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Böcker utgivna av Walter de Gruyter

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  • - Soziale Systeme

    Niklas Luhmanns ?Soziale Systeme? (1984) bildet den Grundstein der von ihm ausgearbeiteten Systemtheorie; das Werk ist die Einleitung in seine ?Theorie der Gesellschaft?. Hier entfaltet er seine systemtheoretische Terminologie, wobei oft dieselben Begriffe wie in der traditionellen Terminologie auftauchen, von Luhmann in der eigenen Gesellschaftstheorie jedoch anders gefüllt werden. Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes ebnen vor diesem Hintergrund den Zugang zur Luhmannschen Theorie und zeigen auf, dass sie wie jede Theorie ein Konstrukt ist, das uns hilft, die Realität zu erfassen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren des kooperativen Kommentars zu Luhmanns Werk ?Soziale Systeme? sind namhafte Theoretikerinnen und Theoretiker, die ihr Forschen in engem Zusammenhang mit der Luhmannschen Theorie betreiben. In den Beiträgen dieses Bandes werden die Leserinnen und Leser über den Inhalt des Buchs von Luhmann informiert und dessen Kapitel, der Chronologie des Originalwerks folgend, für ein besseres und erweitertes Verständnis aufgeschlossen. MIT BEITRÄGEN VON: Dirk Baecker, Cornelia Bohn, Marcus Emmerich, Elena Esposito, Dietmar Gensicke, Detlef Horster, Christina Huber, Maren Lehmann, Julian Müller, Armin Nassehi, Martin Petzke, William Rasch, Anna Schriefl, Michael Urban, Christine Weinbach und Niels Werber.

  • av Lisanne Heitel

    Lisanne Heitel zeigt, wie die Aufwertung des Kolorits durch Goethe und andere namhafte Kunsttheoretiker den Weg für die Wiederentdeckung der Farbe im frühen 19. Jahrhundert ebnete. Beleuchtet wird der Konflikt zwischen dem Malerischen und Linearen sowie dessen vielfältige Auswirkungen auf Kunst, Theorie und Diskurs in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ein Fokus liegt auf dem bisher kaum gewürdigten Einfluss amerikanischer und englischer Künstler auf die deutsche Kunst. Die Rezeption des Renaissance-Meisters Tizian nahm mit der Ankunft des amerikanischen Malers Washington Allston in Rom 1805 ihren Ausgang. Die Werke von Christian Gottlieb Schick und Joseph Anton Koch sowie die zwei Jahrzehnte später entstandenen Bilder von Joseph Anton Dräger und Erwin Speckter werden vor diesem Hintergrund neu bewertet.

  • av R Von Helmholtz
    1 369

  • - Social Democracy, Educational Reforms, and Religion in Norway After the Second World War
    av Merethe Roos
    1 335,-

    This book thematizes the tension between education, politics, and religion in Norway after the Second World War, with an emphasis on the years between 1945 and 1970, and throws a new light on Norwegian school and education in the post-war period. The Norwegian educational landscape in the years after the Second World War must be seen against the development of the welfare state, and it appears as a part of the social democracy project typical for Norway at that time. The Labour Party, which held a prominent position in the educational landscape in the post-war decades, is normally regarded to have been an important driving force behind secularization of schools in Norway, not least because the total number of weekly lessons in religious education gradually was reduced. This book problematizes this thesis and enlightens how important politicians and policymakers within the Labour Party defended religious education. A central point is that this defense must be seen within the frames of a liberally oriented protestant theology. Thus, the study highlights the diversity of ideas in Norwegian politics in the post-war period and demonstrates how important impulses in Norwegian politics can be viewed against a wider international background.

  • av Michael Richter
    1 615,-

    Have you ever wondered how the principles behind Shannon's groundbreaking Information Theory can be interwoven with the intricate fabric of linguistic communication? This book takes you on a fascinating journey, offering insights into how humans process and comprehend language. By applying Information Theory to the realm of natural language semantics, it unravels the connection between regularities in linguistic messages and the cognitive intricacies of language processing. Highlighting the intersections of information theory with linguistics, philosophy, cognitive psychology, and computer science, this book serves as an inspiration for anyone seeking to understand the predictive capabilities of Information Theory in modeling human communication. It elaborates on the seminal works from giants in the field like Dretske, Hale, and Zipf, exploring concepts like surprisal theory and the principle of least effort. With its empirical approach, this book not only discusses the theoretical aspects but also ventures into the application of Shannon's Information Theory in real-world language scenarios, strengthened by advanced statistical methods and machine learning. It touches upon challenging areas such as the distinction between mathematical and semantic information, the concept of information in linguistic utterances, and the intricate play between truth, context, and meaning. Whether you are a linguist, a cognitive psychologist, a philosopher, or simply an enthusiast eager to dive deep into the world where language meets information, this book promises a thought-provoking journey.

  • av Markus Pillmayer
    1 139,-

    Although destination management is regarded as the supreme discipline in tourism management, little attention is paid to destination development, especially from a geographical perspective. This book analyses destination development and proposes key strategies for a positive destination development in the future in regard to sustainability, accessibility and economic prosperity. International scholars from a range of disciplines explore current issues in destination development and propose solutions that can help policy-makers prepare for future challenges. This book includes case studies from all around the globe to illustrate the diversity of destination development. This book thus offers students, colleagues from the scientific community as well as practitioners and political decision-makers numerous suggestions, considerations and decision-making aids with regard to destination development.

  • av Marcel Schlechtweg
    1 975

    The role of phonetic detail within the language system and its interplay with other kinds of linguistic information represent a hotly debated territory. In the current volume, different types of phonetic nuances are examined with a particular focus on their relation to phonological, morphological, and semantic/pragmatic phenomena. These three interfaces - the phonetic-phonological, the phonetic-morphological, and the phonetic-semantic/pragmatic one - are investigated from a variety of angles and by consistently taking the rapport between phonetics and phonology into consideration. In doing so, we provide an up-to-date picture of research dealing with the interaction of distinct linguistic areas, and also discuss the question if and when phonology is needed to mediate between phonetics and other linguistic domains.

  • - Typology, Morphosyntax and Socio-Historical Perspectives
    av Edward Vajda
    4 389,-

    The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: A Comprehensive Guide surveys the indigenous languages of Asia's North Pacific Rim, Siberia, and adjacent portions of Inner Eurasia. It provides in-depth descriptions of every first-order family of this vast area, with special emphasis on family-internal subdivision and dialectal differentiation. Individual chapters trace the origins and expansion of the region's widespread pastoral-based language groups as well as the microfamilies and isolates spoken by northern Asia's surviving hunter-gatherers. Separate chapters cover sparsely recorded languages of early Inner Eurasia that defy precise classification and the various pidgins and creoles spread over the region. Other chapters investigate the typology of salient linguistic features of the area, including vowel harmony, noun inflection, verb indexing (also known as agreement), complex morphologies, and the syntax of complex predicates. Issues relating to genealogical ancestry, areal contact and language endangerment receive equal attention. With historical connections both to Eurasia's pastoral-based empires as well as to ancient population movements into the Americas, the steppes, taiga forests, tundra and coastal fringes of northern Asia offer a complex and fascinating object of linguistic investigation.

  • av Lea Liese
    1 659,-

    Kleine Formen sind jüngst in das Blickfeld literatur-, medien- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen geraten. Dabei wird oft das politische Potenzial kleiner Formen verkannt. Eingebettet in fluide Publikationsorgane und insbesondere im digitalen Kontext können sie unterschwellig kollektive Dynamiken bündeln, kritisch-subversiv den gesellschaftspolitischen Status quo infrage stellen und alternative Gemeinschaftsbildung entwerfen - auch in gattungspolitischer Hinsicht: So lenkt das Prekäre und Randständige kleiner Formen den Blick auf die Unabgeschlossenheit von Gattungen und lässt die dynamischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Genres, Schreibweisen und Medien hervortreten. In drei Sektionen behandelt der Band die politische Kommunikation kleiner Formen: als Teil einer digitalen Streit- und Protestkultur; als diskursive Plattform für Zeitgeschichte sowie als kreative Ausdrucksregime, die - etwa als Paratexte - auch formalästhetisch hegemoniale Sichtweisen und Wahrnehmungsmodi entthronen können. Es sind Fragen von ästhetischer und politischer Gemeinschaftsbildung, die der Sammelband epochen- und medienübergreifend behandeln möchte und die interdisziplinäre Anschlüsse für die Forschung bilden.

  • av Marcus Goncalves

    Market Research and Analysis: Methods, Design, and Data provides a comprehensive discussion of market research and analysis, covering key concepts, process descriptions, qualitative and quantitative techniques for market research and data analysis, and application scenarios. It is geared toward business management professionals and graduate student

  • - Introduction, Features, Classifiers and Principles
    av Jürgen Beyerer

    The book offers a thorough introduction to Pattern Recognition aimed at master and advanced bachelor students of engineering and the natural sciences. Besides classification - the heart of Pattern Recognition - special emphasis is put on features, their typology, their properties and their systematic construction. Additionally, general principles that govern Pattern Recognition are illustrated and explained in a comprehensible way. Rather than presenting a complete overview over the rapidly evolving field, the book is to clarifies the concepts so that the reader can easily understand the underlying ideas and the rationale behind the methods. For this purpose, the mathematical treatment of Pattern Recognition is pushed so far that the mechanisms of action become clear and visible, but not farther. Therefore, not all derivations are driven into the last mathematical detail, as a mathematician would expect it. Ideas of proofs are presented instead of complete proofs. From the authors' point of view, this concept allows to teach the essential ideas of Pattern Recognition with sufficient depth within a relatively lean book. Mathematical methods explained thoroughly. Extremely practical approach with many examples. Based on over ten years lecture at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. For students but also for practitioners.

  • av Dagmar Börner-Klein
    1 819,-

    Der Jalkut Schimoni ist ein Sammelwerk rabbinischer Auslegungen zur gesamten Hebräischen Bibel. Unerforscht ist, nach welchen Kriterien die Auslegungen ausgewählt wurden und ob das Werk als umfassendes Nachschlagewerk für exegetische Fragen, zur Verbindung von Bibelauslegung in Talmud und Midrasch oder zur Reform der rabbinischen Auslegungstradition konzipiert wurde. Die Übersetzung des Werkes ist ein erster Schritt, diese Fragen zu beantworten.

  • av Michael Tomaschett

    Ein wichtiger Teil der historisch gewachsenen Kunstsammlung Dubs-Huwyler ist eine rund 100 Stück umfassende Kollektion von Glasgemälden. Sie wird in einem herrschaftlichen Gebäude im schwyzerischen Steinen aufbewahrt und gehört zweifellos zu den bedeutendsten und umfangreichsten privaten Glasgemäldesammlungen in der Schweiz. Schwerpunkte bilden die Innerschweizer, die Zürcher sowie die Ost- und Nordostschweizer Glasmalkunst vom frühen 16. bis in die erste Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Weitere künstlerische Höhepunkte sind eine Gruppe von frühneuzeitlichen niederländischen Glasgemälden insbesondere mit Vogel- und Insektendarstellungen. Den jüngsten Sammlungsschwerpunkt bilden mehrheitlich schweizerische Kopien und Neuschöpfungen von der zweiten Hälfte des 19. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert.

  • av Adrian-George Matus
    1 469,-

    This book advances a local, regional, and comparative analysis of the history of the sixty-eighters from Hungary and Romania between 1956 and 1975. The aim of the book is to answer to the following research question: to what extent does 'the long 1968' mark and change protest history? Another axis of my research, equally important, is: how can one genuinely distinguish between a protest, an opposition, and a pastime? Where did radicalisation truly begin, and when was it solely an auto-perception as a dissident? In other words, how can one truly distinguish between a leisure activity like listening to Radio Free Europe or exploring an altered state of consciousness, and an explicit political activity like organising a protest or writing subversive texts? Among other aims, the books's scope is to understand where a leisure activity ends, and a protest starts. By 'practicing counterculture, ' did the youth wish to contest the system or simply express themselves? As method, oral history plays a crucial part. On a superficial level, the interviews helped to fill in the archival gap. However, oral testimonies proved to reveal much more than essential factual information. Oral history clarified how political and social events influenced the subjects' memory formation.

  • - Understanding Apocalyptic Transformation
    av Jenny Stümer
    1 155,-

    The notion of apocalypse is an age-old concept which has gained renewed interest in popular and scholarly discourse. The book highlights the versatile explications of apocalypse today, demonstrating that apocalyptic transformations - the various encounters with anthropogenic climate change, nuclear violence, polarized politics, colonial assault, and capitalist extractivism - navigate a range of interdisciplinary views on the present moment. Moving from old worlds to new worlds, from world-ending experiences to apocalyptic imaginaries and, finally, from authoritarianism to activism and advocacy, the contributions begin to map the emerging field of Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies. Foregrounding the myriad ways in which collective imaginations of apocalypse underpin ethical, political, and, sometimes, individual experience, the authors provide key points of reference for understanding old and new predicaments that are transforming our many worlds.

  • - Arabic and Berber in the Siwa Oasis
    av Valentina Serreli
    1 615,-

    The book explores the change over time in language-society relations in a multilingual periphery of Egypt. It examines the role of language ideologies in the construction and negotiation of social identities in the processes of contact, maintenance and shift typical of multilingualism. Based on extensive fieldwork and interviews, it is the first of its kind to portray the inventory of linguistic and accompanying non-linguistic behaviors observed within and between different ethnolinguistic groups in the Siwa Oasis. It provides first-hand information about the linguistic habits of Siwan women, an aspect which is generally difficult to access in this gender-segregated community. The book sheds light on Berber-Arabic contact at the core of the Arab world and at a critical time when individual linguistic repertoires are expanding and Arabic is emerging as a powerful resource.

  • av Ulrich Trick

    5G-Netze werden weltweit auf- und ausgebaut. Im Vergleich zu 4G bieten sie nicht nur offensichtliche Vorteile wie höhere Bitraten, sondern hohe Zuverlässigkeit und geringe Latenz, z.B. für Car-to-X-Anwendungen, oder die Einbindung einer sehr hohen Anzahl von Endgeräten, z.B. von Sensoren in einer Smart City. Dieses einzige deutschsprachige Buch zur 5G-Technik beginnt mit der Evolution bei den Mobilfunknetzen hin zu 5G und geht in der Folge auf die Basiskonzepte und -technologien wie NGN, IMS, die Virtualisierung mit NFV und MEC sowie SDN ein. Die besondere Herangehensweise an 5G über Anwendungsfälle und Einsatzszenarien hin zu konkreten Anforderungen sowie die Standardisierung bei ITU und vor allem 3GPP sowie die internationale Regulierung werden aufgezeigt. Breiten Raum nehmen das Design von 5G-Systemen, die 5G-Zugangsnetze inkl. Open-RAN mit ihrer leistungsstarken Übertragungstechnik sowie das Kernnetz mit den innovativen Konzepten der Service Based Architecture und des Network Slicing inkl. Beispielen aus der Netzwerkpraxis ein. Ein 5G-System wird in der Gesamtsicht dargestellt, ergänzt durch einen Blick auf Campusnetze und abgerundet durch einen Überblick über alle relevanten IT Security-Aspekte. Abgeschlossen wird die Gesamtbetrachtung durch einen Blick auf die Umwelteinflüsse durch die elektromagnetische Strahlung, die Energie- und Rohstoffbedarfe sowie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Zudem wird die Weiterentwicklung bei 5G beschrieben inkl. eines optimal aufbereiteten Einstiegs in 6G. Hauptziel des Buches ist es, an 5G-Technik und -Anwendungsszenarien interessierten Personen fundiertes 5G-Wissen zu vermitteln und zur weiteren Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Themengebiet anzuregen. Angesprochen sind allgemein technisch Interessierte, speziell Mitarbeitende von öffentlichen und privaten Netzbetreibern. Interesse wird dieses Buch auch in den IT-Abteilungen möglicher 5G-Anwenderfirmen wecken, nicht zuletzt natürlich bei Studierenden der Informatik und Elektrotechnik.

  • - Cross-Linguistic Data, Recurrent Patterns, Functional Explanations
    av Thomas Stolz
    1 609,-

    For the first time place names are made the topic of a cross-linguistic account of morphosyntactic properties which formally distinguish place names from personal names and common nouns. It is shown that the behavior of place names in morphology and syntax frequently disagrees with the rules established for other word classes independent of the language's genetic affiliation, grammatical structure, and geographic location. Place names boast a grammar of their own. They are candidates for the status of a distinct word class. The special grammar of place names comes frequently to the fore in the domain of spatial relations. This fact is explained with reference to functional notions.

  • - An Evolutionary Story
    av Richard J Watts
    1 609,-

    Understanding the evolution of language within the context of deep human history requires interdisciplinary work between linguists and scientists from a wide range of academic disciplines (e. g. archaeology, molecular biology, anthropology, genetics, biochemistry, etc.). The book aims to calibrate work on human evolution with current linguistic theory in an attempt to trace out a scientific story of how human language emerged and developed that has plausibility while remaining open to change through new linguistic and non-linguistic research.

  • - The International System of Units
    av Michael Krystek

    Precision and uniformity are indispensable when working with physical quantities, units and formula symbols. Only through unambiguous and authoritative notation is interdisciplinary cooperation possible. The book gives an overview of all common quantities and units, which are needed in studies and teaching as well as in everyday work. All printed quantities and units are currently valid and standardized in ISO/IEC. The book includes: _brief introduction to the development of the system of units _overview on the system of quantities and units _calculating with quantity values _units (international system of units, SI) _notation of numbers _mathematical symbols _Standardized symbols for quantities (mechanics, space and time, radiation, solid state physics, etc.), elements, nuclides, particles and quantum states. _Appendix: conversion to the U.S. customary system of units.

  • - Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages
    av Hideki Kishimoto
    1 675,-

    Polarity (positive, negative) is one of the most fundamental concepts in the system of language and there are many expressions that are sensitive to polarity. For example, any in English and wh-mo in Japanese appear in negative contexts, but not in positive contexts. While previous studies have shown that polarity-sensitive expressions are a general phenomenon in languages, it has also become clear that there are variations in polarity-sensitive expressions. This volume explores the variations in polarity-sensitive expressions through comparisons between Japanese and other languages, such as English, German, Spanish, and Old Japanese, and examines the environments and contexts in which polarity-sensitive expressions occur, as well as the types of (cross-linguistic) variation allowed. The value of the present volume lies in its inclusion of research papers inquiring into various types of polarity-sensitive expressions, such as negative-, positive-, and discourse-sensitive polarity items as well as their variations. The research indicates new directions for the study of polarity-sensitive expressions in the fields of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, corpus linguistics and psycholinguistics.

  • av Edgar Klinger

    What makes international joint ventures successful? Among other key success factors such as strategic fit, material and political-relational incentives, and the cultural compatibility of the joint venture partners, the role of one factor in the successful establishment and management of joint ventures is critical: the mutual trust among the managers involved. This book explores how to establish, develop, and continue to nurture mutual trust between the managers of German and Chinese joint ventures. A series of guided interviews conducted by the authors reveals assessments of Chinese and European executives about their mutual trust in the context of the cultural differences between the two countries, the worldviews characterizing China and Germany, and their impact on the behavior of their executives. The authors then use these judgements from the interviews to make recommendations for action to build more successful cooperation in German-Chinese business cooperation in future joint enterprises. Trust in German-Chinese Business Cooperation is essential reading for managers of international companies and students of business management, business psychology and intercultural management.

  • - Science and Politics in the Age of Extremes
    av Robert Obermair
    1 489,-

    The fundamental idea of this book is to show - based on the example of Oswald Menghin, Minister of Education of the National Socialist Austrian "Anschluss"-government, and the networks surrounding him - how science and politics were interwoven in Austria in the first half of the 20th century and how the ideas and networks created in that milieu outlasted the alleged caesurae of this period and found continuation in post-war South America. As Menghin traversed an astonishing number of political upheavals and changes - time after time in exalted positions -, his biography may be considered as paradigmatic for the Age of Extremes. The following aspects form the core interest of this book: (1) Menghin's position in the political and scientific field, as well as the interconnection between these spheres. (2) The transnational entanglement between the two central areas of Menghin's geographic spheres of action. (3) Continuities and changes both in Menghin's biography and in a broader political and scientific context in Austria and Argentina. (4) Menghin's scope of action and the extent of his responsibility for crucial and often dire developments in all these facets.

  • - Divorce, Working Women, and Reproductive Rights in Twentieth-Century America
    av Isabel Heinemann
    1 349,-

    Clashes over the American family and its values have always implicitly or explicitly addressed issues of gender and highlighted the significance of present and future families to American society. This is the insight underpinning Isabel Heinemann's groundbreaking study, which traces, over the course of the twentieth century, debates on the family and its role; the relationship between the individual and society; and individual decision-making rights as well as their denial or curtailment. Unpacking these issues in a vivid and innovative analysis, the book recounts the prehistory of current conflicts over the family and gender while illuminating the relationship between social change, normative shifts, and the counter-movements spawned in response to them.

  • - Bridging Paradigms and Rethinking Approaches
    av Mirjam Schmalz
    1 985,-

    This book is the first of its kind to provide an integrative look at World Englishes, (second) language acquisition, and sociolinguistics in a variety of contexts of English around the globe with a focus on the language of children and adolescents. It thus aims to bridge the paradigm gaps that have been identified between these approaches but have rarely been explored in greater detail. The range of topics includes the areas of first and second language acquisition; sociolinguistic variation and awareness; language use and choice; family language policies; language attitudes and perception; modelling children's and adolescents' language in World Englishes; the role of child language acquisition in processes of language change; as well as methodologies of eliciting speech and writing from children and adolescents. The book combines qualitative and quantitative approaches and draws on psycholinguistic, corpus-linguistic, and ethnographic methodologies. What unites the contributions to the volume is that they all address the theoretical implications that a joint approach between World Englishes, sociolinguistics, and language acquisition has, i.e. why it is fruitful and how it can contribute to a deeper understanding of the different research paradigms.

  • - For Engineers
    av Rainer Müller

    How does a quantum computer work and how can photons be used to transmit messages securely? Intended for engineering and computer science students, this introduction to quantum technologies presents the fundamentals of quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum sensing without requiring extensive previous knowledge of physics.

  • av Matthias Gerdts
    1 155,-

    Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) are widely used to model control systems in engineering, natural sciences, and economy. Optimal control plays a central role in optimizing such systems and to operate them effi ciently and safely. The intention of this textbook is to provide both, the theoretical and computational tools that are necessary to investigate and to solve optimal control problems with ODEs and DAEs. An emphasis is placed on the interplay between the optimal control problem, which typically is defi ned and analyzed in a Banach space setting, and discretizations thereof, which lead to finite dimensional optimization problems. The theoretical parts of the book require some knowledge of functional analysis, the numerically oriented parts require knowledge from linear algebra and numerical analysis. Practical examples are provided throughout the book for illustration purposes. The book addresses primarily master and PhD students as well as researchers in applied mathematics, but also engineers or scientists with a good background in mathematics. The book serves as a reference in research and teaching and hopefully helps to advance the state-of-the-art in optimal control.Takes combined account of theory and numerics.Covers techniques for real-time control, feedback control, and mixed-integer optimal control.Provides exercises and examples for use in courses.

    1 469,-

    Das Buch widmet sich populären Musikdiskursen aus einer interdisziplinären diskurslinguistischen und korpuspragmatischen Perspektive. Es wird die Frage gestellt, wie Phänomene, die als schwer benennbar oder auch als unsagbar gelten, mit Worten beschrieben und bewertet werden: Musik und Klang nämlich, sowie ihr ästhetisches Erleben und ihre kulturelle Bedeutung. Ca. 13.500 Musikrezensionen unterschiedlicher Genres zwischen Pop und Klassik werden vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht. Zentrum des Interesses ist die Art und Weise der sprachlich-diskursiven Konstituierung musikalisch-ästhetischer Diskursobjekte und Kategorien im Verhältnis zum Metadiskurs der Unsagbarkeit von Musik. Das Augenmerk richtet sich dabei auf die Spezifik des diskursiven Sprach- und Zeichengebrauchs, vor allem in Kollokationen, nominalen Wortverbindungen und attributiven Clustern. Die Korpusanalysen zeigen erstmals empirisch, wie Musik im Diskurs mit sprachlichen Mustern, sprachlicher Kreativität und Dichte verwoben ist, wenn über musikalische Eigenschaften und klangliche Eigenheiten gesprochen bzw. geschrieben wird. Die Ergebnisse geben nicht zuletzt Aufschluss über das Verhältnis von Musterhaftigkeit und Diversität im Sprachgebrauch.

  • av Alin Olteanu
    1 915,-

    Semiotics has ever-changing vistas in consonance with changes in the ever-increasing complexity of life on Planet Earth. This book presents cutting-edge work in semiotics, projecting developments in the future of the field. Authored by leading semioticians, Semiotics and its Masters, Volume 2 contains essays on learning, transdisciplinarity, science, scaffolding, narrative, selfhood, ecosemiotics, agency, cybersemiotics, pornography, nostalgia, language and money. The volume presents a panorama of semiotics as it will develop in the third decade of the 21st century. This book will furnish the reader with an overview of the challenges that face explorers in the contemporary world of signs.

  • - Legends and Narratives in Languages of the Tropics and Beyond
    av Alexandra Y Aikhenvald
    1 759

    Every society thrives on stories, legends and myths. This volume explores the linguistic devices employed in the astoundingly rich narrative traditions in the tropical hot-spots of linguistic and cultural diversity, and the ways in which cultural changes and new means of communication affect narrative genres and structures. It focusses on linguistic and cultural facets of the narratives in the areas of linguistic diversity across the tropics and surrounding areas - New Guinea, Northern Australia, Siberia, and also the Tibeto-Burman region. The introduction brings together the recurrent themes in the grammar and the substance of the narratives. The twelve contributions to the volume address grammatical forms and categories deployed in organizing the narrative and interweaving the protagonists and the narrator. These include quotations, person of the narrator and the protagonist, mirativity, demonstratives, and clause chaining. The contributors also address the kinds of narratives told, their organization and evolution in time and space, under the impact of post-colonial experience and new means of communication via social media. The volume highlights the importance of documenting narrative tradition across indigenous languages.

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