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  • av Jerry Solomon

    34 year-old, drug-free, Jerry Solomon, unbeknownst to him is given water laced with PCP (aka Angel Dust, hallucinogenic to humans animal tranquilizer), begins a period of mental instability that lasts more than a decade. During this drug induced period of hyper-sensitivity, Jerry's bizarre perceptions take him on a roller coaster ride of his emotions and on the edge of lunacy. It is a trip that will haunt you and one that you will never forget.

  • av && 4704, &4648, &4792 & m.fl.

    A young Eritrean woman finds herself in a situation she cannot control. Her dreams are crushed by people who are oblivious of her existence. It is a story of a struggle for survival and sanity intertwined with a story of love and hate.

  • av Paul Winterton

    A collection of writings by journalist Paul Winterton (better known later as Andrew Garve) on Soviet Russia, published between 1931 and 1945 and documenting his growing disillusion with the regime. It includes his first published work, A Student in Russia.

  • av &1608, &1605, &1610, m.fl.

    المجموعة الشعرية الجديدة للشاعر التونسي جلال حمودي بعنوان عودة البرابرة تصدر عن مومنت للكتب والنشر

  • av Andreas Sofroniou

    Ethos takes account of the character, sentiment, manners, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution and the predominant characteristics of a racial culture. In rhetoric, this is the speakers' or writer's character or emotions, articulated in the attempt to persuade an audience. Ethos is distinguished from pathos, which is the emotion the speaker or writer hopes to induce in the audience. The two concepts were well known in a broader sense by ancient Classical authors, who used pathos when referring to the violent emotions and ethos to mean the calmer ones. Ethology deals with the behaviour in a natural environment and investigates the development of systems of morals; now more generally, the science of human character. Ethology is particularly concerned with the animal's interactions with others of the same species and the function of behaviour and how the evolution of behaviour has been influenced by natural selection.

  • av Carlo Maria Persano

    Confessioni di un Mostro è un'opera teatrale sulla tragedia del Nazionalsocialismo. Sono presenti vari personaggi in scena direttamente ed è presente un coro dal quale, di volta in volta, si staccano altri personaggi per descrivere le proprie vicende. Tra le vicende descritte vi sono i principali misteri della storia di quel periodo, come la ritirata di Dunkerque, il volo di Hess, la morte del Duca di Kent, la morte del generale Sikorski e il mancato attacco del Giappone all'Unione Sovietica. I vari personaggi raccontano anche dei loro aspetti più intimi e umani, perché una tragedia è fatta della vita delle singole persone coinvolte.

  • av &1606, &1608, &1575, m.fl.

    لوران جونال كاتب فرنسي ولد سنة 1966. عاش في بيئة تحث على العلم والتعلم. درس العلوم الاقتصادية وهو من خريجي جامعة السوربون. درس علم النفس والعلوم الإنسانية في أمريكا وعمل مختصا في العلاقات العامة لمدة 15 عاما. كتب روايته الأولى في 2006 ونشرها في 2008 تحت عنوان "الرجل الذي أراد أن يكون سعيدا" لتصبح من أكثر الكتب مبيعا في فرنسا لتلك السنة. ترجمت الرواية لـ 26 لغة. تبدأ الحكاية في إحدى القرى الإستوائية، حين يقرر سائح عادي الخضوع لعلاج روحاني على سبيل التجربة، ليكتشف أنه في صحة جيدة لكنه يشكو من انعدام السعادة في حياته فيبدأ رحلة العلاج. تجعل هذه الرواية من يقرأها يتعمق في ماضيه، يفكر في خياراته، يسائل نفسه هل أنا سعيد؟ رواية قد تغير مجريات حياة قارئها إذا ما تمكن من سبر أغوارها. زينب بن ضياف كاتبة تونسية تخوض تجربتها الأولى في عالم الترجمة.

  • av William von Peters & Gaston Ritter

    This work was published in Graz, Austria in 1933 by the Catholic Priest Gaston Ritter. It received the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur; nevertheless in our age it would be considered controversial even though the Church has stated that there is nothing therein against the Catholic Faith. Judaism and the Shades of the Antichrist is both a book about the Jews, and about the Catholic Church and Catholic peoples - and the conflict between them as Judea seeks to bring about their "New World Order". This book was written for a Catholic Austrian audience. Hitler had come to power in Germany on January 30, 1933, but Fr. Ritter does not concern himself with National Socialist, German, or other volkish movements. He is focused upon the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, their seeming coming fulfillment in Europe and violently so in Russia in 1917 - and upon Our Lord's words and prophecies primarily in Matt. 24, as well as prophecies of various Saints, concerning the End Times. It is also a call to action for Catholics, and Christians of all stripes, to stand with Christ and against the Antichrist programs seeking to destroy countries and peoples. In many ways it fits our own days, as our culture and religion are under constant attacks using the same tactics as in Austria and Germany in the 1930's in the current Culture War.

  • av Theodor Pugel

    This book was published in Austria in 1935 for Austrian Catholics to help them understand the Jewish Question and its ramifications for Austrians, and all of the West. We are typically told that Austria was a normal democratic State which was crushed and taken over by Hitler in the 1938 Anschluss. That anti-Jewish measures were introduced and Austria remained a captive of Germany until the end of World War II when it was "liberated" by the Allies and restored as a democratic State, which it remains today. This book demonstrates that Catholic Austria was first in understanding and reacting to the Jewish Question and the rights of Christians to rule themselves without foreign, alien influence. Given the "education" Americans receive daily on World War II some may find it hard to change their perceptions, but truth remains truth. In our day and age we rarely hear anything about Catholicism prior to World War II, except in passing to disparage it, and since Austrian books are written in German, they are only quoted with "explanatory" excerpts so that readers lack knowledge of what it was that the Austrians were fighting.

  • av Michael Rosenberg

    This book of poems reflects the poet's spiritual exploration and physical transformation after a cancer diagnosis. The poems, cathartic and healing in their creation, integrate the poet's life experiences with his personal belief in natural theology.

  • av Michael Baldwin

    Murder Music is a 276-page quirky mystery-thriller for anyone who enjoys mayhem, music, and romance. Missy McKean, a beautiful and rebellious teen violin virtuoso, and her jazz mentor, Tiger Blakely, are marked for death by an unknown demonic mastermind. Blakely and Missy go on a cross-country musical road trip to find out why they are being targeted. Blakely's wise-cracking, genius dog, Bix, will help them, as will the spirit of Missy's haunted violin. But what about the handsome, red-haired Indian from outer space? Is he Missy's love interest or maybe one of the killers? Why are the KKK, the Apollo space program, and the President's plane involved in the mystery? The suspense is spine-tingling; the action is intense; the romance is real; the mystery is, yes, mysterious! Join Missy and Blakely as they struggle to stay alive, solve the mystery, and play some great music between death and disaster. Murder Music is a story to quickly lose yourself within and you'll not want it to end. If you like Katniss, you'll love Missy McKean!

  • av Chris Heart

    В тази книга ще откриеш... част от мен..! Ще видиш... себе си..! Ще те върне в миналото..! Ще се замислиш за настоящето..! И ще промени теб и твоето бъдеще..! Чети... с Душата..! Докосвай... с мисълта..! Усети... със сетивата..! Почувствай... Любовта..! Не можеш да излъжеш човек, който вижда, усеща и чувства... с Душата... Той ще те прочете... Като отворена книга!!! Духът е отворен тогава, когато това, което мислиш, говориш и правиш са в хармония с Вселената!!! Желая Ви незабравими мигове с моите стихове! Приятно четене! Калоян Христов

  • av Frcpath Sharaf Eldin

    This book is the third edition of the only published Pathology interview book. This book points up how the Pathology interviews differ from other medical and non-medical interviews. Pathology interviews are one of the toughest interviews. The grounds behind this are many. Firstly, the interviewer, who is a pathologist, usually looking for certain details which should be precise and concise at the same time. Secondly, the subject of the interview; Pathology, is limitless and under continuous update with some subjects like quality control, governance, audits.....etc., -which are new to the interviewee- forms a significant part of the interview, either with direct or indirect questions. Furthermore, some questions may require certain practical experience level, which could be only acquired after some training in histopathology. Lastly, the interviewee knowledge about pathology who just finished their internship or foundation year may be backdated to second or third year of medical study. In this book, I highlighted the hot topics in Pathology interviews in the form of questions and simplified answers with many advices that will help you to impress the interviewers.

  • av Rossitza Kopoukova

    Предлагаме на вниманието на читатели и почитатели изключително интересната и издържана в художествено отношение книга на творческия тандем Росица КОПУКОВА и доц. Младен МИСАНА "Пратеници от рая", стихове и разкази. Книгата ще ви остави без дъх и ще ви издигне във висините на голямото изкуство на двамата творци.

  • av Bernard O'Connor

    The Special Operations Executive (SOE), Britain's TOP SECRET subversive organisation during the Second World War, were informed before and after D-Day that some surrendered or captured German prisoners of war who had been brought to camps in England claimed not to be supporters of Hitler. They had been compelled to join the Wehrmacht, the German army, and, when asked, volunteered to be trained and infiltrated back into Germany by the Allies on sabotage, subversion and assassination missions. Bernard O'Connor's four-volumed 'SOE Bonzos' has used recently released personnel files, country section correspondence, training reports and mission papers to tell for the first time the stories of over fifty anti-Nazis who were brave enough to return to Germany on secret operations. Volume One includes the stories of Heinz Doring, Alois Buchtik, Paul Penczok and Alfred Lengenfeld. Some succeeded in getting back to Britain. It provides details of the successes and failures of their missions and includes accounts of conditions in Germany towards the end of the war. There are also details of SOE's German Section officers who planned the operations, having to negotiate with the Bayswater Interrogation Section, the Training, Camouflage, Forgery, Finance and Quartermaster Sections; officers in other country sections; the American Office of Strategic Services; the RAF who arranged parachute drops and the Special Forces operating with the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force operating in France, Belgium and Germany.

  • av Bernard O'Connor

    The Special Operations Executive (SOE), Britain's TOP SECRET subversive organisation during the Second World War, were informed before and after D-Day that some surrendered or captured German prisoners of war who had been brought to camps in England claimed not to be supporters of Hitler. They had been compelled to join the Wehrmacht, the German army, and, when asked, volunteered to be trained and infiltrated back into Germany by the Allies on sabotage, subversion and assassination missions. Bernard O'Connor's four-volumed 'SOE Bonzos' has used recently released personnel files, country section correspondence, training reports and mission papers to tell for the first time the stories of over fifty anti-Nazis who were brave enough to return to Germany on secret operations. Volume Two includes the stories of Johann Hoch, Gerhard Taplick, Will Vonderheidt, Erich Klau, Horst Weber, Werner Porzig, Andreas Wiedemann, Heinrich Wellings, Valentin Raab and August Kunzig. Some succeeded in getting back to Britain. It provides details of the successes and failures of their missions and includes accounts of conditions in Germany towards the end of the war. There are also details of SOE's German Section officers who planned the operations, having to negotiate with the Bayswater Interrogation Section, the Training, Camouflage, Forgery, Finance and Quartermaster Sections; officers in other country sections; the American Office of Strategic Services; the RAF who arranged parachute drops and the Special Forces operating with the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force operating in France, Belgium and Germany.

  • av Bernard O'Connor

    The Special Operations Executive (SOE), Britain's TOP SECRET subversive organisation during the Second World War, were informed before and after D-Day that some surrendered or captured German prisoners of war who had been brought to camps in England claimed not to be supporters of Hitler. They had been compelled to join the Wehrmacht, the German army, and, when asked, volunteered to be trained and infiltrated back into Germany by the Allies on sabotage, subversion and assassination missions. Bernard O'Connor's four-volumed 'SOE Bonzos' has used recently released personnel files, country section correspondence, training reports and mission papers to tell for the first time the stories of over fifty anti-Nazis who were brave enough to return to Germany on secret operations. Volume Four includes the stories of Wilhelm Borstelmann, Peter Kaumanns, Jakob Bauer, Walter Ryplewitz, Werner Piske, Erich Behl and Jakob Bauer, Erich Ballion, Heinz Bleich, ? Gaertner, Gunter Traulsen, Hermann Niebuhr and Herbert von Scheven.. Some succeeded in getting back to Britain. It provides details of the successes and failures of their missions and includes accounts of conditions in Germany towards the end of the war. There are also details of SOE's German Section officers who planned the operations, having to negotiate with the Bayswater Interrogation Section, the Training, Camouflage, Forgery, Finance and Quartermaster Sections; officers in other country sections; the American Office of Strategic Services; the RAF who arranged parachute drops and the Special Forces operating with the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force operating in France, Belgium and Germany.

  • av Bernard O'Connor

    The Special Operations Executive (SOE), Britain's TOP SECRET subversive organisation during the Second World War, were informed before and after D-Day that some surrendered or captured German prisoners of war who had been brought to camps in England claimed not to be supporters of Hitler. They had been compelled to join the Wehrmacht, the German army, and, when asked, volunteered to be trained and infiltrated back into Germany by the Allies on sabotage, subversion and assassination missions. Bernard O'Connor's four-volumed 'SOE Bonzos' has used recently released personnel files, country section correspondence, training reports and mission papers to tell for the first time the stories of over fifty anti-Nazis who were brave enough to return to Germany on secret operations. Volume Three includes the stories of Pierre Dehe, also known as Peter Eidt, Georg Friedrich, Peter Schloder, Karl Guss, Alfred Von Bovert, William Wiechern and Will Mattner. Some succeeded in getting back to Britain. It provides details of the successes and failures of their missions and includes accounts of conditions in Germany towards the end of the war. There are also details of SOE's German Section officers who planned the operations, having to negotiate with the Bayswater Interrogation Section, the Training, Camouflage, Forgery, Finance and Quartermaster Sections; officers in other country sections; the American Office of Strategic Services; the RAF who arranged parachute drops and the Special Forces operating with the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force operating in France, Belgium and Germany.

  • av Felix de Villiers

    Why should I, an unknown person, write an autobiography? I have done so because my life was full of adventures, strange experiences and amusing anecdotes such as my playing a Jessica Fletcher role to solve a crime in a hotel in the Algarve, Portugal. I did not go through the normal routine of childhood, school, study and job but wandered rather waywardly around the world doing various jobs such as cleaning offices at five in the morning, starting in a remote African village and going to various European countries. The book is also full of historical events, unintentional sociology of human behaviour and interesting people I met. It starts with an African childhood where I suffered from the racist White and Black frictions and then proceeds to my studies in South Africa and then to Paris. I went to France to study French but mainly because I wanted to read French poetry. From there I went on to stays with my German family, to studies in London, to Lisbon and then to Verona, Italy where I now live, all these stages packed with strange and bizarre experiences. For example, what happened to me as a gay Teacher in Reading, how I got innocently drawn into a delinquent group in Verona but managed to extricate myself safe and sound, how an American poetess got me to call myself an 'anarchist' for a while, what happened when I became a bar pianist in Portugal and so on.

  • av Wendy Reed & DiAnn Keyes

    Hello, Autumn!Come on in to this beautiful collection of Autumn beauty! Authors Wendy and Diann, best friends, share what they love about Autumn - food, decor, recipes, poems, quotes, and more! You'll find beautiful photographs of all things Autumn, beautiful charcuterie trays and lots of other food, recipes for favorite fall dishes, lovely home decor and decorating tips, a bucket list for Autumn, and so much more! This 96 page book is a visual feast for your eyes! You'll want a copy for your coffee table and one for your best friend!Do you love the four seasons? You'll want to check out the rest of this soon-to-be-published gorgeous collection that celebrates winter, spring, and summer as well!

  • av &1075, 1057, &1093, m.fl.

  • av &1608, &1610, &1585 & m.fl.


  • av Lacey Helene

    The vision of Be Veggie Sexy grew out of Chef and Nutritionist Lacey Helene's goal to create healthy & delicious whole fruit and veggie sippable recipes for real people on the go of all ages (even babies love them)! Our bodies functioning at their physical peak; our brains feeling clear and sharp; our skin glowing. What's sexier than that? All of this is possible when the body is fed what it craves - chill healthfulness! For over 10 years Lacey has been focused on recipes that make every BODY FEEL AMAZING. They are packed with micronutrients, yet are easy to consume. This book features her veggie packed drinks and more - developed both while she owned Café Crush & afterwards from her own kitchen table. Each recipe has been tested & developed with integrity - to always consider the desire for something that is delicious, guilt-free and nourishing to the entire body. True longevity is about creating a level of 'healthy' fun anyone can look forward to and a definition of healthy joyful living that works for real life. It's simple... eat tons of veggies & fruits every day. Our goal is chill but you'll feel the difference!

  • av &1080, &1072, &1088, m.fl.

  • av Wendy Reed

    When Big Blue Boat drifts beyond the reach of Zach and Tyler, he wonders whether he'll ever see them again! He's had fun in the bathtub many times, but his adventures are just beginning! This delightful story told from the perspective of the boat is full of unexpected events. But the Big Blue Boat can do hard things and doesn't lose hope. Will he make his way back to Zach and Tyler?

  • av Lev Kushner

  • av Armada Winter

    Explore the history of Beelzebub in old world manuscripts, with a guide who takes pride in defying expectations, and know that you will learn something that you would not have otherwise found, without first diving deep. Meticulous and thorough, Armada not only reviews ancient grimoires, she shares an abundance of insightful information about the material, and how it may relate to each other. This earliest edition could become rare! Purchasing it is the perfect opportunity to show your support, especially given the circumstances surrounding its publication (these are expounded upon within the prologue).

  • av Faheem Judah-El D. D.

    The real messiah is Iu'Em Hetep (Iu'Sus), known as Jesus Christ, Yehushua Ha Mashiakh, and Isa Ibn Mariam, he that should come; and Iu', (duality) is the root of the name in (Kemetian) Egyptian, means "to come." Iu-em-hetep, as the Su, the Son of Atum, was the "Ever-Coming One," who is always portrayed as the child marching, in the act and attitude of coming. Iu-em-hetep signifies he who comes with peace. This is the Kemetic Sacred Name in which Jesus is announced by the Angels! And when Jesus comes to his disciples after the resurrection it is as the bringer of peace Iu-em-hetep, "Learn of me and ye shall find rest," says the Christ. STUDY BOOK ONE Book cover design by: Horemheb Ankh Atum Re

  • av &107, &1072, &1085, m.fl.

  • av &1080, &107, &1085, m.fl.

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