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  • av Compiled By Barbour Staff

    Here's a fun collection of 100 Bible-based word searches with a bonus--"hidden trivia" questions made from the leftover letters!

  • av Pradeep P

    This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding the significance of 1-hour plasma glucose levels during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in the diagnosis and management of diabetes and related conditions. The book explores the intricate mechanisms of glucose metabolism, insulin secretion, and glucose homeostasis in the body, providing a detailed account of the role of pancreatic beta-cells, glucose transporters, and insulin sensitivity. The book highlights the correlation between elevated 1-hour plasma glucose and the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. It also delves into the various diagnostic tests and tools available for monitoring blood glucose levels, such as glucometers and continuous glucose monitoring. In addition, the book discusses the complications associated with hyperglycemia, including neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, and hyperlipidemia. It also sheds light on the importance of glycemic control and effective management of blood glucose levels through medication, insulin pumps, and lifestyle modifications. Overall, "Elevated 1 Hour Plasma Glucose" is an essential resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals seeking to better understand the complexities of glucose regulation and diabetes management.

  • av Aalok Basu

    Protein fibrillation is a common phenomenon in which proteins lose their functional structure and aggregate into insoluble fibrous structures. This can lead to various diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. To prevent protein fibrillation, various approaches have been developed, including the use of plant bioactives and engineered nano-carriers.Plant bioactives are compounds derived from plants that have various beneficial properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. These compounds have been found to inhibit protein fibrillation by interacting with the protein molecules and stabilizing their structure. Some examples of plant bioactives that have been shown to inhibit protein fibrillation include curcumin, resveratrol, and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).Engineered nano-carriers are small particles that can be designed to deliver drugs or other therapeutic agents to specific locations in the body. These carriers can also be designed to prevent protein fibrillation by interacting with the protein molecules and preventing them from aggregating. Some examples of engineered nano-carriers that have been used to prevent protein fibrillation include liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, and dendrimers.Combining plant bioactives with engineered nano-carriers can enhance their effectiveness in preventing protein fibrillation. The bioactives can be loaded into the nano-carriers and delivered directly to the site of protein aggregation, where they can interact with the protein molecules and prevent fibrillation.Overall, the use of plant bioactives and engineered nano-carriers in preventing protein fibrillation shows great promise for the development of new therapeutic approaches for diseases related to protein aggregation.

  • av Sayan Bhattacharjee

    The p53 protein is a transcription factor that plays a critical role in maintaining genomic stability by regulating the expression of genes involved in cell cycle control, DNA repair, and apoptosis. One of the key functions of p53 is to recognize and bind to specific DNA sequences in the promoter regions of its target genes.While p53 is best known for its ability to bind to the consensus DNA sequence 5'-PuPuPuC(A/T)(T/A)GPyPyPy-3', it is now clear that p53 can bind to a wide range of DNA sequences with varying affinities. This versatility in DNA binding site recognition is due to the unique structure of p53's DNA-binding domain, which contains two large loops that can adopt multiple conformations to interact with different DNA sequences.Studies have shown that p53's ability to recognize a diverse range of DNA sequences is critical for its function as a tumor suppressor. In some cases, p53's ability to bind to non-consensus DNA sequences can allow it to activate genes that are not typically regulated by p53. This allows p53 to respond to a wider range of cellular stresses, including oxidative stress, hypoxia, and DNA damage.In addition to its ability to bind to DNA directly, p53 can also interact with other proteins to regulate gene expression. For example, p53 can interact with chromatin remodeling complexes, histone acetyltransferases, and other transcription factors to modulate gene expression.Overall, the versatility of p53 in DNA binding site recognition is a critical aspect of its function as a tumor suppressor. By recognizing a diverse range of DNA sequences, p53 can respond to a wide range of cellular stresses and regulate the expression of genes involved in maintaining genomic stability.

  • av Kh¿lid bin ¿amad Al-Khurayyif

    Hal-hal Yang Wajib Diketahui Oleh Seorang Muslim.Things That Must Be Known By A Muslim.

  • av &1080, &1096, &1093, m.fl.

  • av Thalal Bin Ahmad Ahmad Al Aqil

    Kami ucapkan selamat datang atas kehadiran anda sekalian di tanah suci sebagai tamu-tamu Allah Yang Maha Agung. Selanjutnya, Badan Penerangan Haji merasa bahagia dapat mempersembahkan kepada anda sekalian buku petunjuk ringkas ini, yang mengandung hal-hal penting dalam manasik haji dan umrah yang wajib diketahui oleh segenap jama'ah haji. Buku ini didahului dengan beberapa pesan dan wasiat penting untuk diri kita semua, dengan bertitik tolak dari firman Allah yang melukiskan keadaan hamba-hamba-Nya yang selamat dan beruntung di dunia dan akhirat.

  • av Imam Hafiz Abdulgani

    Buku yang menjelaskan tentang sejarah hidup Rasulullah ( Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam ) dari sejak lahir hingga wafat, bahkan disebutkan tentang keadaan bangsa arab sebelum masa kenabian beliau dan perjuangan dakwah yang beliau baik dakwah secara sembunyi-sembunyi maupun terang-terangan.

  • av I. A. Ibrahim

    Buku yang merupakan pandangan singkat untuk memahami Islam ini, terdiri dari 3 (tiga) bab. Bab pertama, Bukti-bukti Kebenaran Islam, menjawab sejumlah pertanyaan penting yang sering diajukan orang, seperti: n Benarkah Al Qur'an itu firman Tuhan (Allah) yang diwahyukan oleh-Nya? 1en Benarkah Muhammad itu utusan Allah? n Benarkah Islam itu agama yang diturunkan Allah? Dalam bab ini, pembaca akan disuguhi enam macam bukti.

  • av Muhammad Bin Shaleh Al-'Utsaimin

    Dalam buku ini dijelaskan secara gamblang prinsip yang dianut oleh ahlussunnah wal jama`ah dan para ulama salaf dalam masalah qadha dan qadar, dan diuraikan pula kerancuan yang terdapat dalam pemahaman- pemahaman yang menyimpang tentang masalah qadha dan qadar serta bantahannya berdasarkan dalil naqli maupun 'aqli.

  • av Abdur Raheem

    This book explores the relationship between vocational interest and various factors affecting visually impaired individuals, including personal, familial, and demographic variables. The purpose of the book is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the visually impaired population in finding meaningful employment and to identify ways to support their vocational development. This book is an invaluable resource for researchers, educators, and practitioners working in the field of disability studies, rehabilitation psychology, vocational psychology, human resource management, and special education. It also offers valuable insights for employers and policymakers seeking to create inclusive work environments.

  • av Manali Chakraborty

    An Intelligent Framework for Smart Power Grid refers to a system that uses advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to optimize the operation and management of an electricity grid. It aims to improve efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of the power grid by monitoring, predicting and controlling the flow of electricity in real-time, reducing energy waste and preventing blackouts. This framework is expected to help create a smarter, more efficient and resilient power grid.¿Predictive maintenance: The framework uses predictive analytics to identify potential equipment failures before they occur, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.Grid optimization: By analyzing data from various sources, the framework can optimize the use of available resources, reducing energy waste and increasing the grid's overall efficiency.Real-time monitoring: The framework provides real-time monitoring of the grid's performance, enabling quick response to changes in demand and preventing blackouts.Demand response: The framework enables dynamic management of electricity demand, reducing peak demand and avoiding overloading the grid during high usage periods.Integration of renewable energy: The framework facilitates the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, increasing the grid's sustainability and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

  • av Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz

    Memuat bantahan terhadap sebuah artikel yang menyerang akidah salaf, kemudian menegaskan tentang pentingnya untuk berpegang teguh kepada sunnah dan menjauhi bid'ah karena ajaran agama Islam itu telah sempurna dan tidak memerlukan tambahan syariat baru berupa bid'ah yang tak berdasar.

  • av Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab

    Kitab Tauhid: Merupakan kitab yang sangat penting untuk dibaca dan ditelaah oleh setiap muslim agar mereka mengetahui aqidah yang benar, aqidah ahlussunnah wal jamaah berdasarkan al quran dan sunnah serta serta menjauhi syirik yang merupakan dosa yang paling besar.

  • av Abdur RAhman bin Nasir As-Sa'di

    Buku yang menjelaskan secara ringkas tentang keindahan syari'at Islam, di mana penulis dengan apik menjelaskan keindahan yang di ambil pada tiap-tiap hukum syari'at , mulai dari hukum Islam yang sering menjadi sorotan tajam oleh musuh-musuh Islam sampai dengan hukum yang ringan, semuanya di jabarkan secara rinci, ringkas dan jelas....

  • av Syeikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab

    Buku ini membahas tentang jawaban terhadap pertanyaan dan argument yang sering diungkapkan oleh kelompok-kelompok sesat untuk menentang tauhid yang benar baik dalam masalah tauhid rububiyah, uluhiyah, maupun asma wa sifat.

  • av Abdur RAhman bin Nasir As-Sa'di

    Menjelaskan tentang sarana-sarana yang bisa ditempuh leh setiap orang yang mendambakan kehidupan yang bahagia baik didunia maupun di akhirat, diantaranya seperti Iman dan beramal Saleh, Berbuat baik kepada sesama makhluk, Sibuk dengan.

  • av Said Bin Ali Al-Qahthani

    Buku ini memuat do'a-do'a yang dikumpulkan dari Al Quran dan Sunnah yang shahih dari Nabi saw. Yang sangat layak bagi setiap muslim untuk mengetahui dan mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

  • av Abu Ismail Muhammad Rijal

    Agama Islam agama yang mulia yang merupakan rahmat bagi seluruh alam, yang mana agama islam di serukan oleh seluruh rasul Allah yang mulia. Agama islam adalah satu-satu nya agama yang di jaga kemurnianya dari perubahan oleh Allah Shubhanahu wa ta'alla, sehingga kita sebagai kaum muslimin tidak perlu was-was dalam beribadah ke pada -Nya. Islam juga sebagai penuntun kehidupan manusia keluar dari kegelapan dan kebodohan, agar selamat di dunia dan akhirat kelak.

  • av Muhammad Bin Shalih Al Utsaimin

    Buku ini membicarakan tentang pokok-pokok dan cabang-cabang agama Islam dalam al-Qur'an dan sunnah yang sesungguhnya telah dijelaskan oleh Rasulullah, kemudian menjelaskan bahwa setiap bid'ah dalam agama merupakan kesesatan yang akan mengantarkan pelakunya kejurang api neraka.

  • av Muhammad Bin Saleh Al-Munajjid

    Kiat Berpegang Teguh Dengan Agama Allah : Buku ini berbicara tentang sarana-sarana yang bisa membantu seorang mukmin untuk berpegang teguh terhadap agamanya juga menerangkan tentang fitnah-fitnah yang dapat mengganggu keteguhan tersebut, seperti fitnah harta, kedudukan, keluarga, dan penyiksaan atau kezdaliman musuh-musuh islam.

  • av Muhammad Bin Shalih Al Utsaimin

    Buku ini berbicara tentang praktek haji dan umrah menurut Al-Qur'an, Sunnah dan jejak nenek moyang kita, dan beberapa kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh beberapa jamaah ....

  • av R. Sivakumar

    This book is a comprehensive guide to reducing noise and improving the quality of ultrasound images. It covers the latest techniques and provides a step-by-step implementation using MATLAB and DSP. The book includes a thorough explanation of the reduction process and relevant algorithms, making it a valuable resource for engineers, researchers, and medical professionals looking to enhance their understanding and practical application of ultrasound image reduction techniques.

  • av Muhamed B. Salih El Uthejmin

    Shaykh (may Allah have mercy on him) describes his book with the words: "Of the blessings of the Sharia of Allah, the Almighty. it is taking care of justice by giving it a special importance... Justice is giving everyone what they deserve, neither exaggerating it nor diminishing it. We with the help of God we will try to clarify something about the rights, namely the most important obligations that a person has towards others" These rights are as follows:1. Obligations to Allah Almighty.2. Obligations towards the Messenger of God (peace be upon him)3. Obligations towards parents.4. Obligations towards children.5. Obligations to relatives.6. Obligation of spouses towards each other.7. Obligation to the neighbor.8. Obligation towards Muslims - in general.

  • av Muhammed Salih El Uthejmin

    Shpjegimi i bazave të besimit është një libër i dobishëm, i cili bën fjalë për bazat dhe synimet e besimit Islam dhe për shtyllat e fesë Islame, siç janë: besimi në Allahun, në melekët e Tij, në të dërguarit e Tij, në Librat e Tij, në Ditën e Fundit dhe në kaderin (paracaktimin) e Allahut.

  • av Ibrahim B. Nasir En Nasir

    Ky dokument është përgatitur për të sqaruar qëndrimin e sheriatit (legjislacionit) islam rreth çështjes më të përfolur në mesin e muslimanëve; çështjes së gruas, prej së cilës është sprovuar qytetërimi perëndimor, vesa e së cilës ka prekur disa shoqëri islame dhe logjikën e disa prej bijve të saj. Ky dokument përmban sqarimin e çështjes më të rëndësishme rreth gruas, si dhe çështje të tjera që kanë të bëjnë me të në aspektin e themelimit dhe mbrojtjes, gjë të cilën e kërkon natyra e kësaj etape. Ky sqarim është përpjekja e dhjetëra dijetarëve dhe mendimtarëve, në mënyrë që të arrinte në formën e dokumentit dhe përmbledhjes. ... "Jemi përpjekur në këtë dokument përmbledhës që të komentojmë e argumentojmë në mënyrë të shkurtër rreth këtyre pikave: - Pikënisjet bazë. - Bazat e sheriatit rreth të drejtave të gruas dhe detyrave të saj. - Largpamësi komentuese dhe arsyetuese të disa prej këtyre bazave. - Këshilla dhe kërkesa."

  • av Abu Zakareyye An-Nawawy

    Një ndër enciklopeditë më të njohura të Hadithit. Ky libër do të jetë udhërrëfyes për secilin që ndi¬hmohet me të dhe shërbehet në kërkimin dhe veprimin e veprave të mira, si dhe do të jetë ndalesë prej të këqijave dhe katas¬trofave të ndryshme. Me pak fjalë ky libër është një ndër librat pa të cilat nuk duhet të mbetet shtëpia e myslimanit.

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