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  • av Lianne Smith

    Rose McGraw is 88 and stuck in hospital when she's asked to tell the story of the war, one last time. As she remembers the years following 1939, she is thrown head first into memories of a life that took her around the country and across the seas. The story that unravels is one filled with comfort, heartbreak and ultimately love as one young woman copes with the difficulties of a war that changed her life.

  • av Jessica Piermatti

  • av Alex Caswell

    This is a fan fiction novel about Minecraft.

  • av &1088, &1085, &108, m.fl.

  • av &12516, &12472, 12502, m.fl.

    「私たちの戦前は、みんなの戦前とは違う、それは分かっている。それはまず、少人数の仲間たちのものであり、時には生きていた時代から遠く離れていることもあるが、個々の存在の細部を通して、かなり共通した品物を保存することができたのではないかと想像される。私はここで打ち明けるつもりはないし、そんな気分でもない。自分のことよりも仲間のことを話したいのかもしれない。しかし、必然的にこの仲間たちは、他人のものであった宇宙と時間を越えてきたのです。彼らは、戦後が終わり、ジュネーブのチェロの音色に幻想が漂い、無声映画の魅力と同時にパリを発見し、その活力に満ちた演劇、純粋な詩、アナーキーの魅力を発見したときに日の目を見た。そして彼らは、起こりうる戦争の輝きに満ちた惑星、民族主義の鬱憤、象牙の塔と純粋芸術の関心の忘却に向かって徐々に移動していった。学校も、雑誌も、家も、旅も、楽しみも、私たちの時代が私たちに指定されたのは、特異な外観にすぎないように思えるのだ。その特殊性から、すでに発掘調査をしているような印象があります。どんな未来が待っていようと、それはもう、私たちにも他人にも同じようには見えません。戦争中のスペイン、凱旋門の年の聖なる高揚は過去のものである。あるカフェ、あるレストラン、ある映画館、ある劇場、それらはすべて今日では変容し、あるいは消滅してしまったが、そうしたものを通して、パリの学生たちのノンビリした生活は過去のものとなってしまったのだ。記憶から復元するのが難しい儚い衣装、流行の歌、アメリカ海軍のベレー帽、ハワイアンギター、バティックや厚手のウールのネクタイ、ミレイユの曲、おとぎ話、西インド諸島の踊り、純粋な詩、これらすべてがごちゃ混ぜになって過去なのです。また、ジョルジュ・ピトエフのパフォーマンスに関するルシアン・デュベックの記事を読むこともなくなり、二人とも戦争の初期に、イメージと幽霊の国へ急いで戻ったのですから、私たちにとって劇場はもはや同じものではありません。 多くの目撃者がそれを認識し、新参者がそれを指で追って完全に混乱しないために、我々はまだこの過去に十分に近いのです。少なくとも、しばらくの間は、お互いの声が聞こえるかもしれません。戦前の学生たちは、全員が同じ仕事をしていたわけではありませんが、私たちと同じ学生であり、同じ本を読み、同じライブに行ったのです。その後、彼らは私たちと同じように旅行には行きませんでしたが、少なくとも同じように対立を求め、イタリア、スペイン、ドイツは皆の日常生活の一部になっていました。彼らは皆、シャルトルへの道でペギーの痕跡を探したわけではなかったが、ペギーは決して忘れ去られることはなかった。そして、戦前の最後の4、5年間の野外への渇望を胸に、徒歩で、自転車で、カヌーで、野を、川を、雪を、幹線道路を、海を走ったのです。少なくとも一部の人たちは、その時代の最も貴重な財産である空想、皮肉、ボヘミアニズム、明日への気ままな態度を保持することができたのです。もう一つの戦争の前夜に彼らが生まれたこの脅威の世界は、新しい戦争の前夜に彼らが生きているこの脅威の世界は、ブルジョアの美徳を持つことを奨励しなかった

  • av &108, &1089, &1080, m.fl.

  • av Anna Evans-Wylie

    Monkey Business is an adventure story about Big Monkey lost between Africa and Scotland.Big Monkey has an encounter with a vicious bee and seeks refuge in a telephone box. Unable to dial home, he joins a group of pigs on a farm. When danger of a slaughter house looms, Big Monkey saves the day - and his own skin, and crosses the boarder Scotland.There he meets the love of his life and they almost live happily ever after. The story is suitable for children 8+

  • av Panos Sakelis

    "Δεν βαρέθηκες να κρατάς σημειώσεις;" την ρώτησε σιγανά ο Τομ. "Δεν βλέπεις πως τίποτα δεν αλλάζει;" Η Κλαίρη τον κοίταξε και σε μια γωνιά του χαρτιού της του έγραψε Τρέχω ένα πρόγραμμα μ' αυτά. Φοβάμαι πως πλησιάζουμε σε μια κρίσιμη καμπή που θα πυροδοτήσει μια ζοφερή πραγματικότητα. Ο Τομ δεν είπε τίποτα αλλά συνοφρυώθηκε. Πρώτη φορά η Κλαίρη δεν τολμούσε να μιλήσει ανοιχτά. Κάτι έγραψε κι αυτός σ' ένα χαρτί και με τρόπο το έσπρωξε μπροστά της. Με τρομάζεις, ήταν γραμμένο στο χαρτί. Τί φοβάσαι; Η Νέα Υόρκη καταρρέει ακολουθώντας ως ένα δυστοπικό ντόμινο όλες τις πόλεις της υφηλίου. Είναι 2035. Οι επιδημίες και οι επιθέσεις από ιους έχουν ξεφύγει από κάθε έλεγχο, ο καθένας κοιτάει με φόβο τον διπλανό του. Αυτό που κανείς δεν γνωρίζει όμως ακόμα, είναι ότι η βροχή, εξαιτίας της όξινης φύσης της, μεταφέρει καταστροφικές μολύνσεις. Έξω από ένα νοσοκομείο στην βόρεια μεριά της πόλης, στέκεται μια γυναίκα μεγάλης ηλικίας αδιαφορώντας για την βροχή. Η νοσοκόμα που την προσπερνάει δεν δίνει ιδιαίτερη σημασία. Όταν όμως η γυναίκα καταρρέει στη μέση του προαύλιου όλος ο μηχανισμός του νοσοκομείου κινητοποιείται, ανακαλύπτοντας πάνω της παράξενα σημάδια και μια ιδιαίτερη μορφή άνοιας.

  • av Zachary Huber

    The world around is full of things people never take the time to see, its all a matter of stopping to see the glory, or the bad, in the life around yourself, because it is all apart of who we are. Take the good with the bad, and accept it for what it is, Life. This is now, and always will be, a part of who I am. Take it or leave it, I am Zachary William Huber.

  • av &1086, &107, &1072, m.fl.

  • av Rene Descartes

    Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences (French: Discours de la Méthode Pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la vérité dans les sciences) is a philosophical and autobiographical treatise published by René Descartes in 1637. It is best known as the source of the famous quotation 'Je pense, donc je suis' (English: 'I think, therefore I am', or 'I am thinking, therefore I exist'), which occurs in Part IV of the work. The similar Latin statement, Cogito, ergo sum, is found in Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) and Principles of Philosophy (1644). Discourse on the Method is one of the most influential works in the history of modern philosophy, and important to the development of natural sciences. In this work, Descartes tackles the problem of skepticism, which had previously been studied by Sextus Empiricus, Al-Ghazali and Michel de Montaigne. Descartes modified it to account for a truth he found to be incontrovertible. Descartes started his line of reasoning by doubting everything, so as to assess the world from a fresh perspective, clear of any preconceived notions.The book was originally published in Leiden, in the Netherlands. Later, it was translated into Latin and published in 1656 in Amsterdam. The book was intended as an introduction to three works: Dioptrique, Météores and Géométrie. La Géométrie contains Descartes's initial concepts that later developed into the Cartesian coordinate system. The text was written and published in French rather than the language in which philosophical and scientific texts were most frequently written and published in at the time, namely, Latin. Most of Descartes' other works were written in Latin.Together with Meditations on First Philosophy, Principles of Philosophy and Rules for the Direction of the Mind, it forms the base of the epistemology known as Cartesianism. The long chains of simple and easy reasonings by means of which geometers are accustomed to reach the conclusions of their most difficult demonstrations, had led me to imagine that all things, the knowledge of which is competent to man, are mutually connected in the same way, and that there is nothing so far removed from us as to be beyond our reach, or so hidden that we cannot discover it, provided only we abstain from accepting the false for the true, and always preserve in our thoughts the order necessary for the deduction of one truth from another.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Hollywood Photos & Official Portraits of Stars & Legends in the Twenties & Thirties. A superb photos album of Hollywood's legends, icons, divas, superstars and motion pictures greatest names (The famous, the immortal and forgotten), in the twenties and thirties, taken directly from the vaults and archives of Hollywood's studios and legendary photographers of the era. Hundreds upon hundreds of rare, vintage photos signed by the stars, and rare portraits of the legends that would enrich any treasured collection!! A true gem of the golden era of the silver screen. See the superstars as they REALLY looked when they started their careers, and their glamorous headshots as publicized by Hollywood's studios. A MASSIVE set of 2 volumes.Author's website:

  • av Michael G. a. Brown

    What is Acne? Acne is one of the most common skin conditions experienced by people of all ages, genders, and races, yet it is also one of the hardest for many people to treat. The problem is not that there are no effective treatments for the condition, but that there are so many rumored and ineffective treatments on the market and in the world that it can be hard to know what will truly work. This book is designed to help you gain a better understanding of acne and its treatment. In the pages that follow, you will learn exactly what acne is as well as how it is caused. More importantly, however, you will learn the truth about various acne treatments.

  • av &1086, &107, &1072, m.fl.

  • av Friedrich Muller

  • av Khalaf Ali Alkhalaf

    أيُّها السديم لا تكتمل؛ أحفادك نحن، نكتهل بين هزيمة وأخرى، ننقش الكلام على شغاف القلب كي لا يضيع... وها أنا أضيّع وجهي في الأمكنة، لا المغفرة تطالني، ولا الذنوب. أمضي في نشيج غامضٍ يحتسي الأيام، لا ظل لي ولا شكل، أبدد صوتي بالريح، وجسدي بالسكاكين... ليس فراقاً يفيضُ، وليس نبيذاً من الدمع تسكبه أشلائي، غير أني أبكي.. أسلب من البعد جوهر الضلالة، وأشهق، يااا طيوراً تنقر البياض هذه جثتي اعتذاراً عن الصلاة هذا بصري يقودني لألوّن مايتسع من الخرافة هذا دمي، اسفحه في دروب لم أمشها

  • av The Urban Rainmaker

    Would you dare to follow random coincidences? You may just want to after reading this. The book includes the Black Swan Enigma and comes also with a return policy/refund. So for any reason you dont like this book you can send it back. All books returned go to HM prison library's.

  • av Deanna Dalton

    A collection of poems and song lyrics written by Deanna Dalton. This is her first book and spans the years from 1989 through 2007. This book is one step in living with a brain disorder aka mental illness.

  • av Nyo Zotto

    Nyo Zotto relata la experiencia devastadora de Martha, una inmigrante mexicana, quien es obligada a huir de su país de origen al ser víctima de abuso físico y emocional por parte de sus dos "machistas" ex-esposos. Emigra a E U y se refugia en Arizona. Feliz por ser contratada para trabajar en una gran empresa financiera, no se imaginó que sería presa fácil de discriminación racial, represalias y del acoso sexual de su obsesivo y desequilibrado jefe; siendo perseguida, hasta ser atrapada, victima de las crueles circunstancias. Siga las terribles circunstancias que la llevaron a caer en una aguda depresión y un insuperable trauma psicológico. Aun bajo estas extenuantes circunstancias, ella fue capaz de denunciar los hechos y enfrentarse legalmente a uno de los gigantes más grandes de la industria bancaria en EU. ¿Cómo sobrevivir al acoso sexual? ¿Que hacer si se es victima de discriminación? Visite:

  • av M. E. Robertson-Hoon

    Recruited by an elderly woman, Detective James Knight, is hired to search for her lost heir, a son whom she gave away almost twenty-one years ago.

  • av 1070, &107, &1088, m.fl.

  • av &1053, &1045, &104, m.fl.

  • av Steve Nichols

    This book exposes coincidences between the fifty-six minor arcana of the Marseilles tarot (later Waite and Golden Dawn minor arcana) and this series of 56 times four Winds divination figures - called "lotteries" in 1635. Wither insisted in 56 rather than 50, I argue because then these lotteries could be chosen with just one spinner, plus playing cards. The designs appeared originally in Gabriel Rollenhagen's Nucleus Emblematum (1611) and Emblematum Centuria Secunda (1613). Wither added 4x6 figures to the 4x50 originals, adding cryptic poetry in English, plus his own method of Four Winds divination by two cardboard spinners (one shown back cover). Wither's also commissioned the alchemical frontispiece (front cover). These four sets of 56 can be combined with the 88 'Triumphs' (4x22 Major's) published as part of my "Taro of the Four Worlds" series.

  • av Georgiy Marder

    Do not let the hammer and sickle on the cover confuse you. This book is a scathing account of life in the USSR. The five-year plan, Holodomor, GULAG, the Great Patriotic War, doctors' plot, the Leningrad affair, Stalin's death, Khrushchev's initiatives, Sputnik, "the thaw" and dissidents are shown through the eyes of an impressionable young boy of unfortunate ethnicity, who finds himself disenfranchised without a proper proletarian background, well-connected benefactors, or fanatical faith in the bright communist future. Повествователю, которого мы вам представляем, не повезло ещё до рождения. Что за несуразность, братие быть сыном интеллигента-потому пасынка рабоче-крестьянского государства. Чтобы выйти в сознательную жизнь хоть с каким-то положительным балансом, сын пасынка задумал при малом-сродни наполеоновскому-росте выбиться, если повезёт, в люди. В поэты-а если не в них, то в прозаики (см. чередование стихов и прозы, льда и пламени в предлагаемой книге!) (Book 2 of 7)

  • av Charle Brown MacDonald

    In September 1944, three months after the invasion of Normandy, the Allied armies prepared to push the German forces back into their homeland. Just south of the city of Aachen, elements of the U.S. First Army began an advance through the imposing Huertgen Forest. Instead of retreating, as the Allied command anticipated, the German troops prepared an elaborate defense of Huertgen, resulting in a struggle where tanks, infantry, and artillery dueled at close range. The battle for the forest ended abruptly in December, when a sudden German offensive through the Ardennes to the south forced the Allied armies to fall back, regroup, and start their attack again, this time culminating in the collapse of the Nazi regime in May 1945. In The Battle of the Huertgen Forest, Charles B. MacDonald assesses this major American operation, discussing the opposing forces on the eve of the battle and offering a clearly written and well-documented history of the battle and the bitter consequences of the American move into the forest. Drawing on his own combat experience, MacDonald portrays both the American and the German troops with empathy and convincingly demonstrates the flaws in the American strategy. The book provides an insight into command decisions at both local and staff levels and the lessons that can be drawn from one of the bloodiest battles of World War II.

  • av Bensa Magos

    Dante's Inferno and the Spanish Inquisition rise from the dead in Reign of Trump by Bensa Magos, published by nereusmedia. Magos turns his inimitable demagoguery upon the future President Trump, in a fantastic casting of Trump's populist revolt as the French Revolution. Magos contends there is a coming Terror with public Tribunals of the ancien regimes of both Bush and Obama. Trump's Terror will be a televised witch-hunt with Trump at center stage. In a brilliant bi-partisan gesture, Trump brings the justice of auto-da-fe to 88 enemies from both the seditious Left and the traitorous Right in a global media event. But will Trump transcend his presidency for an even higher goal of empire or godhead? For Trump, the world is truly not enough. Editor Julia de Stijl writes "Bensa Magos is terrible, just terrible, but what delicious heights of historical webs, hints of conspiracies and tragic truths revealed behind the humor. We learn even when we don't agree to start thinking critically of all authority."

  • av Jenean McBrearty

    Seventeen-year old Piper Hampton visits an old newspaper building, takes a corner into the past, and wishes she'd paid more attention to her history classes.What she does remember is all the TV cop/crime shows she's watched, and with her quick wits and the help of the "good guys" she learns what it's like to be an adult in a world speeding towards war, where love and fear can be as dangerous as the Nazi spies who mistake her for a New York investigator for the German American Bund. Who killed Edwina Blackledge, daughter of a Bund-supporting east coast shipping magnate? And where is the 100K she was taking to New York?

  • av Georgiy Marder

  • av Joseph Jung

    This is a textbook for the subject 'International Society & Law Story I' which is taught in Korean at Dongseo University in South Korea. The subject covers many international issues such as Refugees, Convention on the prevention and punishment of the Genocide, International Convention on all forms of Racial Discrimination, Apartheid, International Laws & Treaties, Customary Law, and Crimes against Humanity. The objectives of the class are to understand international issues largely concerning Crimes against Humanity and discuss how we can build a happier international society. This class is open to all students.

  • av &1077, &1083, &1074, m.fl.

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