av Shakayle Covington
You Have Saved Me in More Ways Than One. I hope this story means something to you. I hope you know that I to had countless nights of uncertainty, of wondering, of pain, and of tears. I too, have shared similar struggles and battles that you have faced and seen. A thousand times it hurts but a thousand times I stood up, and each time that I did, it became a different story. It became a journey of hardship, hope, faith, strength, love, and most importantly self-discovery. Learning true acceptance of everything that was occurring in my life whether I felt at the time I allowed it or not. I soon realized I was not in this alone, that my friends, my sisters, and my peers faced the same battles. It, in turn, led me to a state of gratitude. I am being to feel grateful for that relationship ending, that job never calling back, and that friendship that was over. I learned to elevate myself to matter high to my calling. I've learned that men and women are not the same. Our journeys are in sync for a reason and sometimes only for a season. As individuals, it's our duty to take responsibility and acknowledge the course that has ended and most importantly trust the space that we are in.These letters are journeys that we have shared. Consider it pure joy, my brothers, and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. -James 1:2, 3