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  • av Vitaly Nishanov, Galina Nishanova & Anzhela Nishanova
    355 - 539,-

  • av Carrington Allen

  • av John King

    The following study is based in large part on "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Pastor Bonhoeffer's work is insightful into the kind of instruction we would expect Christ to have given the original twelve disciples to prepare them for the work God gave them. Bonhoeffer became a martyr for Christ during the Holocaust of World War 2, a time when pure evil seemed unstoppable. We are living again in a precarious time of societal unrest, class division, and, probably most threatening, an organized, political, attack on the institution of the church. The Bible singles out Christianity-as the name implies-as a Christ-centric way of life which now comes into conflict with a growing global opposition to both the moral principles Jesus endorsed as well as the freedom believers in Christ exercise in serving Him. From the public displays of religious devotion to God to their outspoken promotion of teachings and traditions that conflict with a society becoming more and more secular, believers are being marginalized as social outcasts and even, in some cases, criminals. We know there is a cost to being a disciple of Christ. Daniel is walking close to the lion's den because of his love for God. To quote Peter, "we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard" [Acts 4:20].

  • av Arnaud Deleurme

    Small biography of grandmother Katina. Since 1913 to its death, a phonic history in a book! Greek history of an agriculture woman from Thessaly, from Larisa. An human history in fields, in wars and in small greek villages.

  • av Helen M. Tarble

    "Resilience and physical stamina enabled her to escape, Tarble is woman as victor." -The War in Words (2009) "Captivity apparently awakens Tarble's powers of dissent." -Bound and Determined (1996) "Helen Tarble and Minnie Carrigan were both captured by Indians during the Sioux outbreak, both wrote about their fears of death before they were finally rescued." -Westering Women and the Frontier Experience (1982) The stories of those pioneers who have survived captivity among tribes during hostile outbreaks along frontier settlements are full of harrowing interest. Of particular interest is that told by Helen M. Tarble in her 1904 narrative, "The Story of My Capture and Escape During the Minnesota Indian Massacre of 1862." In August 1862, the Sioux of the Minnesota plains went on the warpath against white pioneers in the Dakota War or Sioux Outbreak of 1862. A young Caucasian pioneer woman Helen M. Tarble (1843-1921) and her children were captured. Upon news in August of 1862 of that the Sioux uprising had begun, the alarm soon spread throughout the settlement Tarble lived in, and it was decided that all should flee at once to Fort Ridgely. After fleeing a short distance in a horse-drawn wagon, Tarble relates: "We had not gone more than half a mile when, to our horror, a considerable number of Indians-perhaps 75 in all-rose up out of the tall prairie grass and surrounded us. ... Looking back I saw the whole band we had left coming after us, and heard the reports of three guns. The dreadful truth flashed upon me; the Indians were killing us! Several bullets struck the wagon...." Tarble relates that after her capture and during her ensuing captivity "they put me at work and found plenty of it to do. I chopped wood, brought water, gathered corn from the fields and fed the horses, and all the time I was closely watched and never allowed to go alone, a squaw always keeping at my side. Finally serious trouble threatened me. A squaw told me there was a great fuss among the Indians on my account. She said four braves claimed me, each for himself..."

  • av Indiana Robinson

    My spiritual journey reads like a personal biography and is quite fleeting and more like that of a wanderer following my nomadic upbringing. The purpose of this book is to share with readers my spiritual journey from my ancestors, real or imagined, in the Church of England, Spanish Town, Jamaica back in the 19th century; Alpha Catholic Chapel, North Street Seventh-day Adventist Church (and school), the Christian Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses, St. Jude's Catholic Church, St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Church of the Reconciliation (Catholic arm), Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and The Good Shepherd Catholic church (Portmore). I also interacted with non-denominational churches, and with radio ministries. It should be noted that I attended several other churches over my lifetime, but mostly in passing such as on vacation, as an invitee, or attending a christening, wedding, or a funeral. Hopefully, you will follow me as I traverse the ins and outs of divinity in my life. The book also contains historical artifacts on Jamaican churches during slavery and beyond.

  • av Mark Duke

    If you are looking for something different that can help you lose weight and help fight diseases such as diabetes and cancer, the Carnivore Diet may be right up your ally! Are you sick and tired of trying out every diet under the sun and seeing no results? In today's market, there are a billion, and one diets telling you to eat this and not that. Whether it is low carbohydrate, high vegetable, or low protein, each and every one of these diets seem to copy one another. Some of the incredible results from the Carnivore Diet include: - Weight Loss - Increased Energy - Improved Skin Quality - Improved Blood Sugar Levels - Improved Cholesterol - And so much more! Plus, what is a diet if you are not going to stick it out? While there will be many people that call you crazy for following an all-meat diet, the results do not lie! On top of benefiting from your diet, you will also be eating some incredibly delicious meals! Within the chapters of this book, you will be handed thirty different meat-filled recipes and ten different meal plans for different sexes and ages! What have you got to lose? You have tried everything else, and all of the fruits and vegetables in the world have failed you! The only thing in between a new diet and amazing results is you! What are you waiting for? Click buy now!

  • av Hikmet Elhadj

    مقالات نقدية حول الاستجابات الشعرية للانتفاضة الفلسطينية الاولى نشرت إبان الحدث بقلم الشاعر والناقد العراقي حكمت الحاج

  • av Hikmet Elhadj

    حكمت الحاج كاتب من العراق. صدرَ لهُ ببغداد عام 1994 كتابٌ شعريٌّ بعنوان (بَغْدَادَاتْ) بطبعة محدودة. قام بترجمة مسرحية يوجين يونسكو (الدرس) إلى العاميَّة العراقيَّة وصدرَتْ في كتابٍ بالتعاون مع جامعة بوخارست برومانيا عام 1996 . أصْدرَ عن منشورات "الأمَدْ" ببغدادَ نسخة جديدة مُحَقَّقَة ومُحَرَّرَة من كتاب (الطَّوَاسين) للحلاَّج وعَمَلَ الرسوم الداخلية له عام 1992. قام بالتنفيذ الكاليغرافي لكتاب (جوائز السنة الكبيسة) للشاعر العراقي الراحل رعد عبد القادر وصدر عام 1996. أصدرتْ لهُ منشورات الحركة الشعرية بالمكسيك كتابه (تَمُر العاصفة وتبقى الصَّحراءُ) عام 2000. صدرَ لهُ قَنْبَرْ عَليّ (رواية) الوردة بدونِ لِمَاذَا (قصائد نثر). الكلام المُسْتَعاد (قصائد نثر). مُحَاكاة (قصص قصيرة). أيَّامُ الصَّقْرِ (قصص قصيرة وحكايات). جرائم كثيرة (حكايتان). بَغْدَادَاتْ (قصائد نثر). دليل المتحيرين (عن الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب 2013) انستغرام (قصائد نثر انستغرامية) لندن 2018. مقالات في الفن والأدب لندن 2018. قصيدة النثر العربية مآلاتها وطرائقها (نقد وتاريخ وأنطولوجيا). الرواية كما يرويها العرب(حوارات مع روائيين وروائيات عرب).

  • av Hikmet Elhadj

    قام الشاعر العراقي حكمت الحاج باقتباس ثلاثة نصوص من الأدب العالمي لتقديمها للمسرح العربي نصا وتمثيلا وكان هذا الإعداد بمثابة التاليف الثاني كما أطلق هذا الوصف عليها الناقد العراقي باسم عبد الحميد حمودي وهذه الأعمال هي رواية جن للكاتب الفرنسي ألان روب-غرييه بترجمة شفيقة مطر وقصة الأصوات لغابرييل غوزبيوفيتشي ومسرحية صندوق الرمل لأدوارد ألبي وقد صدرت الطبعة الأولى لهذا الكتاب في بغداد عام 1994 بعنوان موت على الشاطئ وصدرت الطبعة الثانية في سوريا عن دار ليندا للنشر وهذه هي الطبعة الثالثة تصدر تحت عنوان جن أو الموعد القاتل عن منشورات مومنت في المملكة المتحدة ورقيا والكترونيا

  • av Jean Knoertzer

  • av 1040, &1089, &1086, m.fl.

    Паяси сутта е част от Палийския канон - колекцията от свещени текстове на последователите на хинаяна, малката колесница. Тя съдържа разговора между един брамин и млада девойка на име Кашяпа, която доказва по убедителен начин, че жените не само могат да практикуват будизма, но са способни да помогнат и на мъжете в това отношение. Буда казва, че всички чувстващи същества са равни. Например в Диамантената сутра четем "Всички дхарми са равни, няма по-висши или по-нисши. За онзи, който е успял да наблюдава този аспект, казваме, че е наблюдавал анутара-самяк-самбодхи (истинското върховно и окончателно просветление). Това, което се нарича равенство, е, че всички чувстващи същества притежават истинската природа на буда - татхагатагарбха, която е абсолютно еднаква във всички тях. Тази природа на буда прави възможни кармата и прераждането. Природата на буда е идентична във всички чувстващи същества, затова както се отнасяме към другите, така и те ще се отнасят към нас. Наистина в Паяси сутта природата на буда не се назовава изрично, както това се прави в сутрите на махаяна, но подробно се разглеждат нейните характеристики.

  • av &1583, &1607, &1578, m.fl.

  • av Elihu Benjamin Washburne

    "Washburne...depicted the riot as a massacre of blacks approved by the press and city officials." -But There was No Peace (2007) "Washburne...highlight[ed] for the record that it was former slaves who had been brutalized by white southerners in this riot." -Terror in the Heart of Freedom (2009) "Fueling this quest was Washburne's fervent engagement with the great postwar questions, and his intuition that the riot held the answers to many of them." -A Massacre in Memphis (2013) "Washburne...reports...the temper and feeling of the people is bad, if not worse, than at any time previous to the outbreak of rebellion." -Daily Ohio Statesman, Jun. 23, 1866 What sparked the Memphis riot of 1866 that led to the deaths of 48 and homelessness of hundreds? In 1866, an on-site investigation by Congressman Elihu Benjamin Washburne (1816-1887) and his committee would result in Washburne's harrowing 1866 report titled, "Memphis Riots and Massacres." The Memphis massacre of 1866 was a series of violent events that occurred from May 1 to 3, 1866 in Memphis, Tennessee. The racial violence was ignited by political, social, and racial tensions following the American Civil War, in the early stages of Reconstruction. After a shooting altercation between white policemen and black veterans recently mustered out of the Union Army, mobs of white residents and policemen rampaged through black neighborhoods and the houses of freedmen, attacking and killing black soldiers and civilians and committing many acts of robbery and arson. In introducing his book, Washburne writes: "The committee reached Memphis on the 22d day of May last, and immediately proceeded with their investigations. They examined a hundred and seventy witnesses....Previous to this time the people of Memphis had been clamoring for a withdrawal of all the United States troops, boasting that they were perfectly competent to take care of themselves. General Stoneman had, therefore, turned the city and that section of country over to the civil authorities, as far as it was practicable, holding them responsible for good order, peace, and quiet...." About the author: Elihu Benjamin Washburne (1816-1887) was an American politician and diplomat. A member of the Washburn family, which played a prominent role in the early formation of the United States Republican Party, he served as a congressman from Illinois before and during the American Civil War.

  • av Uchenna Okeke

    It's easy to walk past the homeless, to disregard the guy lying on the street or ignore the woman standing at an intersection holding a handwritten sign with a plea for help. It's harder to look away when you've seen their eyes. Look past lines drawn by hard living or the still-soft skin of someone young but struggling to break the cycle of dependency or abuse. Their eyes hint at lost promise or offer a glimmer of hope. Today, America is facing a lost generation at homelessness and poverty........paradise was lost, but salvation's been free...

  • av Anna Myers, Rachel Pope & Jean Marino

    Practical advice for women in their 60s who want to become sexually active or want to improve their current sex life. Written by a multidisciplinary group of health professionals who address issues such as pain with sex, low desire for sex, orgasm difficulties, your bladder and sex, same sex partners, vulvar skin conditions, trauma and more. Easy to understand with both practical advice and information regarding current medical treatment options. Meet the team and learn about a few of their favorite things.

  • av John Burroughs

    Locusts And Wild Honey By John BurroughsThe honey-bee goes forth from the hive in spring like the dove from Noah's ark, and it is not till after many days that she brings back the olive leaf, which in this case is a pellet of golden pollen upon each hip, usually obtained from the alder or the swamp willow. In a country where maple sugar is made the bees get their first taste of sweet from the sap as it flows from the spiles, or as it dries and is condensed upon the sides of the buckets. They will sometimes, in their eagerness, come about the boiling-place and be overwhelmed by the steam and the smoke. But bees appear to be more eager for bread in the spring than for honey: their supply of this article, perhaps, does not keep as well as their stores of the latter hence fresh bread, in the shape of new pollen, is diligently sought for. My bees get their first supplies from the catkins of the willows. How quickly they find them out! If but one catkin opens anywhere within range, a bee is on hand that very hour to rifle it, and it is a most pleasing experience to stand near the hive some mild April day and see them come pouring in with their little baskets packed with this first fruitage of the spring. They will have new bread now they have been to mill in good earnest see their dusty coats, and the golden grist they bring home with them. When a bee brings pollen into the hive he advances to the cell in which it is to be deposited and kicks it off, as one might his overalls or rubber boots, making one foot help the other then he walks off without ever looking behind him another bee, one of the indoor hands, comes along and rams it down with his head and packs it into the cell, as the dairymaid packs butter into a firkin with a ladle. The first spring wild-flowers, whose sly faces among the dry leaves and rocks are so welcome, are rarely frequented by the bee. The anemone, the hepatica, the bloodroot, the arbutus, the numerous violets, the spring beauty, the corydalis, etc., woo all lovers of nature, but seldom woo the honey-loving bee. The arbutus, lying low and keeping green all winter, attains to perfume and honey, but only once have I seen it frequented by bees. The first honey is perhaps obtained from the flowers of the red maple and the golden willow. The latter sends forth a wild, delicious perfume. The sugar maple blooms a little later, and from its silken tassels a rich nectar is gathered.

  • av James Dowd

    Note-New Book out 2019 Vitamin D3 part 2 + its 5 cofactors a must read This updated edition has a fascinating new look at diabetes as an evolved defense to freezing damage in winter gone out of control- Don't miss it! Fact-Packed Science Based Information-But FUN to read- Upon realizing that taking 4,000 IU of Vitamin D3 a day was not enough for me, I decided to embark on a "dangerous" experiment that directly contradicted everything MD's had told me for years: "DON'T TAKE TOO MUCH VITAMIN D IT IS DANGEROUS!" I started taking 20,000 IU a day-50X times the recommended dose of 400 IU a day. After about 4 months upped the dose to 50,000 IU a day or 150X the old recommended "safe" dose I then boosted it to 100,000 IU a day or 300 x TIMES the old maximum safe dose! What happened over these last 10 months? Did I die? get sick? No! Just the opposite!! High dose Vitamin D3 therapy over the last year- CURED ALL MY CHRONIC CONDITIONS- SOME THAT I'D HAD FOR 20+ YEARS! A painful snapping hip syndrome which I had been suffering from for 23 years and no Dr could help me-It is now 100% gone. No pain and NO SNAPPING!! Yellow fungus infected toenails (under the nail)- I tried everything over 20 years and nothing worked-10 months of high dose Vitamin D3 and they are clear as a bell! 100% cured. A knobby bone spur on my elbow that made me look like Popeye the sailor man-It has now 100% dissolved and my elbow is back to the way it used to be 20 years ago. Painful, clicking, popping, stiff Arthritic shoulders that prevented me from even throwing a ball from home plate past the infield. A condition I've had for 15 years. Gone. No more popping snapping or clicking and I can throw the ball twice as far . A ganglion cyst that persisted on my wrist for over 5 years has shrunk from the size of half a golf ball to the size of a pea and now it is rock hard, painless, and shrinking. A small subcutaneous cyst on my face that had not gone away for 20 years -now gone! AND-Without even trying my weight has dropped by 25 pounds from 204 to 179. This book tells you detailed results of my experiment, dangers to avoid, and also discusses a simple and elegant new theory that suggests how High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy Should help PREVENT OR CURE all the epidemics of disease and health issues that have been plaguing us since the 1980's when Dr. started warning us to stay out of the sun and always use sunscreen. This has created the huge epidemics we see today of Obesity, Autism etc.

  • av Joseph J. Harris

  • av Aldo C. Marturano

  • av Joachim Zuther

    This comprehensive guide with so much good advice will be of much practical value to all lymphedema patients and their difficult problems. --European Journal of Plastic Surgery The term "swelling" is used to describe an enlargement of a body part and can be used to describe edema and lymphedema. However, edema and lymphedema are clearly not the same and require different treatment approaches. Lymphedema affects 140-250 million women, men and children worldwide and results from the inability of the lymphatic system to perform one of its basic functions, the removal of water and protein from the tissues of a certain portion of the body. This insufficiency can be caused by developmental abnormalities of the lymphatic system (primary lymphedema) or damage to the lymphatic system such as the removal and/or radiation of lymph nodes in cancer surgery (secondary lymphedema). In It's Not Just a Swelling! - LYMPHEDEMA Joachim Zuther provides an up-to-date and comprehensive guide for individuals affected by Lymphedema, their caregivers, and family members. Topics include: - Anatomy of the Lymphatic System - Causes of Primary and Secondary Lymphedema and their Stages - Complications of Lymphedema, such as Infections, Cellulitis, Leakage - Lymphedema Risk Reduction, Do's and Don'ts for Lymphedema - Prevention of Lymphedema - Lymphedema and its Impact on Quality of Life - Treatment and Management of Lymphedema - Self-Management of Lymphedema (Self-MLD, Skin Care, Compression Therapy, Exercises) - Nutritional Aspects - Traveling with Lymphedema - And Much More About The Author Joachim Zuther, world-renowned Lymphedema Specialist, Founder of the Academy of Lymphatic Studies, author of the bestselling textbook Lymphedema Management - A comprehensive Guide for Practitioners, and co-author of numerous chapters in textbooks for Lymphedema. Mr. Zuther is a member of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL), the National Lymphedema Network (NLN), and the German Association of Lymphology (DGL). He is also a founding member of the North American Lymphedema Education Association (NALEA).

  • av &1576, &1610 & && 1588

    يمثِّلُ بشر شبيب حالةً شعريةً طموحة ومثيرة للاهتمام. في ديوانه نصفُها في الشّام ونصفها معي، يثبت بشر بجدارة أن الشعر الحديث لم يَمُتْ أو ينفصل على الواقع-كما يدعي البعض-وأن الاتهامات التي تطول الشعر الحديث بأنّه مقتصرٌ على الشعبوية والغزل المبتذل تبقى ناقصةً ولا تشمل العديد من الشعراء الموهوبين كبشر. بين دفتي هذا الديوان، سيجد القارئ قصائداً مقتضبةً كضربات البرق تلامس وجدان من يسكنُ في متاهات القرن الواحد والعشرين ويعيش أزماته الوجودية، من أزمة الثقافة وسيطرة التكنولوجيا على جميع مفاصل الحياة إلى الحروب التي لا تنتهي. زاهر العجلاني

  • av Aleksandr Yantsevich

  • av Wendy Reed

    Explore the wonders of some of South Carolina's coastal wildlife! In this delightful narrative nonfiction text, author Wendy Reed takes you on a beautifully illustrated journey as she encounters amazing alligators along with nine of her favorite birds, including herons, egrets, pelicans, ibises, spoonbills, and anhingas! You'll be captivated as you learn through excerpts describing each animal, told through stirring poetic language and the author's own rich photographs that will inspire awe and wonder. ISBN: 978-1-387-95805-4

  • av &1090, &108, &1077, m.fl.

  • av Paul David Graham

    The fourth book in the Robin Oracle Psychic Detective series. Robin and Hawk's heroes solve several cases in this Christmas edition. This book continues from where the last book ended. and like the others is in chronological sequence. This one is from December 1st to December 31st. In this book: 1) The Missing Pilot 2) The Dog That Wasn't 3) The Ninja Bandit 4) The Ghostly Spelunker 5) Mengele's Legacy 6) The Body in the Wall

  • av Roberto Ròn Capello

    12ヵ国語に翻訳され、翻訳されています。この本は、今までに書かれたもの、買わないもの、読まないもの、誤りがあるものの意味を持たないもの、無意味な真珠を所有する純粋な味のためにのみ購入するものです。 醜い醜い醜い、この本を定義する他の方法はありません。


    (Bulgarian Edition) Семейството на дъгата и други разкази по същия начин като вече публикуваната от Асоциацията на истинското сърце Един предишен живот в Тибет описва случки от всекидневието, но представени в светлината на будизма. От прераждането през призраците до дхарани т.е. методите, позволяващи по-добре да възприемем напътствията на Буда, тази книга ще отведе читателя на едно чудно пътешествие и ще му представи по нов начин обичайните човешки стремежи за търсене на работа, любим човек или помощ за близките. Разнообразието на третираните теми и съвсем обикновеният език, който е използван, правят книгата, подходяща за широк кръг читатели.

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