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  • av Samuel John

    Unisciti a Sammie nella sua avventura spaziale in solitaria!Sammie si annoiava a morte mentre imparav a conoscere il sistema solare a scuola. Quindi ebbe un'idea sagace e costruì la sua astronave personale per esplorare il sistema solare da solo! Grazie all'aiuto di una stella magica, la sua astronave prende vita e ciò che segue è un'avventura spaziale piena di divertimento e apprendimento.Proprio come Sammie, spiegare concetti come il sistema solare in termini chiari e diretti ai bambini può sembrare un po' noioso e i bambini potrebbero avere difficoltà a seguirli.Ma Sammie Esplora Il Sistema Solare è un libro per bambini educativo e divertente che chiarisce il sistema solare in modo entusiasmante, comprese illustrazioni colorate per chiarire il punto.Questo libro per bambini include:· Una analisi dei pianeti, comprese le curiosità e le caratteristiche di ciascuno· Una breve spiegazione di ciò che è accaduto al famigerato nono pianeta, Plutone· Vivaci illustrazioni su ogni pagina· Linguaggio di facile comprensione per i bambini· E molto altro!E la parte migliore è che utilizza tante immagini viviaci che raffigurano il sistema solare in un modo che il tuo piccolo adorerà!Quindi, che tu sia un educatore, un genitore o un tutor alla ricerca di un libro per bambini per scopi divertenti o educativi, Sammie Esplora Il Sistema Solare fa al caso tuo

  • av Samuel John

    Behold - an easy, child friendly approach to prehistory that will quench their thirst for knowledge!Is your little one really curious about prehistoric stuff and you are searching for an engaging way to relay all the essential information regarding prehistory to them in a language that is suited for their young, curious mind whether for school or general knowledge?If you've answered YES, this children's book has got you covered!When it comes to explaining prehistory to kids, terms like paleolithic and neolithic may not make much sense to them. This is why it is essential to find a relatable, illustrative, and detailed way to explain this concept in simple words that they can easily understand - and this is exactly what prehistory has to offer.If your child has questions such as:What did people eat back then?What did they wear?Where did they live?If there were no houses, how did they stay warm?When did people start writing or planting things?...this book will answer all of their questions and more!More precisely, this book will:Relay the 3 stages of prehistory in an easy-to-understand and colorful way that is ideal for kidsTeach them about major human milestones such as when humans started planting, taming animals, etc.Show them how far we've come as a peopleGive them history lessons in a fun way such that they will have no idea that they are studying!Engage them in some fun storytimeAnd so much more!So whether you are a parent or a teacher looking for a fun read to teach your child about prehistory, this is the book for you.

  • av Hans Christian Andersen

    Journey the sewers and the canal with the brave one-legged tin soldier!The little soldier is the only different one of all 25 soldiers, but he still stands tall. He soon spots a pretty ballerina who seemingly has one leg, too, and the little soldier is stunned by her even though he is warned to leave her alone.After he finds himself sailing at high speed on a paper boat, the little soldier must now do whatever it takes to survive treacherous waters.Luckily, the little soldier is as steadfast as they get!The Steadfast Tin Soldier is an epic children's read following the brave journey of a little soldier who gets lost from his home and is out in the world trying to survive. But unlike the classic Tin Soldier fairy tale, this one reserves the horror and has a happy ending - for the sake of little readers.In this book, storybook children will:Learn the virtue of braveness and confidenceSee why holding on to hope is importantEnjoy a fun read that will keep them on their little toesAnd much more!...All with the help of vivid illustrations that depict the story perfectly.This storybook is perfect for kids of school-going age and can be used as a bedtime story, a learning material, or a fun and educative distraction.

  • av Hans Christian Andersen

    Naviguez à travers les égouts et le canal avec le stoïque soldat de plomb unijambiste !Le petit soldat est le seul des 25 soldats à être différent, mais il garde vive allure. Il ne tarde pas à apercevoir une jolie ballerine qui semble n'avoir qu'une jambe, elle aussi, et le petit soldat en reste bouche bée bien qu'on l'ait averti de la laisser tranquille.Après s'être retrouvé à voguer à grande vitesse sur un bateau en papier, le petit soldat doit désormais faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour survivre aux eaux traîtresses.Par chance, il est aussi stoïque que possible !Le Petit Soldat de Plomb est un conte épique destiné aux enfants, qui retrace le courageux voyage d'un petit soldat perdu loin de sa maison et qui se retrouve en pleine nature pour tenter de survivre. Contrairement aux contes de fées classiques sur le petit soldat de plomb, celui-ci fait l'impasse sur l'horreur et se termine sur une bonne note, pour le plus grand bien des petits lecteurs.Dans ce livre pour enfants, ils apprendront :Les vertus de la bravoure et de la confiancePourquoi il est important de garder espoirÀ lire une histoire amusante qui les tiendra en haleine.Et bien d'autres choses encore !...Le tout grâce à des illustrations vivantes qui représentent parfaitement l'histoire.Ce livre est idéal pour les enfants en âge d'aller à l'école et peut être utilisé comme histoire pour s'endormir, comme support d'apprentissage ou comme distraction amusante et éducative.

  • av Hans Christian Andersen

    El Soldadito de Plomo, de Hans Christian Andersen--------------------------------------------------------------------------¡Descubre la aventura del valiente Soldadito de Plomo!A pesar de ser diferente a sus 24 hermanos, el pequeño soldadito siempre se mantiene firme. Pronto conoce a una hermosa bailarina que aparentemente también tiene una pierna, y queda totalmente enamorado de ella.Más tarde, alejado de su hogar, el pequeño soladado tendrá que tener el valor necesario para sobrevivir en un mundo lleno de peligros.¡Afortunadamente, el pequeño soldado siempre se mantendrá firme!El Soldadito de Plomo es una lectura épica para niños, que cuenta el valiente viaje de un pequeño soldadito de plomo que se pierde de su hogar y se encunetra solo en el mundo tratando de sobrevivir. Pero a diferencia del clásico cuento de hadas original, este se ahorra el horror y tiene un final más feliz, por el bien de los pequeños lectores. ¡Ningún pequeñín quiere ver como el protagonista de su historia es quemado vivo en la hoguera!Con este libro, los niños...Aprenden la virtud de la valentía y la confianzaComprenden por qué aferrarse a la esperanza es importanteDisfrutan de una lectura divertida que los mantiene entretenidosY mucho más...Todo con la ayuda de coloridas y divertidas ilustraciones que representan la historia a la perfección.Este libro de cuentos es perfecto para niños en edad escolar y se puede usar como cuento para dormir, material de aprendizaje o una distracción divertida y educativa.

  • av Samuel John

    ¡Acompaña a Sammie en su trepidante aventura espacial!Sammie se aburría aprendiendo sobre el sistema solar en la escuela. ¡Así que tuvo una idea ingeniosa para crear su propia nave espacial y explorar el sistema solar por su cuenta! Con la ayuda de una estrella mágica, su nave espacial cobrará vida y dará paso a una aventura espacial llena de diversión y aprendizaje.Al igual que a Sammie, explicarles a los niños conceptos como el sistema solar puede sonarles un poco aburrido y es posible que les resulte difícil prestar atención.Pero Sammie Explora el Sistema Solar es un libro educativo y divertido para niños que trata el sistema solar de una manera emocionante, acompañando las explicaciones con coloridas ilustraciones.Este libro para niños incluye:Un desglose de los planetas, incluidos datos divertidos y características de cada unoUna breve explicación de lo que le sucedió al noveno planeta, PlutónColoridas ilustraciones en cada páginaLenguaje fácil de entender para los niños¡Y mucho más!¡Y lo mejor es que utiliza imágenes que representan el sistema solar de una manera que a su pequeño le encantará!Entonces, si usted es un profesor, padre o tutor que busca un libro para niños, ya sea con fines divertidos o educativos, ¡Sammie Explora el Sistema Solar es exactamente lo que necesita!

  • av Samuel John
    185 - 289,-

  • av Samuel John

    Sehet - ein einfacher und kindgerechter Zugang zur Vorgeschichte, der den Wissensdurst der Kinder und Jugendlichen stillen wird! Dein Kind interessiert sich für prähistorische Dinge und du suchst nach einer attraktiven Methode, ihm/ihr alle wichtigen Informationen über die Urgeschichte in einer Sprache zu vermitteln, die den jungen Geist anregt, sei es für die Schule oder für das Allgemeinwissen?Dann ist dieses Kinderbuch genau das Richtige für dich!Begriffe wie Paläolithikum und Neolithikum machen für Kinder, wenn man ihnen die Vorgeschichte erklären will, nicht viel Sinn. Darum muss man einen anschaulichen und detaillierten Weg zur Erklärung dieser Begriffe finden, mit einfachen Worten, die sie leicht verstehen können - ein Fall für die UrgeschichteWenn dein Kind Fragen hat wie:Was aßen die Menschen damals?Was haben sie angezogen?Wo wohnten sie?Wie hielten sie sich warm, wenn es keine Häuser gab?Wann haben die Menschen angefangen zu schreiben, oder wann haben sie angefangen zu pflanzen?Haben wir schon immer Hunde gehabt oder waren es einst Wildtiere wie der Löwe?... dieses Buch beantwortet all diese Fragen und noch viele mehr! Genauer gesagt, wird dieses Buch:die 3 Phasen der Urgeschichte auf eine leicht verständliche und farbenfrohe Art und Weise vermitteln - absolut kindgerecht.die wichtigsten Meilensteine der Menschheit, z.B. wann die Menschen begannen, Pflanzen anzubauen und Tiere zu zähmen erläutern.Ihnen zeigen, wie weit wir als Menschen gekommen sind.ihnen Geschichte auf unterhaltsame und clevere Weise, beibringen!sie in eine lustige Geschichtenstunde verwickeln!Und noch viel mehr!¿Ob du als Elternteil oder Lehrer/in eine unterhaltsame Lektüre suchst, um deinem Kind etwas über die Vorgeschichte beizubringen, dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für dich.

  • av Samuel C. A.

    ¡Sana a tu niño interior y evita los pensamientos negativos con esta guía paso a paso! ¡Logra la vida feliz que siempre has querido!¿Sientes que tu vida es un ciclo interminable de pensamientos y emociones negativas?¿Te cuesta amarte incondicionalmente?¿Quieres ver por fin el lado positivo de las cosas y vivir una vida feliz?Mucha gente lucha con estas cosas. Es fácil atascarse en pensamientos negativos y, antes de que te des cuenta, todo tu día está arruinado.Es totalmente normal tener pensamientos negativos de vez en cuando, pero si te impiden vivir una vida plena, definitivamente es hora de hacer algo al respecto.¡Sigue el camino hacia la felicidad y el amor propio con este libro que te mostrará cómo hacerlo!Puedes cambiar el enfoque hacia tus problemas y empezar a ser feliz con tu vida. Todo lo que se necesita es un poco de pensamiento positivo y un poco de práctica.Con este libro:· Descubrirás los secretos para sanar a tu niño interior· Silenciarás y encerrarás los pensamientos negativos· ¡Comprenderás los secretos para encontrar la felicidad · Resolverás con facilidad cualquier problema al que te enfrentes· Descubrirás tu verdadero propósito en la vida· Traerás luz a tu vida y te alejarás de la oscuridad· ¡Y mucho más! Con estrategias efectivas para sanar a tu niño interior, cambiar tu perspectiva y crear tu propio espacio seguro. Nunca más tendrás que ser víctima de tu propia mente.Encontrar la felicidad ya no tiene que ser tan difícil.

  • av Samuel John

    Human Body Systems for Kids-------------------------------------------Is your child curious about the human body and you wish you could help them learn even the more by increasing their understanding of the human body (both internal and external organs and organ systems) so they understand how the body works in a language that is appropriate for them without confusing them?And are you looking for a book that will help you achieve just that that's carefully crafted with children in mind - to hold their attention and keep them engaged so you don't have to keep reminding them to use the book?If you have answered YES,Let this book help your children explore and understand how their body systems work!If you at times feel you have a little doctor in your house owing to your child's fascination with everything that relates to the anatomy of the human body and other animals, it makes sense that you wish to support them in their quest to absorbing all the information they can absorb.But I know you might be wondering...How exactly is the book child friendly?Simple; it uses colorful cartoon-like images of the different parts of the body and organ systems coupled with having easy to remember explanations and labels that will make your little one absorb all the information they are learningHow does the book keep children interested?The many colorful images make this a perfect book for the curious young learner!What do I expect from the book?A child who has an above-average knowledge of the human anatomy and that is genuinely interested in learning more about the human body!Can children understand what is in the book on their own?Yes, if they know how to read, they can certainly use the book. And even if they don't, you can always guide them. They will soon be able to tell the parts even if they can't read!What are the benefits of educating children on body systems?They understand better what makes them able to perform different functions and appreciate the need to keep these parts healthy. And when you tell them about a sickness of a certain body part, they can make better sense of that information!More specifically you will find:Interesting fun facts about our body parts and how they workFull body breakdown-simplified human anatomy for kids to understandDetailed visual guides such as colored pictures, and labeled diagrams to keep children interested while teaching them various body parts and their functionsSimple, clear explanations accompanying the various body parts that explain themLots of play-oriented activities such as cross words and fill in activities to keep children interested as they learnAnd much more!¿Even if you have never taught your children about their body anatomy before, don't worry because this book will do the heavy lifting for you!

  • av Samuel C. A.
    175 - 269,-

  • av Samuel John

    Il Mondo dei Dinosauri Spiegato ai BambiniScopri gli animali preistorici vissuti durante i periodi Triassico, Giurassico e Cretaceo--------------------------Il tuo piccolo è ossessionato dai dinosauri e cerchi un libro che gli insegni tutto quello che c'è su queste magnifiche creature che hanno camminavano terra milioni di anni fa?Se hai risposto SI,Questo libro sui dinosauri per bambini ti aiuterà a espandere la comprensione dei dinosauri da parte di tuo figlio in una lingua e uno stile che adorerà!I bambini sono gli studenti più curiosi e dato che sono alla ricerca di tutto ciò che possono sul mondo, conoscere i dinosauri può davvero ampliare le loro prospettive sulle infinite possibilità del mondo.Il Mondo dei Dinosauri Spiegato ai Bambini è un libro divertente e ricco di fatti sui dinosauri che copre ogni singolo dettaglio, grande e piccolo, sui dinosauri in un modo adatto ai bambini che cattura la vera essenza dei dinosauri.Quindi, se tuo figlio ha domande come:Quando sono esistiti i dinosauri?Quali sono i diversi tipi di dinosauri?I dinosauri volavano?Cosa mangiavano i dinosauri?Dove sono finiti i dinosauri - come mai non esistono più?Questo libro risponderà a tutte le domande del tuo piccolo utilizzando uno stile perfettamente adatto ai bambini: un linguaggio semplice e tante immagini colorate!In questo libro educativo per bambini, tuo figlio scoprirà:Fatti importanti sull'esistenza dei dinosauriCome è nata l'esistenza dei dinosauri e chi ha contribuito alla loro scopertaLe abitudini alimentari dei dinosauri, compresi quelli che erano carnivori, erbivori o onnivoriInteressanti teorie sull'estinzione dei dinosauriUno sguardo approfondito alle caratteristiche e alle particolarità di ciascun dinosauro, da ciò che mangiavano, alla loro altezza e peso, fino alla velocità e al significato del loro nome,E altro ancora!¿Non importa se il tuo piccolo ama i dinosauri o non conosce neppure la loro esistenza; in ogni caso, questo libro incuriosirà tuo figlio accompagnandolo attraverso l'affascinante mondo dei dinosauri!

  • av Samuel John

    The Solar System For KidsIs your child struggling to grasp the solar system and differentiating the planets, and you are looking for a book that will help them do this in a fun, simple, child-friendly way?Are you simply looking for a fun, colorful, and easier way to help a child learn about the solar system in all of its glory?If this is YOU,You've Just Discovered The Best Solar System Guide For Kids That Incorporates Fun, Easy, Effective Memorable Facts About Planets That Will Help Your Child Easily Differentiate All The Planets And The Moon!If you give your child a long read that includes plain text about planets, then you, or rather them, are bound to fail. Children are visual, and it is easier for them to learn and understand something with the right visual aid. But sometimes, it can be hard to find the right balance between the visual aids and just enough text to make sure that you get your point through while keeping it simple.This book understands this as it includes page after page of visual representations of the planets with sufficient explanations of the same.So now you might be wondering...Is this book meant for a specific age-group?Not really! You can use it if your child is just starting to learn about the solar system or if they've already learned about it and want to master it.What makes this book different?This book includes a unique, 'solar-systemish' interface that gives it the perfect vibe to learn the solar system, and its images and descriptions are easy to understand and spot on!More specifically, this book features:Visual representations of all the planets and the moon, including a brief explanation of each one of themThe book has a whole solar-system vibe, including random surprise images of rockets, aliens, and anything else you can find up thereEach page is unique and exciting, and the pages are made with strong and durable material that will keep the book looking polished alwaysAnd so much more!Indeed you've found the perfect child-friendly guide for the solar system to get your science-loving child even more intrigued about the world out there! Even if your child has never really been so much into the science stuff, they will love this book!

  • av Samuel John
    245 - 295,-

  • av Samuel John

    Do you wish to expand your child's knowledge of the modern and ancient world and are considering Egypt because of its rich history - from the pyramids to mummies and everything in between?And are you looking for a colorful book that is specially designed for the curious mind to make the whole learning process fun and enjoyable for your little one?If you've answered YES,Let this book serve as the perfect introduction to ancient Egypt for your kids in a way that he/she will probably want to visit Egypt!Ancient Egypt was a marvel, and it's no wonder that so many movies and cartoons have been produced about the country's history.But if you desire your child to learn and retain information about ancient Egypt, a fun kids' book is the way to go since reading promotes not only comprehension but also boosts your child's imagination.I know you might be wondering...Is this book meant for a specific age group?Not really! As long as your child can read, this book is perfect for them.Just how simple is the language used?The language used is 100% child-friendly, and your child can read and follow through on their own.Mummies can get pretty scary. Just how friendly are the images?Don't worry; there is nothing scary about the wide-eyes, smiling mummies in this book! We understand that the goal here is to help your child understand the concept and not scare them with graphic pictures.More precisely, this book features:All the important facts about the rich history of ancient Egypt written in a simple to understand languageFun, colorful accompanying pictures that will help drive the point home and give your child a visual idea of what they will learn while readingEach page comes in a unique theme and contains unique images, all ancient Egypt relatedThe book comes in a story-book vibe so that your child can enjoy reading it without feeling like they are reading a history bookThe book also comes in strong and durable paper and cover for durabilityAnd so much more!¿Indeed if you've been looking for the perfect book for kids to learn about ancient Egypt, then you've finally found it! Even if your child is not really into history, this book will pique their interest in history and hold it so they can constantly want to read more about the ancient world!

  • av Samuel John

    Is your son/daughter always curious about volcanoes and other related earth movements and you wish to help him/her learn more in a fun and exciting child-friendly way that will make them grasp all the important stuff about volcanoes?And are you looking for a guide that will make the whole learning experience memorable and exciting - in a way that ensures they want to keep learning?If you've answered YES,Let this book help your son/daughter understand volcanoes seamlessly, like the back of their hand!Volcanoes can be a bit boring to understand when you read about them from boring text. That's why most people struggle to remember the different terms used to describe different components of volcanic activity.This book seeks to ensure your child doesn't struggle to understand volcanoes, with page after page of perfect illustrations depicting everything you need to know about volcanoes.I know you might be wondering...Is this book made for a specific age group?Not really! If your child loves volcanoes or wants to learn about them at any age, this book is for them.Stuff to do with magma and molten rocks can be hard to understand. Just how kid-friendly is the book?Don't worry; there's no complex stuff here. We keep it light and the book only includes the essential, basic facts about volcanoes. You can also learn a thing or two from the book!Indeed, this is a perfect child/beginner friendly book about volcanoes that will leave them feeling confident about their knowledge of volcanoes without having to understand complex concepts!More precisely, this book features:Basic facts about volcanoes and accompanying illustrationsThe whole book is written in an easy to understand and engaging toneThe book is colorful and each page has a unique illustration that further explains volcanoesThe book starts from the basics and works its way to the more complicated stuff (not too complicated, I promise)And so much more!So even if your child really struggles to understand volcanoes or they actually don't even know they exist, by the end of this book, they will be able to tell you what volcanoes are and how exactly they work!No, really, make sure you ask them after they are done and watch the magic unfold!

  • av Samuel John

    I Want to Be a Police Officer: Children's book to learn about the functions and duties of the policeDo you want to help your little one understand more about the men and women in uniform, what they do, and their importance to society?If you've answered YES,This book will help your little one understand the police and their role in a way that they never did before!Most kids at some point want to become police officers. I mean - law enforcement seems like the coolest job in the world at their age, which explains why they play all manner of games pretending to be police officers.But the truth is that kids don't fully grasp the role of police officers unless you guide them. And that's exactly what this book seeks to offer - the guidance your child needs to understand the police and their roles in our society.So if your child asks questions such as:What exactly do police officers do?Where do the police take bad guys when they arrest them?Why do the police carry around "walkie-talkies"?Hat about the stick thingie they hang around their waists?...this book will answer all those questions in a simple and colorful way that your child will understand.In I Want To Be A Police Officer, your little one will learn:What the profession of being a police officer entailsThe importance and role of police officers in societyA quick sneak peek into the process of apprehending and jailing bad guys, including filing reportsWhy they should treat the police with respectThe 5 essential tools of police officers and their usesAnd much more!All of this is depicted in fun, vivid, and child-friendly illustrations that will grab the attention of your little reader. So whether your child has shown interest in law enforcement, and you want to give a little insight into what this profession entails or you are simply looking to help them understand our society better, your little one will find this book very helpful!

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