dire les transferts monétaires conditionnels et les vouchers). Bien que le FBP se traduise souvent par des améliorations marginales, combler les lacunes importantes de la couverture sanitaire effective n'est pas encore à la portée de nombreux pays. Néanmoins, d'importantes leçons et expériences tirées de la mise en oeuvre du FBP au cours de la dernière décennie peuvent orienter le financement de la santé à l'avenir. En particulier, pour réussir, la réforme du financement de la santé devra sans doute moins se focaliser sur la rémunération à la performance tout en conservant les éléments de financement direct des établissements, l'autonomie, la transparence et l'engagement communautaire.

  • av Development Research Center of the State Council the People's Republic of China

    Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below US$ 1.90 per day has fallen by close to 800 million. The report explores the key drivers for China's achievements in poverty, considers lessons for other developing countries, and puts forward suggestions for China's future policies.

  • av Paul Brenton

    The COVID-19 pandemic provides a unique event demonstrating the risks associated with global value chains as well as ways in which they are a source of resilience in trade. Efforts to reshore production would make all countries worse off and increase the number of people in extreme poverty.

  • av Katherine von Stackelberg

    This framework document provides a practical approach for designing representative studies and developing uniform sampling guidelines to support estimates of health outcomes that are explicitly linked to exposure to land-based contaminants from ASGM activities.

  • av World Bank Group

    This report estimates the global, regional, and national costs of health damage from exposure to PM2.5 ambient and household air pollution in 2019. While recognizing the various costs of air pollution to society, this report focuses on the cost of morbidity and premature death from air pollution, the world's leading environmental health risk.


    Examines the extent and the nature of gender disparities in Africa's labor markets. This study offers a comparative analysis based on standardized nationally representative survey-data for several Sub-Saharan Africa countries and one North Africa country. It also offers gender analysis by using a set of labor market indicators.

  • - guidelines for road infrastructure in support of water management and climate resilience
    av World Bank

    Outlines how to integrate water management and climate-change adaptation in the design, construction, and maintenance of roads. The guidelines describe how the negative impact of roads on the surrounding landscape can be turned around, and how roads can become instruments of beneficial water management and increased climate resilience.

  • av World Bank & Sameh El-Saharty

    Fostering Human Capital in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

  • - issues and options
    av World Bank, Ramesh Govindaraj & Sang Minh Le

  • - an implementation guide
    av Michael Wells, World Bank, Alfred Borgonovo & m.fl.

  • - Investir dans les competences pour la productivite, l'inclusion et l'adaptabilite
    av Omar Arias

    Malgre la forte croissance economique que l'Afrique subsaharienne a connue ces vingt dernieres annees, les niveaux de transformation economique, de reduction de la pauvrete et de developpement des competences dans cette partie du monde sont bien inferieurs a ceux des autres regions.

  • - connectivity and logistics to sustain Bangladesh's success
    av World Bank

    This book provides a granular diagnostic of Bangladesh's logistics system, its demand and associated costs, and the actions needed to improve its performance. It provides insights on chokepoints and makes a case for a comprehensive yet strategic approach to addressing them.

  • - health and economic consequences of an impending global challenge
    av World Bank

    Obesity is a global ticking time-bomb with huge potential negative economic and health impacts, especially for the poor. Countries and global partners need to act urgently to address this ensuing epidemic with emphasis highlighting interventions that require corrective public action rather than one of individual responsibility.

  • - Demande, Fiabilite, et facteurs complementaires pour un impact economique
    av Moussa P. Blimpo

    Un rapport de la Banque mondiale recommande aux gouvernements des pays d' Afrique subsaharienne d'investir dans des plans d'etectrification coordonnes a long terme pour atteindre plus rapidement leurs objectifs de developpernent.

  • - the future of manufacturing-led development
    av Gaurav Nayyar, World Bank & Mary Hallward-Driemeier

    Shifting the attention from high-income countries, this report takes the perspective of developing countries to ask:If new technologies reduce the importance of low-wage labour, how can developing countries compete?; Do countries need to industrialize to develop?; How can countries at different levels of development take advantage of new opportunities?

  • - managing India's teacher workforce
    av World Bank & Vimala Ramachandran

    Takes a detailed look at the complexity of the teacher management system in India. It compares and contrasts teacher management policies in nine Indian states with actual practice on the ground, identifying key implementation challenges.

  • - building the resilience of the poor in the face of natural disasters
    av World Bank & Stephane Hallegatte

    This report moves beyond asset and production losses and shifts its attention to how natural disasters affect people's well-being. Disasters are far greater threats to wellbeing than traditional estimates suggest. This approach provides a more nuanced view of natural disasters than usual reporting, and a perspective that takes fuller account of poor people's vulnerabilities.

  • - reaching the global targets for stunting, anemia, breastfeeding, and wasting
    av World Bank & Meera Shekar

  • - linking innovation and local benefits
    av Vincent Roquet & World Bank

    Shows how urban resettlement can become a development opportunity for those who are adversely affected by the process of urban development. Examples include improvements to legal systems in Brazil, resettlement programs in slums in India and Mauritania, and restoration of informal sector livelihoods in Morocco and Pakistan.

  • - reform experiences and challenges ahead in the Kazakhstan power sector
    av World Bank, Istvan Dobozi & Mirlan Aldayarov

    The Kazakhstan Power Sector Assessment study aims to objectively identify the principal challenges faced by the Kazakhstan power sector in its ongoing transition and outlining potential policy options; and draw lessons from Kazakhstan's experience in sector reforms for the broader international audience.

  • - a handbook for policy makers and practitioners
    av World Bank & Joel Cooper

    This handbook is part of the wider WBG engagement in supporting countries with Domestic Resource Mobilization. It covers all relevant aspects that have to be considered when introducing or strengthening transfer pricing regimes aimed at addressing country specific risks and promoting compliance among taxpayers.

  • - Inclusive Workforce Development, Competitiveness, and Growth (French)
    av Shobhana Sosale

    Examines such questions as: What has been the trajectory of Cameroon's economic growth? Which sectors have contributed to growth? What jobs are being created? What types of skills are being used in the sectors where the highest percentages of the population are employed? What are the demand and supply barriers to skills? Which policies and institutions are in play? Are they sufficient?

  • - weak investment in uncertain times
    av World Bank

    Published semiannually, this report includes analysis of topical policy challenges faced by developing countries through in-depth research in the January edition, and shorter analytical pieces in the June edition.

  • - public finance and the security sector, a guide to public expenditure reviews in the security and criminal justice sectors
    av World Bank

    Provides policymakers from government finance agencies, security and justice ministries, and international organisations with an introduction to the key issues related to public expenditure reviews in the security sector.

  • av World Bank: Independent Evaluation Group

    Describes how mechanisms for integrating gender in projects and country strategies are working and to what extent they provide meaningful information about progress and results on gender. It aims to inform World Bank Group efforts to strengthen the approach to results as part of the new strategy rollout.

  • av World Bank & Tom Walker

    Sub-Saharan Africans make their living from agriculture. Based on a detailed review of currently available technologies, this paper argues that improving the productivity and stability of agriculture has the potential to make a significant contribution to reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience.

  • - evidence from Jordanian schools and primary healhcare facilities
    av Tamer Rabie & World Bank

  • av Pablo Acosta & World Bank

    This report looks at the trends in public social spending in Central America from 2007 to 2014, conducts international benchmarking, examines measures of the effectiveness and efficiency of social spending, and assesses the quality of selected institutions influencing public social spending.

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