- How to Raise Your Teen Son During His Adolescent Period Guide
av Eva Delano
A teenager refers to someone in their teen age, mostly between the ages of ten to nineteen years. Teenage parenting refers to parental care offered to adolescents. During puberty, boys, as well as girls, undergo physical changes, which may include broadening of chests, deep voices, a growth of pubic hair and increased body growth. However, apart from these changes, boys also undergo through unobservable changes in their body, such as changes in behavior, attitudes, thoughts, social codes and actions. These are termed adolescent changes. Adolescence is a crucial stage in boy child growth and requires a lot of input in parental care. These changes during adolescents may be drastic, boys may act too violently due to high levels of androgens which greatly amplifies anger, and may become indiscipline, disobedient, and irresponsible. These changes may negatively affect boy's life, and as such, a voluminous workload is heaped on the parent to offer good care and support to the teenage boy.