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  • av &1093, &1077, 1056, m.fl.

  • av Deborah Brooks Susan Joyner-Stumpf

    All Proceeds for this book, NOTHING BUT LOVE, will go to the Children of ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL in Memphis, Tennessee. It is the goal of me and Susan Joyner-Stumpf to make sure that the heart of this book, the words of love spread between these pages, spread also to all these children in their dire needs to know that they are loved and supported by many of us out there wanting to help and do our part. May they never be forgotten. And it is our genuine wish that our book help in some small way make a life better, a heart happier, a child smile and, last but not least, may we give at least one child the hope to carry on in their journey towards health and a long, productive life.

  • av Jw Luff

    During World War II rumors surfaced of a strange aircraft that crashed in the Black forest in Germany. The bizarre bell-shaped object was unlike anything the German scientist had ever seen. In a letter sent directly to Adolf Hitler the unusual vehicle was described as being "not of this world." During the chaos at the end of the war the technology was lost. Lying hidden for over 70 years its location is being revealed to billionaire industrialist Marcus Blackwell by of all people an old preacher. Silas McComb is coming out of retirement for one last task before the Lord takes him home. He will hand over not only the location of the alien technology but one of the most dangerous items on this earth since the Ark of the Covenant. Marcus will have to call on his staff; a young pilot that has no idea what he's getting into and a former assassin that's never relied on anyone but herself. For humanity's sake they have to put God's plan into action even if it is the last thing they do.

  • av Sheik Way-El

    This book was written with the express purpose of debunking most of the oft mentioned myths and excuses used by my people to hold on to the Europeans slave label of black, to which they literally think they are. These topics include: 1. We are black because black is the color of the universe and that Allah "created" himself out of the blackness of the universe. 2. Black is the combination of all colors in existence and that is why we are black people? 3. We are black because melanin is black. 4. That brown skin comes from a shade of blackness. 5. The inside of the mother's womb is black. 6. Osiris means, or was called, "Lord of the perfect black" 7. We are black people because Kemet means black 8. That Allah took Black mud fashioned into shape, and that is how so called black people were created This book is a part of an awakening phase for the Moors on this land who really believe that they are black people. This book debunks some of the myths used to explain why they are black people.

  • av Alexander Vilshansky
    239 - 1 669,-

  • av George Frangoulis

    This book depicts a bevy of beautiful girls with tattoos. Tattoo enthusiasts refer to tattoos as "ink", "pieces", "skin art", "tattoo art", "tats", or "work"; to the creators as "tattoo artists", "tattooers", or "tattooists"; and to places where they work as "tattoo shops", "tattoo studios", or "tattoo parlors". Sit back and enjoy this collection of fantastic pictures of young women showing off their skin art.

  • av Osama Hassan

    Tajweed explaining the Moqadema by Al Jazery showing the tajweed rules in it.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    National & International Rank of the World's Best Lightworkers; a massive book of 652 pages published by Times Square Press in New York, and which is based upon the results of the 4th national & international election/vote of the United States and the world's best mediums, psychics, healers, astrologers and lightworkers 2014-2015, also called New York International Vote. This is the Mega Size Edition of three volumes in one; the book is also available in 3 separate volumes (250 pages each).People from around the world voted for 50 different categories of lightworkers and the occult's professions. In fact this book contains everything you need to know about the quality, service, status, rank and importance of your psychic, medium, or astrologer, etc. nationally and internationally. The book includes thousands of psychics and mediums from 83 countries.Before you call any psychic and medium, find out first if his/her name is on the lists of the New York international vote! It's your money. Avoid scammers!

  • av Jacqueline Amos

    Author Jacqueline Amos takes you on a Journey the foundation of aesthetics; Jacqueline's arts exhibit a historical consciousness typical of southern literature. Implementing in her voice value religious or moral interpretations of the world, is loyal to family, friends, and community, and unavoidably confronts a heritage of slavery and racial struggle. Jacqueline conclusions stands firm, she states because of the irony and tragedy of the Negro southern history, I focus on the dignity beyond death, the aesthetics of a free mind, under all odds of slavery, are conscious of human imperfection, social injustice, and the existence of evil in the world. At the same time, I shall bring forth truth that stood beyond the savage abuse of man and his silhouette illusions implemented through the human Gods.

  • av &1080, &1094, &1086, m.fl.

  • av &1089, 1046, &108, m.fl.

  • av Alexandr Iscenco

  • av Yurchenko Sergey

  • av && 1605, &1590, &1593 & m.fl.

    ديوان شعر للشاعر حسن معوض، يحتوى على ابواب شعر مختلفة وقصائد تجمع بين الشخصية المصرية والاحداث المختلفة التى مرت بها مصر في الثلاث سنوات الاخيرة، مع قصائد مزيج بين المشاعر من الحب والحزن والألم مع الأمل

  • av Gary Freedman

    Beyond Bion explores the role of the creative outsider in a group therapy setting.

  • av Kelly Babb Dalton

    Time was running out for the Babb family in the remote little village of Sessami in Rhodesia, Africa. They had to come up with a plan, but could they escape the country without putting the lives of the local people in danger or getting killed?

  • av Nickk Ðropkick

    Manifesto of a 21st Century Anarchist is the written account of a young adult exposed to the radical rhetoric of Anarchism, Nihilism, and Egoisim within the 21st century. The book itself is political theory, which attempts to explain the rational behind Anarchism, exemplify the ideology and begin to explain an Anarchists view of world order, justice, and freedom, and to ultimately reveal some tenants of Anarchism which anyone of any ideological background can rationally begin to understand. Taking a staunch anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, and anti-populist viewpoint Manifesto of a 21st Century Anarchist attempts to differentiate Anarchism from traditional politics, instead exploring a realm of idealism free from all hierarchy, state, and arbitration.

  • av &107, &1072, &1076, m.fl.

  • av &107, &1072, 1043, m.fl.

  • av &1081, 1064, &1085, m.fl.

  • av &107, &1081, 1064, m.fl.

  • av &1081, 1064, &1085, m.fl.

  • av &108, &1085, &1088, m.fl.

  • av Boris Kollender

  • av Robert Winters

    This is a book of my feelings and experiences since being on drugs and in prison . I wish I could turn back the time and start over. I would be better person for my family, my girls, and my wife. Now I must do the time .

  • av &1077, &1092, &1100, m.fl.

  • av Thomas Porter

    When the sun swallowed the solar system whole, old constructs were shattered. No longer were there cliques, electricians, engineers, janitors. There were only mutants and those who depended on mutant blood for their daily survival. The liquid power of mutant blood was supreme, and new power structures grew around this undeniable truth.The majority of Maya's life was spent as a mutant, a freak survivor of the solar upheaval that saturated every living creature in massive radioactivity when she was a child. As a mutant she held the power of life over all around her but, as a child, she didn't understand that power.Other mutants did understand the power that coursed through their arteries and, like people have always done, abused the power they held to serve only themselves. Inevitably, Maya is caught in their ever expanding drift to power. But as they drift, so others drift against them. Including Maya.

  • av Alexander Auron

    Ο Συνεπιβατης είναι το πρώτο, αυτοβιογραφικό, μυθιστόρημα του Alexander Auron. Περιγράφει ένα διάστημα στη ζωή ενός ά(ν)εργου φοιτητή, επίδοξου σκηνοθέτη και κατά πάσα πιθανότητα φρενοβλαβή, καθώς περιφέρεται σε μια πόλη γεμάτη ζωή για όλους εκτός από τον ίδιο. Βασικό θέμα είναι ο έρωτας, ο έρωτας μεταξύ ανθρώπων, ο έρωτας για τον κινηματογράφο, την τέχνη, τη φιλία, την ευφυία και την ομορφιά, πάνω απ'όλα την τελευταία, σε όλες της τις εκφάνσεις, στις ελάχιστες και σημαντικές στιγμές που όλοι έχουμε μοιραστεί, με άτομα που πέρασαν από τη ζωή μας για μια ανάσα και την άλλαξαν με τρόπους που δεν κατανοούμε, χρόνια αργότερα, και με άτομα που ήταν πλάι μας για έτη, χωρίς ποτέ να μοιραστούν το ένα και μόνο κομμάτι της ψυχής τους που θα θέλαμε αυτό που αγαπάει.

  • av Sam Schrager

    In Writing American Cultures, students at The Evergreen State College have crafted essays containing vital ethnographic insights about their communities. Ataya Cesspooch uses videos to explore how Native people build community online. Linna Teng studies the impact of skin color on women's self-esteem in her Cambodian American community. Auricia Guardado turns up startling revelations about her family's past in El Salvador and Honduras. Jack Sukimoto traces cultural change in his Los Angeles Japanese American community. Olivier Matthon documents life and labor among transitory wild mushroom pickers. Meredith Hobrla looks at the freewheeling lifestyle of "dirtbag" rock climbers. Kyle Sullivan-Jones examines family and school support for autistic youth. Melanie Curran depicts her sensory experiences with New Orleans vernacular architecture. An introduction by Sam Schrager, folklorist and Evergreen faculty, argues for the untapped potential of ethnography in liberal arts education.

  • av 1060, &1100, &1083, m.fl.

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