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  • - Inside the Rainbow volumes 1 to 3
    av Pieter Kwant

    Having immersed himself in reading every commentary he can find on Revelation, and picking up his teenage hobby of painting, Pieter Kwant reverses the process whereby John first "saw" Revelation before writing it down, here moving from (biblical) text to image. In this, Pieter takes his stand on the shoulders of both giant biblical commentators and visual artists over the centuries as he engages Revelation in a personal way. His hope, and the challenge he set himself, is that readers may be emboldened not to shrink from looking deeply into this concluding book of the Bible - reading and seeing, hearing by doing it!This volume in the 'Inside the Rainbow series' combines the first 3 volumes published in this series, it includes Revelation 1-11.

  • - 2-11: Trumpets, Scroll and Witness
    av Pieter Kwant

    Having immersed himself over many years in reading every commentary he can find on Revelation, and picking up his teenage hobby of painting, Pieter Kwant reverses the process whereby John first "saw"Revelation before writing it down, here moving from (biblical) text to image.In Volume 3, Pieter continues to take his stand on the shoulders of both giant biblical commentators and visual artists over the centuries as he engages Revelation in a personal way. His hope, and the challengehe set himself, is that readers may be emboldened not to shrink from looking deeply into this concluding book of the Bible - reading and seeing, and hearing (by doing) it.

  • av Paul Hattaway

    The southern most Chinese province of Hainan was nicknamed "the gateway to hell". God has transformed the island with a powerful revival that began in the 1990s, sweeping hundreds of thousands of people into the kingdom of God.

  • av Paul Hattaway


    Rookmaaker's analysis of modern art offers an insightful perspective on the cultural turmoil of the past century and its subsequent impact on today's world. Modern Art and the Death of a Culture; Art and the Public Today.

  • - A summary of his teaching
    av Ted Schroder

    This summary of the teaching of John Stott flows from the author''s own life and ministry. Heavily influenced by Stott, "it is with deep thankfulness for what I received ... that I set out to compile my understanding of his teaching in this way, hoping to make it accessible for the benefit of others who labor in congregational ministry." Current in-print Stott books, and where they can be accessed, are listed in the Chronological Bibliography.

  • - A Life for China
    av Carol Purves

  • av Simon P Walker

  • av John Goldingay

  • - Where potato wedges and a beer are a eucharistic experience

  • av Hattaway Paul

    In The China Chronicles, Paul Hattaway draws on more than 30 years'' experience in China and numerous interviews with church leaders to provide insight into how the Living God brought about the largest revival in the history of Christianity. With more than 18 million believers - the largest number in any province in China - Henan has emerged as the Christian heart and soul of the world''s most populated country. In this book, the fifth in the series, Hattaway records the many attempts to reach the people of Henan with the gospel.

  • av Elizabeth Kwant

    Am I not a woman and a sister is a new artist''s film produced in collaboration with female survivors of modern day slavery in partnership with national charity City Hearts and the International Slavery Museum Liverpool, supported by a National Lottery Project Grant through Arts Council England. The project began with Kwant researching in the archives of the Merseyside Maritime Museum Library, and the collections of the International Slavery Museum. Initial research was followed by a series of collaborative workshops led by British- Barbadian choreographer Magdalen Bartlett Luambia, giving women the tools to create their own performances. The outcome - a moving image installation co-produced with female survivors of modern day slavery, was first exhibited at the International Slavery Museum in 2019. 


    Why is the publication of these writings so important? What doesRookmaaker''s legacy have to offer us in the new millennium?First, his books and essays stand as a monument to the importance ofrigorous Christian art-historical scholarship. For many years Professor ofArt History at the Free University of Amsterdam, Rookmaaker was afastidious scholar. Today, when a postmodern fascination with all things''aesthetic'' and ''spiritual'' can easily engender scholarly carelessness andan ignorance of specific artworks, Roomaaker reminds us that Christiancommitment must never be used to avoid the kind of precise,intellectual engagement which is so evident in his written words, apainstaking attentiveness to the details of particular pieces of art, and tothe particularities of society and culture in which they are embedded.Second, we are reminded of the importance of breadth as well as depth.Rookmaaker''s interests ranged far beyond the visual arts. He had afascinated interest, for instance, in music (especially the spiritualsand jazz), and in broader cultural concerns (youth culture, scientificdiscovery, and much more). In an age of increasing specialization andblinkered vision, Rookmaaker shows us that it is quite possible to be aspecialist and to be alert to the links between these specialisms andmuch wider issues. Third, Rookmaaker sets the arts in the midst of a richand full-blooded Christian world view. For him it was not good enoughto claim that the arts are important for the Christian, and then justifythis with a few verses carelessly plucked from Scripture. We need todemonstrate carefully what place the arts have in the grand and sweepingpurposes of God for history, and it was to Rookmaaker''s immensecredit that for thousands he made this breathtakingly clear. In a climatewhen the contribution of a distinctively Christian perspective on the artsis so often ruthlessly marginalized, often to the point of extinction,Rookmaaker''s voice is one we sorely need to hear. Fourth, nourished bythe Dutch Neo-Calvinist philosophy of Dooyeweerd and his followers,Rookmaaker provides a vision of the arts that does justice both to theirirreducible integrity and to their interrelatedness with other aspects ofGod''s world. Western post modernity relishes in the ''aestheticization'' ofculture, sometimes to the point that the aesthetic threatens to swallowup everything else in a wash of images. In his own day Rookmaakersaw that a proper refusal to isolate or downplay the arts must not becountered by a Neo-Romantic exaltation of the aesthetic. He knew therewas another much more fruitful option, implicit in the Christian faith.We need to find it and celebrate it more than ever today.It is a wonderful thought that this man''s rare wisdom, which soradically changed the lives of those who knew him, can now find its wayto a wider audience in the pages that follow. Rookmaaker''s is a timelywisdom, and it will inspire thousands for decades to come.

  • - proverbs and sayings for an everyday spirituality
    av Charles Ringma

    The proverb, "chase two horses and you will catch neither," suggeststhat we have to focus on an important matter at hand and thatwe can't do everything at once. This proverb and the others in thisreflective reader, drawn from many cultures, weave a colourfulwisdom from the past that can inform present-day thinkingand action.Brought up on proverbs in a Dutch familial home, the authorhas selected proverbs that evoke humour, philosophical insightsand ethical challenges for living with joy, generosity and justice.Here is a wisdom that can shape a spirituality for daily life thatpromotes human flourishing.

  • - Science and the Work of the Holy Spirit
    av Middleton

  • - A Theology of Assurance of Salvation
    av Eaton & Michael Eaton
    299 - 465,-

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