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  • av Kiara Shankar

    牛油果和她的朋友檸檬、培根和蜂蜜正在快樂地進行野餐。她的朋友們發現牛油果的生日很快就要到了。他們決定為她策劃一個驚喜派對。但是,要保守這個秘密是很難的。他們最後能為牛油果舉辦一個完美的生日派對嗎?在這本關於友誼的力量,在特殊場合分享喜悅的書中,我們可以找到答案。-----(Avocado's Surprise Birthday Party! - Traditional Chinese Edition)Avocado and her friends Lemon, Bacon, and Honey are having a fun picnic. There, her friends find out that Avocado's birthday is coming up soon. They decide to plan a surprise party for her. But keeping it a secret is hard. Can they pull off the perfect birthday party for Avocado? Find out in this heartwarming book about the power of friendship and the joy of special occasions.About the AuthorsKiara Shankar is a talented fifteen-year-old author and songwriter from San Francisco, California, USA. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading and creating artwork. Her recent book, Avocado the Turtle, has been translated into fifteen languages, including Spanish, German, Italian, French, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, Ukrainian, and more.Vinay Shankar is a software professional who was inspired by his daughter's passion for writing and songwriting and decided to collaborate with her. Together, their creative efforts have given life to great ideas! The father-daughter duo's pop hits, sung by Marla Malvins, Primrose Fernetise, Francesca Shankar, Vin Cooper, and SpotZ the Frenchie, are now available for streaming on popular platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and more.

  • - 一隻挑剔的貓咪. . . (Nacho the Cat - Traditional Chinese Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar

    納喬是全世界最挑剔的貓。他認為所有的食物都很噁心,除了狗糧和純牛奶以外。有一天,他和朋友一起去餐廳吃飯,遇到了一個能說服他的女服務員,從此改變了他的味蕾。在經歷了許多古怪的劇情和超級有趣的場景後,納喬可能變得不再那麼挑剔。從此以後,他是否會願意嘗試吃不同的食物?這是一本適合所有年齡段兒童的圖畫書,充滿啟發性。關於作者:Kiara Shankar是一位來自美國加州三藩市的14歲天才作家/作曲家。除了寫書和唱歌外,她還喜歡閱讀和藝術創作。她最近的書《蓓露絲的詛咒》(Primrose's Curse) 和《烏龜阿沃卡多》(Avocado the Turtle) 已經用十四種不同的語言出版,包括英語、西班牙語、德語、義大利語、法語、中文、印地語、泰米爾語、卡納達語等等。Vinay Shankar是一位元軟體專家,他受到女兒寫書和寫歌的興趣啟發,並決定與女兒共同創作。這對父女組合的合作努力讓偉大的想法變為現實!由這對父女二人撰寫的流行歌曲由歌手Primrose Fernetise、Francesca Shankar、Vin Cooper、Marla Malvins和SpotZ the Frenchie演唱,現在正在Spotify、Apple Music、YouTube Music、Amazon Music、Deezer和更多數位音樂流媒體平臺上播放。

  • - 唯一和独一无二的 (Avocado the Turtle - Simplified Chinese Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar

    Avocado the Turtle - Simplified Chinese Edition: 牛油果并不是一只普通的海龟。她因为太友好而被其他海龟朋友们拒绝。有一天,他们决定了不再欢迎她加入海龟团体,于是她被送走了。一开始,她非常沮丧,但最终她遇到了新朋友,并开始明白到,其实其他人用如何的眼光看她并不重要。加入牛油果的旅程,寻找真正的自我。"做你自己,即使别人拒绝你,你也要珍惜这一刻。" - 海龟牛油果----Avocado is not a normal turtle. She is rejected by the other turtles for being too friendly. One day, they decide she should no longer be welcomed in their turtle group, and she is sent away. Upset at first, she eventually meets new friends and starts to understand it doesn't matter what people want her to be. Join Avocado on her journey to find her true self."Be yourself and embrace the moment, even if others rejected you." - Avocado the Turtle

  • - 唯一和獨一無二的 ( Avocado the Turtle - Traditional Chinese Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar

    牛油果並不是一隻普通的海龜。她因為太友好而被其他海龜朋友們拒絕。有一天,他們決定了不再歡迎她加入海龜團體,於是她被送走了。一開始,她非常沮喪,但最終她遇到了新朋友,並開始明白到,其實其他人用如何的眼光看她並不重要。加入牛油果的旅程,尋找真正的自我。 「做你自己,即使別人拒絕你,你也要珍惜這一刻。」 - 海龜牛油果 ---Avocado is not a normal turtle. She is rejected by the other turtles for being too friendly. One day, they decide she should no longer be welcomed in their turtle group, and she is sent away. Upset at first, she eventually meets new friends and starts to understand it doesn't matter what people want her to be. Join Avocado on her journey to find her true self.

  • - Er ist ein ungezogenes Hündchen . . . (German Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar

    SpotZ der Frenchie ist kein normaler Hund. Er hat ein großes Herz und hört darauf, was es ihm sagt, ohne lange zu überlegen. Das verwickelt ihn in all seine irrwitzigen Abenteuer und macht ihn während des ganzen Buches zu einem sehr ungezogenen Hündchen. Begleite SpotZ bei lustigen Missgeschicken und witzigen Momenten, wo auch immer er hingeht. Dieses Buch ist voller großartiger Geschichten für Hundeliebhaber.Inhaltsverzeichnis: EinleitungSpotZs Anleitung zum Spaß haben, wenn Herrchen und Frauchen nicht da sindSpotZs Anleitung für Spaß auf AutofahrtenSpotZs Anleitung für Spaß im EinkaufszentrumSpotZs Anleitung zum BabysittenLass uns die Gefühle von Hunden verstehenFährst du bald in den Urlaub?Verhaltensregeln in der SchuleHast du Hunger? Gönn dir etwas!Machen wir unsere Welt friedlicher!Bist du in der Schule sehr nervös? Ich möchte dir helfen!Feiern wir gemeinsam Weihnachten, Cinco de Mayo, Ramadan, Diwali, Kwanzaa und andere FesteReich & arm? Ich sehe keinen UnterschiedDu suchst nach der perfekten Sonnenbrille, die gut zu dir passt? Keine Sorge, ich weiß genau, was du brauchstIch spiele heute den Lehrer. Wuff ... wuff ... wie aufregend!Lass uns das Thema wechseln - ich bringe dir etwas Schlaues beiWie sieht ein perfekter Tag für dich aus? So wäre meinerSpotZs Ziele! Hast du auch so eine Liste?SpotZs Anleitung zur Bekämpfung des CoronavirusSpotZs Tipps zum Erreichen deiner ZieleDiese Lebensweisheiten disziplinieren dich mit Sicherheit, das kann ich dir sagen!Kreativität lässt dich glänzen!SpotZs WarnungenSpotZs BacktippsZeit für YogaSpielen wir mit einem Daumenkino!HALBZEITSHOW: Who Let the SpotZ Out?So zeichnest du SpotZ in 12 ganz einfachen Schritten!Alles über SpotZÜber die AutorinÜber die Autoren: Kiara Shankar ist eine talentierte vierzehnjährige Autorin/Songwriterin aus San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA. Neben dem Schreiben von Büchern und Liedern liebt sie Lesen und Kunst. Ihre aktuellen Bücher, Primrose's Curse und Avocado the Turtle wurden in vierzehn verschiedenen Sprachen veröffentlicht, darunter Englisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada und weitere.Vinay Shankar ist ein Software-Experte, den die Idee seiner Tochter, Bücher und Lieder zu schreiben, so inspirierte, dass er beschloss, mit ihr gemeinsam zu schreiben. Die Zusammenarbeit des Duos erweckt großartige Ideen zum Leben! Die Pop-Hits aus der Feder des Vater-Tochter-Duos - gesungen von den SängerInnen Primrose Fernetise, Francesca Shankar, Vin Cooper, Marla Malvins und SpotZ the Frenchie - sind jetzt auf Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Deezer und weiteren digitalen Musik-Streaming-Plattformen zu hören.

  • av Vinay Shankar & Kiara Shankar

  • av Vinay Shankar & Kiara Shankar

    SpotZ the Frenchie is not an ordinary dog. He has a big heart and does not think twice before doing what it tells him to do. This leads to all of his mischievous journeys, making him a very naughty puppy throughout the book. Join SpotZ as he causes mishaps and hilarious moments everywhere he goes. This book is a great read for dog lovers.Table of Contents:IntroductionSpotZ''s Guide to Having Fun When Your Owner Isn''t AroundSpotZ''s Guide to Having Fun on Road TripsSpotZ''s Guide to Having Fun at the MallSpotZ''s Guide to Monitoring BabiesLet''s Understand Dogs'' EmotionsDo You Have a Vacation Coming Soon?DOs and DON''Ts of Going to SchoolFeeling Hungry? Do Yourself a Favor!Let''s Bring Some Peace to Our World!Are You Too Anxious in School? Let Me Fix You Up!Time to Celebrate Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, Ramadan, Diwali, Kwanzaa, and More Rich & Poor? I See No DifferenceLooking for a Perfect Pair of Glasses That Speaks to You? Don''t Worry, I''ve Got You CoveredLet Me Role-Play a Teacher Today. Woof . . . Woof . . . How Exciting!Let Me Change Gears and Teach You Some Intelligent Stuff What''s a Perfect Day to You? This Is How Mine Would BeSpotZ''s Bucket List! Do You Have One?SpotZ''s Guide to Fighting CoronavirusSpotZ''s Advice to Achieving Your GoalsThese Life Lessons Will Discipline You for Sure, Let Me Tell You That!Creativity Will Make You Shine!Spotz''s AlertsSpotZ''s Tips for BakingYoga Time!Let''s Play a Page Flipping Game!HALFTIME SHOW: Who Let the SpotZ Out?How to Draw SpotZ in 12 Easy Peasy Steps!All About SpotZAbout the Authors∩╗┐

  • av Kiara Shankar & Vinay Shankar

  • - ஒரு துணிச்சலான சிறுமியின் மாய கதை
    av Kiara Shankar

  • - এক এবং অদ্বিতীয় ( Avocado the Turtle - Bengali Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar & Vinay Shankar

    "Be yourself and embrace the moment, even if others rejected you." - Avocado the Turtle

  • - પોતાના જેવી એક માત્ર ( Avocado the Turtle - Gujarati Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar & Vinay Shankar

    આવોકાડો કોઈ સાધારણ કાચબી નથી. તેના મિત્રતા-પૂર્ણ સ્વભાવ ના કારણે બીજા કાચબા તેનાથી દૂર રહેતા હતા. બીજા કાચબાઓ એ આવોકાડો ને પોતાના સમૂહ થી દૂર કરવાનો નિર્ણય લીધો અને આવોકાડો ને સમૂહ થી દૂર મોકલી દેવામાં આવી. પછી ઉદાસીનતા છોડી ને આવોકાડો નવા મિત્રો ને મળે છે અને તેને સમજાય છે કે બીજા લોકો તેને કેવું બનાવવા માંગે છે તે મહત્વપૂર્ણ નથી. તે જેવી છે તેવી જ શ્રેષ્ઠ છે.આવોકાડો ના આત્મ-ખોજ ના સફર માં તમે પણ જોડાઈ જાઓ.------Avocado is not a normal turtle. She is rejected by the other turtles for being too friendly. One day, they decide she should no longer be welcomed in their turtle group, and she is sent away. Upset at first, she eventually meets new friends and starts to understand it doesn't matter what people want her to be. Join Avocado on her journey to find her true self.

  • - अपने जैसा एकमात्र (Avocado the Turtle - Hindi Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar & Vinay Shankar

    "से हो वैसे ही रहो और हर एक पल का आनंद उठाओ चाहे भले दूसरे तुम्हें स्वीकार न करें"

  • - האחת והיחידה (Avocado the Turtle - Hebrew Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar

    "היו אתם וחיו את הרגע, אפילו אם אחרים דוחים אתכם." אבוקדו הצבה -

  • - L'unico e solo (Avocado the Turtle - Italian Edition)
    av Kiara Shankar & Vinay Shankar

    "Sii te stesso in ogni momento, anche se agli altri non piace." - Avocado la Tartaruga Avocado non è una tartaruga qualunque. È stata allontanata dalle altre tartarughe perché è troppo socievole. Un giorno hanno deciso che non era più la benvenuta nel loro gruppo di tartarughe, e l'hanno mandata via. All'inizio era dispiaciuta, ma dopo un po' ha incontrato nuovi amici e capisce che quello che gli altri vogliono che lei sia non è importante. Unisciti ad Avocado nel suo viaggio alla scoperta di se stessa. ==="Be yourself and embrace the moment, even if others rejected you." - Avocado the Turtle Avocado is not a normal turtle. She is rejected by the other turtles for being too friendly. One day, they decide she should no longer be welcomed in their turtle group, and she is sent away. Upset at first, she eventually meets new friends and starts to understand it doesn't matter what people want her to be. Join Avocado on her journey to find her true self.

  • - Die einzig Wahre ( Avocado the Turtle - German Edition)
    av Vinay Shankar & Kiara Shankar

  • - La Seule et l'Unique ( Avocado the Turtle - French Edition)
    av Vinay Shankar & Kiara Shankar

  • av Kiara Shankar
    259 - 385,-

  • - ದಿಟ್ಟ ಹುಡುಗಿಯೊಬ್ಬಳ] ದಂತ ಕಥೆ (Primrose's Curse Kannada Edition)
    av Vinay Shankar & Kiara Shankar

    ಈ ಪುಸ್ತಕ ನಿಜವಾದ ಸ್ನೇಹ, ಧೈರ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ನೈತಿಕ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಕಲಿಸುತ್ತದೆ!

  • - A Fairy Tale of an Audacious Girl
    av Vinay Shankar & Kiara Shankar
    289 - 385,-

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