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  • av Willem J Ouweneel

    ¿Cuál es tu único consuelo en la vida y en la muerte? El Catecismo de Heidelbergcomienza con esta poderosa pregunta personal y procede desde allí a través de la doctrina y experiencias de lo que significa pertenecer al Señor Jesucristo. En El Diario de Heidelberg, Willem Ouweneel ofrece al lector 365 meditaciones diarias que consideran el texto entero del Catecismo.Descubra y participe en la rica tradición de una de las primeras y más influyentes guías a la vida y la doctrina cristianas de la era de la Reforma.El Diario de Heidelberg es un libro al que hay que regresar día tras día, año tras año, para encontrar las verdades de la Escritura y al Dios viviente, personal y trino que las inspira.

  • - Christ Living In Us
    av Willem J Ouweneel

    The set to which this volume belongs is informally entitled "The Eternal Series," because each volume of the set unfolds an aspect of the reality of God's relationship with humanity that reaches from eternity past to eternity future. The formal title of the series is "An Evangelical Introduction to Reformational Theology." Here are the volume titles: Part I: Scripture: The Revealed Source For TheologyI/1 The Eternal Word: God Speaking To UsI/2 The Eternal Torah: Living Under GodPart II: God: The Personal Source Behind TheologyII/1 The Eternal God: God Revealing Himself To UsII/2 The Eternal Christ: God With UsII/3 The Eternal Spirit: God Living In UsPart III: Redemption: The Christ-Centered Heart of TheologyIII/1 The Eternal Purpose: Living In ChristIII/2 Eternal Righteousness: Living Before GodIII/3 Eternal Salvation: Christ Dying For UsIII/4 Eternal Life: Christ Living In UsPart IV: Consummation: The Lived Shape of TheologyIV/1 The Eternal People: God in Relation To IsraelIV/2 The Eternal Covenant: Living With GodIV/3 The Eternal Kingdom: Living Under ChristPart V: Method: The Comprehensive Foundation of TheologyV/1 Eternal Truth: The Prolegomena of TheologyThese volumes have been written for the informed Christian who is somewhat familiar with both the Bible and Christian theology.As you will learn in these volumes, that order-first Bible and then theology-is crucially important. So too is the distinction (but not the separation!) between these two: the Bible is not theology, and theology is not the Bible. Both following that order and honoring that distinction are prerequisites for healthy, charitable, and enduring Christianity.Dr. Willem J. Ouweneel is a Dutch author whose three doctorates-one each in biology, philosophy, and theology-rank him among the premier Bible scholars of this generation, and equip him with breadth of vision and depth of insight.When these volumes are read alongside an open Bible, the patient reader will acknowledge the authority of the claims being defended. The reader's certitude will ultimately come to rest, not in any particular theological system or model, but in the inspired, infallible Word of God, and more importantly, in the God of that Word. As such, this entire series and these volumes are fresh and faithful reformulations of the essence of biblical faith and life as that was transmitted throughout the centuries, was rediscovered in the Reformation, and has come to be known as Reformational theology: sola Scriptura, sola gratia, sola fide, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria.

  • av Brian G Najapfour

    "Few could read this book without being simultaneously convicted and encouraged in our evangelistic task."Dr. Reuben Bredenhof, Professor of Ministry and Mission, Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary"Sadly, the practice of personal evangelism is sometimes understood today as entirely the duty of 'professional' Christians, pastors, elders, seminary professors, missionaries, evangelists, and the like. But as Dr. Najapfour contends, sharing the gospel is an essential part of the Christian life and therefore the responsibility of every Christian."Dr. John W. Tweeddale, Vice President of Academics, Reformation Bible College, Florida

  • av Cal Seerveld

    This is a collection of 18 Biblical meditations interpreting both Old and New Testaments. They are a compilation of what was spoken to mostly local congregations in the Toronto, Ontario area of Canada, between 1977 and 2011, by a lay preacher, Calvin Seerveld. Certain old traditional hymns (no longer under copyright) and a few newly composed Psalms texts by Seerveld, with melodies, are included, which are relevant to the exposition. Occasional photographic illustrations document what is spoken.Congregations of Christian believers constituted the majority of audiences for these public presentations. Exposition represents a hermeneutics in the tradition of Martin Luther and Jean Calvin, often with a contemporary twist that relates the biblical passages to current societal problems, political troubles, and ordinary daily life. A few meditations end with a prayer.

  • av Willem J. Ouweneel

    Las noticias globales de hoy continúan incitando a los seguidores de Jesús a estudiar sus Biblias para comprender los conflictos que arrasan entre la iglesia y sus críticos, entre Israel y sus vecinos, de hecho, entre Israel y el resto del mundo.¿Qué tan bien conoce la historia de las relaciones entre Israel y Palestina? ¿Existe una solución a esta lucha aparentemente interminable por la tierra, por la paz y por la supervivencia?El Dr. Willem J. Ouweneel es un experto en la historia de este conflicto. Más que eso, con una lente centrada en la Biblia, examina los malentendidos y engaños generalizados que se utilizan con fines propagandísticos y para hacer que la gente elija un bando.Con veinte tesis o proposiciones, el Dr. Ouweneel despeja la niebla de información errónea para que podamos ver (¡y orar!) con claridad mientras esperamos el regreso del Mesías. ¡Lea esto, infórmese y ore fervientemente!

  • av Willem J. Ouweneel

    Today's global news continues to prompt Jesus-followers to study their Bibles for insights into the conflicts raging between the church and its critics, between Israel and her neighbors, indeed, between Israel and the rest of the world.How well do you know the history of Israel-Palestine relations? Is there a solution to this seemingly unending struggle for land, for peace, for survival?Dr. Willem J. Ouweneel is an expert in the history of this conflict. More than that, with a Bible-focused lens he surveys the widespread misunderstandings and deceptions being used for propaganda and for making people choose sides.With twenty theses or propositions, Dr. Ouweneel clears away the fog of misinformation so we can see-and pray!-clearly while we wait for Messiah's return. Read this, be informed, and pray fervently!

  • av Willem J. Ouweneel

    One may characterize this book as non-ecclesiastical kingdom work. In the footsteps of Abraham Kuyper, the well-known Dutch theologian and politician, Herman Dooyeweerd, a legal scholar, realized that the Reformation of the 16th century touched the heart as the religious root of human existence and therefore could not remain restricted to the narrower church life for its penetrating and renewing effect must affect all areas of life. This reformational legacy inspired the ensuing Christian life and world view which turned out to be a direction giving life orientation. It inspired the transformation of all walks of life including the entire academic enterprise. The encompassing scope and depth present in the philosophical work of Herman Dooyeweerd opens up avenues which shed new light on the foundations of the various special sciences as well as diverse everyday practices. Exploring the insights contained in this Book will turn out to be an enriching experience while introducing distinctions and analyses not familiar to everybody.From the Introduction:". . . the most original philosopher Holland has produced even Spinoza not excepted" (Langemeijer).". . . the most profound, innovative, and penetrating philosopher since Kant" (Giorgio Delvecchio)."Herman Dooyeweerd is undoubtedly the most formidable Dutch philosopher of the 20th century.... As a humanist I have always looked at 'my own tradition' in search of similar examples. They simply don't exist" (Cliteur)

  • av S. A. de Graaf

    One of the questions in discussion among us, and one which cries out for an answer is the following: Is the government only subject to God Almighty, the Triune God, the Creator of heaven and earth, or should it also know itself to be subject to Christ, as the King who has been crowned by God?

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd

    This volume, Political Philosophy: Select Essays, will help many students to read first-hand some of the most challenging and illuminating analyses of Dooyeweerd on issues in the field of political philosophy, particularly in the contemporary intellectual climate where change is emphasized at the cost of constancy and where an understanding of constant structural principles underlying various positive forms of societal institutions is challenged. An introduction has been penned by David Koyzis, providing a well-documented orientation to Dooyeweerd's political philosophy.

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd

    Dooyeweerd shows how tragic it is that humanism managed to acquire its historical power to shape scientific development partly thanks to a centuries-long attempt at accommodation and synthesis on the part of Christian thought itself. The all-pervasive import of a radical biblical starting-point in science and scholarship finds an ample expression in the final statement of this last essay of this volume:"All Christians who in their scientific work are ashamed of the Name of Christ Jesus, because they desire honor among people, will be totally useless in the mighty struggle to recapture science, one of the great powers of Western culture, for the Kingdom of God. This struggle is not hopeless, however, so long as it is waged in the full armour of faith in Him who has said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me,' and again, 'Take heart! I have overcome the world.'"

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd

    This volume from The Collected Works of Herman Dooyeweerd is a collection of essays on legal, social, and political philosophy. That these philosophical essays have been appropriately grouped according to the headings legal, social, and political cannot disguise the fact that all of them display an emphatic juridical bias. This in turn reflects the fact that Dooyeweerd's entire systematics grew out of reflection on his specialist discipline and that it was the problems of legal theory which he had particularly in mind throughout all his theoretical work. Yet it is Dooyeweerd's great achievement that his systematic philosophy is of general application to every field of theoretical inquiry.

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd

    The author, Herman Dooyeweerd, a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, taught legal theory and philosophy at the Free University of Amsterdam from 1926 to 1965.Analogous to the way in which Leonard Nelson alluded to a science of law without law, Dooyeweerd highlights the crisis in humanist political theory as a theory of the state without a state. His seminal ideas about the nature of the state as a public legal institution delimited by its jural function extend far beyond the modest size of this book. Above all it demonstrates, albeit in a provisional and tentative way, the shortcomings prevalent within modern humanistic theories of the state as well as the direction in which a Christian theory of the state ought to be articulated - a task to which he made a considerable contribution both in the third volume of his A New Critique of Theoretical Thought and in his multi-volume Encyclopedia of the Science of Law.

  • av H. Evan Runner

    This book contains the lectures which Dr. H. Evan Runner presented to two student conferences in 1959 and 1960. Runner was professor of philosophy at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from 1951 until 1981, when he became professor of philosophy emeritus. The conferences were sponsored by the Association for Reformed Scientific Studies, now called the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship, which today owns and operates the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. They were presented at a conference center in Unionville, a lovely little village just to the north of Toronto. The audience consisted primarily of students, teachers and preachers of Reformed background who had emigrated from Holland to Canada after the second world war.

  • av A. Troost

    The Christian Ethos is a collection of related articles from several different sources. Some of the chapters have been translated from Troost's earlier book, Geen aardse macht begeren wij (We Desire No Earthly Power). Other chapters are revisions of his lectures delivered at the Central Interfaculty of the Free University of Amsterdam and those delivered at the Reformed Theological College in Geelong, Australia. A lecture delivered at the University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa in 1975 is also included. As a whole, The Christian Ethos is essentially a popular and preliminary approach to a systematic study of philosophical ethics.

  • av Willem J. Ouweneel

    For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,that we who are alive,who remain behind until the coming of the Lord,will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep,because the Lord himself will descend from heavenwith a cry of command,with the voice of an archangel,and with the trumpet of God,and the dead in Christ will rise first.Then we who are alive, who remain behind,will be caught up in the clouds together with themto meet the Lord in the air.And so we will be forever with the Lord.- 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 Und nach dem Tod da werd ich seinBei Christo meinem Herren.And after death, I will bewith Christ, my Lord.- Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt[The Lord Is My Faithful Shepherd]Bach cantata BWV 112

  • av Herman Veldkamp

    "The spirit of Amos is captured beautifully and clearly in these messages, and we welcome for the first time in English dress the writings of this Dutch divine."- Christianity Today"Not only ministers, teachers, and students but indeed every serious-minded reader will find in this book tremendously helpful, brilliantly beautiful guidelines to understanding the prophetic messages of Amos."- The Banner"Written in a very attractive style, this commentary can be enjoyed by young people and adults."- The Presbyterian Journal"Rich in historical, ecclesiastical, eschatological, exegetical and warm evangelical truth, the striking comparisons speak to the contemporary Church."- Evangelical Fellowship of Canada"What a refreshing antidote to the dispensational stuff of Hal Lindsey and others."- Trowel and Sword"A book that will edify the reader."- The Messenger

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd

    Con la edición de este segundo volumen de la magna obra Una Nueva Crítica del Pensamiento Teórico del gran pensador neerlandés Herman Dooyeweerd, Paidea Press tiene el honor de continuar la colección Obras de Dooyeweerd, la cual se propone publicar sus obras principales traducidas a la lengua de Cervantes. La meta inicial es publicar los restantes dos volúmenes de la Nueva Crítica, pero hay otras obras de gran importancia, particularmente Reforma y escolástica en la filosofía, que también ameritan ser publicadas en español. De esta manera Paideia Press, la gran casa editorial reformada del Canadá, se propone fomentar el conocimiento de la filosofía de Dooyeweerd entre los lectores de habla hispana de España y de las Américas. Ello redundará en el enriquecimiento de la cultura filosófica de los países hispánicos y en el avance de la reforma de la filosofía en los mismos, en sujeción al mandato de no conformarse a este siglo y de llevar cautivo todo pensamiento a la obediencia a Cristo.

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd

    Are the sciences or disciplines independent from one another? Do they have absolutely nothing to do with each other? Might there be some interrelationship? And how is it that we are asking these questions now and not before? Why has philosophy neglected this vital understanding of the world and human interaction? In this re-printed publication, the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) explains the analogical concepts and seeks to call attention to what has been so long neglected.

  • av Groen Van Prinsterer

    Incredulidad y revolución de Groen van Prinsterer es una obra fundamental que aborda la tensión inherente entre la religión y la modernidad. Como historiador y político, Groen estaba íntimamente familiarizado con la creciente división en su época entre la cultura secular y la iglesia. En lugar de aceptar esta división, estas conferencias, publicadas originalmente en 1847, abogan por una interacción renovada entre las dos esferas. El trabajo de Groen sirvió de inspiración para muchos teólogos contemporáneos y, como mentor de Abraham Kuyper, tuvo un profundo impacto en la famosa teología pública de Kuyper.

  • av Bernie J Van Der Walt

    An analysis of the philosophical views of Thomas Aquinas as found in his Summa Contra Gentiles, exploring his use of and dependence on Aristotle, and how this shaped and constrained his philosophical and theological views, to the detriment of his Christian profession. It also explores the way Thomas' philosophy was critiqued, modified and adapted by later Thomistic scholars, and was adopted in the Protestant universities, thus perpetuating the scholastic tradition within Protestantism. It closes with a discussion of the influence of Thomistic philosophy in Radical Orthodoxy, and gives an assessment from the perspective of Reformational philosophy in the Neo-Calvinist tradition of philosophy as developed by Vollenhoven and Dooyeweerd.

  • - Christ and the Nations
    av De Graaf S.G. De Graaf

    "De Graaf's renewed insight into Biblical revelation is the unique perspective undergirding his treatment of all the Bible stories. It makes his book a unique presentation of God's revelation of Himself in the covenant and keeps his interpretation of the stories from degenerating into mere moralizing.De Graaf's theocentric preaching, which witnessed to God's sovereignty over the entire life of His people, gripped the hearts of his hearers in his day. The same emphasis, as it comes through in Promise and Deliverance, should be a matter of paramount interest and concern today to evangelicals who are manifesting a growing social awareness and seeking more and more points of contact between Christian beliefs and daily life."-Prof. H. Evan Runner, Calvin College

  • - Point Counter Point
    av H Evan Runner

    The collected essays, lectures, and occasional speeches of Dr. Howard Evan Runner in a new four-volume format. Professor Runner was the leading representative of The Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea, the comprehensive Christian philosophy inaugurated by Herman Dooyeweerd and D. Th. Vollenhoven. Penetrating, prophetic, and profoundly insightful are just some of the terms necessary to describe this invaluable collection from the pen of the foremost North American Reformational scholar. Here you will find inspiration, analysis, and a vigorous call to action across the entire range of human experience, all driven by an unwavering commitment to the Word of God.

  • - Christ's Ministry and Death
    av De Graaf S.G. De Graaf

    "De Graaf's renewed insight into Biblical revelation is the unique perspective undergirding his treatment of all the Bible stories. It makes his book a unique presentation of God's revelation of Himself in the covenant and keeps his interpretation of the stories from degenerating into mere moralizing.De Graaf's theocentric preaching, which witnessed to God's sovereignty over the entire life of His people, gripped the hearts of his hearers in his day. The same emphasis, as it comes through in Promise and Deliverance, should be a matter of paramount interest and concern today to evangelicals who are manifesting a growing social awareness and seeking more and more points of contact between Christian beliefs and daily life."-Prof. H. Evan Runner, Calvin College

  • - The Failure of Israel's Theocracy
    av S G De Graaf

    "De Graaf's renewed insight into Biblical revelation is the unique perspective undergirding his treatment of all the Bible stories. It makes his book a unique presentation of God's revelation of Himself in the covenant and keeps his interpretation of the stories from degenerating into mere moralizing.De Graaf's theocentric preaching, which witnessed to God's sovereignty over the entire life of His people, gripped the hearts of his hearers in his day. The same emphasis, as it comes through in Promise and Deliverance, should be a matter of paramount interest and concern today to evangelicals who are manifesting a growing social awareness and seeking more and more points of contact between Christian beliefs and daily life."-Prof. H. Evan Runner, Calvin College

  • - From Creation to the Conquest of Canaan
    av S G De Graaf

    "De Graaf's renewed insight into Biblical revelation is the unique perspective undergirding his treatment of all the Bible stories. It makes his book a unique presentation of God's revelation of Himself in the covenant and keeps his interpretation of the stories from degenerating into mere moralizing.De Graaf's theocentric preaching, which witnessed to God's sovereignty over the entire life of His people, gripped the hearts of his hearers in his day. The same emphasis, as it comes through in Promise and Deliverance, should be a matter of paramount interest and concern today to evangelicals who are manifesting a growing social awareness and seeking more and more points of contact between Christian beliefs and daily life."-Prof. H. Evan Runner, Calvin College

  • - Studies in the Pretended Autonomy of Philosophical Thought
    av Herman Dooyeweerd

    This compact volume contains a series of lectures given by Dooyeweerd during his lecture tour throughout the United States and Canada in 1959. These lectures express the core essence of Dooyeweerd's four volume philosophical work A New Critique of Theoretical Thought. In a masterful summary, Dooyeweerd first tackles the central dogma of the modern era, namely, the dogma of the autonomy of theoretical thought. While this dogma has been challenged in many ways, both in the twentieth, and twenty-first centuries, none of these challenges have made the dogma a truly critical question. If they had, the claims for the constant centrality of rational thought from the ancient Greeks to medieval Thomastic scholasticism and on to both the modern and post-modern humanist expressions would be exposed as possessing radically different presuppositions which transcend the confines of theoretical thought. By subjecting this dogma to a truly radical critique, Dooyeweerd demonstrates that all theoretical thought is grounded upon religious presuppositions that exceed the boundaries of both philosophy and theology, and which need to be clearly exposed and articulated if theoretical thought is to truly understand its own nature. He similarly demonstrates how such a critique provides the basis for the development of a Christian philosophy that can challenge historicism and establish a fruitful dialogue with non-Christian thought.

  • av Herman Dooyeweerd
    309 - 375,-

  • - History of the Concept of Encyclopedia and Law
    av Herman Dooyeweerd

    The Encyclopedia of the Science of Law constitutes the first scholarly domain in which Dooyeweerd tested his radically new understanding of created reality, informed by the biblical basic motive of creation, fall, and redemption. The Science of Law represents the academic discipline in which Dooyeweerd was trained and in which he developed exceptional expertise. Therefore, it must be clear that the publication of this comprehensive and authoritative multi-volume series will contribute significantly to the ever growing legacy of reformational philosophy.From the editor''s Preface.

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