- A Wife's Guide to Removing the but and Embracing Your Husband's Personality As a Gift
av Robert B Pyles
Have you noticed that some of the things you loved about your husband, in the beginning, have slowly become challenging to embrace? There is no denying you love him. However, it may also be true there are some things you wish you could change about him. I love my husband, but? He makes all the decisions without me, he won''t decide at all, or he doesn''t take life seriously. Go ahead, and insert whatever comes behind your "but." I wrote this book to offer you a practical perspective on embracing your husband''s personality as a gift. I''ll help you see and understand why there are certain behaviors he just can''t help. It''s how he''s wired. If you desire to create the marriage you dreamed of having from the beginning, your answers to removing the "but" are inside these pages.There is a companion book for husbands as well: Have you noticed that some of the things you loved about your husband, in the beginning, have slowly become challenging to embrace? There is no denying you love him. However, it may also be true there are some things you wish you could change about him. I love my husband, but? He makes all the decisions without me, he won''t decide at all, or he doesn''t take life seriously. Go ahead, and insert whatever comes behind your "but." I wrote this book to offer you a practical perspective on embracing your husband''s personality as a gift. I''ll help you see and understand why there are certain behaviors he just can''t help. It''s how he''s wired. If you desire to create the marriage you dreamed of having from the beginning, your answers to removing the "but" are inside these pages.Robert Pyles is a Real Estate Developer, Franchise Owner, Award-Winning Business Strategist, and Executive Coach. He has been recognized on the list of America''s Largest Black-Owned Businesses. He is the same guy, with the same goals, serving the same God that brings them to pass. He and his wife Betty have three children and live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.