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  • av W. a. E. Davies

    Hanson and Hopkins, Private Investigators, because even during wartime infidelity and divorce were good business. Murder wasn't their usual line, but when one of their clients is killed they feel obliged to investigate. They never expected it to lead them into a world of Nazi sympathisers, spies and Hitler's plans to invade England!

  • av Federico Andrada

    Actualmente en España estamos viviendo una grave crisis económica.En este libro doy a conocer mi opinión personal sobre como hemos llegado a este punto y hacernos reflexionar de si son los políticos los únicos culpables y que tienen que ver los banqueros.

  • av Booklândia

    O grande livro das anedotas curtas e breves. Rir faz sempre bem. E o divertido galo artista sabe bem disso. Eis uma recolha de algumas das melhores anedotas sobre variados temas.

  • av Domenico Scarlatti

    This is a complete collection of the keyboard sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), L.1-500 & S.1-45 with four pages of the original source on each page, including index and lists of the sonatas sorted by Longo, Kirkpatrick or Pestelli and a short article about Scarlatti from wikipedia. The original sources are out of copyright editions of the sonatas, downloaded and reproduced from Keywords: K/P/L 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00

  • av Diana Laura Stella Raho

    La versione economica del già pubblicato "Tra sogni e realtà -favole in rima" . Uguale in tutto, diverso solo nella mancanza di colore, che il lettore troverà nel suo immaginario . Favole e racconti in una versione rimata per sognare e viaggiare in un altra dimensione.

  • av &1086, &1080, &1088, m.fl.

  • av &96, &953, &961, m.fl.

    Κείμενα, λέξεις και εικόνες. Ποιήματα. Σκέψεις. Ένας Έλληνας σε κρίση. Ένας Έλληνας σε μετασχηματισμό. Ένας Έλληνας που βγαίνει απ' την κρίση.

  • av Jeton Kelmendi

    Libra në gjuhë tjera - Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile / Sa fortë janë rralluar letrat, antologji personale në gjuhën rumune, 2008, - Breath / Fryma, botuar në Indi, 2009. - Dame parol/drama; botuar në Francë, 2011 - COMME LE COMMENCEMENT EST SILENCIEUX /(Ku fillon heshtja), poezi; Paris, Francë, 2011 - ΠΟΥ ΠΑΝΕ ΟΙ ΕΡΧΟΜΟΙ/ (Ku shkojnë ardhjet), poezi, Greqi, 2010 - Wie wollen /(Si me dashtë), poezi, Gjermani, 2011 - Nasil sevmeli /(Si me dashtë) poezi, Turqi, 2011 - A Palavra Evitou o Silêncio/(Fjala kapërcen heshtjen) 2009, Brazil - How to reach yourself/(Si ta takosh vetveten), poezi, SHBA, 2010 - Frau wort (Zonja Fjalë) Dramë Gjemani 2012 - "فواصل للحذف " (Tri eliptikat) Poezi Egjipt 2012 - НА ВЕРХІВ'Ї ЧАСУ (Në krye të kohës) Poezi Ukrainë 2012

  • av John D. Chadwick

    A collection of contemporary short fiction by one of the UK's most exciting, emerging writers and spoken word performers. This inspiring collection revels in disturbing, comic and gruesome tales drawing on fringe personalities from the darkest corners of humanity. Meet the society of JACK THE RIPPERS, people embroiled in black magic, revolutionary protesters, compulsive obsessives and a man determined to assassinate the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler with help from the voices in his head. John D. Chadwick is one of those writers who could change the way you see the world forever.

  • av Frank R. Long

    It is 1940 in England. The Hun is at the door. Dunkirk is here and Chamberlain gone. Sir George, slightly injured and freshly returned from beleaguered France as observer, and newly retired in anger from the Foreign Office, reviles the recently deposed previous government administration for not aiding the aristocratic German underground in its pleas for help from Britain to destroy Hitler and its covert attempts to seek a coward's peace. This dramatic play is in three acts

  • av Rossitza Kopoukova

    Росица КОПУКОВА в съавторство с доц. Младен МИСАНА издава своята поредна стихосбирка с общо заглавие " БЪДИ ДО МЕН". Съвременна интимна лирика.

  • av Jason Mitchell

    In 2005, while researching the implications of the Civil Partnerships Act, HM Treasury and the Department of Trade and Industry concluded that 6%% of the population of the United Kingdom should be classed as gay; one in every 16.6 people and an estimated 3.5 million people in total. As of 2012, there are over 4,000 professional footballers currently playing the game in England alone. Despite this, there are currently no openly gay professional footballers in the country. However, to suggest that this issue is exclusive to English football would be drastically wide of the mark. In actual fact, this complete lack of openly gay professional players can be observed throughout all of the top professional football leagues across the world. 'A Culture of Silence' tells the story of football's problematic relationship with homosexuality and of the homophobia that, unquestionably, still plagues the sport.

  • av &967, &945, &940, m.fl.

    Death is inevitable. Death is the same for all. It's the end of our journey. But not all roads leading to death are the same. Seventeen stories about seventeen different deaths. At the end of the road, does it matter how you came there? Ο θάνατος είναι αναπόφευκτος. Ο θάνατος είναι ίδιος για όλους. Είναι το τέλος της διαδρομής μας. Δεν είναι όμως όλοι οι δρόμοι που οδηγούν στον θάνατο ίδιοι. Δεκαεπτά ιστορίες για δεκαεπτά διαφορετικούς θανάτους. Στο τέλος του δρόμου, παίζει ρόλο πως έφτασες εκεί;

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 2 from a set of 2 Parts: World premiere! A must read book. Absolutely fascinating!!!! The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files. Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries. Everything began with Maria Orsic, including extraterrestrial messages, aliens' contacts and the UFOs in modern times. The UFO phenomenon, the first contacts with aliens from civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic in 1917, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO).

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    1520 Things You Don't Know about UFOs,Aliens Technology,Extraterrestrials and U.S. Black Operations. Part 1.Part 1 from a set of 2 parts. It contains an extensive 48 page INDEX.The importance of this groundbreaking book resides in the originality of its material and world-premiere information on UFOs, USOs, extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials, aliens, alien technology, U.S. black operations and alien multiple universes, not readily available elsewhere, and covering the most important events and findings in the history of modern ufology and the study of alien civilization, parallel universes, and multiple dimensions, as DIRECTLY explained to us by the extraterrestrials we met with since 1947. Nowhere, in any published book, on websites, in conferences and other published material, you will ever find the information, data, briefings and reports provided in this book.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 2 (Final volume). The importance of this groundbreaking book resides in the originality of its material and world-premiere information on UFOs, USOs, extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials, aliens, alien technology, U.S. black operations and aliens multiple universes, not readily available elsewhere, and covering the most important events and findings in the history of modern ufology and the study of alien civilization, parallel universes, and multiple dimensions, as DIRECTLY explained to us by the extraterrestrials we met with since 1947.Nowhere, in any published book, on websites, in conferences and other published material, you will ever find the information, data, briefings and reports provided in this book. Published by Times Square Press.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 1 from a set of 2 Parts: World premiere! A must read book. Absolutely fascinating!!!! The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files. Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries. Everything began with Maria Orsic, including extraterrestrial messages, aliens' contacts and the UFOs in modern times. The UFO phenomenon, the first contacts with aliens from civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic in 1917, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO).

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 1 from a set of 2, including hundreds of photos and illustrations.An exposé based upon the history, geography, religion, theology,languages, epistemology, etymology, archeology, time-table and chronology, philosophy, sociology of the Phoenicians and ancient civilizations of the Near East, Middle East, Anatolia, the Bible, and Kira'at of the Anunnaki Ulema to prove that the Extraterrestrial Gods descended on Phoenicia and how the Anunnaki shaped our history, destiny and future.The author discusses these topics in the book, and provides solid evidence pertaining to the early Phoenicians' link to the Extraterrestrial Gods and Ancient Aliens who descended first on Phoenicia, as well as the primordial influence the early Phoenicians had on the creation of the concept of God, Judaism, and Christianity.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 2 from a set of 2, including hundreds of photos and illustrations.An exposé based upon the history, geography, religion, theology,languages, epistemology, etymology, archeology, time-table and chronology, philosophy, sociology of the Phoenicians and ancient civilizations of the Near East, Middle East, Anatolia, the Bible, and Kira'at of the Anunnaki Ulema to prove that the Extraterrestrial Gods descended on Phoenicia and how the Anunnaki shaped our history, destiny and future.The author discusses these topics in the book, and provides solid evidence pertaining to the early Phoenicians' link to the Extraterrestrial Gods and Ancient Aliens who descended first on Phoenicia, as well as the primordial influence the early Phoenicians had on the creation of the concept of God, Judaism, and Christianity.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Sumerian-English Dictionary: Vocabulary, And History. Vol. 4 (Letters S-Z)Comparative Lexicon of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic.COMPARE WORDS AND DEFINITIONS IN 12 ANCIENT LANGUAGESA most unique dictionary of the Sumerian language on many levels; mainly because of its comparison and analogy between Sumerian and 12 languages of the ancient world, such as, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic. Written by a scholar who has to his credits 800 published books, and 9 dictionaries on the languages of the Near East, Middle East, Asia Minor and Europe.The dictionary is in Latin script. Thousands of entries, definitions and epistemological explanation of the origin of the word, its derivation and variants in other languages. Abundance of photos, maps, illustrations and sketches.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    COMPARE WORDS AND DEFINITIONS IN 12 ANCIENT LANGUAGESVolume 3 from a set of 4 volumes: A most unique dictionary of the Sumerian language on many levels; mainly because of its comparison and analogy between Sumerian and 12 languages of the ancient world, such as, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic. Written by a scholar who has to his credits 715 published books, and 9 dictionaries on the languages of the Near East, Middle East, Asia Minor and Europe.The dictionary is in Latin script. Thousands of entries, definitions and epistemological explanation of the origin of the word, its derivation and variants in other languages. Abundance of photos, maps, illustrations and sketches.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    A World Premiere. The most unique book ever written about extraterrestrials, aliens and intraterrestrials. Contents taken from the transcripts of the meetings of our governments with various types and classes of non-human entities, who currently live on Earth and in other dimensions. Absolutely an ASTONISHING and most INFORMATIVE book on what you did NOT know about aliens, their world, their organism, their biological structure, their technology, their spacecrafts, and our direct interaction with them! Finally after 60 years, you will know a major part of the truth about the reality and existence of aliens, extraterrestrials, UFOs, and what there is in the secret files of governments. You will never be able to put it down. The book reveals the names of scientists, religious figures and officials who met with aliens, and reproduces the minutes of the meetings.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    This book could infuriate Louise Brook's fans and admirers. It is totally different from all the other books and the glowing essays on this most unusual star, simply because it provides the most detailed and intimate depiction of the life of the REAL Louise Brooks, not the shining star on the silver screen camouflaged by camera's tricks and Hollywood's accessories, and the magic of German film directors and cameramen, but Louise Brooks in real life. Everything you wanted to know about her affairs, her lovers, her scandalous life as a failed wife, as a call girl, as a courtesan, as a Madam in New York, and a manipulative femme fatale, her ups and downs, the way she saw the world and rebelled against it, her misfortune in Hollywood, her bizarre behavior, her numerous marriages (legal and illegal) and divorces, betrayal of her husbands and lovers, how she used men to reach her goals, her adultery, addiction, nudity and the dark shadows in her hidden life.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 2. For the first time in philology's history, and chronicles of civilizations of the ancient world, Maximillien de Lafayette, a world renowned expert linguist (Ancient Languages) provides us with the first lexicon/thesaurus/dictionary/vocabulary and CONVERSATION of the Anunnaki language.The book offers Conversation Section, sentences, phrases and phraseology as used on Earth by the Anunnaki, and as recorded by the Enlightened Anunnaki-Ulema. YES! You will be able for the first time in your life to speak the terrestrial and extraterrestrial languages of the Anunnaki and Igigi. This book is a treasure.It consists of a set of 3 volumes of vocabulary and words definitions, and one volume that teaches you Anunnaki Language-Conversation; the same language, the same words and phrases they used to speak to the first human species.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 2. from a set of 3 volumes. SUMERIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY: VOCABULARY, AND HISTORY. Comparative Lexicon of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic.A most unique dictionary of the Sumerian language on many levels; mainly because of its comparison and analogy between Sumerian and 12 languages of the ancient world, such as, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic. Written by a scholar who has to his credits 600 published books, and 9 dictionaries on the languages of the Near East, Middle East, Asia Minor and Europe.The dictionary is in Latin script. Thousands of entries, definitions and epistemological explanation of the origin of the word, its derivation and variants in other languages. Abundance of photos, maps, illustrations and sketches.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    How to Become a Perfect General Manager. Hospitality, hotels, restaurants, foodThe third Edition includes:Instructions and techniques on how to become a Hospitality first rate manager in hotels, restaurants, casinos and food service. Quality Inspection and Hospitality Leadership. The GM quality. Hospitality Quality Standards. The In-House Talent Search. The Step By Step Guide To Excellent Guest Service. Rules of thumb. Restaurant Floor Manager Responsibilities and Duties. Wait Staff. The Fear Syndrome: What employees fear most? List of guests' complaints. The World's Best in Food, Guest Service, and Hospitality. Best culinary schools and institutes in the United States. America's outstanding chefs. The 50 best restaurants in the world. The very best restaurants in America. The 50 best restaurants in America. World's Best Food Shops. The World's Best Hotels, Resorts and Spas. The World's Best Wine.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Vol.2, 740 pages. This is a synopsis of the 200 books, the author wrote on the subjects of the Anunnaki, the afterlife, the supernatural powers of the Anunnaki Ulema, the paranormal, the occult, parallel dimensions, multiple universes, the Conduit, the Supersymetric Mind, the Double, the Astral Body, communications with spirits and entities from the world beyond, the power of the mind, mediumship, channeling, the enlightenment, the Fourth Dimension, the Fifth Dimension, Earth energy, healing, the world outside time and space, extraterrestrials, time-travel, reading the future, and similar topics. This is NOT a repetitious book. It was intentionally compiled from the most important concepts, theories, esoteric techniques, wisdom, Eastern philosophy, the world of the mystic seers "The Ulema", and particularly the teaching of Maximillien de Lafayette. The present work contains knowledge, techniques and revelations, no other author has ever discussed.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 1. Dictionary, Vocabulary, Conversation.Comparison with Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Phoenician, Chaldean, Hittite, Ugaritic, Babylonian.A WORLD PREMIERE EVENT.For the first time in philology's history, and chronicles of civilizations of the ancient world, Maximillien de Lafayette, a world renowned expert linguist (Ancient Languages) provides us with the first lexicon/thesaurus/dictionary of the Anunnaki and Ulemite languages.This book is a treasure.It consists of a set of 4 volumes. The last volume focuses on Anunnaki and Igigi language conversation. And YES you will be able to speak their terrestrial and extraterrestrials languages as spoken on Earth and their planet. This unique work consists of definitions of words, etymology, epistemology, the study and linguistic investigation of the derivation and origin of the ancient Middle and Near East languages.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    This is a synopsis of the 200 books, the author wrote on the subjects of the Anunnaki, the afterlife, the supernatural powers of the Anunnaki Ulema, the paranormal, the occult, parallel dimensions, multiple universes, the Conduit, the Supersymetric Mind, the Double, the Astral Body, communications with spirits and entities from the world beyond, the power of the mind, mediumship, channeling, the enlightenment, the Fourth Dimension, the Fifth Dimension, Earth energy, healing, the world outside time and space, extraterrestrials, time-travel, reading the future, and similar topics. This is NOT a repetitious book. It was intentionally compiled from the most important concepts, theories, esoteric techniques, wisdom, Eastern philosophy, the world of the mystic seers "The Ulema", and particularly the teaching of Maximillien de Lafayette. The present work contains knowledge, techniques and revelations, no other author has ever discussed, simply because they emerge from the teachings of the author's own philosophy.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    3rd Edition. Comparative Lexicon of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic.COMPARE WORDS AND DEFINITIONS IN 12 ANCIENT LANGUAGES.Epistemology. Etymology. Terminology. History. Texts translation.Transliteration. Linguistic cross-references.Volume 1 from a set of 4: A most unique dictionary of the Sumerian language on many levels; mainly because of its comparison and analogy between Sumerian and 12 languages of the ancient world, such as, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic. Written by a scholar who has to his credits 600 published books, and 9 dictionaries on the languages of the Near East, Middle East, Asia Minor and Europe.The dictionary is in Latin script. Thousands of entries, definitions and epistemological explanation of the origin of the word, its derivation and variants in other languages. Abundance of photos, maps, illustrations and sketches.

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