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  • av Silvia Moon

    From what I have experienced and loved being on the twin flame journey for over 6 years now, I believe that twin flames (Romantic) can stay together permanently and harmoniously because nothing can deter what is naturally meant to be. If you have also met your twin flame and gazed into their eyes (Soul) your feelings are enough to alert you that your encounter was not a coincidence. God/the Universe/Angels and all your Spirit Guides conspired to bring you two together. Have you noticed how a twin flame walks into your life when you least desire or expect it? Maybe you are going through a rough life situation and nothing seems to be working for you. The moment when you need a shift in perspective to make exponential changes in your life. For others, a twin flame appears when you are in desperate need of Spiritual awakening and healing. Maybe you are on a soul-searching journey but you have no idea how to have a breakthrough. When you feel stuck in life. For most, a twin flame finds you when you need to find yourself. Your center. When you feel lost to yourself. Whenever physical separation happens, all you think about is what just happened between you. Every moment of the day in whatever you do, you feel your twin flame energy merging with yours constantly. It can take years for your reunion to happen and whenever it does, you both don't want to relive the pain and emotional desolation of being away from each other. You do whatever is possible not to repeat past mistakes. Separation only makes your bond stronger with a twin flame. You are two hearts, one soul. You crave each other equally. Twin flames make the most beautiful romantic couples because their connection, light, and energy vibrations heal those around them. Twin flame love is infectious. It's effortless. It is unconditional. I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    If you are a twin flame still confused about the difference between a Union and a Reunion, you are not alone in feeling this. You have to experience it to understand the difference. If you were not spiritual before your twin flame awakening, you wonder why a Twin Flame Union is associated with 5D Spiritual Experiences.This book is here to enlighten you about the definitions of the popular terms associated with a Twin Flame Union: 3D and 5D.In fact, how are these two terms connected to a Reunion and a Union? It is the ultimate guide for a Twin Flame Reunion you desperately seek because it helps you understand that you must heal in 5D to feel a harmonious Union and Oneness.The 5D is the aspect of your journey you cannot touch:A twin Flame Union happens in 5D. In the spiritual. It is more profound than what you comprehend as your everyday romantic relationships. It is the connection you feel within you.This Book will answer some of the following questions.What is the Twin Flame Spiritual Awakening?How do you embrace the spiritual nature of your twin Flame experiences to stay in a perfect harmonious union?How do dreams, telepathy, spiritual awakening, energy merging, the night of the soul, and chakra healing, advance your healing process?How do you accelerate your twin Flame Union Spiritually and physically?Is twin flame telepathic communication part of Twin Flame Union?Why is 3D associated with a Twin Flame Reunion?How can you merge your physical situation with the Spiritual nature of your twin flame journey?How can you work on yourself to prepare for a Union?The ultimate state of being for every twin flame isto harmoniously merge your 3D with 5D to create a perfect Union.I hope that my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    Are You Asking About This?Do you believe it when you feel the telepathic connection to your Twin Flame in 5D?What is the attraction between Twin Flames?Should you go after your Twin Flame if you are already married?Do you physically feel your Twin Flame connection within you?How long does it take to reunite with a Twin Flame after the surrender?How do you let your Twin Flame go if they are still in a relationship?If a Twin Flame runner has sex with other people, does it change how they feel for you?Why is your Twin Flame runner still running from you?If a Twin Flame chaser focuses on themselves, how does it shift the runner's energy?What are the typical Twin Flame runner fears?How can a chaser Twin Flame unify their energy with the runner?Do you feel sadness from your Twin Flame?How can a Twin Flame chaser heal their energy?What are the challenges of the Twin Flame separation phase?What are the signs of Twin Flame telepathic love?Does the runner regret blocking the love for the chaser?How do you take back your energy as a Twin Flame chaser?Is it necessary to keep out of touch with a Twin Flame?Is it possible to let go and forget a runner Twin Flame?What is always going on in a runner Twin Flame's mind during separation?How do you boost your well-being as a chaser Twin Flame?How do you feel when you dream of your Twin Flame?What is the essence of the Twin Flame journey?How does the Twin Flame soul intimacy feel?How do you choose happiness as a Twin Flame?How do you describe the meaning of Twin Flame chasing?Should you contact your Twin Flame during separation?Do you feel it when a Twin Flame reunion is near?What do you do if your Twin Flame is unhappily married?How does it feel to know that your Twin Flame loves you unconditionally?How do you stay happy and grounded in your energy as a Twin Flame chaser?What signs affirm to you that you are actively energetically in sync with your Twin Flame during separation?Signs of reunion after separation; What makes the Twin Flame chaser stop chasing?What are the most unforgettable Twin Flame love lessons?Is it possible to block all the thoughts and feelings for a Twin Flame?Is there any spell that can make a Twin Flame runner stop running?Is it possible to stay mad at a Twin Flame?What do you do to ease the pain of missing a Twin Flame?What are some Positive affirmations to boost your energy?What is the Twin Flame runner's perspective during separation?All the answers are in this simple book.Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    Only someone who has struggled with going through the twin flame journey, especially the separation phase can explain to you how it feels to find inner peace and harmony. If you are a running twin flame who has found inner harmony and balance, you know what it means to not stress about resisting the connection.The "inner peace" phase is when you fall back into your inner harmony - you float into your authenticity."Self-authenticity is being in touch with yourself and being able to act on your awareness of the self: when you're able to feel something and also pay attention to your feelings."When you get to this inner phase - you wonder why you felt stressed out about your twin flame separation in the first place. It proves a few narratives to you: The twin flame separation is an illusion - whether you are in the same room with your twin flame or not, you are always connected in spirit with them. You feel a compulsion to always make sure they are safe because your Soul keeps whispering to you. You also accept the truth that you feel "Soul Oneness". You feel it within you that you are being summoned to accept an "Awakened" part of yourself.I have my first book Published in 2019, April - it goes into details about my "Twin Flame Awakening"Stay Blessed!

  • av Silvia Moon

    Twin Flame love is antithetical to ordinary love relationships because you not only feel unconditional love for your Twin Flame, you share a supernatural bond that triggers you into a Spiritual Awakening process that brings enlightenment, spiritual growth, and healing into your life. Even though you have contrasting religious values, different cultures, and upbringing, you share Soul Oneness with your Twin Flame. You are both connected to the Source of what is. You learn that you are a Spiritual Being going through a human condition. The Twin Flame bond is sacred and eternal: you feel inspired to surmount any obstacles that stand in your way so that you can end up together no matter how long the physical separation phase drags on. The Twin Flame's unconditional love is authentic. It inspires you to embrace and restore your humanistic values, needs, and goals: your need for unconditional love, fulfilling friendships, dignity, self-respect, self-fulfillment, and individuality. Your higher needs also melt into one with your Twin Flame and vice versa. It is a spiritual and need-gratifying friendship. The Twin Flame journey also teaches you to acknowledge and appreciate essential humanistic values like security, commitment, love, growth, creativity, spirituality, freedom, authenticity, justice, courage, and responsibility. The journey of self-actualization is a process of self-rediscovery. Apart from being inspired to rediscover the authentic version of yourself, every Twin Flame experience that you go through empowers you to explore your unique talents. After you go through the Twin Flame Awakening process after your initial encounter, you realize you were previously blind to your capabilities. These include; extraordinary, creative, humanitarian, and spiritual possibilities. You are tasked as a Twin Flame to look inward instead of outward for outside validation. You develop the incredible inner strength that lies from within. You fulfill your deepest desires by embracing changes and growth. To achieve happiness and peace, you must learn to align your Spiritual Awakening gifts with your physical needs to create a harmonious balance in your experiences to have a healthy transcendence. Embracing Twin Flame unconditional love teaches you different ways to embrace the transcendental experiences embedded in human existence like beauty, connection, exploration, passion, flow, purpose, and gratitude. If you have unmet needs or desires, the Twin Flame journey teaches you the different ways of adapting to the changes to feel whole and enlightened. You dig deeper within yourself to face your pain and abandoned inner child. You integrate yourself within. You face parts of yourself that you believed were unlovable before. You stare within your soul to penetrate the depth of your being: you experience the full richness of your existence. You are inspired to become your best and highest self to be creative, authentic, creative, accepting, independent and brave. My experiences and perspective help you to advance further in your twin flame journey to create meaningful changes in your life. I understand how confusing and stressful it is to find relevant and legitimate sources of information about the twin flame experience. Here is your new Handbook. Enjoy reading this simple book. Stay Blessed!

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