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  • av Sayed Abdulrazek

    This book, helps starting your path to becoming an accomplished English-Arabic medical interpreter. It includes:Introduction to interpretation, history, modern-day roles of interpreters, techniques for effective interpretation, and HIPAA regulations.A section detailing the Latin prefixes and suffixes used to construct all medical terminology, including their interpretation to English and Arabic, with examples, a chapter on Anatomy and Physiology, with translations for common symptoms, diseases, a chapter for medical science, including translations of common symptoms, diseases and treatments for each. As this is a very extensive subject, it will be continued in Part 2.A chapter on Vaccines, Laboratory investigations and Radiological examinations, a chapter on real-life scenarios that the reader can practice interpretation skills, can also be used as a group-study role-play.A section with puzzles and games to help reader memorize common medical terminology.Accuracy-wise, the book is reviewed by a world-wide specialized doctors, who are bilingual or multilingual in English and another native language such as Arabic, Danish, French, German, Hindi, Korean, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish,¿

  • av Manel Ben Jemâa

    Nous vivons à l¿ère des technologies de l¿information et de la communication. La médiation numérique entre les établissements d¿enseignement artistique, propose d¿ouvrir des pistes fécondes pour les professionnels, étudiants, chercheurs, qui cherchent à évoluer et à améliorer les dispositifs de partage tel est le cas des plateformes collaboratives. Mots-clés : médiation numérique, système d¿information, écoles d¿art, interactivité, échange d¿expériences, dispositifs.

  • av Bala Kalyan

    Innovation is not limited to technological advancements and encompasses novel approaches to problem-solving, processes, organizational practices, or business model innovations. Entrepreneurship is based on purposeful and systematic innovation. It included not only independent business people but also company directors and managers who actually carry out innovative functions. The book innovation and entrepreneurship development cover the basic concepts of being an entrepreneur and establishing an entrepreneur venture. The objective of the manuscript is to make students understand the nature of entrepreneurship, and change energy for students to take unexplored career paths.

  • av Younes Toubache

    La rupture d'un barrage est une veritable catastrophe. Le presente travail traite les hypotheses de rupture des barrages et les demarche de calcul de l'onde de submersion a l'aval qui resultant une rupture total et instantanee d'barrage. Le but de cette etudes de determiner des caractéristique hydraulique de l'onde de submerssion afin d'evaluer le risque et afin d'établir une carte d'inondation. Le carcterstique hydraulique don't le debit max la vitesse la hauteur d'eau.

  • av Seemal Zahra Rizvi

    The field of bioinformatics has undergone a rapid transformation over the last few decades. The exponential growth of data from various high-throughput technologies has revolutionized the way we study biological systems. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques has enabled us to extract meaningful insights from large and complex datasets, and has opened up new avenues for biomedical research and drug discovery. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the current landscape of AI and machine learning in bioinformatics, highlighting the major trends, challenges, and opportunities in this field.

  • av Mullaicharam Bhupathyraaj

    Quality Control for Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Preparations is an exam guide for Pharmacy students. It includes Quality control tests for both Pharmaceutical dosage forms and Cosmetic preparations. As it is an advanced course for the pharmacy program, the important key points, test procedures, and international regulatory requirements are covered in this book. This book is also very useful for Industrial pharmacists, Quality controllers, entrepreneurs, and Principle scientists.

  • av Hossein Ahmadvand

    Skilled and efficient manpower is the most precious and precious wealth of any country. Despite having abundant natural resources, many societies are unable to use these divine gifts due to the lack of competent and worthy human resources, and they spend their days in hardship. Despite the lack of natural resources, other nations have reached comfort and prosperity as a result of having experienced and suitable human resources, and they are taking long and steady steps on the path of progress and progress. Most of the experts attribute the changes and transformations of the business world to the increasing access to technology, intense competition in the development of technology, the globalization of markets and business competition, the rapid growth of access to technology, changes in the number of salaries and job skills, environmental responsibility. They know the environment, limited resources, and most importantly, the increase in customer expectations. Therefore, in such an environment, it is not possible to guide and control organizations in a traditional way with past methods.

  • av Masoud Asari

    A look at the stages of historical development of many cities in our country leads us to the fact that although urban development in them was accompanied by quantitative development of the city and an increase in construction along with an increase in urban incomes, but in terms of environmental quality, this development has been associated with many challenges. One of the constant problems of our cities today is the lack of recreational and tourism spaces. Tourism has become the basis for idea generation, entertainment and recreation, job creation and entrepreneurship, and in a more modern form has become an interconnected network of economic, social, civil and cultural infrastructures. Meanwhile, the vast country of Iran, with its extensive cultural, heritage and natural attractions, is one of the top countries in the world in terms of tourist attractions and has many potentials for the development of tourism, tourism and leisure at the national level and is international.

  • av Wafa Soudani

    Malgré l¿importance de l¿épreuve de Chimie Organique Pharmaceutique en Pharmacie ; pour construire de bonnes bases en Chimie Thérapeutique, peu d¿ouvrages sont rédigés en ce sujet en Algérie.L¿Edition de ce livre vise principalement à pallier au problème de manque d¿ouvrages en Chimie, il reprend les Q.C.M de douze années d¿expérience de l'auteur à la faculté de Médecine Annaba. Cet ouvrage est conçu dans un double objectifs, d¿une part faire le lien entre la Chimie Organique et la Chimie Thérapeutique, d¿autre part ; donner un manuel de 70 exercices et 150 QCM avec solutions pour la préparation des examens de première année Pharmacie et le passage de concours de résidanat.

  • av Atefeh Asadi Rizi

    Stem cells are the raw materials of the body. Cells from which all other cells with special functions are produced. These cells have many applications in the treatment of many diseases. Due to the unique ability of stem cells, these cells are one of the most attractive topics in biology and medical sciences today. Also, research in this field has increased our knowledge about how an organ grows and develops from a single cell, and more importantly, it has helped to understand the mechanism of replacement of healthy cells with damaged cells. In the following, we want to examine the effect of stem cells on a number of diseases. These cells divide under suitable conditions in the body or in the laboratory and form more cells called daughter cells. Daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more specialized function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to produce new cells. Of course, these cells are not only used to make replacement nerve cells for transplantation.

  • av Negar Rezaee Aghbash

    Today, housing is apparently only a place to live, not for the mental and emotional peace of family members. Because many of the profit seekers and material worshipers of the western world design a house that is the only source of their profit, and soul and spirit have become meaningless for them, and only its luxurious and seductive appearance is the priority, and this is exactly the opposite of Iranian architecture. It is necessary to emphasize that at the beginning we must make it clear that we are not against the development of architecture and the use of the latest facilities in building construction. The main goal is that our architecture does not become more westernized. Because if our architecture becomes westernized, the foothold of western industrial products for consumption in the country will become so strong that our market will eventually become westernized and as a result we will lose our national identity and trust in all supplies and become completely dependent on the west. If the house is built in a western style, its materials will also be western, and the decoration of the house will be western instead of plastering and tiling.

  • av Hassan Vali Nasab

    Excavation projects in urban areas are encountered with some problems. Thus the engineers should consider an appropriate margin of safety for design and construction. Conventional methods of slope stability analysis are usually based on limit state analysis and factor of safety criterion. These methods do not take into account the uncertainties. It is attempted to utilize the risk based approaches to overcome those deficiencies. In this approach, the safety factor is determined based on the parameters pertinent to uncertainties and level of acceptable risk. These methods can be used to evaluate the risk of failure and the necessary measures to control the risks. Monte Carlo simulation method is a probabilistic assessment tools to quantify the uncertainties. In the present research, slope stability of nailed wall has been investigated utilizing Monte Carlo simulation and the reliability index and probability of failure has been computed.

  • av Kamal Javanmard

    Since the occurrence of economic crimes mostly affects all members of the society and is of a special complexity and is carried out by certain people, for this reason, the prosecution and trial of economic defendants is not dependent on the filing of a complaint by a private plaintiff, and the prosecutor's office is obliged to prosecute and declare a crime against the defendants. On the one hand, economic crimes lead to the concentration of capital and increase the gap between the rich and the poor, and on the other hand, this accumulation of capital causes its instrumental use to facilitate and increase the commission of other crimes, and as a result, hindering economic progress and jeopardizing the economic security of society. The occurrence of economic crimes is a problem for all members of the society and the victims of these crimes are generally the people, which will not be possible unless the independence of the prosecutor is preserved in the sense of the freedom of the prosecutor from any interference and influence from those in power.

  • av Neda Guderzi

    The subject of intellectual property is of great importance, so that by correctly or wrong analysis, the scope of property and property can be developed to the boundaries of intellectual property or separates between material and intellectual property. This thesis has been written in an analytical-analytical way, and we have come to the results that the result is a financial intellectual effect that has specific material and spiritual rights, and this property has been rational in addition to the usefulness of the rational. In contrast, there are also elders and jurists who either oppose the principle of property or the ownership of the creator to the work or the monopoly on its publication. The excellence of the contemporary jurisprudents of Imam Khomeini who opposed the monopoly of publishing the work, while accepting the ownership of the creator requires the right to appoint the owner, and this right is not only capable of the effect, but also to the carrier of the work. The domination of the carrier restricts the work.

  • av Mehrshad Jafari

    To respond to specific stimulation in the body, hormones are secreted and the desired message is sent to the target cell and its connection is done through receptors on the target cell. The receptors of the target cells are proteins and can be membrane or intracellular. In other words, the connection is made in the same membrane or it goes inside the cell. These receptors are three dimensional and act like locks and keys by binding to hormones. After connecting, it executes the command it had in that cell and by performing new reactions, it causes changes in the cells. Hormones either control a specific part of the body or are in charge of general control. According to their type, hormones are transported in the blood free or bound with specific proteins. For example, peptide hormones are transported in a soluble form in plasma, and steroid and thyroid hormones are transferred in connection with plasma proteins. Hormones are inactive when they are attached to these proteins. These hormones are transferred in the blood at a slower rate and remain in the blood for a long time.

  • av Ehsan Mamaghanizadeh

    Genetics is a branch of biology that deals with the study of genes, genetic changes and inheritance in living organisms. Mendel studied the inheritance of traits, which is a model of how traits are passed from parents to children. He observed that organisms inherit discrete units of traits. This term, which is still used today, is a somewhat vague definition of what is referred to as a gene. Inheritance of traits and molecular genetic mechanisms of genes are still the main principles of genetics in the 21st century, but modern genetics has gone beyond inheritance to study the function and behavior of genes. Gene structure and function, diversity and distribution are studied in the text of the cell, organism and in the context of the population. Genetics has created various fields such as molecular genetics, epigenetics and population genetics.

  • av Seyedeh Shahrzad Moayeripour

  • av Alim-Un Nisa

  • av Naiem Ahmadinejadfarsangi

  • av K M A Ahamed Zubair

  • av Ajesh Faizal

    ¿ To enable the students to create an awareness on Engineering Ethics and Human Values, to instill Moral and Social Values and Loyalty and to appreciate the rights of others.¿ Acquire knowledge about various roles of engineers in variety of global issues and able to apply ethical principles to resolve situations that arise in their professional lives.¿ Understand various social issues, industrial standards, code of ethics and role of professional ethics in engineering field¿ Aware of responsibilities of an engineer for safety and risk benefit analysis, professional rights and responsibilities of an Engineer.

  • av Thu-Al-Fiqar Al-Aamery & Luay Alswidi

  • av Sim Yee Chin & Mohammed Faraj Saeid

  • av Israa Sabri Alfurati

  • av Heather Mishel Williams

  • av Faraz Tayyar-Iravanlou, Fatemeh Kalij & Fatemeh Ghahremani

  • av Ibn Edriss A M & Abd Elmoneim M a

  • av Heather Mishel Williams
    179 - 259,-

  • av Noor Kareem Jumaa & Firas Ali Sabir

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