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  • av Esther Miranda Martinez

    Para ustedesEs algo muy simple lo que les ofrezcoun grupo de sentimientos y emocionesque no se lograron escapar del verso,parte de una vida de alegrías y sueñosde amor y lamentos como cualquier vidapero... esta es la mía y se las presento.Si pudieran muchos verse reflejadosentonces sabría que nos entendemos,que estoy conectada con un universode fuertes pasiones y grandes anhelosy que sigo viva, porque ahí los tengo.

  • av Jeanette B Reid

    It''s 1939 - war is imminent for the people of Britain. It is becoming increasingly clear that every able bodied man will be needed on the battlefront and that British women will have to take over the jobs the men left for military service. This is the narrative of Scottish women in particular - through their stories, experiences, and sacrifices - how they not only kept Scotland and Britain alive but helped change the course of history."Some historians like to think that the British were very fortunate when Hitler grew impatient with his attempt to run over the British Isles, becoming distracted, then moving his attention to the Russian Front. I take a different perspective. Hitler found that it was much tougher to defeat the British people than he or any of his top aides ever imagined. We had many losses in our military and civilian population, but we were able to call upon every available man to fight on the frontline because we had a secret weapon at home keeping the country surviving - Our Women!!!" - Jeanette B. Reid

  • av Colleen Sexton

    Man has always sought for true and eternal happiness in life and only very few are able to achieve this. What we do not know is that happiness simply lies within us. This book teaches us that an intense willingness to submit one''s self, without any questions or excuses, known as blind faith, can lead us to a better life that we''ve all been searching for. The book speaks about the strong faith in God exemplified by the "taking up" of serpents. Though the world may have several religions, our beliefs and faith is what binds us together in the tapestry of the Lord. This book will aid the reader in understanding the power of faith through serpent handling. Blind Faith: Serpent Handling in West Virginia will take you on an extraordinary journey to acclaim the glory of God.

  • av Judith Miller

    Judy lost her son to a tragic accident in the Bahamas. Her only son, Jason, perished with two others while diving in one of the blue holes in the Abacos. Months after the accident, Judy tried getting her life back, but the pain of losing a great part of her still lingered. It began to put a strain on her relationship with her husband and affect her job. While she mourned, Judy begins having visions about her son and hearing sounds that initially confused her and made the people around her think she was going crazy. Her lamps inexplicably turn on by themselves in the middle of the night. The radio and TV start turning on by themselves too. She hears whispers and feels a lingering invisible presence. Deep within her, however, she senses that this is her son trying to reach out to her from the afterlife. She starts having lucid dreams and seeing strange symbols that convince her that he was trying to tell her something. Could she really be communicating with her son in the spiritual realm, or could this be the devil playing with her vulnerability? Or could she be just a mother struggling to get over the death of her son, refusing to move on from what was easily the most traumatic event of her life? This book was written based on the author''s perception of how this all took place. Others, of course, may have known things to be differently. And that too may be correct in their observation.

  • av Julio Carrillo Davalos

    En este libro explico cómo combatir la delincuencia en México y el mundo, y ver exactamente cuál es el problema, que es atacar desde el ADN a este cáncer social a través del Magisterio.Es un trabajo de campo de aproximadamente diez años, no está hecho al vapor y está dirigido principalmente, a los maestros de primaria, secundaria, psicólogos, pedagogos, criminólogos, sociólogos, militares, políticos, a los estrategas que se encargan de construir las reformas educativas y la calidad de estudios en México y otros países, y al público en general, independientemente de su extracto social ideológico, religioso o político. Además, contiene las 100 letanías del buen ciudadano.Espero que sea de su agrado.Atentamente,Julio Carrillo DávalosAutorNueva York, USA

  • av Pedro Santiago

    La voz de Dios no siempre es una voz audible. Siendo Dios Todopoderoso tiene las veinte mil maneras de comunicarse con el ser humano. A esa comunicación yo le llamo la voz profunda de Dios. Quiere decir que cuando Dios busca la manera de comunicarse con el ser humano es una voz particular que Dios dirige a sus hijos. Lo ha hecho, lo hace todavía y lo hará por la eternidad porque Él siempre se va a comunicar con sus hijos desde la eternidad. Cuanto amor nos prodiga día tras día. Las ocupaciones y el llamado tiempo hacen que nos olvidemos de que Dios está siempre buscándonos para entablar una comunicación contigo. Prestemos oído, hagamos silencio, y dediquemos un momento con Dios para escuchar su voz.La voz de Dios, llama que nunca se apaga, es una respuesta a un llamado de Dios que había sido plantado en mi corazón desde niño. Como lo expresa una anécdota en el libro, La esperanza nunca muere. Esa voz que nunca se apaga seguirá insistentemente tocando a la puerta del ser humano para que este le abra y cenar con él y él con Cristo. Hoy más que nunca necesitamos esa voz que es como una llama que nunca se apaga.

  • av Carmen Santos

    En esta lectura les voy analizando como sufrí por años, con dolor en mis tendones, sin tener ninguna salida. Al cabo de los años el dolor se iba apoderando de mí y no había ninguna respuesta. No podía salir de ese laberinto en el cual me encontraba. Ya era en diferentes partes de mi cuerpo, hasta que mi doctor me preguntó cuáles eran los lugares que tenía más dolor, le expliqué y me dijo que era fibromialgia. Los lugares que yo le indicaba, científicamente, los médicos le llaman los puntos de la fibromialgia, condición que no tiene cura y ataca más a las mujeres que a los hombres.

  • - Un Alma Abriendo Su Corazn Y El Espritu De Dios Hablando
    av Carmen Escalera

      Mi despertar de la mano de Dios surgió el 06 febrero del 2011, en ese tiempo estaba pasando por enfermedad, según los doctores mi destino era terminar como un vegetal, al regresar a casa me recosté en mi cama y con lágrimas me dije a mi misma ¿Morir o vivir? y decidí vivir. Ese día por la noche me puse ante Dios y le dije: “Ya no puedo más, haz de mí lo que quieras y que se haga tu voluntad”. Después de esto comencé a escribir por inspiración de Dios. Recuerdo que la primera vez me ganó la risa con un gozo muy grande en mi corazón, ya que estaba recibiendo el Espíritu de Dios. Ya al haber aceptado ser instruida por Dios, Jesús venía a mi encuentro a darme mis terapias físicas usando mis manos y fui sanada por Jesús. En agradecimiento le dije “¡Aquí estoy, que se haga en mí tu voluntad!”. Desde entonces, mi alma y corazón fueron transformados en la gracia de Dios en su amor.  

  • av Ignacio Salgado

     A través de la historia, el conocimiento y el entendimiento del hombre ha venido evolucionando, tanto en ciencia como en tecnología. Quedando una variedad de preguntas sin respuestas acerca de nuestros orígenes, por cuanto no entendemos nuestro proceder. En este libro: “Los tres orígenes de la Humanidad” damos a conocer el verdadero “GEN” o, ADN de cada raza humana y angelical. Donde tú comprenderás cómo y por qué se dieron los diferentes tipos de razas humanas, desde el punto de vista bíblico, diciendo que de una sola sangre se hizo todos los linajes de la tierra. Evidenciamos el verdadero ADN de Caín y qué tipo de raza era. También la clara evidencia del pecado de los ángeles de Dios con la raza humana, y el tipo de humanos que procrearon. Llenando así toda la tierra de gigantes y bestias humanas, y tuvo como resultado el diluvio, y cómo transcendió este GEN angelical y el de Caín, y por medio de quién. Siendo esparcidas todas estas razas en todo el hemisferio terráqueo, lo que hoy conocemos como: los mayas, incas, y otras. Demostrando su verdadero origen ancestral, en cuanto al hombre europeo, Jafet, quedando un verdadero ADN no contaminado a través de Set, tercer hijo de Adán y Eva, el cual es el pueblo de Israel. A diferencia del hombre de América, damos a conocer como este llega a evolucionar, tomando en cuenta su origen ancestral. En el cual una teoría errónea dice: “El hombre proviene del mono”, sin conocer su verdadero ADN angelical, hasta perfeccionarse en lo que hoy somos, en su evolución. Explicando y a la vez, dando a conocer dónde comienza y dónde se pierde el eslabón de cada raza. El primer semen es: A través de Satanás en Caín. Segundo semen a través de: Ángeles caídos bestias humanas. Tercer semen es de: Set sem no contaminado Pueblo de Israel. 

  • av Angel Luis Santaren

    Llegó la hora de que usted reconsidere la percepcion, si somos predestinados, escogidos o de libre albedrío, decisión. Después que Luis Carlos estudiante de Teología, tuvo una conversación con Ángel (su padre) y no se pusieron de acuerdo con respecto a las corrientes doctrinas: calvinistas y arminianismo, Ángel se dispuso a buscar en oración y intimidad con el Espíritu Santo, buscando respuestas. La doctrina de los Apóstoles, comparte la revelación del Espíritu Santo. Lo lleva a un viaje a través de la biblia en el antiguo y nuevo testamento. La revelación que Dios muestra las dos y usa las dos tendencias teológicas: predestinados, escogidos o libre albedrío, decisión. A través de los dos, Dios se glorifica y se vuele a glorificar. Ángel responde respuestas como: ¿Quién revela el conocimiento y la verdad?¿Cuáles son las corrientes teológicas que muestra la biblia?¿Cuáles de esas corrientes debemos seguir?¿De dónde viene el plan de salvación?¿Por qué Dios usa las dos doctrinas, escogido o decisión?La doctrina da los apóstoles, ¿qué corriente doctrinal muestra?

  • av David Scott

    The main purpose for writing this book is to inform readers about things God did during the seven years we were missionaries in New Zealand. One of those things is what God did to prove to us that the Boxing Day tsunami that hit Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Chennai, India, was a judgment from Him. God also made us aware of why He did it. Another thing is what He did to prove to us the double tsunami that hit the two main islands of Samoa was also a judgment from Him. God also informed us why He did it. We also have evidence in the book that the 7,500 earthquakes and aftershocks that hit Christchurch, New Zealand, were another judgment from God. We also know why God did it. All this is explained in detail in the book. Those things will help readers better understand God''s ways and inspire them to trust Him more. May this book strengthen your faith to overcome every challenge you are facing.

  • av David Pimentel

    The title comes from years of committing to this clean way of life. It is easy to fall and easier to stay down when we fall. If you are fortunate enough to beat this disgusting, purposely-placed addiction, then you are a small percentage of life that has a very purposeful reason for breathing. Please meditate into nature, your answers are waiting for you there. You are more important than you know. There are many people out there that you will love that you do not even know yet. Stay positive and full of love within yourself and the rest will fall right into place.Much Love,Cuzindave, David Pimentel

  • av Joe Gladwell

    BlurbGod''s divine providence (his working "behind the scenes" for the betterment of mankind) has been truly amazing through the years, even more so than his performing of supernatural-by-definition miracles in days past. In this book, evangelist Joe Gladwell showcases God''s divine providence by showing very strong evidence in favor of the Bible being delivered to mankind precisely the way he wanted us to have it. This is up to and including the placement of the divider page between Old and New Testaments in its natural place-right between the books of Malachi and Matthew.

  • - 40 Years
    av Lawrence Hoffman

    Resilience: 40 Years is a collection of poems that describes to the reader the different daily emotional aspects of different life situations of the author, such as thinking the worse in a bad situation or the best in a good situation. There are some poems with far-reaching depth and others with lighthearted daily life--all describing the emotional impact of said situations.

  • av Aldo Mario Revilla Gutierrez

    Poemas de mi alma nace de un sentimiento profundo que se ha ido plasmando a traves del tiempo y que, despues de una paciente espera, es por fin una realidad.Este poemario es el resultado de muchos anos de trabajo e inspiracion, escrito en un verso sutil, que desborda la imaginacion y que lleva un sello especial en su apacible metafora.En el se recorren los pasillos mas reconditos de la experiencia humana, desde el amor a una madre, el inquebrantable vinculo familiar, la pasion desbordante y el sincero abrazo del amigo, incluyendo pinceladas de un candoroso erotismo, que escapa a lo puramente cotidiano.Los invito, queridos lectores, a repasar sus lineas con el ferviente anhelo de que las disfruten.

  • av Juanita Jimenez

    Amado lector, en este libro encontrara poemas queconsolaran su corazon; temas que a diario vivimos y experienciasque quizas Dios a ti te ha mostrado. En sus paginas tendras motivos de reir, de llorar y de admirarla realidad de un Dios personal. Tomate tu tiempo en leerlo.Donde quiera que lo hayas abierto, te hablara del amor de nuestro poderosoe infinito Dios.Que Dios te bendiga y disfrutelo mi amado, es para ti.

  • av Elisa Maria de la Caridad

    Esta nina fue muy querida por toda su familia, ella es carinosa, muy alegre y entusiasta. Le gustaba el deporte, cantar y hacer actividades. Pobre, pero contenta, se crio con su madre y sus abuelos maternos. Para ella su familia era, como una barrera que la protegia, pero fue la vida la que la enseno a ser mas fuerte y luchadora. Amo con pasion y obtuvo lo que queria, pero sufrio cada golpe que le dio la vida. Fue una madre adorada y amo a sus hijos con todo su corazon al igual que a su familia. Esta historia es dura, pero se aprende de ella.This little girl was very loved by all her family; she was affectionate, very cheerful and enthusiastic. She loved sports, singing and activities. Poor, but happy, she grew up with her mother and her maternal grandparents. For her, her family was like a barrier that protected her, but it was life that taught her to be a strong fighter. She loved with passion and always got what she wanted, although she endured every blow that life threw at her. She was an adored mother and loved her children with all her heart. This will be a hard story to read, but you will sure learn from it.

  • av Josefina Figueroa

    La sociedad moderna esta experimentando una serie de cambios que colocan en un tercer plano, o a lo mejor en ninguno, los valores eticos, morales y sociales dando como resultado individuos inseguros, depresivos y con unas series de conflictos emocionales que parecieran no tener solucion."Plenitud y vida" es una obra de fuente bibliografica escrita con un contenido enfocado en trabajar el cambio del "yo", desde una perspectiva cientifica, sociologica, teologica y psicologica. La autora define y describe a la familia como nucleo desde su origen, funcion y clasificacion, concluye dando unas series de pasos y herramientas que motivan al cambio del individuo para lograr una vida a plenitud.Modern society is experiencing a series of changes that place ethical, moral and social values on a third plane, or perhaps none at all, resulting in insecure, depressed individuals with a series of emotional conflicts that seem to have no solution."Plenitude and life" is a work from a written bibliographic source with a content focused on working on the change of the "I", from a scientific, sociological, theological and psychological perspective. The author defines and describes the family as a nucleus from its origin, function and classification, she concludes by giving a series of steps and tools that motivate the individual to change

  • av Teresa Smith

    This is to give hope to people who are in a coma. Close-head injury and a spinal cord injury. Where they think there is none. You can come out of it. Maybe not the same way as you were before, but there’s hope where your brain is active. You can make it no matter what the doctors tell you. Just because you have a handicap doesn’t mean you can’t do things. Maybe not the way other people do them, but in your own way. It takes patience and people around you to help you get through it all. You can live a long life if you don’t give up in life. Things happen for that reason. God has a plan for all of us in this world. You may not agree with it, but it happens. Even if you’re handicap, whatever it may be, life goes on. Be happy you’re alive. Just live your life and don’t care what people think about you. Be yourself and be happy. Don’t be sad of what you lost or can’t remember. Just live for today. Start new memories and don’t get mad about the past. Life goes on. Live life to the fullest. I was only supposed to live for five to ten years but I’m still here. 

  • av Bernice J Martin

    People everywhere enjoy seeing rainbows arched over the sky and over the seas. They bring a sense of calmness and add beauty in the midst of storms. They symbolize a covenant made by God after the Great Flood. Additionally, there are legends that reveal that a pot of gold can be found at the end of every rainbow. Because people near and far can relate to rainbows, rainbows are referenced throughout this book to express the uniqueness of color. Dare to Be as Different as the Colors in a Rainbow is a book about the importance of respecting differences, regardless of skin color. There is a message in the book to help build self-esteem and self-worth. The analogies between colors in a rainbow, skin color, and apples are to convey a profound message of acceptance and tolerance of others who may look different, talk differently, and even think differently. Undeniable, the colors in a rainbow are different, beautiful, and unique. The same is true about the different skin colors of people. Each skin tone is uniquely beautiful. Conclusively, different skin shades of people make them just as special and as beautiful as the colors in a rainbow. This book is thought provoking, and one that opens dialogue on cultural diversity, and racism while drawing attention to the blind spot biases, which are not as easy to recognize as racism. It is also a book that parents and educators of children of all ages can use to spark and enhance discussions on the value of respecting differences. An added bonus to the book is that it has undertones of science and history concepts immersed throughout that will greatly benefit students in grades 3 to 12 by providing background knowledge, which transitions into discussions that are more productive in the learning environment. Concepts as the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum, seasons, and the civil war appear in the context of Dare to be as Different as the Colors in a Rainbow, along with other relevant topics, including poetry.

  • - A Tool for Understanding and Practical Application of One With God (Volume 3)
    av Joseph Everette Williams

    One with God provides insight into the understanding that we are more than work, money, and our five senses. If we are only using the physical or the material side of our power to be, do, and have, we are working with only half of our strength. One with God: A Tool for Understanding and Practical Application is for thinking person''s working through conscious actions within the physical laws of nature, to control their surroundings, to overcome difficulties, to be, do, and have health, wealth, and long life.

  • av Stitch Frizbin

    “The Mind Often Wanders, Sometimes into Traffic,” is meant to entertain as well as elicit questions. It may contain relevant information for you, as I offer answers that may resolve inner conflicts relating to social conundrums witnessed around us daily. As the world shrinks around us due to mass media, journalism often morphs into sensationalism explaining man’s inhumanity to man in a violent world. I find conscious thought to be fleeting and often dreams solve more problems than they create, in retrospect. Some in society, it seems, may be trying to destroy the only oxygen-rich planet with an atmosphere in our known galaxy, and the common man or woman has little to say about the direction the world’s arrogant politicians are taking us. As some of the one percent still control the world’s finances and try to force us to pay for our lives with a day-by-day “in debt” scenario. I believe there’s so much more potential to each of us hidden and unused until we understand the desires, needs, ideals, and laughter that is more important than a simple dollar figure or the change in our pockets we’re being left with as the work day ends. I truly believe that reading these pages may help you think about your own contributions at making the world a better place to live and laugh in. Enjoy the book. 

  • av Anibal Alfonso Camargo Velasquez

    A través de este libro, comprendimos la importancia de buscar la forma de tener una vida plena y satisfecha y de saber que este es el paso para el crecimiento personal y autorrealización que obtenemos por medio del incremento de la energía interna para enfrentar la vida antes los retos puestos. Además, este crecimiento va, directamente, relacionado con tu mejoría como ser humano, está vinculado, exactamente, a ese control de tus emociones y esa fuerza intrínseca que tienes para ser una mejor persona. Como autor del libro apunté, exactamente, a que seas una mejor versión de ti aquí y ahora, que cada día tengas un nuevo amanecer lleno de vida, lleno de esperanza, lleno de ideas nuevas, que tu pasado quede atrás, totalmente, y que vivas en tu presente como si supieras que un mañana no existirá.De la misma manera, es mi deseo personal que tu vida cambie para bien, es mi mayor anhelo saber que todo en tu vida ha mejorado, es mi principal sueño saber que este libro te ayudó a entender que la vida, aunque no sea fácil, existen caminos para buscar las soluciones y comprender que esto hace hermosa la experiencia de vivir es este maravilloso mundo.

  • av Luisa Cuevas

    Este libro está es para motivar a los padres que los niños no son el futuro, son el presente y tienen una voz, necesitamos escucharla, motivarlos a ser creativos y hacer deportes...

  • av Dora Franco

    La vida es demasiado sencilla, pero con nuestros afanes diarios nos olvidamos de vivir, del porqué estamos aquí, cuál es nuestra misión. Estamos completamente sumergidos en nuestros roles y personajes, algunos ya pasados de moda y entonces olvidamos qué somos turistas en un planeta que no nos pertenece y que solo vinimos a aprender en la universidad de la vida, para un día regresar a nuestro hogar.Dora Franco.

  • av Rocco Russo

    Margaret McCall, an ambitious freelance writer, believes she has discovered the story of a lifetime that had baffled the police for half a century. Backtracking to the year 1891, she focuses her investigation on Isabel Laughton, an unmarried woman who has a large mansion and wealth but is missing the thing she yearns for the most-a child.As fate would have it, Peggy, mother of a prostitute, abandons her infant grandson on Isabel''s doorstep. The moment she cradles him, a bond of a mother''s love is instantly felt, and Isabel raises the child as her own, naming him Shawn.For fifteen years, life is grand, keeping her secret safely intact, but then the unthinkable happens; Shawn''s mother wants him back. Desperate, Isabel unleashes her vengeance and embarks on a murderous streak on all those who threaten to take him away from bells...a mysterious stranger-are they somehow connected?Margaret returns to the Laughton Estate, where she uncovers all the secrets. She learns of the madness and the reason Isabel''s love for Shawn has extended beyond the grave.Now the truth has placed Margaret in a precarious situation. Isabel cannot allow sixty-four years of cover-up to be ruined in a single day. Margaret, too, must be silenced.

  • av Roderick Hurst

    In the United States of America, there has been a war raging within this country for decades. From the war on drugs to the war on terrorism, the United States has spent trillions of dollars in an attempt to win the fight against the global evils that plague not only this country but also the world as a whole. With new threats arising daily, the government seems to be losing more ground than it is gaining.

  • - Introduction to Ayahuasca, Out of Body Experiences (OBE's), Remote Viewing and DMT
    av Brent Fouch

    Conscious Exploration for the Advanced Soul shows us that we are much more than our physical bodies. We are multidimensional beings with the ability to explore these non-physical dimensions. Using organic doorways such as ayahuasca and conscious out-of-body experiences (OBEs), we are shown how to access these alternative realities to gain wisdom and understanding of what truly lies beyond the veil.

  • av Herman Herrera

    Standing next to the graves of his ancestors in Coyote, New Mexico,A man reflects on the years that have passed with the wind blowing and rain coming.Tears come to his eyes, as he remembers another time, another life.Yet, the same.He steps into a world in his mind, a world now gone, but in his thoughts he is stillEl Peque├▒ito-The Little One.

  • av Barrett Corbin

    This is not just for the broken and the "fixed" but also for the poor and the rich. This is for those who are in love and for those who have loved and lost. This poetry is also for the ones who feel misunderstood and feel that, not only the world is against them, but also themselves. This poetry is for those who have to take medication that makes you sleep all the time, and it''s also for the ones who think its laziness. This poetry is also for the ones who feel every emotion at once, and for the ones who feel numb and detached from emotions all together. This poetry is about empathy and knowing that you are not defined by your mental illness and the hard times. This is an A cappella anthem for us to sing together. You are not alone, you never have been, but know if we stand together and advocate for mental health, we can win the war inside our heads. We will become the blooming humans I know we can be. This poetry was written to be able to help each other as well-with love, kindness, and empathy-from the ones who are not experiencing themselves. These are morals that every person of every faith can act upon.

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