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  • av Rick Wienecke

    Samen im Wind erzählt über die Reise von Rick Wienecke in das Leiden des jüdischen Volkes im Holocaust und der Kreuzigung von Jesus. Nach ihrer Heirat lernen Rick und Dafna im Glauben zu leben und gehorchen schließlich dem 'Himmlischen Auftrag' des Schaffens der "Quelle der Tränen". Dieser 'Dialog des Leidens' zwischen dem Holocaust und der Kreuzigung befindet sich in Arad und auch in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Samen im Wind ist die Geschichte wie Gott einen talentierten Künstler benutzte, um die Botschaft des Vaterherzes für Sein Volk mitzuteilen.

  • av Betty Bausch

    Die Schwestern Betty und Lies hatten eine herrliche Jugend in Amsterdam und teilten 18 Jahre lang Freud und Leid. Dann kam der Krieg. Gezwungenermaßen teilten sich ihre Wege, aber durch einen unregelmäßigen und komplizierten Briefwechsel wußten sie voneinander. Lies war in den Konzentrationslagern Westerbork und Bergen-Belsen. Durch einen Austausch von deutschen Templern aus Palästina gegen jüdische Gefangene aus Konzentrationslagern kam sie dann 1944 nach Palästina. Betty, schon verheiratet, tauchte rechtzeitig mit ihrem Mann in Holland unter und half ihm im Widerstand. Er wurde erschossen, Betty überlebte. Lange konnten beide über ihre Vergangenheit nicht reden. Erst Jahre spät wurden die beiden Schwestern auf verschiedene Weise dazu angeregt: die eine durch offenherzige Gespräche mit deutschen Freunden, die andere durch Fragen der dritten Generation in Israel. Nach all der Zeit des 'Bewegten Schweigens' war es ihnen schließlich möglich, diese Stille zu brechen

  • av Rick Wienecke

    Ein Dialog des Leidens zwischen der Kreuzigung und dem Holocaust ist ein Studienheft, das für den persönlichen Gebrauch oder das Studium in Kleingruppen gedacht ist. Dies Buch enthält auch viele Bilder der Quelle der Tränen. Dies Buch ist nicht als intellektuelle Übung gedacht, sondern dringt tiefer ein in die Verbindung und die Ähnlichkeiten, die zwischen der Kreuzigung und dem Holocaust bestehen. Das Material basiert auf der "Quelle der Tränen", einem bildhauerischen Dialog des Leidens zwischen der Kreuzigung und dem Holocaust. Erwarten Sie keine vorgefertigten Antworten, aber gestatten Sie dem Vater, Seine Tränen in den Fragen Träne für Träne mit Ihnen zu teilen.

  • av Albert Nucciarone

    Ever since the Lord called Dr. Albert Nucciarone (Pastor Al) and his wife Billie to Israel, it has felt more like home to them. Not only has he learned to love the country, but also the people. Both Jews and Arabs have become his friends. This book is a summary of 15 years of personal interaction with the Land and the people.Looking at the Holy Land, it can be viewed from three perspectives:1. Knowing its history - the facts and the truth we can glean from the facts.2. Learning how to worship the Lord.Studying the people, places and events should lead us to real devotion.3. Proclaiming good preaching points.While prophecy has to do with future events, it can also be used in the sense of preaching. Those who preach the prophetic Word of God should do so like the Old Testament prophets with truth, conviction, brokenness, and boldness.Holy Land Encounter is meant as a guide for pastors, teachers and those with a heart and passion for God.It is a helpful tool for those who want to learn more about what the Bible teaches about Israel in all its facets.

  • av Albert Nucciarone

    Many volumes on end time Biblical prophecies have been written by theologians and scholars.In his third book, Albert Nucciarone does not claim to be a theologian or a scholar. His interest in Biblical prophecy and seeing the signs of His coming, he is passionate to reach people with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Living and working in the Biblical Lands confirms the authenticity of the Bible and helps to understand its message. The living reality of Israel and the Jewish people are a sign of His soon coming.Pastor Al's study of the Bible, his interest in historical and current events, the prophecies being fulfilled before his eyes, prompts him to write this book. As a warning and encouragement to believers and non-believers alike: Get ready for the soon return of Jesus the Messiah!

  • av Petra van der Zande

    Dieses Buch gibt Hintergrundinformationen darüber, wie die Festivitäten und Veranstaltungen in biblischen Zeiten gefeiert wurden und wie es heute im wiedergeborenen Staat Israel geschieht. Die Anleitung wird helfen, mehr Respekt und Wertschätzung für die biblischen Festivals, die jüdischen Feiertage und das Wort Gottes zu erlangen. Dieses Buch gibt Antworten auf viele Fragen; Es erklärt Israelisch jüdische Bräuche und Rituale, die in den Reiseführern oft nicht erwähnt werden. Nicht nur Pilger und Touristen, sondern auch Freiwillige die für einen längeren Zeitraum in Israel bleiben, werden dieses Buch hilfreich finden.

  • av Petra van der Zande

    The revised version of REMEMBER, OBSERVE, REJOICE is a reference guide to the Jewish Feasts, Holidays, Memorial Days and Events. The commandment to rejoice accompanied Jews throughout their long history. Today, the people of Israel continue to enjoy each happy event in the Jewish life cycle - from circumcision to bar mitzvah to marriage. And you don't have to be a religious Jew to celebrate the pilgrim festivals and the Shabbat.This book gives background information on how the festivals and events were celebrated in Biblical times, and how it is done today, in the re-born State of Israel. The guide will help to gain more respect and appreciation for the Biblical Festivals, the Jewish Holidays and the Word of God. This book gives answers to many questions, as it explains Jewish customs and rituals which are often not mentioned in the travel guides.Not only pilgrims and tourists, but also volunteers staying in Israel for a longer period of time, will find this book a helpful tool.

  • av Petra van der Zande

  • av Rick Wienecke

    Un Diálogo del Sufrimiento Entre la Crucifixión y el Holocausto es un plan de estudios diseñado para uso personal o para pequeños grupos de estudio. Este libro también contiene muchas fotos de la Fuente de las Lágrimas.No pretendiendo ser un ejercicio intelectual, esta herramienta de estudio profundiza la conexión y similitudes que existen entre la Crucifixión y el Holocausto. El material se basa en La Fuente de las Lágrimas, un diálogo esculpido del sufrimiento entre la Crucifixión y el Holocausto.No espere encontrar respuestas claras, pero permita que Dios Padre comparta Sus lágrimas, una camada a la vez, en las preguntas.

  • av Rick Wienecke

    PortuguêsUm Diálogo de Sofrimento entre a Crucificação e o Holocausto é um estudo desenvolvido para estudo pessoal ou em pequenos grupos. Este livro também contém muitas fotos da Fonte de Lágrimas.Não com o propósito de ser um exercício intelectual, este material para estudo mostra a conexão e semelhanças profundas que existem entre a Crucificação e o Holocausto. O material é baseado na Fonte de Lágrimas, esculturas representando o Diálogo de Sofrimento entre a Crucificação e o HolocaustoNão espere encontrar respostas claras, mas permita que Deus o Pai compartilhe Suas lágrimas pouco a pouco através das perguntas.

  • av Colonel John T. Somerville USMC (Ret.

    Throughout history we have seen that nations were judged, are being judged, and are going to be judged on their treatment of what God calls, "My people Israel".This book is an in-depth study of the rise and fall of the British Empire. We learn what happens to a nation that chooses not to heed Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you [Abraham and his descendants], and the one who curses you I will curse."Instead of being a blessing to the apple of God's eye, they became a curse.

  • av Rick Wienecke

  • av Petra van der Zande

  • av Petra van der Zande

    In 1989 verhuizen Wim en Petra van Amsterdam naar Jeruzalem, Israël, om daar als vrijwilligers bij de ICAJ (Internationale Christelijke Ambassade Jeruzalem) te gaan werken. Twee jaar later worden zij pleegouders van een meervoudig gehandicapt Joods jongetje. Het voormalige kinderloze echtpaar neemt daarna ook nog twee ernstig gehandicapte Bedoeïenen meisjes op."Gewoon doen, Petra!" zegt Wim wanneer zij hem vertelt dat voor een driejarig Arabisch jongetje een pleeggezin wordt gezocht.Door de goede verzorging en liefde die hij ontvangt, bloeit het verwaarloosde jongetje helemaal open. Gedurende de twaalf jaar dat hij bij de van der Zandes woont, laat Na'il (betekent 'verwerver') de zogenaamde 'gezonde' mensen zien dat fysieke beperkingen een uitdaging zijn om overwonnen te worden, door het "gewoon te doen!"De 'Kleine Prins' wordt op veertienjarige leeftijd Thuisgehaald.Dit is het levensverhaal van een uniek Gods geschenk, een kind dat letterlijk zijn naam eer aan deed!

  • av Petra van der Zande

    PortuguêsRECORDAR, OBSERVAR E REGOZIJAR-SE - é um guia de referência para as Festas, Feriados, Dias Comemorativos e Eventos Judaicos.Este livro descreve como os eventos e festivais eram celebrados nos tempos bíblicos e mostra como são celebrados nos dias de hoje, no renascido Estado de Israel. Tal conhecimento gera respeito e apreciação pelos Festivais Bíblicos, pelas Festas Judaicas e pela Palavra de Deus.Este livro detalha tradições e rituais Judeu-Israelenses por vezes não mencionadas nos guias para viagens. E, nem só os peregrinos e os turistas, também as pessoas voluntárias, que permanecem em Israel por longas temporadas, aqui encontram as ferramentas úteis para o dia a dia em Israel."Regozijai-vos, gentios, juntamente com o povo do Senhor. E ainda: Louvai ao Senhor, todos os gentios, e celebrai-o, todos os povos. " Romanos 15:10

  • av Petra van der Zande

    KJV EDITION.The revised version of Remember, Observe, Rejoice, is a reference guide to the Jewish Feasts, Holidays, Memorial Days and Events. The commandment to rejoice accompanied Jews throughout their long history. Today, the people of Israel continue to enjoy each happy event in the Jewish life cycle - from circumcision to bar mitzvah to marriage. And you don't have to be a religious Jew to celebrate the pilgrim festivals and the Shabbat.This book gives background information on how the festivals and events were celebrated in Biblical times, and how it is done today, in the re-born State of Israel. The guide will help to gain more respect and appreciation for the Biblical Festivals, the Jewish Holidays and the Word of God. This book gives answers to many questions, as it explains Jewish customs and rituals which are often not mentioned in the travel guides.Not only pilgrims and tourists, but also volunteers staying in Israel for a longer period of time, will find this book a helpful tool.

  • av Albert Nucciarone

    This book is a call to world revolution. We live in a decadent society that is on a collision course with God. The answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Who was the greatest revolutionary of all time. Only He can change people, who, in turn, can influence society.More than ever, this world needs people with a revolutionary way of thinking and doing. Because we are involved in a spiritual conflict, believers must declare war against the forces of evil.This Biblically based, biographical, and illustrative publication is a compilation of sermons I preached, articles I wrote and inspiring thoughts from others. The book can help leaders who are God's influencers in business, government, military, sports and the church. Because believers are called to a world revolution - God's Path to Total Victory - we all need a spark to inflame our hearts and souls.

  • av Petra van der Zande

    espanolRECORDAR OBSERVAR Y REGOCIJARSE es una guía para las festividades judías, días feriados, días conmemorativos y eventos.Este libro da información sobre cómo los festividades y eventos fueron celebrados en tiempos bíblicos y cómo se celebran en la actualidad, en el renacido estado de Israel. Esta guía te ayudará a tener más respeto y una mejor apreciación de las Festividades Bíblicas, Festividades Judías y Eventos.Este libro provee una respuesta a estas (y muchas otras) preguntas. Explica las costumbres y rituales de los judíos israelitas las cuales no suelen mencionarse en las guías turísticas.No sólo los peregrinos y turistas, sino también los voluntarios que están quedándose en Israel por largos períodos de tiempo encontrarán en este libro una herramienta útil.

  • - Ten Vital Principles for High Impact Leadership
    av Dr Albert Nucciarone

    Leadership has been defined as influence. True leadership does not force or manipulate but provides an example for people to follow. It is God who lifts people up and puts them down. Even though some have a personality which is oriented toward leadership, leaders are not born like leaders. And while God may have given us certain leadership gifts, He requires that we develop them to our fullest potential.Organizational growth and leadership, especially in the realm of the church, do go together. Healthy leaders produce good healthy churches and organizations who in turn can influence society for good.This book will encourage leaders around the world to live up to their maximum, God-given potential.As we are living in the end times, leaders must be watchful, holy, and passionate in their service for the Lord. The message of the Gospel must be proclaimed with urgency, clarity, and power. Let us heed the call, live the life, and be true world changers. "Changed men can change the church and the church can change society."

  • av Colonel John T Somerville Usmc (Ret )

    The five American men pictured on the Mount Rushmore picture had two things in common.First, they were in the presidential office when Israel needed their help and gave it against overwhelming opposition.Second ... Ha! Did you really think we are going to tell you? Read the book and you'll find out.

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