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  • av Sakil Ansari

    "Introduction to Natural Language Processing: A practical guide for beginners" is a book that provides an overview of the field of natural language processing (NLP) and its applications. It is intended for individuals with little to no experience in the area. It aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and techniques used in NLP. The book is aimed at beginners and offers a practical guide for understanding and working with NLP techniques. It covers NLP fundamental concepts and methods, such as tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and part-of-speech tagging. It also discusses more advanced topics such as sentiment analysis, text generation, and machine translation. The book uses Python programming language and provides examples to help readers practice and apply the concepts they learn. The book also includes real-world case studies using NLP to solve real-world problems.The book is written clearly and concisely, making it easy for beginners to understand. It provides a good foundation for those interested in pursuing a career in NLP or related fields such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, or data science. It is also helpful for professionals who want to understand NLP and its applications in their areas.Overall, "Introduction to Natural Language Processing: A practical guide for beginners" is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning about NLP. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of NLP. It will help you understand and apply the concepts and techniques of this exciting field.

  • av Balvinder Ruby

    The Provocateur: Spilling beans by all means, is a fully illustrated compilation of 38 motivational, inspirational and uplifting poems. Individual poems have a theme and have been thematically presented with black and white pencil sketches.This book intends to walk you through the length and breadth of your mindscape, arouse curiosity, invoke intellect and provoke you to reflect and realise your full potential to enable you to cruise the mundane daily grind harmoniously.It seeks to dislodge you from your comfort zone, kick your butt, unsettle and prod you to start grappling for your grit to get you thinking to the barge and take charge. It is also directed to enrage you to engage and manage the stage, restrain from blaming others, align yourself with your real authentic self and claim, seek and fight for your right without any insinuations and position yourself at the crossroads to decide for yourself whether and whither to here from and henceforth.

  • av Himanshi Gupta

    This book is all about the struggles of a lady and the events she had to go through alone before marriage as well as after the demise of her husband.It's a narrative of writer's mother, showing how she persevered and fought against her fate. Her extraordinary journey has been beautifully captured by the author in these pages.About the Author: Sunita always aspired to be a fashion designer, but destiny landed her as a banker. Fate strangles her desires at every stage of life, but she gives an uphill battle to destiny by performing her responsibilities exceptionally well and proving herself to be an ideal daughter, sister, wife, mother, and daughter-in-law. A truly inspirational story of sacrifices, relationships, unconditional love, and perseverance, which once again proves that "believing in yourself" ultimately helps you move ahead in life.

  • av Addittya Tamhankar

    Every year-except for the Moon and the Sun-all the other planets move in retrograde state for a certain period of time. In simple words, a planet is said to be in retrograde when it slows down. Many people are born with retrograde planets in their birth charts. There are many misconceptions surrounding this subject, and this one-of-a-kind book aims to clear them by revealing unknown facts about retrograde planets. Specific mantras and remedies are also provided to help you sail smoothly and progress in your career and life. This insightful book, enriched with many beautiful spiritual quotes and stories, will enlighten you on the significance and beauty of retrograde planets in Astrology.About the Author: Acharya Addittya Tamhankar is a celebrity astrologer, internationally renowned spiritual guide, visionary motivator and author of eight books on Spiritual Astrology, Consciousness and Meditation. An IIM alumnus, he hails from a reputed family of astrologers. For the last 18 years, he has been using his extensive knowledge of Astrology and spiritual experiences for the betterment of people. Often listed as the most viewed writer in Jyotish on Quora, he also has a huge following on YouTube, LinkedIn, and several podcast channels. He believes in the power of possibility and the magic of positive changes, and lives his life with the deep belief that "God is the creator and I am his humble servant."

  • av Lisa MacCallum

    インスパイアド・カンパニーズ:愛される企業となるために(日本語版)ほとんどの企業が、混沌としたソーシャルメディア上での突然の攻撃に無防備だ。今やビジネスの舵を取るのは従来のビジネスリーダーだけではない。かつてないほど多くの人がその成功や失敗に影響を及ぼしている。あなたの会社の命運を瞬く間に左右する新しいCEO(消費者(Consumers)、 従業員(Employees)、アウトサイダー(Outsiders))を知ろう。本書は、彼らの支持を得るために必要不可欠なロードマップである。ビジネス界は非難の的となっている。新しいCEOであるクラウド(Crowd)(本書では特に昨今のビジネスに多大な影響力をもつ一般の人々を意味する)が手にするのは、愛する企業を支援し、そうでない企業を葬り去ることのできる新たな影響力だ。進化し続けるデジタルツールと瞬時のコミュニケーションにより、彼らは驚くほどのスピードと影響力で、愛するに値する企業のあり方を追求するため協働するのだ。企業の信用が失墜している昨今、クラウドの信頼を勝ち取り、維持し続けるためには、優れた広報やCSR、マーケティングだけでは不十分だ。企業の成功に必要不可欠なのは、確固たるパーパスやインスパイアド・アイディア、共有価値(Shared Values)である。企業は、これらを実践する上で、クラウドの信頼を得られるよう一貫した姿勢で連携する必要がある。最優先すべきクラウドが従業員だ。彼らの貢献なしに、他のクラウドとの関係に成功する可能性は極めて低い。これを100パーセント上手く実践できている企業はいないが、他社よりもかなり秀でた企業が存在する。本書で著者のリサ・マッカランとエミリー・ブリューが示すのは、世界中の人々に信頼され、愛される企業となるための手引きだ。様々な企業の事例やストーリーを交えた本書を通して、読者は、新しいCEOのかつてない影響力に対して何がうまくいき、何がうまくいかないか、非常に興味深い洞察を得ることができるだろう。 著者について:リサ・マッカランは本書の共著者であり、インスパイアド・カンパニーズ社の創設者だ。元ナイキ事業部長であるリサはパーパスやバリュー主導のビジネスを専門としており、顧客や従業員、その他多様なステークホルダーがかつてない影響力をもつ世界で、企業がどのように信頼や回復力(Resilience)を構築し、ブランドを差別化すべきかについて助言を提供している。講演者としても影響力をもち、国際的に著名な企業の経営幹部へのアドバイザーを務める他、世界経済フォーラムヤンググローバルリーダー、英国王立技芸協会フェロー、オーストラリアボンド大学非業務執行取締役としても活躍している。リサはナイキでの長いキャリアにおいて、米国ならびにグローバルでコマーシャル部門やブランドリーダーを務め、長期戦略や消費者ポジショニング、事業改善などを専門としてきた。理事を務めたナイキ・ファンデーションでは、受賞に輝いた「ガール・エフェクト」や「デザイン・トゥー・ムーブ」の国際連携プロジェクトの立ち上げを指揮した経験をもつ。

  • av Milind Kulkarni

    'Beautiful Relationships' is a collection of seven fictions. The fictions in this book are relationship-centric. The focus of these fictions is on relationships between or among individuals. Each fiction has been dedicated to a specific kind of relationship, such as siblings, friends, etc. Events or incidents in these fictions are meant to underscore these relationships or bring them to fruition. Human beings are considered to be social in nature. If we ever want to acknowledge and appreciate relationships that form the core of our society and enrich our lives, we must get to a purer and simpler form of life and human nature. This book is about simplicity and purity. It is believed that this will strengthen our belief in the kindness of life and add to positivity. About the Author: Author Milind Kulkarni is a professional accountant (known as Chartered Accountant in India) and also possesses Diploma in IFRS of ACCA, UK. He stays in Pune city in India. While this is Milind's first book in the print format, he has been writing his blog for some time at the link Additionally, he has also contributed his work to an online magazine sparingly.

  • av Sara Bubber

    Join Saptapani on her journey through a troublesome problem, non-working solutions and finally, aha - dawn of wisdom!Trees are our friends and a place where we belong. A group of trees and animals tell us about their importance and show their kindness, without really talking about it. This book is a perfect addition to your library if you want your child to have a bond with nature or if you feel kindness is an important value to build!The book includes: -A free audiobook-Many activities to explore nature-A virtual tour of a rainforest called Kanha Shantivanam

  • av Aarush Prashanth

    One explorer travel across the mind to fight the Kroxonian Army who has colonized the mind and made the mind its slave. The Kroxos and the 6 sins have teamed up together. BUT the lone wolf and his pack are on their way to put an end to the Kroxos' plan and maintain sanity of the mental realm. Throughout this book there are scenarios taken from real life situations; challenges faced by most of us especially teens and very simple, yet effective solutions are provided in a comical way so that reading it becomes exciting.Everyone thinks discussing about mental health and emotional hygiene is a taboo, but it is not so. Just as we wash our hands to prevent infection, or put a band aid when we get hurt, we do not know what to do when we are heartbroken or depressed or under pressure of performance. We are not aware about emotionally hygienic practices that will help us sustain our mental health. This is exactly what this book provides. It gives us very simple tips and tools to manage our minds, emotionally hygienic practices that we could follow to save our minds and be healthy not only at a physical level but also at emotional and mental levels.This comic gives a visual to the world about how the seemingly big problems of our life are not so big and are easily manageable with awareness and practice of some basic techniques. 'The War of Minds' aims to create a picture in the reader's mind about how our own mind is our enemy and plays tricks on us. We need to understand the gimmicks played by our mind and win over our mind. If we understand our mind, and win over it, we can very well win over the whole world! Pick this book when you feel low or are emotionally disturbed and have a hearty laugh! And yes, do practice the techniques mentioned in the book!About the Author: Aarush Prashanth is a 15-year-old boy who is currently studying in Grade 10 in Victorious Kidss Educares, Pune. He is very enthusiastic about making comics and understanding human behaviour. As a child he kept making caricatures and comic strips as a hobby and then in his teens, he somehow had this knack of resolving the challenges faced by his teenage friends. In fact, his friends called him 'Therapeutic Panda' as he always had some solution for their problems. So, that is how his love for psychology and understanding human behaviour kickstarted. He has blended his passion for psychology and art and has produced this Comic book, 'The War of Minds' that provides emotionally hygienic practices for maintaining a sound mental health. The author wanted to make a difference in the mindset of people reading informative graphic novels. He wanted to add the element of science fiction in his comic so that it interests the reader. The characters are from a sci-fi world with an apocalyptic setting. He is a regular practitioner of meditation and Sudarshan Kriya of the Art of Living Foundation. He understands the impact of such practices. Hence, his comic aims to provide solutions to not only teenagers but to everyone who has faced a challenge or a setback emotionally. Through this comic he aims to make people smile when they are going through difficult times. Happy Reading!

  • av Sheetal Ahuja

    Gratitude: The Magical Vibes of Thankfulness is an amazing and interesting self-help guide and book through the pen of Sheetal Ahuja. If you know little or more about Gratitude, it is enough to start a magnificent journey of magic, miracles and success considering it as the stepping stone. Gratitude is an act and attitude of being in the state of thankfulness or gratefulness for each and everything in life as all what appears in life whether favorable or not (in our terms) are actually for the highest good. All experiences should be endured irrespective of their nature considering it as the knowledge and endless lessons and teachings for life without complaining, cribbing and depressing. Author has created and nurtured this book wholeheartedly as its mother. As She says "Every Artist is the mother of the respective art and its nurturing is an inevitable responsibility".She has described about Gratitude, Why Gratitude, How to apply Gratitude to amplify the life's essential zones of Health, Relationships, Career and most importantly Inner-Self Development. She has infused the book with quantas (energy packets) of Gratitude Affirmations. She believes firmly that, keeping this book along as lifetime buddy, following its efficacies, and applying Affirmations daily is enough to start building a strong, courageous and developed life along with other essential deeds and actions. The interconnection of The Law of Attraction (LoA), Subconcious Mind and Gratitude will astonish you all with its power described in book. Research studies will also support all in realising its worth. She wishes the best to the reader community with immense hope of applying Gratitude in life.About the Author: Sheetal Ahuja is an optimistic, passionate and curious learner, family and friends lover. Professionally being in the association and immense love with the subject Chemistry as its masters, She has proudly aligned herself to be a dignified, educated and dedicated teacher to her young students. Not only she teaches chemistry but utilize its proficiency to synchronize with life principles saying that "Chemistry and Life Are In Intimacy of Each Other, Only It Needs The Angelic Guidance and Support For Companionship". Author has successfully co-authored the books Love: The Essence That Binds Us All, Ek Naari Sabpe Bhari (Bravo International Book of World Records, Certified), Chai or Tum: Sukoon ka Dusra Naam, and many more. Gratitude: The Magical Vibes of Thankfulness is her dream debut project through which she wishes the best life of the reader community through imbibation of Attitude of Gratitude in life with firm belief. Her journey of inspiring youth will keep on going through her next powerful bookshots. Till then, Enjoy and implement Gratitude.

  • av Essam M Al-Jassim

    The book is a collection of translated flash fiction: vignettes, short-shorts, and short stories. In the Arab world, flash fiction is a relatively new art form, only appearing during the second half of the twentieth century in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Morocco. However, it has swiftly become a vibrant genre in contemporary Arabic literature and has gained widespread publication in most Arab literary magazines. In this anthology, the translator aimed to provide English readers with a sampling of the best modern Arabic flash fiction. He has ensured that more than twenty countries in the Arab world are represented.The collection will appeal to fans of Anton Chekhov, Franz Kafka, Lydia Davis, Sean Hill, among others. The translator published a number of translated fiction in leading literary journals in most English-speaking countries: the USA, England, Canada, New Zealand, India, Ireland, and Singapore. His translations have appeared in major literary publications, such as Columbia Journal, The Malahat Review, The Chattahoochee Review, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Asymptote Journal, Litro Magazine, Denver Quarterly, Shenandoah Literary Magazine, and Fiction International, among others.

  • av Ramesh Malhotra

    In Search of Absolute Truth fundamentally defines three faculties: the mind (that enables one to become aware of the world), the heart (state associated with feeling, affection, caring, and love), and the essence (as living spirit which bring something from nothing and from nothing into an entity or substance, without which any prevailing entity loses its identity). These three the invisible powers behave as one (trinity). They interact with each other create mortal manifestations such as rocks and minerals, vegetation and trees, animals, and birds, living beings and humanity. It also creates immortal invisible bodies such as demigods, deities, divinities, and godheads who prevail to support divine creations.As humanity, we use our personal experience to acquire knowledge and through attending school and college we become educated scientists, technologists, and spiritual scholars. We proudly pursue inventions and discoveries, not knowing we are only proving that have existed within the universe as ancient knowledge. When as human we cannot explain or prove something, come to accept it as an Act of God and satisfy our ignorance by simply joining religions or cults. Not knowing there are powers of causation that prevail over, and beyond which can only be attained through eternal wisdom.In Search of Absolute Truth volume one: physical manifestation and two volume encompasses the spiritual involution. The author hopes additional research and in-depth interpretation could further unveil the powers of causation, as human we define as the God, that could make a valuable contributions towards humanity to go beyond essence and attain ability to cope with our changing world.

  • av Siti Nuzulia

    The complexities of the difficulties that exist in Indonesian national education are challenging for educational experts who are truly concerned about improving the quality of national education. Furthermore, the lack of a Blueprint for regulating and charting national education adds to the uncertainty of national education's future orientation. It could be argued that Indonesia has yet to discover the optimum educational pattern. Furthermore, the increasingly turbulent global environment and the rapid advancement of technology add to the long list of difficulties affecting Indonesian education.As stated in the 2003 Indonesian National Education System Law, the current objective of Indonesian education is to produce a human being with noble character. However, the steps made have not been directed, thus this great goal remains far from being achieved.At this time, the purpose of this book is to help identify and provide ideas for educational challenges in Indonesia. This book contains writings from academics from the Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, along with fellow education practitioners. This book contains three key concepts grouped into three sections, namely Education and Covid-19 Pandemic, Education and Innovation, and Education and Challenge.It is hoped that this book would help to enrich ideas for achieving education goals in Indonesia.

  • av Nilesh Manani

    About to be forced into an unwelcome marriage, an eleven-year-old Ghanshyam leaves home, barefoot and dressed only in a loincloth. He changes his name to Neelkanth to avoid recognition and courageously enters the soaring wilderness of the Himalayas during its most hostile season. He emerges four years later, emaciated but alive, aware of what he must do to liberate the people of India from millennia of conquerors that had devastated its traditions, and driven the people into abject poverty. About the Author: Nilesh Manani has been addicted to the stories of Bhagwan Swaminarayan since he was a child. He felt compelled to bring alive the story of Neelkanth Varni because it has never been written in English in the detail it deserves. It is offered as service to Bhagwan Swaminarayan, and to all the seekers of a spiritual life.

  • av Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet

    Volume 4 of The New Way is a series of twenty essays written by Thea for students and friends living in India and throughout the world. Originally presented in The Vishaal Newsletter, between 1989 and 1994, they retain an extraordinary relevance for the world today. Thea offers insights about historical and philosophical issues from a very unusual perspective. In each of her four major themes, she makes a direct application of an Indocentric Cosmology, which she calls The New Way.She writes from the 'centre' that is India: this nation is the 'planetary soul' of our Solar System. It is India, by destiny, who is to come forward to assist the Earth in the work to be done in this 9th Manifestation. The essays offer a vision and a methodology to ensure that the seeker does not isolate him/herself and escape from the experience which is presently being offered to our planet - to see ourselves as parts of one luminous whole Earth. We are a race in transition; a higher Truth is evolving within us and our Earth is the place where the process unfolds, where the Light of a Higher Being can increasingly manifest through us.

  • av Kunwar Vikram Singh

    'The Protectors' ardently explores the journey of the Indian Private security industry through the life events of one man who was chosen by destiny to become the harbinger of change. The story of the Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) which has been around for more than a decade, has been passionately written about for the first time since its inception. With honesty and sobriety, Kunwar Vikram Singh describes the profound struggles of Indian security entrepreneurs including himself through various phases-both good and bad. He shows how with their true grit and determination, the PSI metamorphosed into a sunrise sector taking challenges head-on, with CAPSI leading the way. The institution at present is relentlessly pursuing its mission of skilling 1 Crore guardsmen & women across the nation, which continues to reshape their destiny.It also gives a sneak peek into the life of security professionals whose pious love for their motherland drives them to persevere through uncertainties with bravery and fervor. And it also outlines their ongoing battles with the current legislative frameworks governing the PSI.About the Author: Kunwar Vikram Singh is the Chairman of the CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE SECURITY INDUSTRY (CAPSI) an apex body of the Private Security Sector and LANCERS NETWORK LIMITED, a Risk Consulting Corporation. He has held the coveted post of President (2016-17) and Chairman (2017-18) of the WORLD ASSOCIATION OF DETECTIVES (W.A.D). He has authored seven volumes of the WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SECURITY SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT. He is also the Director of PUNJAB POLICE SECURITY CORPORATION LIMITED, a venture of the Punjab government.He is remained member of the United Nations Standing Committee on Civilian Private Security Services (CPSS) He was sent as an official delegate to represent the India at the 21st and 22nd UN Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice, held at the Vienna International Centre. He was awarded "Investigator of the Year 2006" by the World Association of Detectives Inc. (WAD) at its annual conference held in Tokyo, Japan. His professional ability was once again recognized by World Investigators Network (WIN) and he was declared "Best Investigator of the Year 2007" in Lisbon, Portugal. He was awarded the "Bharat Suraksha Rattan Award" in 2009.

  • av Bharat C Patel

    This book provides the intrinsic essence of the highest philosophical truths of Gita. The Sanskrit compound words in the seven hundred verses are meticulously uncompounded with the concordance of the verses so that Bhagavana Sri Kṛṣṇa's words are interpreted consistently with the previous and the next verse and chapter from beginning to end, following their real intent. The complete text of Gita is provided with word-to-word meaning and translation, which enables the reader to reach the original intent of Gita. The brief glossary and pronunciation guide will also provide guidance.The book corrects the erroneous views of some modern commentators whose approach has been mainly intellectual and have read in the divine words more than the approval of their mental inclinations. The author's interpretation provides oneness between Sankhya-Yoga and Karma-Yoga, the oneness between knowledge and Karma. The proper conduct of either is possible only after reaching that state, where the doer of Karma does not stay a doer, his doership-ego with its root nescience is burnt in the fire of knowledge, the relationship of I-ness and mineness in the body, senses, mind, and intellect is removed, and he becomes fit to attain steadfast union with oneness in the Brahman.About the Author: Bharat C. Patel, D. Eng. Sc., has served with distinction in various executive positions in the New Jersey state government for four decades. He was instrumental in developing and implementing NJ's sustainable energy, commerce, and economic policies and plans. In addition to publishing numerous policy papers and articles, he has served as an adjunct professor of electrical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.Having learned Sanskrit very young, the author has been a devout student of the Upanisads and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita for over six decades. He has studied numerous predecessors, including Shri Adi Shankaracharya, Shri Ramanujacharya, and modern scholars like Swami Atmanandji, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Sivananda, Swami Chinmayananda, Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Dr. Radhakrishnan. In addition to this book, after pondering the essence of Vedic wisdom articulated by the great thinkers, based on a unique depth of learning and judicious discrimination, the author published an extensive commentary in his book "Intent of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita."An avid world traveler who loves to detail every place he visits, Bharat lives with his wife, Taru, in Washington Crossing, PA, USA.

  • av Nishant Pandey

    "Khudrang aur Anya Kavitayein" is a collection of 50 selected hindi poems by Indian American poet Nishant Pandey. The word "Khudrang" means "of a unique color" in Hindi. "Khudrang aur anya kavitayein" is a celebration of the uniqueness inherent in all of us. This book is the joint work of the poet and songwriter in Nishant. Written in three sections, these poems will take you on a journey filled with lyricism, love, passion, and longing.This is Nishant's first book. About the Author: Nishant Pandey is an Indian American writer, poet, storyteller, filmmaker and playwright. He was born in Mahoba, India and started writing at an early age. Growing up in various towns and cities across India, Nishant experienced the diversity of Indian subcontinent firsthand. He was fortunate to have studied in 9 schools to complete 12 years of school education as his father was an officer in the Indian Army.Popular on social media as @pal2pal.ka.shayar - Nishant's lyrics have been professionally recorded and released. Nishant holds an engineering degree from University of Pune and an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management. He lives in Chicago with his wife and two kids.'Khudrang' is his first poetry book.

  • av Ss Bhatti

    Meri Chup Hi Kavita Kaihndi Hai is the first anthology of Punjabi poetry by Dr SS Bhatti who is an architect by profession. He is the highest qualified architect in India and the most versatile professional in the country. He has the historic honour of being a founder-teacher of Chandigarh College of Architecture from where he retired as the principal. He pursues 55 disciplines out of which Poetry figures among his hot favourites. He has been writing poems in four languages since 1969, and published 5 books in English and 8 anthologies in Urdu, with a critique of Urdu poetry in English, and won prestigious prizes. Dr Bhatti is an impassioned protagonist of literary creativity, especially poetry which he, in agreement with the great Indian tradition, places at Number One on the list of 64 Fine Arts. His credo is that without poetry the bewildering range of human activities on Planet Earth constitute a prosaic plateau that inspires no soul. With his characteristic moral force, he asserts that it is no wonder everything was written in verse form in ancient India.

  • av Aditya Singh

    It's a collection of Author's life long experience in the form of Poetry, author feels as if it's the only means suitable to the author to express what's life is all about & so he is putting on the desk his experiences. Reader is free to judge & perceive it or not. that's all it can be expressed from author.About the Author: Engineer by profession & Poetry is something which gives him a platform to express whatever he feels about life in large. Author is learning through life & is expressing his can be or not that he is figuring it out correctly or not, that's up to reader.

  • av Anura Patel

    This book is a modest attempt to connect to some of the inherent features of Indian culture. At present, our link with it is weak or severed. Restoring this bond is essential in order to make worthwhile contributions on a global platform. Practicing these values acts as an antidote against the throes and woes of this ever-changing environment. Cultural identity is of prime importance because without it we lose meaning to existence. Our cultural components have immense power for self-transformation and transmuting at the global level. If we wish to make this planet a better place for our children it is obligatory, we reconnect to our past. Therein lies the immense power to open doors for infinite advancement at the material and spiritual plane. About the Author: Anura Patel is a homemaker who has taken the road less traveled. Balancing her responsibilities towards family, she has paved way for herself in various cognitive spheres of learning; Quantum Science, spirituality, and Sanskrit. Anura's tryst with motivational writing began with motivating herself. She received a gold medal in the Pragna 3 examination held by the BAPS Sanstha covering aspects of our scriptures, culture, and Satsang values. At an age when most decide to retire, she decided to reboot. At 58 she decided to learn Sanskrit with the objective to understand ancient Scriptures. Within a year she completed her Diploma in Bhagwad Geeta and its commentaries from Somnath Sanskrit University. The knowledge gained has opened up new doors for self-awakening and spiritual progress for her and she wishes to share her knowledge with the world. Always eager to learn she believes it is never late to learn. She views writing as a positive therapy and envisions spreading the joy of realistic thinking to readers across ages, gender and geographies.

  • av Ruchita Shah

    This is YOUR Book!"Breastfeeding is 90% determination and 10% production."This book will be your complete guide to breastfeeding, right from latch, positioning, challenge and nutrition for a successful start to a rhythmic breastfeeding relation. It will talk to you as well as comfort you. Breastfeeding is what you learn from experiences, so what better than reading about first-hand experience. This book is backed by not one by many mothers' wisdom. The contents are arranged in a chronological order for better understanding. This book will connect to each and every woman in a way that it will act as a confidante and a guide to you. As a Lactation Specialist, I hope - this book will settle comfortably into a breastfeeding style that fits you, your baby and your corner of the world. Gear up for some fun trivia on lactation.I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it! Happy Nursing!About the Author: Ruchita Shah, PR by profession, MBA by degree, Lactation Specialist by profession and Mother by heart. She has donned many hats in her professional as well as personal life. Swaying between different professions while being constant as a breastfeeding mum. She became a mum quite early in her life which is why she had almost no experience or guidance on breastfeeding which is what encouraged her to learn and spread knowledge on breastfeeding who are looking for help and guidance. She wishes to be a friend and confidante to the mothers who need help and a lot of encouragement. Let us hold hands and promise to encourage breastfeeding and make this world a better place for our little ones to live in.Her son, Hridith Shah has been the best teacher who has given her first hand experience. With immense support from her husband and her family, she added one more feather in her cap by writing and publishing this book.

  • av Mehak Chawla

    This book will help you to get motivated and inspired for your future. It will help you to grow and achieve success in life. Failure is part of life but success should be the goal of life.About the Author: I am 21 years old trying to inspire and motivate people through my book. this book is for all those people who look at life with negative and dull approach.

  • av Satish Chandra Saxena

    At the entrance gate to a Central Govt Colony, there was a spacious cabin with all the latest technology to identify visitors so the residents could allow them access. However, the guards were still mandated to check the identity of each entrant unless they had a permanent pass or were known by the guards.In this setup, a simple, sincere, sensitive, and sentimental young man named Brijendra was assigned to duty at the entry gate. He was specifically ordered to check the identity of everyone till he could recognise them fully. He had joined to help his family to raise their standards of living, therefore he was cautious about fulfilling his duties.One day, he was traumatised by the rejection from a young lady whom he was attracted to. The statement was so powerful that it awakened his conscience and challenged him, leading to this story. A simple, sincere young man, Brijendra is hired as a security guard. He meets an attractive young woman while working, but she rejects the possibility of a future with him unless he improves his lot in life. Hurt and bewildered by her statements, Brijendra resolves to do exactly that and goes on an astonishing journey to uncover his true potential.About the Author: Satish Chandra Saxena is a retired Education Officer of the Air Force. He completed his M. A. in English Literature from Allahabad University (Uttar Pradesh) way back in 1958. He had a keen interest in reading all types of social and political literature, with an inclination towards expressing himself through his writing in university days, where he had published a magazine named Chillies Times, narrating news, views and comments. After his retirement, his pastime has been reading novels and writing stories, decluttering his brain of feelings about people and personalities, situations, and services, as a hobby and for his health and humour. During long meetings and interacting with people, he started writing this fictional tale, in which he named cities, people and places just to give credibility to his descriptions. Everything in the book is pure fiction dealing with only one thing: the lingering of the dark side of human beings.

  • av Bharat C Patel

    Srimad Bhagavad Gita, an unsurpassable canonical scripture, provides the lessons of practical Vedanta. Whether one is desire-ridden, desireless, devotional, dispassionate, seeker, or a knower (Jnani), taking refuge with one's intellectual vessel in the Ganga of ambrosiac Gita, one always returns contented, and never empty-handed. This book presents the intrinsic essence of the highest philosophical truths of Gita, intelligible to a layperson eager to understand its meaning and message. It corrects the erroneous views of some who have made Karma-Yoga (Niskama-Karma) and the Yoga of Knowledge and Realization (Sankhya-Yoga) two separate subject matters of Gita by selectively ignoring words and verses that are not consistent with their views and misinterpreting words and verses suitable to their beliefs. Herein, Bhagavana Sri Krsna's words are interpreted consistently with the previous and the next verse and chapter from the beginning to the end, following their real intent. The book establishes the oneness between Sankhya-Yoga and Karma-Yoga, or the oneness between Karma-Renunciation and Karma-Yoga. They are set forth as only one means and provide only one fruit. The proper conduct of either is possible only after reaching that state, where the doer of Karma does not stay a doer, his doership-ego with its root nescience is burnt in the fire of knowledge. Thereby the relationship of I-ness and mineness in the body, senses, mind, and intellect is removed, and he becomes fit to attain steadfast union with oneness in the pure Atma, the Brahman.About the Author: Dr. Bharat C. Patel, D. Eng. Sc., has served with distinction in various executive positions in the New Jersey state government for four decades. He was instrumental in developing and implementing NJ's sustainable energy, commerce, and economic policies and plans. In addition to publishing numerous policy papers and articles, he has served as an adjunct professor of electrical engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.Having learned Sanskrit very young, the author has been a devout student of the Upanisads and Srimad Bhagavad Gita for over six decades. Based on a unique depth of learning and judicious discrimination, after pondering the essence of Vedic wisdom articulated by great thinkers like Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Atmananda Muni, Swami Vivekananda, Dr. Radhakrishnan, et al., the author has published "Intent of Srimad Bhagavad Gita" and "Essence of Srimad Bhagavad Gita."An avid world traveler who loves to detail every place he visits, Bharat lives with his wife, Taru, in Washington Crossing, PA, USA.

  • av Rohan Raman

    The Mighty Annapurna narrates the magical relationship between a father and a son with the great Himalayan Annapurna as the backdrop. This is a love letter to nature and the mountains, inspired by the author's recent trip to the Annapurna Base Camp in Nepal. As soon as he returned from his climb, his two little boys were full of questions about the mountains. These innocent questions served as inspiration for the book which is written from a little boy's point of view as he climbs to the Annapurna Base Camp with his father. This book aims to capture some of the magic and adventure the author experienced and to make it available to all children and their parents.About the Author: Rohan Raman is a newly minted children's book author. This is his first book. Husband to an amazing rockstar wife and father to two young boys, when he is not authoring children's books, you will find him breaking making and fixing things. Rohan spent majority of his adult life improving the operations of Fortune 500 companies but now focuses his energy on his family, building a passion for tinkering among kids through his new kid-focused tinkering business ( and his next big outdoor adventure.

  • av Ajay Gupta

    It is your chance, to explore the seven cities of Delhi which goes back to 1000 years of history. The history of Delhi as told through the lens of its beautiful monuments goes beyond the world heritage sites of Qutab Minar, Humayun's Tomb and Red Fort. This book reveals why Delhi is considered a melting pot when it comes to history, culture and architecture.About the Author: Sukhdeep Singh and Ajay Gupta are veterans of the IT Industry with over 20+ years of experience. They spent majority of the career with a Large German Multinational Company. Their friendship grew on common interests of photography, travel, history and wildlife. They have travelled extensively in India to discover and experience for themselves the rich heritage, culture, architecture and food across the length and breadth of the country. They have undertaken multiple trips to document and photographs places of historic, cultural and religious importance. They are both based out of Mumbai.

  • av Nyssa Winters

    "I want to be a mom, and I don't want to wait for a guy I have met online to fill all the spaces in the survey of my life before it happens." A fun romance about modern women: we first meet Olivia Torres, a successful Latina in the publishing business who is tired of waiting for Mr. Right. She reads stories for a living, and yet her own feels stagnant. She chooses to go through IVF and fulfill yet another life dream and goal-to become a mom. Haneul, her best friend and confidant ever since college, is always supportive. He is Olivia's favorite person in the world and the one she can count on at any time. But what he and Olivia fail to realize until later on is that the semen used in Olivia's IVF was a donation Haneul had made earlier. As the pregnancy develops, their relationship changes. Feelings Olivia thought long forgotten begin to arise, and their friendship is put to the test.About the Author: The dream of writing came during my teens. I would write stories in class instead of studying or paying attention to the teachers during class. I started writing and uploading my books online during my late twenties before taking the step into publishing. I am a single mom; I love animals and lazy Sundays. I am either writing or reading most of my time, or this is what I like people to think since I procrastinate a lot and spend more time than needed on social media.

  • av White Falcon Publishing

    Photography is termed as the Universal Language of the People. It can bind people from various cultures and geographies. It is through photography one can witness perspectives never thought before. It is through the photographer's lens that unseen, unknown realities can be captured and shared. To explore and capture such talent across the borders, we at White Falcon Publishing collaborated with Daastan, Pakistan to organise Indo-Pak Photography contest in 2021.The contest was based on four themes -- Life- Folk Arts- Landscapes- Built HeritageThe response from photographers from both the nations was overwhelming. We received submissions from professional photographers who know the art inside out across all four themes, with the theme life attracting the most submissions. This enthusiasm of the participants strengthened our resolve to continue working towards building strong bonds of love and brotherhood across manmade boundaries.A total of 61 submissions were shortlisted which form part of this book. With such amazing contributions, the book has turned out to be an amazing blend of lifestyle, cultures, societies, landscapes and art forms.We thank and appreciate the winners of Indo-Pak Photography Contest for their support and contribution.White Falcon Publishing is a Chandigarh, India based publishing house that was founded in 2014. With more than eight years into operation, White Falcon has published thousands of books, many of which are award winners and best sellers. The publishing house offers a wide range of author-specific services that help budding and established authors to publish, sell and promote their books. With various technologies like blockchain certification implemented, White Falcon Publishing is a technology-driven publishing house. It has helped authors from more than 15 countries publish their books in India and internationally.With the aim to spread the love for art and literature across borders, White Falcon Publishing has been a pioneer in organising various literary contests in collaboration with Daastan, Pakistan. The first contest of short stories was organised in 2018 - Literati - The South Asian Award for Micro Fiction. This was followed by Literati 2019, Season 2. In the year 2020, Chitthi Sarhad Paar Se, a letter writing contest was organised. Year 2021 saw the Indo-Pak Photography Contest where the love for literature took a turn for the love for art, in the form of photography.White Falcon Publishing Team believes that one must continue to explore new avenues, new challenges, new possibilities that drive us towards our goal of spreading our love for art and literature sans borders.Daastan is a book publishing marketplace which acts as a doorway for the world to access the Pakistani market which is 220 million people strong. In past decade, they have built the foundations of the book publishing industry in Pakistan by building a tech platform Qissa ( provides end-to-end guided book publishing solutions to its customers. You can get your books written, edited, designed, registered, published, distributed and even marketed within Pakistan.They currently hold Commonwealth's Regional Finalist Award, UNESCO's Media Information Literacy Award and National Winner of SDG Bootcamp by UNDP.What makes Daastan unique is that it was born out of a personal struggle of the founder who was unable to publish his debut book in Pakistan, a decade ago. Being a descendent of a literary figure named Muhammad Basir, the man who invented Urdu calligraphy toolkit in sub-continent in early 1800s, he took it upon himself to fix this problem.

  • av Shayaan Rehman

    What is truth? Does free will really exist? What gives life its meaning? Does time have a beginning or an end? What is a fair society? What is Love? All such questions are woven into our timely existence.The human experience is a diverse one, involving a vast array of emotions that characterize it; loss, angst, contentment, happiness, love, resentfulness, grief and hope.Likewise the contents of the book cover several aspects of human life from philosophy to romance, science to politics, yearning, purpose and meaning: all themes are explored in the six short stories contained within The Existential Club.

  • av Viver

    The story takes place in a magical world divided into two parts, The Empire and Red Hawk.However, there's more than meets the eye.Who is the boy on the waterfall?What's his true goal?Get ready for an action packed thriller.About the Author: S.VIHAS, born and brought up in Bangalore, is a 24 year old B.Sc. student, who is a very enthusiastic writer. Having read many books at a very young age, he became inspired to write. This is his first book.

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