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  • av Sarwah Creed

    Ich hatte das College abgeschlossen, aber keinen Job und keinerlei Aussichten. Wir mussten wieder in Quarantäne gehen. Mit der neuen Mutation stiegen die Fälle wieder an und die Impfstoffe halfen überhaupt nicht.Konnte es noch schlimmer kommen?Oh ja.Zwei superheiße, sexy SEALs standen auf einmal vor meiner Tür. Mit zwei Seals hatte ich in den letzten Monaten geschrieben, und der dritte ...sagen wir mal, er wollte sich den Spaß nicht entgehen lassen.Welchen Spaß?Mich.Adonis liebt es, mich feucht zu machen.David zieht mich aus und versohlt mir den Hintern, bis ich mich ihm unterwerfe.Chaz bringt mein Innerstes zum Lodern, wenn er nur sein schmutziges Mundwerk loslässt.Das war zu viel auf einmal. Ich hatte nicht erwartet, Adonis oder Chaz zu begegnen, und jetzt standen plötzlich drei Männer vor meiner Tür und forderten mich auf, mich zu entscheiden.Aber warum sollte ich mich für einen entscheiden ... wenn ich doch alle drei haben konnte?Anmerkung der Autorin: Drei Männer für Hazel enthält sehr heftige eindeutige Szenen und manchmal wird einem Mädchen der Hintern versohlt. Wenn Ihnen so etwas gefällt, dann ist dieses Buch das Richtige für Sie!

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Bianca Young und ihr Vater haben versucht, uns zu hintergehen. Sie wollten meine Familie für dumm verkaufen, aber jetzt werden sie herausfinden, was drei Kerle wie wir mit ihrem wunderschönen Körper anstellen können.Sie lief über den Campus, als wäre sie in ihrer eigenen Welt, aber wenn wir mit ihr fertig sind, wird sie um Gnade winseln. Wir werden sie ausziehen und ihr den Hintern versohlen, bis sie ganz feucht ist. Wir werden ihr zeigen, was es heißt, unsere Familie zu bestehlen. Wir werden sie dazu bringen, mit jedem Orgasmus unsere Namen zu schreien, bevor wir mit ihr fertig sind.Niemand legt sich mit der Russo Familie an und kommt ungestraft davon. Niemand.Anmerkung der Autorin: Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Serie Szenen enthält, die nicht für alle Leser geeignet sind. In der Geschichte geht es um eine Frau mit mehreren Männern. Außerdem enthält sie einige dunkle Szenen mit Glücksspiel und Alkohol. Wenn Sie solche Themen mögen, dann ist dieses Buch perfekt für Sie!

  • av Sarwah Creed

    UCLA was supposed to be a new start where I could leave the shadows of my past behind in high school.And then Dane, the captain of the football team, sent me a text.A dirty text.I should have told him I wasn't that type of girl... But I didn't. The temptation was too much, so I played along with his little game.Things got out of hand, and before I knew it, I was dating him and turning my fantasies into reality.However, things with him changed depending on the day.One day he'd touch me, making my heart melt. Then the next day, the same touch would make me so wet that I thought I would create a river. And yet another day, it would send me into overtime.That was when it hit me like a bolt of lightning.Was I really dating one guy, or three?He might have a secret, but it was nothing compared to the one I was holding.And I wasn't willing to share it with anyone.If anyone found out the truth, not only would my secret fantasy be dead in the water, but my life at college would be too.

  • av Arya Karin

    I've been sold to three wolf shifters. After my husband lost big time at the casino, guess what the douche did? He sold me to the local pack as payment for his debt. Three owners, to be specific who look at me like they want to eat me. They are scorching hot, dangerous, and might very well be my undoing.But I guess they can't be all bad... after all, they offered me a deal.Stay with them for 30 days in the casino, and the debt will be paid off. But I'm no fool and know there's a catch. I just need to work out what that is and what exactly they want from me.30 days.I tell myself I can survive this, but it turns out I was right, and there are more secrets than I ever expected. Secrets that might very well keep me here longer than the deal we've made.They insist they will claim me that I will beg them to stay by the end. I laugh because clearly, they don't know me. I have every intention to prove them wrong, and then I'm leaving town and leaving my loser husband behind. I just hope I haven't taken on more than I can chew.

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Alessandra is a naughty personal assistant who breaks into my home when she discovers she's going to lose her job.She deserves a spanking.A very stern one.She thinks I don't know about her plans, she thinks I'm out of town. When I am; she uses my car, apartment, and even my bed.I might have turned a blind eye before, but not anymore.She'll find out what having a grumpy boss means.One thing is for sure-I'm removing all benefits.She's about to find out what it means to have a boss, without the benefits.

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Tired of being the good girl, Amber decides to get down and dirty with Santa's bikers. Happy Christmas to me: my boyfriend was cheating on me. No festive proposal this year, then. I was miles from home, with no flights available, on Christmas Eve.Damn. A sexy biker, Beau, offered me a ride to his house and I jumped on-tired of always doing the right thing. I'd done that, up until now, only to have my heart broken into so many pieces. Beau introduced me to his brothers, Adrian and Austin. The brothers wanted to do more than just a kiss under the mistletoe. I was happy to assist in so many filthy ways. It was as if our fun had ended as quickly as it had begun. I wanted more, but I was scared of admitting it and having my heart broken again...

  • av Sarwah Creed

    The Kings of Hawk Academy in one box-set. An orphan who intended to bring them down to their knees...Everything in my life has been turned upside down.My mom died and I was shipped off to a place that I'd never heard of, Hawk Academy.Mom left instructions that I was to be sent there in her will.I was sad about leaving my friends and the little family that I had left behind.When I arrived, I thought that I had made new friends. I was wrong. They all had bad intentions to bully and torture me, from the moment I set foot inside the door. I was the new girl and even worse the poor lonely orphan.They wanted to make me suffer even more than I'd already done and the twins, James, and Trent Hawk, with their piercing blue eyes, were the ones that ruled the halls.Everything about the place was old from the traditions to the bullies, even the damn money.But I'm the new girl and they can't take the one thing I have left away from me.My pride.I wouldn't let them take that away from me, otherwise, I'd have nothing left, not even my v-card. I knew what I had to do, I had to find out their secrets. After I've done that, then I'll bring them and their f***g traditions tumbling down!

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Three SEALs need a nanny for their twins... and someone to satisfy their hot-as-sin bodies, too.I moved cross-country to be with my ex, and one night I followed him, suspecting he was cheating on me. He ended up going to the strip club, Ranchy High.I had to find a way to get in, so when the bouncer asked if I was the nanny, I lied.I found out that my ex was cheating and stealing from others. Distressed and distraught, I found myself in the Jeep with a driver, with not only one kid, but two. Their driver took me to their penthouse, which was on the other side of town.I soon found out that their dads were hot triplets-Stan, Rick, and Pete.They told me that I did a good job and hired me on the spot. The three hot-as-sin SEALs were triplets, but they're different in every way. Rick, with his seductive and commanding emerald eyes, made me want to surrender to him. Pete was the fun one, the kind who loved to keep entertaining me all night long. Stan was the shy one, the virgin I had to set free from his anxieties.I found a new lease on life, one that I'd never dreamed of having until I moved in. No more did I have a man making all my anxieties go into overtime.My world could turn upside down because everything was going right, but it could go wrong if they found out my secret. The lie in which I'd been holding on to, could be revealed, and I would end up losing a lot more than the new home I've found-I could end up losing my heart, too.

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Quatre frères veulent une femme pour passer du bon temps à Las Vegas.C'est l'occasion parfaite pour moi de perdre ma virginité.Maintenant que ma dernière année d'études est presque terminée, je suis prête à me venger.Trouver son téléphone à la bibliothèque était un coup de chance... ou peut-être que c'était le destin.Les messages sexuels des quatre superbes frères de l'équipe de baseball sont obscènes.Michael, le leader, parle de tout ce qu'il peut faire avec ses mains...Daniel, le sensible, veut toucher chaque partie de mon corps avec sa langue...Tristan promet de faire de même...Adam ne cache pas ses pensées ni ses désirs et mes fenêtres se retrouvent embuées à chaque message coquin que je reçois.Je dois croiser mes jambes pour soulager la tension qui se développe entre elles.Et un plan commence à se former.Ils veulent qu'elle aille à Las Vegas avec eux pour des moments sexy.Mais c'est moi qui vais me pointer.J'ai besoin d'expérimenter les choses qu'ils promettent dans ces textos.Ils ne savent peut-être pas à qui ils parlent.Mais ils sont sur le point de découvrir qui je suis et de m'aider à obtenir la parfaite vengeance.Note de l'auteure: Cette histoire est un harem inversé à part entière avec un mélange d'intimidation, de romance, d'humour et même de suspense. Certaines scènes impliquent des partenaires multiples, alors assurez-vous que non seulement votre Kindle est prêt, mais que vous avez aussi une serviette à portée de main pendant que vous lisez ce récit autonome de type « heureux pour toujours ».

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Et si ma relation idéale sur le campus n'était pas avec un mec, mais avec trois ? 
J'avais un fantasme vraiment torride. La nuit précédant mon départ à la fac, j'ai rêvé que la star de l'équipe de football américain tombait à mes pieds. Le retour à la réalité a été difficile quand j'ai découvert que la vie à l'Université de New York était bien loin de ce que j'avais espéré. Tous les clubs que j'ai intégrés ont tourné au fiasco et ma coloc, loin de se lier d'amitié avec moi, n'était qu'une espèce de brute que je devais éviter. 
Soudain, j'ai reçu un texto.
Non pas un texto ordinaire, mais un texto si érotique qu'il m'a mise dans tous mes états.
J'en avais le cerveau tout retourné.
Alors, j'ai répondu.
Et c'est ainsi qu'une relation par messages interposés a commencé, avec des textos de plus en plus dépravés. Bientôt, je n'avais plus qu'une question en tête... Qui était ce mec ? 
À moins qu'il s'agisse de trois mecs différents ?
En effet, le style changeait selon l'heure de la journée.
Les messages que je recevais le matin étaient si brûlants qu'ils auraient réduit l'acier le plus solide en flaques de métal fondu. 
Les messages de l'après-midi étaient encore meilleurs... quoique différents. 
Et ceux du soir étaient d'une telle sensualité qu'ils m'empêchaient de fermer l'oeil sans avoir glissé les mains entre mes cuisses. 
Je suis devenue accro et j'ai fini par accepter de rencontrer ce Casanova du monde virtuel. Cependant, j'avais une inquiétude. 
Et si c'étaient bel et bien trois mecs ?
>Remarque de l'auteure: 
Triple #sexto est un roman complet, indépendant de toute série, sur le thème du harem inversé avec un mélange de romance, d'humour, de brutalité et même de suspense. Vous y trouverez des scènes d'amour à plusieurs, alors assurez-vous non seulement que votre Kindle soit prête, mais également d'avoir une serviette à proximité, car cette lecture sera torride.

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

    Bianca Young e suo padre hanno tentato di fregarci. Pensavano che la mia famiglia fosse un branco di deficienti, e ora scopriranno cosa faranno tre atleti come noi del suo bellissimo corpo.Andava in giro per il campus come se il mondo le appartenesse, ma l'avremmo portata a implorare pietà fino a che non avessimo finito con lei.L'avremmo spogliata e sculacciata fino a farla diventare bagnata fradicia. Poi l'avremmo messa in riga per aver derubato la mia famiglia.Le avremmo fatto gridare i nostri nomi a ogni orgasmo, prima di smettere.Nessuno crea problemi alla famiglia Russo per poi passarla liscia.>Nota dell'autrice: si tenga in considerazione che il materiale contenuto in questa serie non è adatto a tutti i lettori. È un reverse harem con qualche scena tenebrosa, inclusi gioco d'azzardo e abuso di alcool. Se vi piace leggere materiale di questo genere, allora questo libro è per voi!

  • av Sarwah Creed

    The four hot studs on the baseball team wanted one thing, to have one woman in Vegas and that woman was me. There were a couple of issues...#1 I found a phone in the library, not anyone else's phone but Amanda's. The girl that had tortured me throughout uni.#2 The four hot studs happened to be texting Amanda, not me.>Michael was the leader, the one that talked about all the things that he could do with his hands, and it made me want his hands to own me. Daniel was the sensitive one, the type that wanted to touch every part of my body and not with his hands.Tristan, text the same thing, while Daniel would use one part of his body, Tristan promised to use the other.>It was a fantasy far beyond anything I'd ever imagined, but now that it was in my head, I knew that I'd never forget it.I couldn't resist the urge to let them do all the things that they'd promised in their texts.

  • av Sarwah Creed

    I had my blind date with Luke Winters, or rather LW (Luke Warm) as he was known in the office.He was far from warm when I went on a blind date with him. More like stone-cold mean. Then again, I couldn't blame him. After all, I was homeless. He had two homes, a penthouse and a house. I was soaking wet, and dressed as if I was on to my shift at the local diner. He was formally dressed. I flooded the bathroom of one of the most prestigious restaurants in the city, and at that point, he walked out. Like a stray dog, I followed him, hoping he would give me a lot more than a bone. I didn't expect him to give me an opportunity to work in his office and fifty thousand big ones.I had to work for him and pretend to be his girlfriend. Piece of cake!I took a deep breath. Promised I could do the job and not only did I try to make an impression at work, but I found myself no longer wanting to pretend. I soon realized why they called him LW, because it was far from a piece of cake. More like a walk in the park during a hurricane.Author's Note: Blind Date is a steamy second-chance standalone romantic comedy with just the right amount of sexiness. It is suitable for mature readers who love to read a bit of filth with a twist of comedy.

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

  • av Sarwah Creed

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