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  • av Rireva

    La historia de El Salvador ha sido contada de diversas formas y en distintas maneras, por hombres y mujeres insignes en sus respectivos campos de conocimiento historico, pero nunca ha sido contada por un ciudadano comn y mucho menos en poesa."e;El llanto de la Diaspora"e; nos cuenta de manera llana las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de la historia salvadorea en una forma poetica, entretenida y veraz.Escrita en decimas espinelas, el texto es un canto al modo antiguo, ese que se entonaba a orilla de los fogones de los hombres de campo y de folklore, y habla de las vivencias y experiencias vistas a traves de los ojos de un ciudadano salvadoreo comn, viviendo en la dispora.Sus 14 captulos nos pasean por la era precolombina, conquista, colonizacion, independencia, oligarquia, militarismo, socialismo, guerra, post guerra, diaspora, pandillas y la era Bukelista.Al final, este libro enaltece el nombre de nuestro Creador y enfatiza el valor de la fe y la buena voluntad de un pueblo humilde, trabajador y sufrido, que ha sabido levantarse del polvo para pelear la buena batalla de la vida hacia el desarrollo y el progreso, asidos de la mano de Dios.

  • av Carlos José El Bohemio

    Te invito a descubrir en este libro tus emociones y sentimientos a traves de estos poemas escritos con el alma en las cuales te encontraras con historias reales o imaginarias en donde posiblemente tu puedes ser el protagonista o tu historia de amor."e;De poetas, bohemios y locos todos tenemos un poco..."e;.

  • av Manuel M. Ambriz

    Cronica de mi vida no es solamente un relato autobiografico, aunque bien pudiera ser en si; la esencia principal de este libro, mas no es la mas importante. Porque, muy por encima del personaje central de esta historia, el contenido de Cronica de mi vida se enriquece con topicos mucho mas importantes que involucran los valores familiares y de la sociedad misma, ambos contextos; como los percibio desde su uso de razon y, como los percibe hoy en dia este servidor... Manuel M. Ambriz.

  • av Yarelis Castellanos Vargas

    Este libro se centra en la orientacion metodologica profesional de los Pedagogos Especiales enfocado en la intervencion y la profundizacion de conocimientos indispensables para un optimo desempeo en el rea Atencion Primaria de Salud.Este manual fue elaborado acorde a contextos sociales de Latinoamerica y el Caribe, con el proposito de guiar a quienes tienen como mision la atencion, orientacion y tratamiento psicopedagogico de personas con discapacidad. Como manual es una alternativa mas de intervencion y soporte en papel donde la autora ofrece su experiencia profesional en cuanto a la organizacion del trabajo y compilacion de materiales necesarios para actuar en plataformas comunitarias.

  • av Arnulfo Campos

    Genesis quiere decir principio, ?de donde venimos?, ?a donde vamos? Segun la biblia Dios hizo todo, segun los cientificos por medio de la evolucion, y otros dicen que fuimos creados por una ciencia mas avanzada que la nuestra. Despues de leer este libro tendra una opinion mas.

  • av Rene Sergrañez

    Este libro trata de varias, o la gran mayoria, de las cosas que sucedan en el Palo Monte. ?Para que sirve? ?Como trabaja? ?Para que se utiliza? ?Como se hace? Todas las incognitas que puedas tener, las podras encontrar en esta magnifica obra.

  • av Arnoldo Gómez

    Existen momentos en la vida en que creemos que ya lo hemos dado todo, no obstante, se nos presentan nuevos retos que vencer, sin importar la edad, pero esos momentos y retos son necesarios para realmente empezar a vivir y para ser felices. Rie, suena, y agradece, pero sobre todo ayuda a quien te necesita. Estima a los que te quieren, aprecia a los que te aman y trata bien a todas las personas que te rodean. He aprendido que nuestro paso por la tierra es tan corto que no podemos darnos el lujo de desperdiciar un solo segundo de nuestra vida. La mayoria de las veces lo sabemos y aun asi en muy pocas ocasiones hacemos conciencia de ello. Por eso creo que jamas debemos darle tanta importancia a nuestro pasado ya que no es tan importante como nuestro presente o nuestro futuro. El haber escrito este texto, es para mi un regalo inesperado del destino, un verdadero honor y uno de mis mas grandes suenos. El haber podido publicar este libro es un enorme privilegio, el decirte que jamas te rindas por algo que quieras lograr en tu vida, por algun sueno el cual deseas alcanzar por muy dificil o imposible que parezca siempre podras lograrlo. A menudo vemos muy lejos nuestros suenos, lo cual no tiene nada de malo, lo que si puede ser malo o hasta desastroso es creer que no podamos lograrlo. Se que las circunstancias de cada uno de nosotros no son las mismas como tambien creo que todos tenemos la capacidad y el derecho de sonar, y eso nadie nos lo puede quitar. Una de las bases principales de un verdadero sonador es la felicidad. Una persona feliz ama a sus suenos y a todo aquello a su alrededor. Mi mayor anhelo es que en este libro encuentres una respuesta que estes buscando para tu vida.

  • av Manfio Castilla

    Escribir acerca de algo desconocido para el hombre actual es muy dificil de explicar, porque para ampliar los conocimientos de un avatar, como lo es Juan De la Cruz, hay que haber charlado con el profundamente. Lo conoci hablando en persona con este personaje que se personifica cuando en verdad hay hombres que quieren conocer la verdad oculta, que solo se consigue en un mundo diferente, porque en este mundo fisico no podemos descubrir los elementos que componen al mundo astral, son elementos que no se pueden identificar con nuestros ojos normalmente. Para conocer las cosas que componen el universo oculto, hay que estar adentro de la Logia Blanca del Amor, esta es una congregacion de hombres que se unieron hace muchos siglos y se dedicaron a explorar todos los movimientos de los elementos que componen el mundo exterior y el mundo interior.Estos peldanos hay que subirlos uno por uno hasta llegar a escalar todos los grados gnosticos; segun el avatar Juan De la Cruz, el mundo normal no sabe nada acerca de estos lugares ocultos en este gran universo, porque solo los iniciados tienen el privilegio de conocer las verdades del hombre, pero el hombre que se dedica a introducirse a las esferas del universo oculto sin ninguna iniciacion, no podra descubrir los secretos del mas alla, aun ni los cientificos de esta tierra podran conocer el universo oculto completo sin antes haberse iniciado en las iglesias ocultas que son siete, y hay que iniciarse en cada una de ellas para alcanzar el permiso para explorar el universo oculto. Es verdad que los cientificos logran escalar algunos Planetas que estan aqui frente a la tierra, pero los planetas que estan en el universo oculto es muy dificil de encontrarlos sin haber sido iniciados en las Iglesias del mas alla. Espere la parte numero dos de este libro Conociendo el universo oculto en donde le daremos claves precisas para llegar a ser un perfecto explorador del universo oculto.

  • av Betty Sermeño Retamal

    Apoderarse de la Palabra de Dios es mas que leer, escribir o recitar lo que dice la Sagrada Escritura. Es permitirle a esta que transforme su vida. Apoderarse de la Palabra es trasladarse a la escena original, plasmarse en la fotografia, grabarla en el programa de su mente, embutirse, apasionarse y sumergirse en ella. Apoderarse del vestuario, prologo, codigos, cenirse a la promesa y responsabilidad de aquellos, a quienes en un tiempo dado, Dios les hablo. Jess peda que el Reino del Padre se estableciera en la tierra, nosotros tambin pedimos que eso suceda en este tiempo. De eso exactamente se trata, que usted hable con el vocabulario de Dios y no ms con el suyo. La meta de este libro es que el Espritu Santo le revele el hablar de Dios y usted se apodere de l.

  • av Tomas Navarro

    Mi venganza. Esta historia fue real, todo paso en mi imaginacion. Donde lo positivo atrae a todo lo negativo. Donde el amor vence el odio, y tambien donde no hay esperanza aparece la luz de nuevo, y todo el tiempo el bien vence el mal, tarde o temprano. La justicia prevalece todo el tiempo, existe la esperanza en donde se encuentra violencia se puede encontrar amor.

  • av Richard Owusu

    In our world today, man has been running tirelessly in pursuit of material happiness, monetary gain, good health and well-being. However, the pursuit of happiness without the Word of God does not lead to a fulfilled life.God has revealed Himself completely, as well as His eternal plan through His WORD. His Word has been described, as pure, restraining, perfect, trustworthy, true, enduring, effectual, sanctifying, inspiring, living and active. It has been compared to a lamp, fire, hammer and seed.The Word of God heals, makes free, illuminates, bears witness, produces faith and rejoices the heart. We are called to search it thoroughly, speak it boldly and handle it correctly."e;Everyday Devotion"e; comes with devotions and lessons that would help the reader in understanding the essence of the Word of God.The daily scriptures, short exhortations and prayer outlined will help build the faith of any individual who lays hold of a copy of this book.

  • av Teresa Giusti

    Why was Mia so angry with Muffy, the new kitten in the family? All he wanted to do was play! Mia was not happy to have another cat around, and soon she and Muffy were fighting with each other all the time. Would Mia and Muffy ever learn to get along and like each other? Do you always get along with your brother or sister? Find out what happens to Mia and Muffy!

  • av Gabriel Cabello

    After three years in the making, this long-awaited and much anticipated, amazing true story of Gabriel's stunning before and after weight-loss transformation is now finally available for the entire world to read.In this book, Gabriel takes you step-by-step throughout his entire weight-loss journey and reveals exactly everything he did. He also walks you through some of his weight-loss routines to help you understand how he was able to successfully lose 151 pounds. With a healthy diet and exercise alone, he has been able to keep the weight he lost off for good.This book is like an illustrated blueprint and a precisely detailed map for guaranteed weight loss! It includes many before and after photos of Gabriel. Sample breakfast, lunch, and dinner weight-loss meal photos of what he regularly ate, as well as other images of food options. Some, he regularly ate; others, he completely avoided throughout his journey. My Successful Weight-Loss Journey also includes his cardio exercise and weightlifting routines, plus so much more.Get your copy today and start the ultimate weight-loss venture.

  • av Matty Cole

    In life, trials and tribulations are designed to destroy us. But with God, my challenges with abuse, drug addiction, hardship, betrayal, and loneliness could not break me. As I recount my life's journey, His presence has been with me through it all. According to Romans 8:28 (AMP), "e;And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good."e; Hope and trust in God always, and you, too, will find yourself still standing.

  • av Marcelo Ortiz

    I wrote this book hoping that it might awaken somebody from the slumber of mischief and allow his or her possible assets to achieve their American dream, which I am still looking for.

  • av Miriam

    "e;Bellug, spectral knight."e;"e;Leander, wizard."e;"e;Alyse, battlemage."e;"e;Ninet, thief."e;"e;Krys, sorcerer."e;"e;Cort, conjurer."e;"e;Lira, assassin."e;"e;Rancar, mechanist."e;"e;Beladon, bowmaster."e;"e;Shadow, mystic warrior."e;Of the physical and magical disciplines that defended a kingdom, mystic warriors were rare and sometimes chosen by the nature goddess to be catalysts of destiny. Shadow, a newly trained mystic warrior, and nine students of other disciplines are sent to the kingdom of Leo to prove their mettle and join an elite fighting unit. But dark magic moves unseen, causing monsters to rise and ravage the land, age-old protections to erode, and kingdoms to fall. Young and inexperienced, can the only elite team left in the west be welded into a force capable of facing the coming war?

  • av Ericka Rogers

    The title is inspired by the author's experiences in life and how she wanted to escape into a world of fantasy. Fantasy, in the opinion of the author, is a highly functioning imagination which includes extremely vivid pictures. In such a fantasy, the imagination can run wild to the point where the mind believes the events are true. The events in the short stories, poems, and or quotes are merely 99% imagination, leaving 1% truth. The title also reflects how the author has reflected on life experiences to the point of how things may have gone or could have occurred from a fantasy perspective. Each collection of short stories may have an alternate ending in a future setting. The words of the title resemble all our needs to leave the reality that we're living in and escape to our alternate world. The fantasy world is one where one can control every aspect and event. The book also represents an urban outlook into the world, which transitions into a cultural shock of limitless possibilities. Some of the limitless possibilities include finding love in taboo interest.

  • av Rita J. Ray

    The poems of this book reflect the principles of love, loss, and struggle. In a poignant, familiar way, they are coming to terms with human emotion. Their message is a snapshot of feelings expressed with self-awareness, captured within verses that are lyrical, intimate, and timeless. Like most everyone, I've loved and lost, lived to love again, then set yet another free. As a writer, I've always been drawn to the lexical, the interplay of words, imagery, and tone. One of the best things I've done in life is to come from the shadows and empty my heart, my soul--the essence of who I am--into the writing of a poem.

  • av Cezar Spence

    Fact or fiction? One may never know. Conspiracy theories are everywhere. Life is short, but one young man is determined to make a difference. Can he survive in a cruel world? One may never know. We all die someday, but before he goes to hell, he a few last words. Let's take a journey through the mind of one man who felt like it was his time to die. Can he save himself, or is it really the end for him? Never judge a book by its cover as we read. Before I go to hell.

  • av Ed Good

    Even though Bob the skeleton begins his "e;new life"e; as a Halloween decoration, his journey really begins after Halloween when normally he would have been put into storage or worse. How a last-minute decision changed the attitude and outlook to Bob's life.As Halloween would pass, and other times of the year would begin, Bob the skeleton's role would change along with the seasons. The day-to-day activities that would be part of our lives, would bring a new perspective to those whom met Bob the Skeleton or passed by him, and a little smile or laugh would certainly bring a little joy to our lives, if only for a few moments.

  • av Lydia Y. Pope Burden

    When was the last time someone discussed Billie Holiday or Dorothy Dandridge in a classroom?Christian and his eight students embark on various controversial topics, such as political views and social views. These topics are often considered taboo, but that's exactly why Christian wanted to tackle these subjects in his adult continuing education class.Are we openly ready to discuss and agree to disagree? There is always more than one way to see a situation. Tempers will rise, and personalities will show truth. Life is not just about your perspective; open your minds to other possibilities and experiences.

  • av S. Aminah Nialiah Aka Saundra Foster

    Mariea's dreams are no longer deferred. Mariea has come a long way away from the physical, verbal, and mental abuses that she had gone through. She had gotten to a place where she can now tell others since no one had to consider caring about her situation.From a meager beginning to a personal awareness of her own self-worth and worthiness, she is at a place where she wants to be. She can tell some of the stories that brought her there. So she takes you there.

  • av Kirk Andersen

    The book is a telling of the work-a-day dreary lives of Americans: wards of the state, small-time money-grubbers, high school pranksters, simpleton geniuses--the ones nullified and canceled by their culture, society, and country--the ones affected by the political climates of the day only wanting to achieve some form of happiness and stability in their lives. They search for it in the various corners and niches their society has left for them and discover the interesting surprises that lay there. It is a Chronicle of American Life and the surveys and Scams that go along with it.In Kirk Andersen's second book, he has written what he feels are slices of American Life. Stories that portray normal people and their experiences in Modern America. The stories could be looked upon as social justice literature but are really just a narrative of the way things are or could be.

  • av Jerry Bevers

  • av Jack Short

    If God prompts you to do something, He will provide the means to do it.The story of radio station KHOF-FM in Southern California is a good example.The pastor of a small church was prompted to start a Christian radio station, something unheard of and seemingly impossible in those days.There was no money available at the time to do such a thing. God provided what was needed including providing the writer of this book and his training and experience.There were many serious moments on the air but also many funny and interesting occasions behind the scenes and off the air. This book relates both of these sides of the story of this historic station and the author's experience as a part of it.

  • av Rajeran Tatum

    The title of the book Planet Larene comes from my short stories about a man in his midtwenties who has bipolar disorder. And he is explaining his chaotic thought process. And his journey of human settlement on Planet Larene. In these stories, topics on colorism, mental health, human nature, and the supernatural will be discussed.

  • av John Michele

    Do you know what night crawlers are? They make great bait for fishermen who are not squeamish about dirty hands.This story begins when two boys, age thirteen, decide to earn a little money selling worms to a bait shop and are once again together on the thirtieth anniversary of a life-changing discovery. Wakefield, their town and its people, are a part of who they are, especially for young Dolf, who has two important reasons for his trips from New York City to his boyhood home.You see, he was an orphan and was adopted into an Italian American family who live on the wrong side of the tracks in an area known as the Gulch. His friend, Jay, comes from one of the towns oldest Yankee families, dating way back to the 1600. What do they have in common? Is it just the murders that took place back in August 1958?Have you ever had the opportunity to return to your hometown for more than a few days? Was it as you remember, did anyone recognize you as you walked its wide main street? Are the folks different from people in the big apple? Every time he returns, Dolf has the same questions, who am I and who killed my old neighbors from the Gulch?

  • av Talib Bryant

    After failing to solve a prolonged case involving an untraceable serial killer, prominent FBI agent Lee Wong resigned himself from office and went into isolated depression, firmly believing that his glory days were over. Roughly half a decade later, he received a call from his former coworker and close friend who proposed a case that would promise redemption. Reluctant at first, Lee accepted the job with the slight hope of turning his stagnant life around. His hope was answered when he entered the crime scene; however, his new meaning in life was far from his expectations. With no pay or any official recognition, Lee became what every child aspired to be and eventually grow out of: a destined hero that works in the phantasmal shadows of night.

  • av Sgt. Nobody

    Our country was founded by the people, for the people, yet the people have no say so in how the country is run. We put our lives in the hands of complete strangers. We are more divided than ever. Someone has to try to unite everyone. Not just one type of person but all Americans that are here now and those to come. That is what this country is about, or at least supposed to be. We have lost our focus as a country when instead we should be focused on the people of this beautiful country. Nobody can control what family they are born into but you can control the person you become. Until we rise above the hate and stupidity, together, we are in trouble.

  • av Lorraine Clopton

    It is time for grandson to take a nap, but he is not sleepy. At least that is what he keeps telling Grandma. He is trying to think of anything to get out of taking a nap. If he can convince Grandma that he doesn't need a nap, then he and Grandma can keep playing. Grandma, however, has other plans in mind, and she is a patient woman. The more that grandson tries to stay awake the sleepier he gets. So he changes his strategy and starts to think of what would be good for Grandma. Will he be able to stay awake? Or will he convince Grandma that he doesn't need a nap?

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