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  • - Mein Kampf
    av Adolf Hitler, &#1076, &#1080, m.fl.

  • av Douglas Reed

  • av Hervé Ryssen

    The history of Judaism is that of a people - or a sect - at permanent war against the rest of humanity. At all times and in all places, Jews have given rise to anti-Semitism. The script always unfolds in the same way: after the violence and settling of scores, the goyim (non-Jews) legislate to try to curb the phenomenon and eventually expel the undesirables. But inevitably, after a certain period of time, the undesirables manage to re-enter the square, corrupt the kings and lords, and resume their trafficking and intrigues, without having learned anything from their past mistakes. This history has been repeating itself for nearly three thousand years.The Jews, for their part, are constantly trying to give the whole world the image of a community persecuted for no reason. From the departure from Egypt to Auschwitz, from the destruction of the Temple to the pogroms of the Cossacks, from the massacres committed by the Crusaders to the bonfires of the Inquisition, their history is indeed a succession of dramas. To explain this phenomenon, Jewish intellectuals come up with all sorts of theories, more or less convoluted, and end up claiming that the history of the Jewish "people" is a "mystery", an extraordinary "enigma", a fabulous, even cosmic destiny. Most of the time they add or imply that they might be "God's chosen people". But when the matter is examined more closely, the problem is actually much simpler. In any case, after reading this book, we trust that no one will speak of "Judeo-Christian" civilisation any more.

  • av Eustace Clarence Mullins

    Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be ''tolerated, '' ''treated with greater understanding, '' or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed. This is the principal point of what has come to be known as today's liberalism, more popularly known as secular humanism. The popular, and apparently sensible, appeal of humanism is that humanity should always place human interests first. The problem is that this very humanism can be traced in an unbroken line all the way back to the Biblical ''Curse of Canaan.'' Humanism is the logical result of the demonology of history. Modern day events can be understood only if we can trace their implications in a direct line from the earliest records of antiquity.

  • - Currency Warfare
    av Song Hongbing
    379 - 469

  • av Roger Garaudy

  • - The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples
    av Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

    The form of constitution that replaced feudalism and absolutism was democracy; the form of government, plutocracy. Today, democracy is a façade of plutocracy: since nations would not tolerate a pure form of plutocracy, they were granted nominal powers, while the real power rests in the hands of plutocrats. In republican as well as monarchical democracies, the statesmen are puppets, the capitalists are the puppeteers; they dictate the guidelines of politics, rule through purchase the public opinion of the voters, and through professional and social relationships, the ministers.Instead of the feudal structure of society, the plutocratic stepped in; birth is no more the decisive factor for social rank, but income is. Today's plutocracy is mightier than yesterday's aristocracy: because nobody is above it but the state, which is its tool and helper's helper.When there was still true blood nobility, the system of aristocracy by birth was fairer than that of the moneyed aristocracy today: because then the ruling caste had a sense of responsibility, culture and tradition, whereas the class that rules today is barren of feelings of responsibility, culture or tradition.

  • av Antony C Sutton

    Though he was a prolific author, Professor Sutton will always be remembered by his great trilogy: Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler, and Wall St. and FDR.This is a trilogy describing the role of the American corporate socialists, otherwise known as the Wall Street financial elite or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, in three significant twentieth-century historical events: the 1917 Lenin-Trotsky Revolution in Russia, the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, and the 1933 seizure of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany.Each of these events introduced some variant of socialism into a major country - i.e., Bolshevik socialism in Russia, New Deal socialism in the United States, and National socialism in Germany.Contemporary academic histories, with perhaps the sole exception of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope, ignore this evidence. On the other hand, it is understandable that universities and research organizations, dependent on financial aid from foundations that are controlled by this same New York financial elite, would hardly want to support and to publish research on these aspects of international politics. The bravest of trustees is unlikely to bite the hand that feeds his organization.It is also eminently clear from the evidence in this trilogy that "public-spirited businessmen" do not journey to Washington as lobbyists and administrators in order to serve the United States. They are in Washington to serve their own profit-maximizing interests. Their purpose is not to further a competitive, free-market economy, but to manipulate a politicized regime, call it what you will, to their own advantage.Periodic crises and wars are used to whip up support for other plunder-reward cycles which in effect tighten the noose around our individual liberties. And of course we have hordes of academic sponges, amoral businessmen, and just plain hangers-on, to act as non-productive recipients for the plunder.Stop the circle of plunder and immoral reward and elitist structures collapse. But not until a majority finds the moral courage and the internal fortitude to reject the something-for-nothing con game and replace it by voluntary associations, voluntary communes, or local rule and decentralized societies, will the killing and the plunder cease.

  • - Der Kalergi-Plan zur Zerstoerung der europaischen Voelker
    av Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi

  • - "Symbols Rule the World, Not Words nor Laws"
    av Vigilant Citizen

    "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws."- ConfuciusThis timeless quote perfectly sums up the aims of Vigilant Citizen. To understand the world we live in, we must understand the symbols surrounding us. To understand these symbols, we must dig up their origin, which are often deeply hidden in occult mysteries. Vigilant Citizen aims to go beyond the face value of symbols found in pop culture to reveal their esoteric meaning

  • av Adolf Hitler

  • av Adolf Hitler

  • av Maurice Bardeche

  • av F Roderich-Stoltheim

  • av Eustace Clarence Mullins
    375 - 535,-

    The present work, the result of some forty years of investigative research, is a logical progression from my previous books: the expose of the international control of monetary issue and banking practices in the United States; a later work revealing the secret network of organizations through which these alien forces wield political power-the secret committees, foundations, and political parties through which their hidden plans are implemented; and now; to the most vital issue of all, the manner in which these depredations affect the daily lives and health of American citizens. Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American-our nation's physicians. I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians. The trail of these manipulators led me straight to the same lairs of the international conspirators whom I had exposed in previous books. I knew that they had already looted America, reduced its military power to a dangerously low level, and imposed bureaucratic controls on every American. I now discovered that their conspiracies also directly affected the health of every American. This conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately mulct our people of millions of dollars each year through ''charitable'' organizations and then use these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly. Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their ''behavioural control'' over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues. The proof of this operation may be the most disturbing revelation of my work.

  • av Eustace Clarence Mullins

  • - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism
    av Eustace Clarence Mullins

  • av Adolf Hitler

  • - A Demonology of History
    av Eustace Mullins

  • av Archibald Ramsay

    Here is the story that people have said would never be written in our time - the true history of events leading up to the Second World War, told by one who enjoyed the friendship and confidence of Mr Neville Chamberlain during the critical months between Munich and September, 1939.There has long been an unofficial ban on books dealing with what Captain Ramsay calls "The Nameless War", the conflict which has been waged from behind the political scene for centuries, which is still being waged and of which very few are aware.

  • av Omar Zaid

    My study of Islam is joined to a quest for truth that has been my companion from an early age. Even then it caused me to bite the many hands that fed me, hence, certain persons mentioned herein are subject to this beleaguering habit for which I apologize but without regret. I have done so because during the course of ceaseless studies I encountered contradictions in deed and doctrine for which no other remedy is possible, especially in light of the command given to Muslims to right that which is wrong and treat the enemies of Islam as such whenever possible. And though I have some reservations as I am yet a novice in the school of Islam's wisdom, I make this offering.

  • - D'après des documents inédits
    av Henri Pouget de Saint-André

    Plus on étudie en effet l'histoire de la Révolution Française, plus on se heurte à des énigmes. D'abord les écrivains se contredisent sur la plupart des points, de sorte que si l'on admettait tous leurs démentis et toutes leurs rectifications, on arriverait à conclure qu'il ne s'est à peu près rien passé de 1789 à 1793 ! Quant aux rares évènements sur lesquels ils sont d'accord, ils n'en donnent jamais la même explication.Il semble, disait un jour Robespierre à Amar, que nous soyons emportés par une main invisible au-delà de nos volontés Tous les jours le comité de Salut Public fait ce qu'il a décidé la veille de ne pas faire. Il existe une faction conduite pour le perdre, sans qu'il puisse en découvrir les directeurs .Le but de la Révolution était-il la réforme des abus et la conquête de la liberté ? Elle aurait dû s'arrêter à la fin de 1789. Avait-elle pour but un changement de régime ? Elle aurait dû s'arrêter au 10 août. Pourquoi a-t-on acheté au prix de quatre milliards et de cinquante mille têtes, des réformes que Louis XVI offrait pour rien ?L'action maçonnique de 1789, ignorée de tant d'historiens, n'est pas une découverte récente, puisque dès l'année 1792, Le Franc écrivait Tout ce que nous avons vu exécuter par les clubs, avait été préparé de longue main clans les loges maçonniques. Ces révélations furent causes d'ailleurs de sa condamnation à mort.Déjà, sous Louis XV, les doctrines internationalistes de la maçonnerie commençaient à se faire connaître on est surpris de lire la phrase suivante dans un discours du Grand Maître en 1760 Le monde entier n'est qu'une grande république dont chaque nation est une famille. C'est pour répandre ces essentielle maximes que notre société fut d'abord établie.

  • - Geschichte der medizinischen verschwörung gegen amerika
    av Eustace Mullins

    Das vorliegende Buch, das Ergebnis von rund vierzig Jahren Forschung, ist die logische Fortsetzung meiner früheren Arbeiten: die Aufdeckung der internationalen Kontrolle der Geldausgabe und der Bankpraktiken in den Vereinigten Staaten; eine weitere Arbeit, die das geheime Netzwerk von Organisationen enthüllte, durch die diese ausländischen Kräfte politische Macht ausüben - die geheimen Ausschüsse, Stiftungen und politischen Parteien, durch die ihre verborgenen Pläne umgesetzt werden; und nun die lebenswichtigste Frage von allen, wie diese Schändungen das tägliche Leben und die Gesundheit der amerikanischen Bürger beeinträchtigen. Trotz der großen Macht, die von ihren verborgenen Führern ausgeübt wird, habe ich herausgefunden, dass eine einzige Gruppe das Recht über Leben und Tod der amerikanischen Ärzte unserer Nation hat.Diese Verschwörung hat zu einem nachweislichen Rückgang der Gesundheit unserer Bürger geführt. Wir rangieren nun weit unten auf der Liste der zivilisierten Nationen, was die Kindersterblichkeit und andere wichtige medizinische Statistiken betrifft. Ich konnte die schockierenden Machenschaften dieser Magnaten dokumentieren, die nicht nur kaltblütig Hungersnöte, Wirtschaftsdepressionen, Revolutionen und Kriege planen und herbeiführen, sondern durch ihre Manipulationen unseres Gesundheitssystems auch riesige Gewinne erzielen.

  • av Eustace Mullins

    Durch die gesamte Geschichte der Zivilisation hindurch ist ein bestimmtes Problem für die Menschheit konstant geblieben. In allen großen Angelegenheiten des Friedens, der Kriege oder der Kriegsgerüchte standen die großen Imperien eines nach dem anderen vor demselben Hindernis: dem jüdischen Problem.Trotz der Hartnäckigkeit dieses Problems und trotz der enormen Masse an Schriften zu diesem Thema hat nicht ein einziger Autor, ob pro oder contra, das Problem jemals mit seinem Ursprung konfrontiert; nämlich wer die Juden sind und warum sie hier auf der Erde sind.Diese Frage kann nur beantwortet werden, wenn man seinen ganzen Verstand einsetzt. Diese Frage muss auch auf höchster geistiger Ebene angegangen werden, motiviert durch tiefe christliche Nächstenliebe und vor allem mit größtem Respekt vor dem Menschen selbst, vor dem, was er ist, seinen Ursprüngen und seiner Zukunft.Die Geschichte des Menschen ist eine Geschichte der Konflikte, der Kriege zwischen Habenden und Habenichtsen, der Ausbeutung des Menschen durch den Menschen und schrecklicher Massaker. In dieser blutbefleckten Akte findet der Forscher jedoch nur ein einziges Volk, das die heftigsten Antagonismen hervorrief, ganz gleich, wo es sich niederließ. Ein einziges Volk verärgerte die Nationen, die es in allen Teilen der zivilisierten Welt aufgenommen hatten, so sehr, dass sich das Gastvolk gegen es wandte, indem es seine Mitglieder tötete oder vertrieb. Dieses Volk ist das Volk der Juden.

  • - Eine Studie über die Hegemonie des Parasitismus
    av Eustace Mullins

    Orwell legte das Diktum fest, dass Slogans in Neusprech sein müssen: "Krieg ist Frieden, Freiheit ist Sklaverei, Unwissenheit ist Stärke". Dies ist das Programm der Hegemonie des Parasitentums durch die Weltordnung. Das Programm der Weltordnung bleibt das gleiche: Teile und herrsche.Orwell schließt ''1984'' mit der Leugnung, dass die Opfer der Weltordnung irgendeine Hoffnung haben. Er behauptet, die Weltordnung werde immer triumphieren, was eine große Propagandaleistung für die Hegemonie des Parasitentums ist. Er schreibt: "Wenn Sie ein Bild von der Zukunft wollen, stellen Sie sich einen Stiefel vor, der auf ein menschliches Gesicht tritt - für immer. Er entledigt sich seines ''Helden'', eines Bürgers, der vergeblich versucht hatte, sich der Partei zu widersetzen, indem er das Buch damit beendet, dass der ''Held'' wimmert, dass ''er Big Brother liebte''.Die Völker der Welt werden den Großen Bruder nicht nur niemals lieben, sie werden ihn auch bald für immer loswerden.

  • av Peter Goodgame

    En el siguiente estudio se analizará la historia de la región en la que Estados Unidos se ha visto envuelto, una región que solía estar, y hasta cierto punto sigue estando, controlada casi en su totalidad por Gran Bretaña. ¿Es la actual "guerra contra el terrorismo" realmente una guerra para llevar la libertad a la región y promover los ideales tradicionales estadounidenses, o se trata de un juego de poder para consolidar la hegemonía mundial de Estados Unidos? ¿Y qué gana Gran Bretaña? Gran Bretaña parece ser nuestro mayor aliado, pero hay que entender que los geoestrategas británicos son los maestros de la manipulación política y la subversión. Incluso cuando el imperio colonial británico físico estaba declinando en la primera mitad de este siglo, ya estaban construyendo el marco para un imperio completamente global basado en el legado de Cecil Rhodes utilizando los recursos de los supercapitalistas y financieros de Nueva York y Londres. Estas élites pueden ser predominantemente de nacionalidad británica y estadounidense, pero rechazan la democracia y la Constitución estadounidense y trabajan en contra de los mejores intereses de los ciudadanos británicos, estadounidenses e internacionales. Estudiando la historia de Oriente Próximo, y la manipulación elitista de la misma, tal vez podamos predecir lo que está por venir tras este último empujón final del Imperio estadounidense.

  • av Hervé Ryssen

    La storia dell'ebraismo è quella di un popolo - o di una setta - in guerra permanente contro il resto dell'umanità. In ogni tempo e in ogni luogo, gli ebrei hanno dato origine all'antisemitismo. Il copione si svolge sempre nello stesso modo: dopo le violenze e i regolamenti di conti, i goyim (i non ebrei) legiferano per cercare di arginare il fenomeno e alla fine espellono gli indesiderabili. Ma inevitabilmente, dopo un certo periodo di tempo, gli indesiderabili riescono a rientrare in piazza, a corrompere i re e i signori e a riprendere i loro traffici e intrighi, senza aver imparato nulla dagli errori del passato. Questa storia si ripete da quasi tremila anni.Gli ebrei, da parte loro, cercano costantemente di dare al mondo intero l'immagine di una comunità perseguitata senza motivo. Dalla partenza dall'Egitto ad Auschwitz, dalla distruzione del Tempio ai pogrom dei cosacchi, dai massacri commessi dai crociati ai roghi dell'Inquisizione, la loro storia è davvero un susseguirsi di drammi. Per spiegare questo fenomeno, gli intellettuali ebrei escogitano ogni sorta di teoria, più o meno contorta, e finiscono per affermare che la storia del "popolo" ebraico è un "mistero", uno straordinario "enigma", un destino favoloso, addirittura cosmico. Il più delle volte aggiungono o sottintendono che potrebbero essere "il popolo eletto da Dio". Ma se si esamina la questione più da vicino, il problema è in realtà molto più semplice. In ogni caso, dopo aver letto questo libro, confidiamo che nessuno parlerà più di civiltà "giudaico-cristiana".

  • av Albert Slosman

    Es un hecho que ningún país en ningún lugar del mundo ha conocido tal longevidad y estabilidad en su veneración hacia un solo Creador. Siglo tras siglo, milenio tras milenio, dinastía tras dinastía, ya sea menfita, tebana, saita, etiópica, hicsa o tolemaica, el culto de Ptah simbolizó la creación de todas las cosas y todos los seres vivos.Esta indestructible creencia, así como la historia de este antiguo pueblo lo demuestra ampliamente en sus hechos, ello debería permitir la reflexión de nuestros espíritus tan occidentales, ya que efectivamente aquí tenemos la prueba formal de que son las civilizaciones las que mueren víctimas de la impiedad y ceguera de los que las han creado, y ello desde el momento en que se apartaron, privándose de su dios. Debemos impregnarnos de esta verdad fundamental, ya que sea lo que fuere lo que el hombre aborde en la tierra, jamás modificará el ritmo eterno de la creación. Sólo podrá cambiarse a sí mismo a través de una serie de mutaciones tan desagradables unas como otras y solamente debidas a la única voluntad de destruirse a sí mismo. La humanidad ha olvidado su origen y es como cualquier mueble incapaz de reconocer el bosque de donde procede. Lo más sorprendente de todo esto fue el enorme interés provocado por las investigaciones desarrolladas después de la temprana muerte del joven Champollion. A pesar de las numerosas advertencias de los más eminentes miembros de las sabias sociedades internacionales, los egiptólogos de renombre, decenio tras decenio y aun actualmente, han mantenido el antiguo monoteísmo egipcio como un politeísmo idólatra, zoólatra y bárbaro a pesar de las evidencias.

  • av Hervé Ryssen

    La historia del judaísmo es la de un pueblo - o de una secta - en guerra permanente contra el resto de la humanidad. En todas las épocas y en todos los lugares, los judíos suscitaron el antisemitismo. El guion se desarrolla siempre de la misma forma: tras las violencias y los ajustes de cuentas, los goyim (los no judíos) legislan para intentar atajar el fenómeno y terminan por expulsar a los indeseables. Pero inevitablemente, al cabo de cierto tiempo, estos logran introducirse de nuevo en la plaza corrompiendo los reyes y los señores y reanudan sus tráficos e intrigas, sin haber escarmentado o aprendido nada de sus errores pasados. Esta historia lleva repitiéndose cerca de tres mil años.Por su parte, los judíos intentan continuamente dar al mundo entero la imagen de una comunidad perseguida sin motivo alguno. Desde la salida de Egipto hasta Auschwitz, la destrucción del Templo hasta los pogromos de los Cosacos, pasando por las masacres cometidas por los Cruzados y las hogueras de la Inquisición, su historia es efectivamente una sucesión de dramas. Para explicar este fenómeno, los intelectuales judíos proponen todo tipo de teorías, más o menos alambicadas, y terminan por afirmar que la historia del "pueblo" judío es un misterio, un enigma extraordinario, un destino fabuloso y hasta cósmico. La mayoría de las veces añaden o dan a entender que quizás serían el "pueblo elegido de Dios". Pero cuando se examina el asunto más de cerca, el problema es en realidad mucho más simple. En cualquier caso, después de la lectura de este libro, confiamos en que ya nadie hable de civilización "judeocristiana".

  • av John Coleman

    There's no doubt that Royal Dutch Shell of the "Committee of 300" is one of the oldest and largest of all the oil companies operating in the world today. Its sales in 2005 were $306.73 billion. The late Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, Lord Victor Rothschild, Prince Nasi of Africa Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, the London Samuels and the House of Windsor are Royal Dutch Shell's largest shareholders. On Juliana's death, her shares passed to the House of Orange (Netherlands).This historical account of the oil industry takes us through the twists and turns of the "diplomacy" (lies, false promises, blackmail, double-dealing, political pressure, bullying and unfair theft) of Iraqi land and oil, coveted by all nations, but above all by imperialist Britain, industrialized and oil-deprived Britain, which has interfered in the internal affairs of Iraq and Iran for almost a century, seducing, cajoling and extracting concessions, one after the other, on the basis of promises never kept and under the threat of an iron fist concealed in a velvet glove.With the discovery of rich crude oil deposits in Iraq and Iran, a prolonged state of conflict with the USA and both countries has continued over the past 95 years.

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