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  • av Scott Tom Scott

    The driving force behind this book is the need to convince the populace that the danger is real and paramount: the system has decayed to the point that it would no longer be recognizable to the Framers if they were alive. If you think you are immune from attack because you follow the law, think again. You must take an active role-even simply by spreading the word-to stem the tide.This publication is not intended to be a protective guide like Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor. It is intended to be another reliable smaller news source. It is a recounting or an exposé of true events related to the author's and others' legal experiences-all supported by irrefutable facts and evidence. This work should be viewed as a lengthy news article or a reporter's marathon dialogue at the scene of an unfolding catastrophic event. People who have committed wrongdoing and crimes will be named in this book. Unlike protection associated with any form of immunity-qualified, judicial, absolute, or otherwise-nobody will evade culpability. Government lawyers, such as Kristin Tavia Mihelic, will be named. Her misconduct will be revealed. Her crimes will be exposed. Judge Louise DeCarl Adler will similarly be thrust into the spotlight. Her misconduct and crimes will also not escape exposure. The list of miscreants is lengthy and is constantly growing, but everyone within my purview who is responsible for their iniquitous or criminal acts will be held accountable in this true report. Most people who have not (yet) experienced our illustrious injustice system may think the events described herein would be part of the script for a Hollywood fantasy movie-or more appropriately, a Hollywood horror flick. This is not so. Everything put forth will be supported by rock-solid evidence. The intent of this eye-opener is to prove to readers that any outrageous system-related stories they may have heard from friends, family members, or colleagues are likely true. It is also intended to be the proverbial whack on the side of the head that some individuals need to make them understand that being struck with the syndicate is not an "other person's disease." Ordinary people in Amerika must wake up to the fact that chances are high they will someday encounter the toxic waste dump also known as the world's largest crime syndicate. The information in this book is a clarion call; however, time is running out. Read it, but fasten your seatbelts first. It's going to be one heck of a bumpy ride.....

  • - Understand America's Corrupt Judicial System-Protect Yourself Now and Boost Chances of Winning Cases Later
    av Sara Naheedy

    *** The annual holiday special sale event features all versions of this crucial book-Kindle, paperback, hardcover, and PDF-with savings of 40% to 80%. Regular price for the paperback is $33.19. ***NOTA DEL PUBLICADOR: La versión en español de Tenga las Probabilidades Legales a Su Favor ahora está disponible en tres formatos: rústica, Kindle y PDF.This highly acclaimed self-help book is the hybrid product of two authors. One is a lawyer, and one is not. This unique, synergistic combination resulted in an exceptional resource that contains essential information found nowhere else. Tailored for everyday Americans, the book is packed with unbiased data about the current state of the U.S. legal system: why it is the way it is, where it is headed, and, most importantly, how to beat it at its own game.This is the only legal self-help resource that: ● reveals secretive rules, presents an atypical paradigm, and furnishes eye-opening information● contains the broad insight of experts internal and external to the U.S. legal system, giving you a complete 360° view of it● provides special tactics that are crucial for the average person to fight a battle and win a case in the corrupt legal systemCoauthors Sara Naheedy and Tom Scott have 35+ years of combined legal experience in a variety of situations in and out of court, which they share in a practical, easy-to-read format. Learn about the wildly corrupt legal system before it strikes. In all probability, the question is not if it will strike but when it will strike the average person with little political power or influence. This guide is ideal as a preventative aid for such people who would unwittingly fall victim to the legal system or, worst-case, indispensable as a remedial tool for someone who needs a clearer understanding of or assistance with a current legal quagmire. Be best prepared to fight a traffic ticket and other vehicular citations and to handle small claims, landlord-tenant issues, debt collection, criminal accusations, divorce, wills, probate, and much more.★★★★★ "The most important book written this century for Americans!" - Amazon ReviewerJust how critical this book is to you cannot be stressed strongly enough-whether you realize it yet or not. Remember that being protected beforehand is far better than trying to repair the damage afterward.*** SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: If you really want to fix the top problem plaguing the United States or protect loved ones, share this book with them or encourage them to pick up a copy. The authors have done their part by providing you the information, but they can't do it all on their own. You need to do your part. You need to spread the word. You need to take action. ***Will you be prepared, not if, but when the legal system strikes?

  • - Comprenda el Sistema Judicial Corrupto de los Estados Unidos-Protejase Ahora y Aumente las Posibilidades de Ganar Casos Mas Tarde
    av Tom Scott

    Este libro de autoayuda altamente aclamado es el producto híbrido de dos autores. Uno es abogado y el otro no. Esta combinación única y sinérgica resultó en un recurso excepcional que contiene información esencial que no se encuentra en ningún otro lugar. Diseñado para los estadounidenses comunes, el libro está repleto de datos imparciales sobre el estado actual del sistema legal de EE. UU.: por qué es como es, hacia dónde se dirige y, lo más importante, cómo vencerlo en su propio juego.Este es el único recurso legal de autoayuda que: ● revela reglas secretas, presenta un paradigma atípico y proporciona información reveladora● contiene una visión amplia de expertos internos y externos al sistema legal de EE. UU., que le ofrece una visión completa de 360 °● proporciona tácticas especiales que son cruciales para que una persona promedio pelee una batalla y gane un caso en el sistema legal corruptoLos coautores Sara Naheedy y Tom Scott tienen más de 35 años de experiencia legal combinada en una variedad de situaciones dentro y fuera de los tribunales, que comparten en un formato práctico y fácil de leer. Aprenda sobre el sistema legal salvajemente corrupto antes Con toda probabilidad, la pregunta no es si golpeará sino cuándo golpeará a la persona promedio con poco poder político o influencia. Esta guía es ideal como una ayuda preventiva para aquellas personas que involuntariamente serían víctimas del sistema legal o, en el peor de los casos, indispensable como herramienta de reparación para alguien que necesita una comprensión más clara o ayuda con un atolladero legal actual. Esté mejor preparado para luchar contra una multa de tránsito y otras citaciones vehiculares y para manejar reclamos menores, asuntos de propietarios e inquilinos, cobro de deudas, acusaciones criminales, divorcios, testamentos, sucesiones y mucho más.★★★★★ "¡El libro más importante escrito este siglo para los estadounidenses!" - Amazon ReviewerLo importante que es este libro para usted no puede enfatizarse lo suficiente, ya sea que se dé cuenta o no. Las personas sin recursos-dinero o poder-son explotadas por el sistema legal de los EE. UU. Las personas que no hablan Inglés o lo hacen mínimamente son explotadas aún más. No te conviertas en una de esas personas. Recuerde que estar protegido de antemano es mucho mejor que tratar de reparar el daño después.*** NOTA ESPECIAL DEL PUBLICADOR: si realmente desea solucionar el problema principal que afecta a los Estados Unidos o proteger a sus seres queridos, comparta este libro con ellos o aliéntelos a recoger una copia. Los autores han hecho su parte al proporcionarle la información, pero no pueden hacerlo solos. Necesitas hacer tu parte. Necesitas correr la voz. Necesitas tomar acción. *** ¿Estarás preparado, no si, sino cuando el sistema legal ataque?

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