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  • av Jose Carlos Aguiar Da Silva

    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an oleaginous species belonging to the Pedaliaceae family, possibly originating in India or Ethiopia (RICCI et al., 1999). Because its seeds contain around 50% oil of excellent quality, interest in the crop has been growing, especially in the Midwest, North and Northeast regions of Brazil (BELTRÃO and VIEIRA, 2001). According to Castellanelli et al. (2007), sesame is a crop adapted to tropical and subtropical climates, with drought tolerance and ease of cultivation. It is currently grown in 71 countries, especially in Asia and Africa. World production is estimated at 3.8 million tons, obtained from 7.8 million hectares, with an average yield of 487 kg ha-1. It was in this context that the research sought to quantify and evaluate the growth and productive capacity of different sesame genotypes as a function of irrigation rates, with the aim of determining the best irrigation rate to be applied and the productive advantage that would justify its application.

  • av Castor Leonardo Maduro-Maytin

    We must as a paradigm doubt methodically (Descartes), if necessary even our own master (Bacon), to dedicate ourselves to the search for the correct diagnosis that will allow us with the greatest precision (Spinoza), to treat and solve in an adequate way the problem of our human patient, our problem. We must keep in mind the different types of prejudices so deeply rooted even today in our society that threaten the development of the sciences.It will be necessary to keep ourselves in the constant search for the truth in order to try to approach the diagnosis that afflicts that being who approaches us for help.It is of vital importance to continuously observe man as a substantiated entity, unique, impossible to separate into two different things, although we can study them separately and divide them into two that will always be one as long as he exists as a man. The analysis of the ordinary language of the patient for the physician will be of great use in an attempt to minimize the diagnostic error in medical semiology. Conversation humanizes the relationship between two individuals who are fundamentally different, the physician and the patient.

  • av Noémia Luciano Augusto

    Noemia Luciano Augusto Study of Pre-Competitive Anxiety in School and Federated Athletes Dissertation Submitted to the Pedagogical University - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in order to obtain a Master's degree in the field of Sports Training for Children and Young People under the supervision of PhD Vicente Alfredo Tembe and PhD Manuel José de Morais PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Physical Education and Sport MAPUTO, 2012

  • av Chaouki Bouri

    The security of goods against damage, breakage and theft during international transport requires companies operating in this field to take out insurance policies to deal with these risks, which can cost them their very existence, particularly in the case of a large transaction. It is true that they represent an additional cost for the company, but they are still necessary, whether against the risk of damage or theft, or against the risk of non-payment (buyer insolvency), since the seller and buyer are not in the same geographical, political, commercial, legal and customary areas. Several types of insurance can be envisaged to deal with these risks. These insurances are linked to the risks to which both the importer and the exporter are exposed. The exporter runs the risk of the importer's insolvency in the event of a sale on credit. The importer runs the risk of loss or deterioration of the goods during the journey of which he has become the owner.

  • av Andrea E Romero V

    In today's age, modernism has conditioned children to have an unhealthy quality of life, which can be detrimental to their social, psychological and physical interests. It is important that you take a look and learn about the habits that you can and should modify to provide them with a good state of health and, with this, provide them with the necessary tools to lead an appropriate rhythm of life, and thus avoid diseases that can become fatal, through this study carried out on 46 patients, both female and male, with malnutrition by excess who came for the first time to the Nutrition, Growth and Development consultation of the Children's Hospital "J.M. de Los Ríos", in the city of Caracas - Venezuela.

  • av Thaisa Carvalho Volpe Balbinoti

    Since 2004, ANVISA has been responsible for inspecting food services in Brazil, with the aim of checking the quality of the premises, the handlers and the products on offer. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of compliance of food businesses with the RDC 216 resolution, as well as its relationship with location (center and outskirts). Data was collected using an inspection form drawn up in accordance with the current RDC. Among the aspects covered, handlers, documentation, registration and responsibility were the most irregular points. From the chemometric analysis of the data, it was identified that the companies located in the center behaved differently from the services on the outskirts, presenting better quality. Despite this, all the food services operated need to be adapted, which can be acquired through training courses.

  • av John Bahati Lamire

    Our study focused on "the impact of poverty on the life of the teacher". Social life is a whole that encompasses several ways of life, existing between several social strata whose inter-individual interactions also lead people to discover several realities operating in the rural and urban environment. Every society is organized as a cohesive whole, made up of several interdependent elements, so that the system of life can be modified (Vil FREDO PARETO 1848, p. 154).Given the need to understand the motives behind and causes of poverty in this environment, we can say that: parent-teachers are at the root of the poverty that children are experiencing in their families? the non-payment of a decent salary to urban teachers makes family life difficult for parents and their children.

  • av Laffert Gomes

    The aim of this work is to synthesize and characterize Magneto-Polymer Nanocomposites based on nanoparticles with superparamagnetic characteristics, coated with a polymer extracted from the natural oils of the Carapa guianensis plant, popularly known as Andiroba. In this work, iron oxide nanoparticles were used, which are synthesized using the coprecipitation method. The polymer is synthesized using the polycondensation method. The nanocomposite is then prepared by dispersing the nanoparticles in the polymer matrix. Different techniques are used to characterize the samples: XRD, MET, SEM, UV-Vis, FTIR, EDX and EF. The techniques indicate that the nanocomposite is well formed.

  • av Melrulim Camilo Lourenzetti

    The aim of this work is to suggest web tools for Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), so that students on distance learning courses can achieve better performance and satisfaction. The aim is to achieve this through an argument, based on the main authors in the field, about Distance Education, Virtual Learning Environments and Usability applied to web interfaces, as well as a comparative study of some VLEs selected from the various productive sectors.

  • - The Geopolitical Formation of a Tourist Heterotopia
    av Marcela Montalvão Teti
    1 085,-

    Based on the studies of Michel Foucault and concepts such as heterotopia and device to define the fields of analysis, this work is the result of the author's observations on the effects of the Tourism Regionalisation Programme - Roteiros do Brasil, in stimulating the interiorisation of tourism in the country. The study was carried out by analysing the knowledge-power relations, from a geopolitical perspective, related to the production of a tourist destination, focusing on tourist practices and the multiple power games and power relations involved in the process of touristification of Urubici between 2000 and 2009. Cartographies, genealogies and archaeologies acted as tools in the development of the analyses, from which perspectives on the tourist experience in the municipality were drawn. After producing and analysing the data, the author came to the conclusion that a tourist destination is not a homogenous space, but rather consists of multiple positions, implying geopolitical disputes in the "design" of tourist practices. In addition, the heterotopic constitution of a tourist destination results in the production of modes of subjectivation from spaces/states of compensation.

  • av José Maurício Bemfica

    Nowadays, the whole construction process is being discussed internationally. We are increasingly seeing a growing use of natural resources, both minerals and those obtained from forests, as well as the energy used during the course of a construction project. This will force builders to be more careful and more cautious when using materials during the construction process. The science, research and studies that have been carried out and are increasingly being developed can be of great help and provide satisfactory guidance on the subject. In conclusion, both Engineering and Architecture should focus on the environment and the human being, inserting them into the natural physical space and also into the natural landscape, without violently attacking it.

  • av Simone Rebello Bergmann

    This work seeks to describe, using bibliographical and documentary research procedures and its own memorialistic testimony, the process of formulating and implementing the Educational Development Programme (PDE), an unprecedented format for continuing teacher training in Paraná, and also in the country. The focus of the report is on the period from 2006 to 2007, when the programme was implemented, designed and implemented as an educational policy and consolidated as a state public policy through Complementary Law 130/2010. To implement the programme, the Paraná State Department of Education established a partnership with the State Department of Science, Technology and Higher Education (SETI) and the public higher education institutions in the state of Paraná.

  • av Mehroba Dzhaborova

    Obesity, undoubtedly, occupies one of the leading positions among the most widespread diseases at the global level. With the increasing prevalence of obesity in the world population, the frequency of this pathology among women of reproductive age is naturally increasing. Thus, among women of generative age for those with excessive body weight, according to world statistics reaches 50%. The frequency of obesity among pregnant women according to various estimates ranges from 18.5 to 38.3%. The most frequent obesity metabolic disorder during pregnancy is gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). In this regard, the correct organization of screening examination of the population of women in the region, including pregnant women, characterized by a high birth rate will make it possible to carry out the earliest diagnosis of GDM and pre-GDM, improve prevention methods and improve the prognosis of the pathology.

  • av Prosper Metougue Nang
    1 455,-

    Following what can be described as a first-generation growth model based on the export of raw materials and supported by external financing, the emergence of a true market economy is currently one of the plausible ways for African countries such as Gabon to emerge from the financial crisis. But this quest for economic efficiency from a liberal perspective obeys a certain number of laws. The market is the reference model. Competition allows economic equilibrium to be achieved, hence the liberal credo of "laissez-faire". To this end, the improvement of the economic environment is a prerequisite, i.e. the creation of a legal framework for accumulation enabling rational individuals to fulfil their potential through entrepreneurship, the criterion being the realisation of profit. In this respect, the role of the State appears to be decisive, particularly in countries where essential needs are not being met. It needs to find a new way of regulating the economy, in order to stimulate broad-based growth.

  • av Bruna Carla Simeão Oliveira

    The aim of this book is to study assisted suicide in the light of Brazilian legislation and the constitutional principles of the right to life and liberty. The research is justified by the necessary imperative of the supreme value of the dignity of the human person. Using the hypothetical-deductive research method with a qualitative approach and an exploratory purpose, a theoretical compilation was made in order to support the hypotheses on the following problem: why not institute assisted suicide in Brazil? With a constitutional bias and under medical ethics, the final considerations are that life should be privileged and guaranteed by the State, which should provide palliative care to the patient, in order to nourish their physical and mental health until their natural death.

  • - carers' views and associated factors
    av Joseane Marques Fernandes

    Childhood obesity, a chronic disease with a multifactorial etiology, is characterised by excess adipose tissue in the body and can manifest itself from the first year of life. This condition has consequences in childhood, such as orthopaedic and respiratory problems, and in adulthood, with the onset of hypertension and diabetes. In this context, the family and the school play a fundamental role in ensuring the child's proper nutrition and in raising awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The main aim of this study is to analyse the factors related to childhood obesity and the caregiver's point of view in relation to this issue in children aged 0 to 5.

  • av Antonio Olavo Souza

    This book is an account of my life and work history, developed as an educator in rural areas and as a people manager in the agro-industry sector. Sugar and alcohol mills do not have a tradition of developing policies and social practices, processes and actions aimed at promoting citizenship, ethics and solidarity and transforming teams of field workers who, because they have few opportunities for schooling, are trained to cut sugar cane in line with safety conditions, are concerned about quality of life and also understand the importance of conserving the environment and living well together in the workplace. Our socio-educational intervention involved everything from learning about hygiene, managing finances, as they worked under harvest contracts, to guidance on benefits, productivity, quality and awards.

  • av Rosimeire Aparecida Goncalves

    The work of psychologists in mental health is essential in shared care with: Doctor, Nurse, Social Worker and Psychologists who care for people with HIV/Aids and also with the technical team of the CAPS II Psychosocial Care Center. The book aims to address the mental health of people with HIV and AIDS and mental disorders, as it is estimated that more than a quarter of people in psychiatric treatment in Brazil have contracted some kind of sexually transmitted disease. The relevance of addressing sexually transmitted infections in patients with psychiatric disorders is that epidemiological studies show that the prevalence of disorders can reach 30% of that in the general population. It seeks to fill a gap in the literature for professionals who provide care to patients with HIV-AIDS comorbidities and mental disorders. It provides an opportunity to reflect on health practice in the context of HIV/AIDS and mental health and the challenges of adherence to treatment.

  • av Tyte Marie Mabouma

    Following the various events that have marked our country over the past decade, it is incumbent on us not to remain silent in the face of these difficult times. We are therefore attempting to present the various political figures and members of civil society who are intervening or have intervened in Gabon's political and social scene. These figures are divided into two main groups: Political figures and civil society figures. It is clear that the men presented here are not the best of those not taken into account in the publication of this work, but they have played a role in the history of the country, the State and the Nation.

  • av Rafael Carneiro de Melo Mazzoni

    This book analyses the dynamics of the Brazilian public debt based on the asset and liability structures of the public sector. This approach seemed appropriate in view of the changes in the asset structure that have taken place today, since it characterises the simultaneous expansion of real estate debt and of internal and external assets through repo operations. The analysis boils down to pointing out the difference between the trajectories of the government's gross debt in general and the public sector's net debt, showing an important result that the fall in net debt is slower, an issue that will be seen in the course of this work.

  • av Arestides Pereira Da Silva Júnior

    The book presents reflections from the perspective of Health Promotion, looking for evidence that can be used to design Physical Education programs for the elderly. The theoretical framework used appropriates a view of health in its broadest context, transcending the reductionist tendencies inherited from the biomedical tradition of considering health in a negative way, linked exclusively to disease prevention. Considering this problem, the book presents the results of a wide-ranging field study, the objectives of which were: a) to analyze and evaluate the environment (socio-cultural, historical and geopolitical) and personal characteristics (physical, functional and desires/preferences) of the participants in the Elderly Living Groups in the municipality of Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR; b) to verify the implications of these evaluations for the creation of a Physical Education model in the light of the Health Promotion idea. The research showed that a wide-ranging assessment of various aspects related to the environment is essential if the actions of pedagogical practice are to transcend the systematized practice of physical activity in a Physical Education program for the elderly.

  • av Luana Cristal Lirya Silva

    Brazil is endowed with a large forest area, a fact that gives it greater responsibility in terms of environmental and economic aspects. It is therefore of fundamental importance to know the properties of the raw materials found in the country so that they can be put to better use and even make use of their waste. With this in mind, it is possible to say that medium-density particleboard has arrived on the market to revolutionize knowledge about old chipboards, bringing engineered wood products with better properties and various means of use. The aim of the work described here was to produce and evaluate the physical-mechanical properties of medium-density particleboard (MDP), produced in three layers, based on the normative specifications of NBR 14810-2:2013, using wood waste from Eucalyptus ssp. Three different pressing times were evaluated: 6, 8 and 10 minutes. The results obtained were compared with industry standards, as well as with works found in the literature, and it was possible to see an effective interference of the pressing time.

  • av Naiana Lima

    Faced with the rapid and constant changes that the market is undergoing, organisations are seeking to remain competitive in the market through indirect pay, which is represented by the various benefits that the company makes available to its employees. In view of this, it can be seen that indirect pay strengthens commitment and satisfies employees, thus creating a better image for the company in the market, as it will arouse interest in qualified professionals and keep existing ones on board. The general aim of this work was to analyse how benefits management is developed through a good rewards policy at Nordeste Gás, in Teresina Piauí. This is an exploratory and descriptive case study in which a quantitative questionnaire was administered to 30 employees, comprising 100% of the organisation's workforce, and a qualitative interview was conducted with the resources manager.

  • av Cleicianne Barreira Araujo

    This book aims to study the methodological possibilities of music education for early childhood education, while discussing the role of the school as a space for appropriating this systematized knowledge and the presence of music in this space as a force for human expression, development and language. Music is as important a language as written language and therefore needs to be accessible so that children can appropriate, act and expand musically. In the intervention activities, the children interacted significantly with sound qualities, rhythmic initiation and the perception of sounds. As such, the child's relationship with music is built procedurally and its inclusion in early childhood education enables qualitative experiences of appreciation, reflection and creation, depending on the methodology presented in the work with the children. This research inspires the need to design and develop coherent pedagogical proposals for different age groups in the process of formal education in the area of musical and artistic knowledge.

  • av Filipe Melo Da Silva

    To analyse the epidemiological characteristics of AIDS cases diagnosed in the north-east of Brazil, since they were first recorded in the National Notifiable Diseases System - SINAN. To compare the number of registered AIDS cases in terms of the following characteristics: year of diagnosis (by decade), Federative Unit (FU) of residence, sex, self-declared gender, category of exposure to the virus, race and schooling; To discuss state and regional trends in AIDS cases; To outline the social and regional epidemiological profiles of AIDS; To assess the changes in the epidemiological pattern of the disease, decade by decade.

  • av Juvenaldo Pastola

    This book is a contribution to reducing energy consumption related to the use of HVAC systems in residential and similar buildings, as it presents a modern technique for supplying air conditioning.The results presented in this book were obtained through the numerical and experimental research methodology developed to evaluate the use of vertical confluent impact jets in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems. The numerical research was carried out using numerical simulation models and the experimental research was carried out using experimental tests in an unoccupied experimental chamber equipped with a system of vertical confluent impact jets.

  • av Luiz Cláudio de Freitas

    The aim of the research was to reconstruct the history of the Port of Laguna in the economic formation of southern Santa Catarina, based on the multiple determinants that make up the concrete reality. The port of Laguna went through several phases, first as the port of the conquests in southern Brazil; then as the port for the colonization of southern Santa Catarina; as a coal port; and finally as a regional fishing port. We highlight the long history of the port of Laguna and its material and historical relationship with the development of the city and the southern region of Santa Catarina. The port was marked by different periods that reflected the transformations triggered by the expansion of capital in the national and regional territory. The process of commercial and productive diversification based on the expansion of the coal sector shifted the economic and political center of the region from Laguna to Criciúma. The absence of a new local dynamic corresponded to Laguna's isolation and economic regression, and the transformation of the port into a fishing terminal was a new hope for the city, especially for sectors of the Laguna and Santa Catarina elite who longed for the reactivation of the port and the overcoming of "backwardness".

  • av Marcio Santos Sampaio

    The changes that have taken place in the social and environmental scenario have led to a new conception of economic development, which for a long time was only discussed from an economic perspective. The increase in society's awareness with the simultaneous incorporation of socio-environmental aspects into organizations, given the relevance of this issue, has led researchers to focus on the inclusion of these issues in Higher Education and, specifically, in Accounting courses, as well as on how to include socio-environmental content. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the formal involvement of Accounting students with social and environmental content contributes significantly to their perception of concepts and content of this nature. The findings of the research indicate that students are interested in incorporating social and environmental aspects into Accounting courses, as well as indicating that these students understand the benefits of including these aspects in the construction of organizational strategy. Thus, this work has contributed to a better understanding of the level of student perception.

  • - Nutritional Composition - Functional Characteristics
    av José Roberto Cunha Lima

    Spirulina platensis is a species of microalgae found in marine environments, continental or inland waters, in soils or even in association with other plants and animals. According to Oliveira (2006), Spirulina platensis stands out due to its nutritional composition, which can reach 80% of its total dry weight, high protein content and the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as γ-linolenic acid and β-carotene and phycocyanin pigments. Several species are grown commercially in some countries, and the biomass produced has been used as a source of products for application in the food industry. One of the reasons microalgae are used to enrich foods is because of their high nutritional value. As well as using Spirulina biomass to enrich foods in industry, it can also be used to treat pathologies such as protein-energy malnutrition.

  • av Denise Consuelo Moser Aguiar

    The theoretical-practical relationship is present in pedagogical discussions on the professional training of nurses and is part of the repertoire of themes widely disseminated in the worlds of training and work, requiring an in-depth analysis of its meaning and characterisation of the movement of construction of the teaching and learning process. The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers, nurses involved in care activities and students studying adult health in an undergraduate nursing course understand the theoretical-practical relationship in the process of professional training for nurses. The text sought to answer questions about the teaching and learning process; the hiring of professional nurses for care activities; and the identification of limits and possibilities in the theoretical-practical relationship. The methodology used was qualitative empirical research, based on a case study.

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