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  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Por la primera vez en el estudio y en el descubrimiento de la ufología moderna, los extraterrestres y los Anunnaki, gente verdadera de alrededor del mundo le hacen preguntas a los Maestros Anunnaki-Ulema de 300 a 500 años de edad sobre los temas más interesantes e importantes en la historia de la humanidad. Esta es una muy rara y excepcional oportunidad de entrar al círculo Anunnaki-Ulema (Escuela/Sociedad) y directamente escuchar las respuestas de los Anunnaki Ulema, de aprender sobres sus enseñanzas secretas, y conocer a los legendarios Anunnaki Ulema quien viven entre nosotros, quienes nos explicaran a nosotros la matriz de la humanidad, la matriz del Universo, la matriz de nuestra vida y :

  • av Jack Roy Cope

    If you like building with legos, you will like the online game called Minecraft. You can create imaginary worlds and have adventures fighting mobs. If you are new to Minecraft, this book will help you learn how to play.

  • av Jim Sims

    88 years after they were written, Jim Sims learned of and obtained a notebook containing letters exchanged in 1924 by his parents, Frazier Sims and Lucy Ensor, during the year before they married. Those letters, letters from Lucy's mother and other letters reveal much about them and about the rough life in poor, rural Kentucky at the time. This publication of "Lucy's Letters" contains transcriptions of the 70+ letters and postcards plus some background information and photos about the families and locales of their early life.

  • av Jim Sims

    88 years after they were written, Jim Sims learned of and obtained a notebook containing letters exchanged in 1924 by his parents, Frazier Sims and Lucy Ensor, during the year before they married. Those letters, letters from Lucy's mother and other letters reveal much about them and about the rough life in poor, rural Kentucky at the time. This publication of "Lucy's Letters" contains transcriptions and scans of the actual 70+ letters and postcards plus some background information and photos about the families and locales of their early life.

  • av Derek Edmisten

    "Catapult" is a student magazine produced at Mills Park Elementary in Cary, NC. The theme for issue two is fantasy and superheroes.

  • av W. E. 'Bill' Goodman

    When William 'Bill' Goodman died in 2002 little did his daughters know the extent of the memoirs he had been writing in the few years before his death. Bill's life, from joining the RAF in 1941 at the age of 18 to his demob in 1948, was fraught with adventure. He describes his service with 7 Squadron at Oakington; he then highlights the terrifying events of the night their Stirling was shot down over Holland, his subsequent incarceration at Stalag Luft 3, periods in other camps and, finally, the long debilitating march back home. All this with fascinating commentary, vivid description and the intimacy of his experience. The reader will meet his fellow airmen and POWs, the man who shot down their Stirling on that eventful night, the heroes of the Dutch resistance and, surprisingly, a kindly and caring guard in Stalag Luft 3! A fascinating first-hand account of a young man's wartime experience.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    También está disponible como libro en inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, español y turco en: www. y y mundialmente.Sitio Web del Autor El autor puede ser contactado en Email: delafayette6@aol.comLa historia de XX revela que los Estados Unidos estaban extremadamente interesados en las invenciones de XX, y especialmente en sus OVNI (Platillos Volantes). El gobierno estadunidense confisco todos sus papeles científicos los cuales incluían datos técnicos, ilustraciones e instrucciones detallados en como construir un OVNI. Vale mencionar que el gobierno hizo todo lo posible de esconder del público y de la prensa, todo el trabajo científico extraordinario de XX, los cuales estaban directamente relacionados a dos invenciones en particular: "El Rayo de Muerte" y el OVNI (la maquina volante de anti-gravedad).

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Part 2 from a set of Parts (960 Pages). A massive dictionary. Published by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin, Paris. De Lafayette Sumerian-English Dictionary is a major & unprecedented accomplishment in the fields of linguistics & comparative study of ancient languages and civilizations; it is a Comparative Lexicon of Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic. It is unique, because it does not only translate & define Sumerian words, but also tells us how and where from, the Sumerian words originated and their derivations, and refers us to similar words (Similar meaning, writing and pronunciations) found in the languages of the ancient world. Author's

  • av Mary Dalton

    In this pocket sized book of all things wonderful, Mary Dalton explores how we might be more resourceful with our food, both as an individual and as a society.From growing herbs in builders' rubble to hunting wild mushrooms at dawn, this collection of recipes and storieswill make you think, smile and engage.Suitable for all those interested in unusual recipes and stories with an element of the wild about them.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Author's website: Este cuento enlace junto unos pocos pasajes de mi vida y los años que yo me pase con mis maestros Anunnaki Ulema en el Medio Oriente, Asia y Europa, y además actos extraordinarios (A alguna gente, ellos son milagros) de mis maestros quien no eran totalmente humanos. Muchos podrían pensar que esta historia es de ficción llena de eventos inventados o fabricados. Mi vida ha cambiado totalmente después de que yo recibí mi Anunnaki Ulema capacitación y los muchos años que me pase afuera de lo que nosotros le decimos la línea divisoria normal de una sociedad civilizada, construida de abogados, doctores, humanos normales, carros de lujo, cuentas bancarias y eventos ordinarios en nuestras vidas. Cada evento que yo le he dicho sobre si ocurrió. Después de haberme pasado muchos años con mis Anunnaki Ulema Maestros en partes remotos del mundo, libre de celos, odio, violencia e injusticia social, yo regrese a Paris, un hombre cambiado.

  • av Boot Ls

    This is the second volume of stories that come from Erotica by Request, focused around the theme of Role Reversal. BDSM is largely about Power Exchange, which usually has an element of Role Reversal in it. Someone who shouldn't be in power suddenly gets to be, and that taboo, can be a lot of fun. BDSM is a consensual sexual activity, and should remain Safe, Sane, and Consensual (or at least Risk Aware Consensual Kink). Even fantasies should be between consenting adults. Of course, in the realm of fantasy, consent can be slightly more loose than it is in reality.

  • av Rob Robinson

    The time is 1942- Hitler is planning an invasion of Great Britain, the only thing holding him back is Excalibur, King Arthur's sword. Its power alone has kept back the evil forces. Hitler has sent six picked agents, all with evil powers, to get the sword and bring it to him. With it in his possession, the invasion cannot fail.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    7th Edition. EXPANDED-AUGMENTED BY 90%%. Revelations of the Greatest Information, Secrets & Mysteries of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Time Space Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Occult and Life After Death. Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. For the first time in the study and discovery of modern ufology, extraterrestrials, and Anunnaki, real people from around the world ask 300-500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema Masters questions on the most intriguing and important subjects in the history of humanity. This is a very rare and exceptional opportunity to enter an Anunnaki-Ulema circle (School/Society) and hear directly the answers of the Anunnaki Ulema, learn about their secret teachings, and meet legendary Anunnaki Ulema living among us. Author's website: Email:

  • av Jessica Harman

    She wonders if she is good or evil, this little schizophrenic woman with a tug-of-war inside. As the trees rustle above the walkway where people jog by the Charles River, she walks, thinking of present friends, past loves. Every day is a struggle, but with humor and an inquiring mind, she gets through, and that is the important thing: survival, and finding the inspiration for survival. There is also a spiritual quest at hand: one must not merely survive, but be good at heart, and how does on manage that in this gray labyrinth of a city, where there is so much rage, and the feeling of being trapped, which cannot be explained? This is a love story.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 1 from a set of 2 volumes. Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New Version of "The Revised Book on Ulema Secret Teachings on Anunnaki, Extraterrestrials, UFOs, Alien Civilizations and How to Acquire Paranormal Powers." It includes: a-"The Supersymetric Mind". Study of the influence of the Anunnaki's programming of our brain and fate. b-Is it possible to communicate with our dead pets? Yes! 3-Extraterrestrials' shape-shifting. c-Evolution of the extraterrestrials and the human races. d-Extraterrestrial races populated the Earth. e-Extraterrestrials of the sea (Underwater). f-Talking to extraterrestrials. g-The Fourth Dimension. h- Entities Created by the Anunnaki, and the Ulema in Modern Times "Helama-Gooliim". i-Immortality After Death. Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 2 from a set of 2 volumes. Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New Version of "The Revised Book on Ulema Secret Teachings on Anunnaki, Extraterrestrials, UFOs, Alien Civilizations and How to Acquire Paranormal Powers." It includes: a-Anunnaki's Sex and Reproduction "Jin.Si-Yah". b- Mental Projection of the Self. c-The Dividing Lines of Multiple Dimensions. d-Hybrids' Habitat and community. e-Physical manifestation of a dead person, before entering another dimension. f-Reading you Life's Past, Present, and Future Events. g-Image of the Bodies of People Who Have Passed Away. h-The 36 different human and quasi-human species who lived on Earth. i-Anunnaki's Map of the After-life and your Enlightenment on Earth. j Entities Created by the Anunnaki, and the Ulema in Modern Times. Author's website: www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.comEmail:

  • av &108, &1077, 1057, m.fl.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    MARIA ORSIC, THE WOMAN WHO ORIGINATED AND CREATED EARTH'S FIRST UFOS. Vol.2Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New York.Maria Orsic, the most important personality in ufology's history.Everything began with Maria Orsic's metaphysical (Occult, channeling and mediumship) movement. The UFO phenomenon and saga, the first contacts with aliens from extraordinarily advanced civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she claimed she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). ). Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. Author's website: Nikola Tesla who was in touch with Maria Orsic knew a lot about the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Sava Kosanovic reported that his uncle Nikola Tesla told him about the German Bell-UFO, and Maria Orsic's Vril, and in one of his correspondences with Marshal Tito, he explained to the Yugoslavian leader how these machines could work. The personal files of Nikola Tesla, seized by the United States government, right after his death in 1943, revealed beyond the shadow of doubt, that: UFOs are real. Tesla's anti-gravity flying disk flew successfully. There are many planets inhabited by intelligent civilizations. A contact with extraterrestrials is possible, if we have adequate instruments, Some galactic civilizations are in constant confrontation with other civilizations, and are part of the aliens' cosmic rapture.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    This book is customer and client's oriented!In our research, selection, and interviews with lightworkers, we placed a strong emphasis on customer's best interest. Many questions rotate around a lightworker's devotion to his or her client, how a practitioner walks an extra mile with a client, and the rapport between a lightworker and client.Consequently, the book was written not to promote particular practitioners, but to serve the clients, and inform them about lightworkers who care most about them.Bottom line is line: Protect the interest of clients. This is why this book was written.Yes, this book is customer and client's oriented, and it shows in the questions we have asked, and we kept asking numerous times with minor variations, to be absolutely sure and certain, that the lightworkers have properly answered the questions, and to give them other opportunities to elaborate further on how indeed they have clients' best interest in heart, and on their minds.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Questa storia unisce alcuni passaggi della mia vita e degli anni che ho trascorso con i miei maestri Ulema Anunnaki in Medio Oriente, Asia e Europa, e le azioni straordinarie (Per alcuni sono miracoli) compiute dai miei maestri, che non erano esseri completamente umani.Molti penseranno che questo sia un romanzo, basato su eventi inventati o costruiti. Non mi interessa.Perchè la mia vita è completamente cambiata dopo aver ricevuto gli insegnamenti degli Ulema Anunnaki e dopo aver trascorso molti anni al di là di ciò che definiamo i normali confini della società civile, fatta di avvocati, dottori, esseri umani normali, macchine eleganti, conti correnti, e degli eventi ordinari quotidiani delle nostre vite.Ogni fatto di cui ti ho parlato è realmente accaduto. Leggi queste storie attraverso una mente aperta e un cuore accogliente. E nel caso tu sia scettico, chiediti almeno una volta. Come sarebbe, se una almeno una parte di questo fosse vera? La verità a volte è più strana della finzione. -MDL

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    VOL.1. MARIA ORSIC, THE WOMAN WHO ORIGINATED AND CREATED EARTH'S FIRST UFOSPublished by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. New York.Maria Orsic, the most important personality in ufology's history.Everything began with Maria Orsic's metaphysical (Occult, channeling and mediumship) movement. The UFO phenomenon and saga, the first contacts with aliens from extraordinarily advanced civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she claimed she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). Author's website:

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural magazine.The World's Ultimate Book on Sihr and Witchcraft!!This book has multiple purposes and objectives, such as (To name a few):1-Neutralizing the effects of badmouthing, the negative rumors people spread about you, and their vicious gossip:Many of our problems, headaches and suffering are caused to a certain degree by jealousy, hatred, envy, badmouthing, and -to those who believe- by what some of us call "bad luck", while others think it is a curse, which blocks our progress, prevents us from going further, and brings catastrophes to our lives. 2-Removing a curse. The book provides you with step by step instructions to accomplish these tasks.

  • av Charles Knepper

    When a retired Air Force General is found murdered during a reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg, two old friends find themselves helping a local detective solve the case. Along the way they become embroiled deep in a mystery involving counterfeit muscle cars and lost Nazi gold.

  • av Judy Buttram

    Get ready to go on an exciting journey into a whole new world. There is an ocean full of delicious fish and they are going to swim into your mouth and into your heart. You will find out how much fun it is to eat fruits and vegetables. You will meet Pamela the Pineapple Fish, Judy the Coconut Fish, and Sara the Strawberry Fish. So don't be afraid! As the saying goes, try it, you might like it. Now you can accomplish a happy and healthy life!

  • av &1608, &1587, &1601 & m.fl.

    لا تضيّع حياتك سدى, توقف وحدّد ما تريد أن تكون, ثم اعمل لتكون ذلك, والتزم بحلمك, نحن كثيراً ما يصيبنا الإعياء في مرحلة الإحماء فنعتذر لأنفسنا بأن الطريق طويل, أو أن هناك متسع من الوقت للنوم والراحة, وعندما يسير قطار الزمن ويصيبنا الشيب, ندّعي بأن القطار قد فات, ولا أمل في الحياة!. اجعل حياتك أفضل, هو ما ينشده كل من يطلب الحياة الكريمة, والطموحة, ومن يرغب في وضع بصمة له في هذا العالم الكبير, هو في الحقيقة قصة حياتك, ستكتبها بنفسك, وتضع فيها كل ما تحب, لتجعلها أفضل, ستوجهك لترى النور الذي وهبك إياه الله - سبحانه وتعالى - وتقودك لعالم أجمل وأكثر روعة. لذلك أدعوك بأن تهتم أكثر بالحياة, وبالشخص الذي تطمح أن تكونه اليوم, وبالإسهامات التي ستقدمها اليوم, وبخوفك الذي ستهزمه اليوم, بكل الأشياء الرائعة التي ستفعلها اليوم, وأيامك القادمة.

  • av Robert Bellamy

    About 800 years ago, an unknown scribe applied his quill to an animal skin to faithfully reproduce the most important and influential text the world has ever known. Deciphering his cryptic symbols and scribbles today seems a hopeless task... but such is the ambitious aim of Robert Bellamy's latest book, A Paleographical Puzzle - a detailed presentation of the history, creation, language, script, abbreviation system, and content of a 13th-century Latin manuscript.

  • av &1089, &108, &1083, m.fl.
    359 - 469

  • av Robert Steiginga
    359 - 409,-

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Times Square Press, New York. 3rd Edition. ARMENIAN ETHNIC FASHION AND DRESS-MAKING THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Comparative socio-historical study of fashion of the ancient world. It includes: The Armenian Dress-Making. Historical Perspective. Armenian farmers and traders established the first silkworm cultivation in America. Armenian folk dresses.19thcentury man suits. Armenian women's dresses throughout the ages.19th century-early 20th century Armenian women town dresses. Traditional Armenian wedding gowns. The Armenian trousseau as a tradition and a status symbol. Did the Muslim Persians, Turks and Arabs influence women clothing style and the art of dress-making in Armenia, and Christian Asia Minor? Women and men costumes and suits from the 9th century B.C. to the 20th century. Author's website: email

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