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Böcker utgivna av U Press

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  • - Perspectives on the Dynamics of Language Conventionalisation
    av Dorthe Duncker, Bettina Perregaard, Christian Benne, m.fl.

    This book addresses the dynamic interplay between creativity and continuity in communication.Though conventionalisation is essential to any understanding of the foundation of interaction and language, thus far it has not been the subject of any substantial collective effort. New research presented here seeks to redress this. An introductory chapter critically reviews the theoretical assumptions and pitfalls of twentieth-century approaches to communication and conventionalisation. The successive chapters are by scholars from different theoretical backgrounds within language and literature. They study the processes of conventionalisation from the complementary perspectives of linguistic and literary research traditions and cover a diverse field of cognitive, social, and historical aspects of language.The target readership of the book is scholars and students of language and communication – including literacy and literary studies and philosophy of language – who are interested in foundational issues and their profound implications for empirical analysis.

  • - The Story of my Life in Science
    av Jens Chr. Skou

    It has been said that 'the discovery of the Na, K-ATPase by J. C. Skou in 1957 must rank as one of the most influential contributions to Bioenergetics and Cell Physiology.' The ion-transporting enzyme has since been acknowledged as a vital 'pump' in all cells.Skou's memoirs tell the story of a Nobel Prize-winning breakthrough in biochemistry. But during his voyage of discovery he also repeatedly finds occasion to speak out in defence of the basic principles of scientific research. 'We would,' as Skou says in one of his speeches, 'do well to promote science by encouraging young people to engage with their profoundly human capacity for astonishment, and wonder.'The ion-transporting pump continues to surprise. Its involvement in genetic disease is the latest addition to our understanding of this fascinating mechanism, and there will likely be much more to learn in the future.

  • av Lasse Horne Kjældgaard & Jens Bjerring-Hansen

    Det er en af de bøger, der skaber en afgrundsdyb kløft mellem i går og i dag, skrev Henrik Ibsen ved udgivelsen af det første bind af Georg Brandes' Hovedstrømninger i det Nittende Aarhundredes Litteratur i 1872. Med dens fremkomst var verden ikke længere den samme. Brandes' ambition var at lægge redskaberne fra sin disciplin frem til gavn for store formål såsom promoveringen af frihed, fred og modernitet. Sit grandiose narrativ for den europæiske litteraturs udvikling leverede han personligt for et stort publikum på Københavns Universitet. I et større perspektiv bidrog han hermed til at sætte hele Skandinavien på det litterære verdenskort. Hovedstrømningernes biografiske baggrund, opbygning og hvert binds indhold i det epokegørende værk introduceres her på engelsk, så både et dansk og et internationalt publikum kan læse med.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Jens Bjerring-Hansen & Lasse Horne Kjældgaard ”It is one of those books creating a swallowing gulf between yesterday and today,” Henrik Ibsen wrote upon the 1872 publication of the first volume of Georg Brandes’ Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. After its appearance, the world was not the same. Brandes’ ambition was to deploy the tools of his discipline in the service of big causes, such as the promotion of freedom, peace, and modernity. His grand narrative of the evolution of European literature was delivered in person to a large audience at the University of Copenhagen, and soon after published in six volumes between 1872 and 1890. In Danish circles, he constantly challenged national narrowmindedness and worked to establish dialogues between nations and cultures. In a wider context, he helped to put not only Denmark but the entire Scandinavian region on the global literary map.All of this was made possible by the publication of Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature. This anthology compiles essays on the biographical background, overall structure, and individual volumes of Brandes’ magnum opus. Hopefully, it may serve as a resource for newcomers as well as experienced readers looking for an overview of – and new paths in – Brandes’ epoch-making work.

  • - The Tragedy of a Hero A Reading
    av Keld Zeruneith

    "Selv om Beowulf er det betydeligste digt i den angelsaksiske poesi, foregår det i Danmark og Sydsverige. Og det udgives for første gang i Danmark, hvor også den tidligste kritik af værket ser dagens lys. Beowulf er en germansk heltetype, men frelses af den kristne digter til et liv i Guds verden, til trods for at han kræver at blive gravsat i en hedensk høj. Den tragiske dimension i Beowulfs livshistorie fremgår dels af, at den guldskat, han med livet som indsats vinder i dragekampen, ikke bliver til glæde for nogen, dels af at han ikke har en dronning og en arving, men ved sin død lægger sit land åbent for fjender.Derfor udgiver U Press bogen her:Fordi Keld Zeruneith, der bor tæt på Lejre, hvor digtet udspiller sig, forsøger at give et samlet svar på Beowulf’s mange paradokser.Om forfatteren Keld Zeruneith er litteraturforsker og har i mere end tredive år undervist ved Københavns Universitet. Han er medlem af Det Kgl. Videnskabernes Selskab. Keld Zeruneith har modtaget adskillige priser for sin forskning, bl.a. Holberg-Medaillen og Søren Gyldendal Prisen, og han har for nylig oversat Beowulf til dansk."

  • - On Casablanca and other World War II Icons
    av Richard Raskin

    Why was Humphrey Bogart’s screen presence and persona so vital a factor for American morale during World War II? How did Casablanca unintentionally mislead American audiences regarding U.S. policy toward the pro-German Vichy regime, and the Free French who continued the fight against the Nazis? Why was Alain Resnais reluctant to make his documentary film Night and Fog and why did he ultimately decide to overcome that reluctance? (Answered here in his own words, with the decisive interview published in English for the first time.) How did overcoming her anti-German feelings make it imperative for the Jewish performer Barbara to write the haunting song Göttingen? What did a spin-doctor in New York have to do with the story of the Danish king wearing a Star of David during the German occupation?These are just a few of the questions dealt with in this book, which should interest anyone who remains fascinated by films, songs, photos and other representations of the Second World War.The studies assembled here focus whenever possible on meaningful, purposive choices designed to make things happen, to change the course of events or to enable a character or creative artist to shape more fully his or her own story.

  • - A practitioner's guide for Cities, Regions and Countries
    av Nikolaj Lubanski, Marcus Andersson & Morten King-Grubert

    PREPARE FOR THE BATTLE FOR TALENTAccess to skilled competences is a key challenge for economic development and growth. This book is pioneering the field of innovating talent attraction. It is the first practitioner's guide on how to form a strategy and develop operational activities in order to attract and retain international competences.GET THE WORLD'S BRIGHTEST MINDSInnovating Talent Attraction will assist every project manager, politician, marketing or brand specialist who is aiming for their region and city to move ahead in the competition for the world's brightest minds.MODELS AND CASES FROM:Austin, Berlin, Bizkaia, Copenhagen, Eindhoven, Santiago, Singapore, Tampere and Toronto.The book is written by Marcus Andersson, Morten King-Grubert and Nikolaj Lubanski. In between the chapters, they present interviews with key stakeholders and thought leaders.

  • - a Danish Case Study
    av Jens Bruun, Søren Christensen, Jonas Lieberkind & m.fl.

    Investigating Danish students in a global perspective pinpoints a range of pressing dilemmas: To what degree do students conceive school as a place of democracy or authority, do they see classrooms as open or closed, do they recognise themselves as active or passive students? Questions of this kind challenge citizenship education across countries and regions. The democratic commitment of young people is difficult to measure, but many key figures appear in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study. Reflections on this study are used in this book to describe young people as contemporary citizens. Rather than discussing the basic principles of democracy or citizenship in abstract terms, the intention is to analyse and evaluate the political education of young people (students in year eight), their acquaintance with democracy in school, and the context and democratic ethos their experiences seem to reflect. By doing so, the book also gives indications of how the lives of young people are changing in globalised democracies across the world, thereby challenging citizenship education.

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