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Böcker utgivna av Palgrave MacMillan

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  • av Paul Midford
    1 759

    As technological development and diffusion have greatly increased the resources states can recover from maritime space, the stakes of these conflicts have grown. Nowhere is this clearer than in East Asia. This book examines how technological change and diffusion impact East Asian maritime conflicts, and approaches for conflict management and resolution.

  • - A View from the Stock Exchange
    av Mariusz Lukasiewicz
    1 599,-

    This book provides a unique account of the financial and political history of the South African War by analysing the organisation and operations of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), the oldest existing stock exchange in the African continent. Identifying the JSE as the nexus between international finance, South African gold mining and British imperialism, the book exposes the financial and political connections between Johannesburg, Pretoria, London, and Paris during the final stage of the imperial 'scramble for southern Africa.' Gold mining presented the South African Republic (ZAR) and the whole southern African regional economy with a long-term economic future and new prospects of industrialisation. However, this socio-economic transformation was dependent on extensive capital investments and the institutionalisation of a coercive labour regime based on racial discrimination. This monograph provides the first empirical examination of how international finance, imperial politics, and racialised industrial relations became entrenched in a key financial intermediary in colonial South Africa - first in Kimberley in the Cape Colony, and then in Johannesburg in the ZAR. By studying the Johannesburg capital market's social microstructures, the author demonstrates how colonial and international financial intermediaries underwrote and financed the largest wave of mining investments in Africa prior to the First World War. Filling an important gap in literature on nineteenth-century British imperialism and Anglo-African-Afrikaner relations, this insightful book uses the JSE as a lens to carefully expose the structures and agency of global finance in the outbreak of the South African War, and the making of South Africa as a unified colonial state.

  • av Vander Tavares
    2 065,-

    ​This book presents conceptual and empirical studies on how pedagogies of multiliteracies can empower language learners, teachers, and teacher educators in an increasingly globalized yet unequal world, with a focus on social justice in language education. The chapters offer critical and innovative pedagogical insights that contribute to re-envisioning language and literacy education in the 21st century in a number of educational contexts, including post-secondary, community, refugee, science, language, and teacher education. From a raciolinguistic critique of monoglossic education in the United States to drama-based pedagogies for refugee learners in Iceland, this book contextualizes language learner empowerment by identifying and confronting ideologies of race, gender, nationality, and language. Creative multimodal and multisensorial pedagogies are enacted through learner-designed plurilingual portfolios, infographics, picturebooks, identity texts, performance, andmuseum-based learning. This book diversifies and enriches current approaches to language education based on pedagogies of multiliteracies that cultivate learner agency, identity, and critical reflection, and it will be of interest to readers with backgrounds in second/foreign language education, TESOL/ESL, sociology of education, and applied linguistics.

  • - A Comparative Study in Lying
    av Henk de Berg

    This book compares Trump and Hitler as political performance artists. It explores their populist self-staging and rhetorical strategies and explains how they connected with their respective audiences. It also analyses the two men's character, work ethic, and management style. In addition, the book addresses seemingly peripheral issues like the reasons behind Hitler's toothbrush moustache and Trump's hairstyle. By demystifying Hitler and Trump, the author throws new light on both of them.

  • - Combining Text and Images
    av Arnaud Schmitt
    2 065,-

    This book offers new perspectives on text/image hybridity in the context of life writing. Each chapter explores the very topical issue of how writers and artists combine two media in order to enhance the autobiographical narrative and experience of the reader. It questions the position of images in relation to text, both on the page and in terms of the power balance between media. It also shows how hybridity operates beyond a semantic and cultural balance of power, as the combination of text and images are able to produce content that would not have been possible separately. Including a range of life writing and different visual media, from paintings and photography to graphic memoirs and social media, this edited collection investigates the point at which an image, whether fixed or moving, enters the autobiographical act and confronts the verbal form.

  • av Subha Mukherji
    1 915,-

    This book explores interconnections between the modes of knowing that we now associate with the rubrics 'literature' and 'science' at a formative point in their early development. Rather than simply tracing lines of influence, it focuses on how both literary texts and natural philosophy engage with materiality, language, affect, and form. Some essays are invested in how early modern science adopts and actively experiments with rhetorical and poetic modes and expression, while others emphasize a shared investment in natural philosophical topics--alchemy, chance, or astrology for example--that move among the period's observational texts and its literature, highlighting the participation of literary texts in the production of experimental knowledge. Organised around the broad themes of creation and transformation, mediation and communication, and interpretation and imaginative speculation, the essays collectively probe the presumed dichotomy between science's schematizing and taxonomic ambitions, and the fertile and volatile creative energies of literary texts.

  • - Student Perspectives on Inclusive School Cultures
    av Nigel Newton
    1 759

    This book provides a unique critical perspective on the importance of values to school culture. Drawing on research in Quaker schools in England, and the perspectives of students, it challenges the idea that school evaluation should be primarily based on measurable outcomes and argues that values matter more to learning than is often acknowledged. Furthermore, the book provides important insights on how to research schools that claim to hold similar values, from multi-academy chains to other so-called faith schools. Throughout the text, the author underscores the importance of values to students' dispositions, in order to engage with the learning opportunities their schools provide. He argues for seeing schools as places where equality, inclusiveness and mutual respect should be central, not only to help students understand our fragile, multicultural democracy, but also because these values open up the possibility of learners' increased engagement with curriculum knowledge.

  • - Development of New Testament-Based Culture and Climate Scales
    av Debra J Dean
    1 765,-

    This volume introduces scales for measuring organizational spirituality culture and climate. Based on interviews with employees, the chapters present empirical studies confirming the scales' validity and reliability, rooted in principles aligned with Biblical concepts of love. The authors conduct concurrent and discriminant validity studies, comparing these scales with measures of servant leadership, person-supervisor fit, altruistic love, inner life, vision, person-organization fit, affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment, and work-state anxiety in contemporary organizations. This book offers researchers with two reliable instruments to assess New Testament-based organizational spirituality culture and climate, contributing new insights to the field of organizational spirituality literature and aiding in diagnosing organizational spirituality-related issues.

  • av Säde Hormio
    1 285,-

    This book proposes that it is not only states and international bodies that have a responsibility to take action toward mitigating climate change. Other collective agents, such as corporations, need to also come onboard. Additionally, the book argues that climate change is not solely a problem for collective agents, but also for individuals, as they are members of collectives and groups of several kinds. Therefore, framing climate change responsibility exclusively from either the collective or the individual perspective leaves out something crucial: how we all are influenced by the collectives we belong to and how, in turn, collectives are influenced by individuals. The focus of the book is on areas of climate change responsibility that are often left out of the picture or get too little attention in climate ethics, such as carbon inequality within countries. But why should any theoretical arguments about normative issues matter when we have a real-life climate crisis on our hands? Säde Hormio argues that ethical arguments have an important role in setting climate policy: they can highlight what values are at stake and help ground normative arguments in public deliberations.

  • - The World of Women-Centric Islam
    av Abbas Panakkal
    1 405

    Around the world, Islamic cultures have developed distinctive matrilineal, matrifocal, matrilocal, or matriarchal natures as a result of how they have been practised by integrated and indigenised Muslim communities. In matrilineal descent systems, in contrast to the more common mosaic of patrilineal patterns, children belong to the mother's ancestry group. Matrilineal Muslims therefore follow a social system in which people are identified with their mother's lineage, and the inheritance of property as well as succession are transferred through the matriline. This volume focuses on matrilineal, matrifocal and matriarchal Muslims and their unique folk natures, integrated social structures, adopted legal systems, and so on. It provides a unique perspective for understanding global Muslim communities that have succeeded in integrating the matrilineal tenets of local practices with religion, adhering to essential Islamic values in a way that makes traditional women-centred cultures acceptable to mainstream Islam.

  • - From Smith to Keynes and Schmitt
    av Andrea Carrera
    1 405

    This book demonstrates the relevance of the historical perspective with respect to national and international payment systems. Its analysis of national and international payments develops along a dialectical path that starts with the work of the Classics (thesis), undergoes a radical turn with the advent of the neoclassical school (antithesis), and reaches the modern theory of emissions passing through Keynes's contribution (synthesis). That the history of economic thought occupies a legitimate place in the field of historical studies is beyond dispute. What may be less well understood is that it can serve purposes beyond those of the academic community of historians.This book critically investigates the contributions of the greatest economists of the past to provide insights into the pathologies of today's systems of national and international payments and into the reforms that are needed to correct them. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in economicpolicy and the history of economic thought.

  • - Challenging Differential Academic Attainment in UK Universities
    av Alexander Hensby
    1 859

    This book examines the structural and cultural factors that explain the persistence of an attainment gap between white and Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students in UK universities. So-called 'deficit' approaches have long represented the orthodoxy in higher education strategy-making, yet they overlook the structural and institutional factors that reproduce attainment gaps. Whereas students already in possession of the right 'academic capital' are made to feel validated and empowered in their learning, BAME students - particularly those from working class backgrounds - may feel marginalised by dominant hierarchical cultures on campus.This book provides an important and unique contribution to the study of racial equity in higher education. Its chapters provide a breadth and depth of analyses which help explain the roots of the attainment gap, while offering reflections and commentaries on the necessary steps that universities must take in order to ensure equityfor students from all backgrounds.

  • - Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Tackling Climate Change
    av Thomas Walker
    2 059,-

    ​The push for sustainability in the oil and gas sector has taken center stage in both climate action debates and mitigation/adaptation efforts in recent decades. As the global mission for sustainable energy increasingly moves away from oil and gas as primary resources, the study of sustainability in the industry is often posited as counterintuitive. However, it is imperative to unearth methods to integrate sustainability efforts in the oil and gas industry, as it will likely retain its prominence in the foreseeable future. This book ignites academic discussion regarding ongoing and necessary mitigation and adaptation strategies in the oil and gas industry that will help address the ongoing climate crisis.The chapters featured in this collection pose several important queries regarding current sustainability efforts in the oil and gas industry and propose avenues for improvement. In particular, they focus on carbon emissions in exploration and production, land use patterns andbiodiversity, and ethics in the oil and gas industry. Working against the background of the UN Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals, this book will be of great interest to academics and students of sustainability strategies, energy, innovation, and business ethics, as well as policymakers and practitioners tasked with analyzing these areas.

  • - Through the Lens of the Somali Conflict
    av Mohamed Farah Hersi
    1 405

    This book offers an insightful and comprehensive exploration of the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and its endeavours to foster economic and security regionalism in the dynamic landscape of the Horn of Africa. Established in 1986 as a drought-focused inter-governmental organization, IGAD has transformed into a sub-regional institution with an ambitious vision of promoting regional integration. However, amidst optimism, it grapples with historical, strategic, and geographical complexities that impede progress towards a more unified Horn of Africa. Adopting a political economy approach, the book critically dissects IGAD's role in shaping the zone's security and development. Employing multidisciplinary case studies, it unveils the reality of IGAD's efforts, providing a comprehensive understanding of its strengths and limitations. The book further applies neorealist and regional security complex theories, delving into the roles of states and non-actors, meticulously assessing IGAD's security agenda with Somalia as a focal point. This thought-provoking analysis brings to light the challenges and opportunities for sustainable regional integration. Beyond its academic significance, this book serves as a practical resource, offering sustainable policy templates to bolster regionalism and quell armed insurrections and inter-state conflicts within the Horn. Furthermore, it interrogates the geopolitics of the region, scrutinizing the involvement of foreign powers like the US and China, alongside regional giants like Ethiopia, in IGAD's security and economic aspirations. For researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders devoted to the Horn of Africa's development and reconstruction, this book proves to be an invaluable asset. It fills a significant void in existing literature, providing vital insights into African political development, peace, security, and security sector reforms.

  • - Orchestrating the Enterprise Ecosystem
    av Albert Plugge
    1 525,-

    The concept of Global Business Services (GBS) is well recognised and researched by both scholars and practitioners. However, the complexity of applying GBS has been the subject of various critiques due to its effect on firms' business processes, service portfolio and provisioning of in-house as well as outsourced services. Although GBS results have been much criticised, this book argues that the rise of digitalisation reopens the question of implementing GBS successfully. The findings of this novel research, which is based on a multi-method approach, provide insights in relevant GBS factors and how these factors affect a GBS implementation strategy. Further analysis show how digitalisation, including platforms and AI, enable GBS organisations to decrease implementation issues. Research outcomes illustrate that firms which apply an enterprise ecosystem approach are better able to exchange GBS information. The willingness and ability of firms to intensify the collaboration at managerial and subject matter level will help to overcome GBS implementation challenges. This book puts forward the case that the rise of digitalisation enables GBS organisations to provide benefits and ensure that the GBS business model still matters. It will be of great interest to scholars and students of digital business and innovation.

  • - Western Sanctions on Russia and Moscow's Response
    av Angela Borozna

    This book analyzes the goals of Western sanctions imposed on Russia from 2014 to 2023. It explores the effects of sanctions on the Russian economy and its political course, as well as the repercussions of the sanctions to the senders and third parties, including spillover effects on neighboring countries and boomerang effects on the senders. While sanctions can be considered relatively effective in terms of economic damage, the Russian economy is far from being crushed. Importantly, sanctions proved to be ineffective as an instrument of foreign policy. They have failed to alter Moscow's resolve to continue its military operation and are unlikely to change it in the near future. The effects of the sanctions extend well beyond their anticipated impact on Russia itself, primarily due to the Western nations' limited experience and knowledge in implementing sanctions against a major power with extensive global connections, such as Russia.

  • - External Impacts, Regional Responses
    av Sebastian Mayer
    2 065,-

    This volume explains the behavior of the European Union (EU) towards Central Asia. In so doing, the responses of regional actors which impact the EU's regional conduct, and the effects of competing external governance providers (particularly Russia and China), are considered. The current literature - often from an interdisciplinary, descriptive area studies angle - reveals some research gaps. Scholars chiefly explore the impacts of the EU on Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, while action of the EU itself with its decision-making, preferences, and underlying drivers, remains underspecified. Focusing more explicitly on the EU, chapters in the book are systematically organized along a set of shared, overarching questions. Ultimately, the authors depict and explain EU action and assess how successful the organization has been in achieving its stated regional objectives in a number of policy fields: Economic Development and Trade; Security; Democratizationand Human Rights; Water; and Education.

  • av Rajiv Kaushik

    This book offers a critical re-appraisal of what is perhaps Merleau-Ponty¿s most widely read text, the Preface to his Phenomenology of Perception. Although open and enigmatic text, the Preface is still often used to introduce phenomenology in general and Merleau-Ponty¿s work specifically to students, scholars in disciplines other than philosophy, and art practitioners. Taking advantage of the fact that many of his course notes have been posthumously published in the last few decades, this book situates the Preface to the Phenomenology of Perception in the context of Merleau-Ponty's later work and shows how it contains many of the threads on which Merleau-Ponty would later pull. In doing so, the book chapters elaborate key themes in the Preface: ¿Phenomenology and its Paradoxes,¿ ¿Phenomenology and its Method,¿ ¿Phenomenology and its Incompletion,¿ ¿Phenomenology and Non-Phenomenology." Readers will learn about the radicality of Merleau-Ponty¿s early articulation of phenomenology, how much it already suggests the profound transformation of phenomenology usually associated with his more mature work.

  • - Anatomy of a Film Studio in Post-War Britain
    av Sarah Street

    This open access book examines how Pinewood came to be Britain's dominant film studio complex, focusing on key years following the Second World War. It presents a revisionist, micro history organized around key themes that are crucial to understanding the studios' longevity during a particularly turbulent period. Pinewood's survival at a time when other major film studios such as Denham closed, is explained. The book examines contemporary insights into how Pinewood's technologies and practices compared to Hollywood's when filmmaking methods were being scrutinized. Thirteen films produced in 1946-7 are analysed in detail, tracking how economic pressures engendered many creative techniques and innovative technologies. Prevailing cultures of management and labour organization are foregrounded, as well as insights into being a studio employee. These are vividly brought to life through an in-depth focus on the in-house studio magazine the Pinewood Merry-Go Round which provides rare details of sports and leisure activities organized at the studios.

  • av Diego Garzia

    Why do some people conceive their vote choices as mostly against, rather than for a given party/candidate? Who are these negative voters? What macro-level conditions favor the development of negative voting? This volume provides answers to these questions through the first comparative assessment of negative voting in contemporary democracies. It presents a composite theoretical framework for the analysis of negative voting and tests it extensively on originally collected survey data from Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States. Examining negative voting as a possible behavioral consequence of affective polarization and negative partisanship, this study sheds light on the electoral implications of increasingly antagonistic attitudes among the electorate.

  • - Education Beyond Capital
    av Henrique Tahan Novaes
    1 465,-

    The book focuses on different practices of associated labor in Brazil and Argentina, in the case of the workers' recuperated factories, over the past 40 years. Novaes analyses labor practices from a critical Marxist perspective as a reaction to the misery of neoliberalism. Deindustrialization, austerity programs, increasing commodification and international competitiveness have severely deteriorated the living and working conditions of the majority of Latin Americans. However, alternative labor, production and educational practices have developed in this increasingly ruthless neoliberal capitalism. Although they are still small, they indicate a potential way out of the capitalist mode of production. Novaes directs his special attention to the "education beyond capital," which has accompanied these alternative labor and production practices (from alternative job training in recuperated companies and the movement of landless rural workers MST).

  • - Multidisciplinary Perspectives
    av Mary Lacity

    This open-access book is premised on the belief that understanding and protecting privacy requires a multidisciplinary approach. The editors of this contributed book believe that privacy is a 'wicked problem' because of its social complexity. In the modern world, political, social, and technological structures increasingly violate human privacy in physical and virtual spaces. Our behaviors are surveilled, captured, and monetized--often without our knowledge. Contributors are experts from diverse fields, including anthropology, architecture, data science, engineering, history, information systems, library sciences, medicine, philosophy, and supply chain management, each writing for an explicitly interdisciplinary readership. Privacy as a concept is a moving target across the globe, morphing and transforming historically from one epoch to the next. By moving beyond the limitations of a single disciplinary lens, this book aims at a richer, more comprehensive, and more lasting analysis. This collection is of great interest to students and scholars of diverse backgrounds studying human privacy.

  • - Always Becoming Allies
    av Selena E Van Horn
    1 759

    This book blends multiple research studies, historical and current events, reflective teaching examples, and guidance for LGBTQ+ inclusion and queer pedagogy in elementary schools. It is divided into three sections to guide the readers from a broad understanding of the hxstories of LGBTQ+ discriminations, rights, and some communities' resistance to LGBTQ+ children, teachers, and curriculum to a focused invitation into the author's own reflections, teaching, and discussions with children about LGBTQ+ literature and topics. The volume provides hxstories, theoretical and methodological inquiry, resources, and encouragement for teacher-researchers ready to engage LGBTQ+-inclusion and queer literacy pedagogy in their classrooms, schools, and communities.

  • - Developing Social Theory for Disabled Childhoods
    av Jill Pluquailec
    1 455,-

    This book considers the many ways autistic lives have been dominantly storied historically, politically, socially, and culturally. Using a range of transdisciplinary theory, the author develops a theoretically rich approach termed 'dis/orientation', which breaks new ground for autism research's understanding of everyday life, and everyday childhoods. The book uses stories of everyday life to provoke new analyses of what it means to talk about, live with, and become, an autistic child: these stories of schooling and education highlight what is done to autistic bodies, what is done by these bodies, and what becomes between them. This offers a way in to the theoretical work of dis/orientation; a practice and an ethic, that means remaining ever watchful for single orientations towards (and away from) autism and childhood, and the children living those childhoods. This leads to new disciplinary grounds, a reconceptualisation of the terrains of research and practice, not of the disordered and disembodied autistic mind, but of the embodied, lived, and everyday.

  • - The Psychophysiological Impact of Journalism
    av Isabel Nery

    This book explores the impact of news and literary journalism on human cognition and emotion. Providing an innovative analysis of psycho-physiological measures, including emotional response, perception of pain, and changes in heartbeat, Nery seeks to understand how readers react to journalistic texts. There is a growing enthusiasm in the search for understanding the processing of information, with some already arguing for the establishment of the neuroscience of communication as a new discipline. By combing neuroscience methods with communication research studies, specifically journalistic research and theory, Nery offers us a unique way of exploring and thinking about news, literary journalism, and the brain.

  • - A Pluralist Exploration
    av Félix Mathieu
    1 915,-

    This edited volume provides a solid yet accessible set of contributions for students, specialists and practitioners of federalism. It also reflects a commitment to normalising the connection between federal studies and scholarship on pluralism and diversity management. To shed light on a specific theme through a rigorous and comprehensive approach, most chapters compare at least two federal systems in connection with a given institutional matter or area of public policy.

  • av Adeoye Akinola
    1 599,-

    This book presents the reality of democratic reversals and waves of coups cutting throughAfrica, explores the political economy of coups, and through a case studyapproach, provides a nuanced analysis of the negative impacts of coups inAfrica, and interrogates the roles of African regional organisations incurtailing coups and foreign powers in distorting the security architecture ofAfrican states, particularly in the Sahel region. It proffers sustainablepolicy templates for political development, professionalism of the military, and the subsequent withdrawal of the military from African politics. Apart fromits policy relevance, it will serve as a resource pool for researchers workingin the area of African political development, peace and security, and securitysector reforms. With the incremental exit of France from the Sahel, the bookwill also offer a nuanced perspective on the 'scramble for the soul' of theSahel by non-Western powers, such as China, Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.

  • - Development, Neoliberalism and Contemporary Fiction
    av Amy Rushton
    1 405

    Grounded in world-systemic analysis, this book revisits the literary and social implications of 'tragedy' in relation to global narratives about Africa and within fiction by writers from the continent. It argues that working through the full complexity of 'tragedy' helps to identify and challenge plots that depict Africa as reaching a tragic impasse. Instead, reconsidering tragedy allows for further, related interventions including the implications of narratives of development, the argument for formally engaging with literary texts that present challenging material, reformulations of African political and cultural agency, and the possibilities to be found in utopian thinking. It claims that contemporary fiction helps to scrutinise the familiar big picture of Africa and create space for discussions about wider political and historical commonalities between the continent and the rest of the world. As such, the novels discussed in this study are not simply 'about' Africa: these fictionalnarratives position Africa as a central actor within the global history of late capitalism.

  • - Affected by Conflict
    av Hendrikje Grunow
    1 405

    ​This book explores the intersections of affect, memory and privilege among Bogota's upper middle class. Combining approaches from memory studies, anthropology, feminist and affect theory, this work is concerned with the implications for the present and potential futures contained in affective encounters. It is structured along four affects describing the social, spatial, historical and political aspects of 'being affected' by the Colombian conflict. After showing how the Colombian conflict is rooted in specific affective relationships to land, disappointment and crushed hopes in the context of various peace negotiations are portrayed as the central experiences nurturing a sense of a doubling or re-experiencing of past emotions. Then, a specifically upper-middle class emotional habitus and its implication for the social connections to people more directly affected by the conflict are outlined, and peace as an upper middle-class affect is revealed as a privilege not everyone deserves.

  • - Whose Promised Land?
    av S Ilan Troen

    The struggle over Israel/Palestine is not just another contest by competing nationalisms or an instance of geopolitical competition. It is also about control of sacred territory that involves local Jews, Muslims, and Christians as well as worldwide faith communities, each with their own interests and stake in what transpires. This balanced introduction to a complex subject presents the multiple positions within the great monotheistic traditions. It demonstrates that the secular discourses in the public square concerning ownership privileges, historical precedence, political rights, and justice that have allegedly replaced religious claims actually coexist with, and often complement, the theological. It explores the century-long tangle of secular and theological debates about Israel's legitimacy. Whether readers support a Jewish state or are resolutely opposed, the serious and substantial scholarship of this well-reasoned and innovative book will contribute to a nuanced and better-informed understanding of this persistent issue that has entered its second century on the international agenda.

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