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  • av 1040, &107, &1088, m.fl.

  • av &1077, &107, 1050, m.fl.

  • av Dalton Kosak

    Phoenix is back and far more perverted. After nearly six months of absence, he is ready to share more of his story. In this revised edition of Whatever It Takes, the delusional hitman briefly describes his upbringing, his ideology of the American dream, and what led him down the path of becoming a professional hitman. From assassinating a rogue soldier to disguising himself as a drag queen contestant, Phoenix will go to great lengths to take down any target presented to him.After seventeen years in the game, Phoenix decides to turn over a new leaf and retires. However, two years later, he's forced out of retirement for one last score. Like is inarguable assassination, the final job is just as personal.

  • av Robert Duncan-Enzmann & Michelle Snyder

    ENDEAVOR is FREA's quarterly publication. ENDEAVOR tells the story of Dr. Enzmann and his wife Joanna Enzmann - he a world-class geologist, historian, linguist, astronomer, engineer, and physicist, and she a skilled mathematician and programmer who worked on the first computers and some classified projects - and how they worked together to create the skin in which the space program could grow. FREA's quarterly ENDEAVOR includes papers written on topics like gravity, astronomy, geology, physics, time, history, cosmology, and mythology, symbology, mathematics, space mission planning, planetology, and more. Trivia from the Archive will include photos and artwork, and articles about Dr. and Mrs. Enzmann published over the decades.

  • av Olga Isabel Nodarse Y. Raúl Eduard Chao

    Los padres y abuelos en los Estados Unidos están observando con alarma y enfado como el sistema escolar ha cedido a presiones izquierdistas y, en muchos lugares, ha convertido las escuelas en instrumentos de adoctrinamiento Marxista y Antiamericano. Hay maestros enseñando que hay que desplazar la "mitología" de 1776 y entender que 1619, cuando arribaron los primeros esclavos negros a Virginia, es la verdadera fecha de fundación de los Estados Unidos. A eso añaden que la Guerra Civil tuvo por objeto proteger y hacer permanente la esclavitud en todo el país; hay maestros que le dicen a sus estudiantes que el racismo es "estructural e inquebrantable," y está "asentado" en el sistema legal, para proteger a los "blancos," y mantener sus "privilegios." Un tercer embate de los adiestradores Marxistas es confundir a los niños en sus primeros años escolares, desde Kindergarten a Segundo y Tercer grado, con temas de sexo y sexualidad transformativa, que los niños no están en edad, ni tienen la necesaria madurez para entender. En este libro, los autores presentan las bases ideológicas del Proyecto 1619 y la Teoría Crítica Racial (CRT), las dos fuentes que promueven el credo Marxista entre nuestros jóvenes, y los abusos que se cometen con los niños al tratar de engañarlos con conceptos desmedidos, extemporáneos y engañosos sobre el sexo.

  • av &1088, &1090, &110, m.fl.

  • av 1571. &1575&1604&1582&1604&1610&

    شخص مجهول، غير معلومة أهدافه، غير واضحة وسائله، يقوم بعملية غسيل دماغ معقدة لعدد من الضحايا بالتعاون مع امرأة كانت سابقاً قد جُندت للعمل ضده، فمن منهم الذي نجح في غسل دماغ الآخر؟! ما بين إسرائيل، أمريكا، سوريا، العراق، مالطا، تركيا، يخوض الاستثنائيون حرباً استثنائية، لم تسمع بمثيل لها من قبل. هذا ما ستتعرف عليه في أحداث هذه الأولى من سلسلة روايات ابن الفوضى. أحداث هذه الرواية حقيقية، أو ربما غير حقيقية الأمر يعود لتفسير معنى الحقيقة لديك او ما سوف يغدو عليه أقدر تماماً أن وقتك ثمين، صدقني، أنا أكثر من يعلم. لهذا كنتُ حريصاً ألا تكون هذه مجرد رواية تقليدية، عادية، للتسلية أثناء شربك فنجان قهوتك الصباحي. لعلي أريد بها إثارةَ ذلك الجنون داخلك، الذي قيل لك دوماً، أنه سيكون سبباً في نبذك، وطردك، خارج القطيع. بحث عنه البشر عبر آلاف السنين من تاريخهم، وقد أجابوا عليه كلَ مرة، على الرغم من أنهم لم يجيبوا ولا مرة، السؤال الأعظم والأكثر منطقية والأكثرُ غموضاً بين الأسئلة الوجودية كلها! ماذا كان قبل أن يكون أي شيء؟ كيف نشأ كل شيء؟ ما هو الزمن صفر؟ ما هي اللحظة صفر؟ ما هو اللاشيء؟ إلى كل المنطوين على ذاتهم، المنعزلين الغرباء عن مجتمعاتهم إلى كل المجانين، في نظر من حولهم أنتم من يحدث الفارق

  • av &1088, &108, &1101, m.fl.

  • av Rudyard Kipling

    Once upon a time, O my Best Beloved . . . So begins this classic collection of gloriously fanciful tales of how things in the world came to be as they are. This collection includes the story of how the lazy camel found himself with a hump and how the insatiable curiosity of the elephant earned him his long trunk. It reveals how the whale was given a throat, and why every rhinoceros has great folds in his skin and a very bad temper. We also find out about the cunning cat that walked by itself, and how clever little Taffy and her Daddy Tegumai made the first alphabet. Rudyard Kipling first entertained his own children with these delightful, warm, and humorous stories, which he later wrote down for publication in 1902. Conjuring up distant lands and exotic jungles, they are bewitching for both children and adults. This sumptuous volume offers the complete and unabridged text, including the often-missing 13th story, "The Tabu Tal," which Kipling added for the American edition in 1903.

  • av &1086, &107, &1088, m.fl.

  • av &940, &95, &956, m.fl.
    305 - 495

  • av &1576, &1575, &1585, m.fl.

  • av &1605, &1583, &1606 & m.fl.

    قدم الكتاب أسهل و أسرع و أمتع طريقة لحفظ القرآن الكريم، و هو يعتمد تقنيات الذاكرة و خرائط العقل في ابداع طريقة جديدة و مبتكرة لتسهيل حفظ و فهم الأطفال و كبار السن وغير العرب للقرآن الكريم. وتم إعداد هذا الكتاب لبدء الحفظ من السور القصيرة بحيث تم البدء بسورة الفاتحة ومن ثم بدأنا بالسور من آخر جزء عم بالترتيب العكسي بدءاّ بسورة الناس وانتهاءً بسورة النبأ. هذه نسخة ملونة من الكتاب تحتوي على الخرائط العقلية الملونة لجزء عم و من مميزات هذا الكتاب 1. الكتاب الأول عالمياً لحفظ القرآن الكريم بتقنيات خرائط العقل 2. تم العمل في هذا الكتاب على مدار ثلاث سنوات 3. تأليف المدرب محمد هندم مدير مؤسسة الذاكرة الخارقة وخرائط العقل وعضو البرلمان الدولي لعلماء التنمية البشرية. 5. تم تطبيق الكتاب واختبار مدى فعاليته على مجموعة من الطلاب تزيد عن 600 طالب خلال عدد من السنوات. 6. يعتبر هذا الكتاب ضمن مجموعة من الأدوات المساعدة لحفظ القرآن الكريم والتي تتضمن ] أ- كتاب خرائط عقلية لحفظ القرآن الكريم

  • av S. M. Krantz

    Alexander Malcom MacCord, one of John Coffee's Hays First Mounted Rifles on an errant for General Zachery Taylor finds a new route in Mexico near Monterrey for his sick troops. During a battle he is wounded and dives into a hole that he thinks holds a corpse, but the man is still alive and says his name is William Roundtree who'd been at Point Isabel before getting caught in the war. Roundtree shows MacCord a packet telling him it is for his daughter, Becky, who was taken as a child by Indians. MacCord takes him to a field hospital. The next day, MacCord watches as a Ranger, J.J. Sutton slaughters two boys for a horse before deserting his unit. MacCord, shocked at his brutality, vows to find him and cut his heart out. After the war MacCord rides for Matamoros, stopping in Santa Eulalia and meets Bushy Pounds. When a brutal group of men ride down the street, Pounds tells MacCord they are scalpers and have come to sell their scalps and how they are honored and loved by the people. MacCord can't help but notice the necklaces of dried ears and human teeth with tanned human skin for bridles on their horses. Riding in the group is J.J. Sutton. Pounds points to their leader, John Ephraim Davis telling MacCord every man riding with him is nothing but vicious sonsofbitches and all come to town every month since Davis has a contract with Trias, the Mexican Governor. MacCord disgusted rides for Matamoros where he stays with a half Navajo, half Mexico girl and tries to forget the war. While MacCord is out hunting, Nizoni is alone and is attacked, murdered, and scalped by Davis's group looking for more scalps. MacCord returns to find Nizoni horrendously murdered furiously promising to hunt down and kill them all. The intervention of a small wolf cub with a broken leg stops him for a short while and in the process of caring for the cub he begins to let go of his guilt over Nizoni, but not his vengeance. He rescues a woman and an Indian boy both captives, learns the woman is Rebecca Roundtree and the boy an orphan. He brings them both along on his quest to kill. Rebecca falls in love with him, her knight in shining armor, but he can't let go of his hatred. MacCord leaves Rebecca with a father she hates, and the boy with a friend before joining Davis's group as a Judas killing them one by one. He is left gravely wounded. The wolf leaves and finds Rebecca, leading her to MacCord where she is able save his life but more importantly from a culture of blood money and scalps.

  • av &1088, &1085, &108, m.fl.
    185 - 199,-

  • av Timothy Mario Williams

    This book takes a deep dive into where we are as a country. We look at our current affairs' that have been in the news and across our states. The social unrest that we have never experienced in this country. The COVID-19 pandemic that seems to never end and all the lives it claims. We look at the presidential race and all the drama it manifests with the big lie the race was stolen. We examine the divisions this has caused in the country. Racial tension brought on by this president and his many claims most of which prove to be lies. We look to the future as well, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

  • av Rudyard Kipling

    A huge swell pushed up exactly under her middle, and her bow and stern hung free with nothing to support them. Then one joking wave caught her up at the bow, and another at the stern, while the rest of the water slunk 251 away from under her just to see how she would like it; so she was held up at her two ends only, and the weight of the cargo and the machinery fell on the groaning iron keels and bilge-stringers. "Ease off! Ease off, there!" roared the garboard-strake. "I want one-eighth of an inch fair play. Do you hear me, you rivets!" "Ease off! Ease off!" cried the bilge-stringers. "Don't hold us so tight to the frames!" "Ease off!" grunted the deck beams, as the Dimbula rolled fearfully. "You've cramped our knees into the stringers, and we can't move. Ease off, you flat-headed little nuisances." Then two converging seas hit the bows, one on each side, and fell away in torrents of streaming thunder. "Ease off!" shouted the forward collision bulkhead. "I want to crumple up, but I'm stiffened in every direction. Ease off, you dirty little forge-filings. Let me breathe!" All the hundreds of plates that are riveted to the frames, and make the outside skin of every steamer, echoed the call, for each plate wanted to shift and creep a little, and each plate, according to its position, complained against the rivets. "We can't help it! We can't help it!" they murmured in reply. "We're put here to hold you, and we're going to do it; you never pull us twice in the same direction. If you'd say what 252 you were going to do next, we'd try to meet your views." "As far as I could feel," said the upper-deck planking, and that was four inches thick, "every single iron near me was pushing or pulling in opposite directions. Now, what's the sense of that? My friends, let us all pull together." "Pull any way you please," roared the funnel, "so long as you don't try your experiments on me.

  • av Federal Highway Administration

    This course manual is intended for design and construction professionals involved with the selection, design and construction of geotechnical features for surface transportation facilities. The manual is geared towards practitioners who routinely deal with soils and foundations issues but who may have little theoretical background in soil mechanics or foundation engineering. The manual's content follows a project-oriented approach where the geotechnical aspects of a project are traced from preparation of the boring request through design computation of settlement, allowable footing pressure, etc., to the construction of approach embankments and foundations. A complete example bridge project is included.

  • av Celso Salles

    O Quênia é um país da África Oriental. Com 580.367 quilômetros quadrados, o Quênia é o 48° maior país do mundo em área. Com uma população de mais de 47,6 milhões no censo de 2019, o Quênia é o 29° país mais populoso do mundo. A capital e maior cidade do Quênia é Nairóbi, enquanto sua mais antiga, atualmente a segunda maior cidade, e a primeira capital é a cidade costeira de Mombasa. A cidade de Kisumu é a terceira maior cidade e também um porto interior no Lago Vitória. Outros centros urbanos importantes incluem Nakuru e Eldoret. A partir de 2020, o Quênia é a terceira maior economia da África Subsaariana, depois da Nigéria e da África do Sul. O Quênia faz fronteira com o Sudão do Sul a noroeste, a Etiópia ao norte, a Somália a leste, Uganda a oeste, a Tanzânia ao sul e o Oceano Índico a sudeste. Sua geografia, clima e população variam amplamente, variando de cumes frios e cobertos de neve (Batian, Nelion e Point Lenana no Monte Quênia) com vastas florestas circundantes, vida selvagem e regiões agrícolas férteis a climas temperados nos condados ocidentais e do vale do Rift e secas menos férteis áreas áridas e semi-áridas e desertos absolutos (deserto de Chalbi e deserto de Nyiri). O Quênia é a maior e mais avançada economia da África Oriental e Central; com fortes perspectivas de crescimento apoiadas por uma classe média urbana emergente e um apetite crescente por bens e serviços de alto valor. A economia dominante na Comunidade da África Oriental, contribuindo com mais de 50% do PIB da região. O Quênia está aberto a negócios para empresas bem posicionadas com objetivos estratégicos de explorar o potencial crescente dos mercados emergentes na África Oriental e Central.

  • av Margaret Vandercook

    The deep-rutted English lane was bordered with high box hedges. On one side was a sloping park with trees a century old and on the other side a wide field filled with meadow grass and scarlet poppies. It was in July. "In all the world there is nothing so peaceful as this English country, is there? It is like another world when one first gets away from the turmoil of New York." The girl who said this was undoubtedly an American, both in her manner and appearance, although her dark hair and eyes and her deep-toned olive skin were almost Spanish in coloring. Her companion-in spite of the fact that her costume was a typical English walking one, a mixed brown tweed skirt, Norfolk jacket and high boots, -was equally an American. She smiled before replying. "I don't know that I agree with you, Olive. Of course that is what people from home always say. Jim Colter declares he is half asleep the entire time he is in England. But that is because Americans, particularly my beloved westerners, don't understand England and the English. Things are not always peaceful just because they are quiet. We think so because we are noisy. Frank says there was never more unrest." But at this Lady Kent, who a number of years ago was Jacqueline Ralston and one of the four Ranch girls at Rainbow Lodge, slipped her arm through her friend's, Olive Van Mater's. "But, Olive dear, for goodness sake don't let us talk politics the day after your arrival. It is so English. Sometimes I feel scarcely fitted to play the part of an English 'Lady, ' now that Frank has come into the title of 'Lord' and is a member of Parliament. I often long for a ride with Jim over my own prairies to search for lost cattle." Lady Kent laughed. "Once a Ranch girl, always a Ranch girl, so far as I'm concerned, Olive; and yet I'm farther away from the old place than any of you. But, tell me, what made you decide to come abroad so suddenly without even writing? I have had letters from everybody at home except that lazy Frieda, and yet not one with a suggestion of your trip in it. Tell me about every member of my family-Ruth and Jim and their babies and Jean and Ralph and Frieda and her Professor. Funny, I never can think of Frieda really being married. You see, although it has been nearly four years, I have never seen her since we went over for the great event." Jack ceased talking for a moment, for she was still "Jack" to her own family and the friends who knew her intimately. Olive never had talked so much as t

  • av Lioness Dewinter

    Matthias Ste. Germain has been alone all of his life. Orphaned as an infant and emotionally distant from the world around him, he despairs of ever finding true love. Set in the dark, secret alleyways of the Orleans of long ago, a hostile world unfolds. A town is gripped in superstitious terror as an illness ravages the population. Church and state are hand-in-hand, with the charismatic, powerful and dynamic young preacher, Obadiah St. John at its helm. A former prostitute himself, Obadiah has turned his rage upon the gypsy community (as the young male escorts are known), and has sworn to wipe them out, one by one. Public executions are commonplace, and the gypsy community huddles in fear as he cuts a bloody swath through the town. Join Matthias on his lonely quest as he finds redemption, friendship, and true love with his beautiful Timothy...and at long last makes the journey from an inhuman monster to a man once more.

  • av Traumear

    The poems mark successive stages in a growth cycle. They lose nothing due to their being abstracted from their setting. 21 Always where lightning connects brawn with brain and the tower falls, smashing masses beneath it struck griefless and dumb, there help will come. We need but that one distinct moment's exertion of will towards ourselves, at no cost to this thing or that eye. Thereafter comes laughter. Lie in the grass of a summer's day, seaside contentment heavy on lips and in limbs; feel those intemperate breezes rich in justice on skin. Then, when the sails appear, white on your mind's tested horizon, you begin to count the days left, check baggage, con future needs and wait the storm out with a smile. Oh that these days have so much within them that reeks of vile superstition! Not a sensation goes by but we cause it, more shallow, less fruitful. Barren stretches of wishing we disown when the tenants, our moods, pay lip service in terms of rent. We shriek our defiance. All is not lost. *

  • av John Thatcher

    Finally, a book about Noadiah - the final prophet of the Old Testament. Her story compels us to see the days of Ezra and Nehemiah from a new perspective. They were desolate days in Jerusalem. The Jews had killed the beloved prophet Zechariah son of Berekiah, but Ezra the scribe and Nehemiah the Persian appointed Governor of Judea, omitted his murder from their glorious records reverberating with Jewish lineage and self-praise. It took the coming of Jesus, the light to the Gentiles, to illuminate the dark acts of the Jews - "Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous. And you say, 'If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.'...upon you will come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar." Matthew 23:29-35 Stephen also said of the Jews - Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? We need to see the history of the Jews through the lens of Jesus. When Nehemiah recorded that Noadiah and all the prophets were trying to intimidate him, were his actions right, or was it Noadiah and the other prophets who were right to oppose him? John Thatcher combines a lifetime of Bible study with great insight, to present the closing acts of the Old Testament as a warning to perceive the things that are of God, and the things that are of men.

  • av M. V. Taylor

    Nicholas Hilliard (1547-1619) was a trusted member of the court and favourite of Queen Elizabeth I. He illuminated various charters and legal documents as well as painting portraits of the queen and many of his contemporaries. From the 1580s onwards HIliard portrayed the queen either as Cynthea - Virgin Goddess of the Moon, or as the perpetually young Astrea - Virgin Goddess of the Golden Age. These miniature portraits reinforced the idea that England's queen was, and would remain unmarried. However, is there more than propaganda regarding the queen's chastity behind these portraits of Elizabeth I? This novel tells Hilliard's own story through some of the portraits he created for his patrons and interprets the symbols and emblems these paintings contain. From the time he was introduced to Elizabeth I in 1572, I explore the great events that happened between 1572 and 1588 as seen through his eyes. The title is a quote from Hilliard's draft treatise of 1598, but is it purely a reference to his extraordinary ability to capture his sitter's likeness? His portrait of a young man holding a hand coming from a cloud (in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London) has long puzzled historians and art historians, and I am but one in a long line of those who have theories as to the meaning behind the motto, Attici Amoris Ergo. I believe the answer also lies in comparing this portrait with Hilliard's portrait of Elizabeth I painted in 1572 and the many he created of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester - for that you can go online and look at the portraits for yourself. These are listed at the back of the book. As a great friend of mine who is a forensic scientist, said, "You can't beat genetics!"


  • av Thomas Hardy

    Jude the Obscure, the last completed of Thomas Hardy's novels, began as a magazine serial in December 1894 and was first published in book form in 1895. Its protagonist, Jude Fawley, is a working-class young man, a stonemason, who dreams of becoming a scholar. The other main character is his cousin, Sue Bridehead, who is also his central love interest. The novel is concerned in particular with issues of class, education, religion and marriage. The novel tells the story of Jude Fawley, who lives in a village in southern England (part of Hardy's fictional county of Wessex), who yearns to be a scholar at "Christminster", a city modelled on Oxford. As a youth, Jude teaches himself Classical Greek and Latin in his spare time, while working first in his great-aunt's bakery, with the hope of entering university. But before he can try to do this the naïve Jude is seduced by Arabella Donn, a rather coarse and superficial local girl who traps him into marriage by pretending to be pregnant. The marriage is a failure, and they separate by mutual agreement, and Arabella later emigrates to Australia, where she enters into a bigamous marriage. By this time, Jude has abandoned his classical studies.

  • av Matt Shaw

    It's a discreet club for those who have had enough of life and want to end it on their own terms but are worried about the loved ones they leave behind. An expensive club which takes the pain away for the families. A club which offers its members one final, wild ride before they move on to greener pastures. But first the members have to sign their life away for one year. They have to walk the streets with the company's logo tattooed onto their skin - and once that tattoo is done there is no turning back, not even if they change their mind. Death is coming for them. INCLUDES THE SEQUEL: SKELETONS

  • av Matt Shaw

    The Fringed Ornamental tarantula has been known to cause a coma to some of the people it has bitten. The Chinese Bird Spider, known for its extreme aggression, has caused at least one infant death and has a venom which kills 50% of the lab mice it was tested on. The Mouse Spider and the Sydney Funnel-Web spider - both tiny - can bring down a full-sized adult if an anti-vemon isn't administered quickly enough. The Brown recluse spider, and the Chilean recluse - both extremely venomous with their bites causing necrosis; dying tissue at the site of the bite with potential for the wound to grow up to ten inches. The Black Widow, the Redback...Killers. And even if you don't die you can expect swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fevers, nausea and tremors, seizures and even comas and respiratory failure. The Six-Eyed Sand spider - one of the most venomous spiders in the world - one bite and you bleed from your skin, orifices - even your eyes - and there is no anti-venom. Even when there is anti-venom, though, it doesn't mean you're safe...The Brazilian Wandering Spider - thought to be THE most venomous spider according to the Guinness World Records...One bite from this and even the anti-venom being administered isn't a sure way of keeping you alive. It's still possible you'll die. So what do these have in common, other than the fact they're all spiders? All of them are tame in comparison to this new, aggressive species which is fast wiping out the country in Matt Shaw's new horror novel "The Infestation".

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