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  • av &1088, &1091, &1077, m.fl.

  • av &945, &956, &953, m.fl.

    Η Έλεν Μοντγκόμερι ξυπνά ένα πρωινό και ανακαλύπτει ότι ο άντρας της εξαφανίστηκε... Όσο και να πιέζει τον εαυτό της για να θυμηθεί τι έγινε το προηγούμενο βράδυ, η μνήμη της παραμένει κλειδωμένη. Το πτώμα μιας νεαρής γυναίκας ανακαλύπτεται στα νερά του Δούναβη στη Βιέννη... Η Κάθριν Μπράουν συγκλονίζεται όταν ο σύζυγος της, ένας τρυφερός, ήσυχος και γλυκός άνθρωπος, κατηγορείται για φόνο. Μια παγωμένη νύχτα του Μάρτη, λίγο μετά τις δώδεκα, ένας άντρας σωριάζεται νεκρός μπροστά από το μεγάλο ρολόι στο κέντρο της Πράγας. Ένας καταπιεσμένος έφηβος πυροβολεί τους συμμαθητές του στη Νέα Ορλεάνη. Η Κιμ Γουίλσον βρίσκεται παγιδευμένη σε ένα δωμάτιο χωρίς παράθυρα και μια μικρή κάμερα καταγράφει την κάθε της κίνηση. Η Ρομπέρτα Ντενίς, μια νεαρή γυναίκα που κουβαλά εδώ και είκοσι χρόνια το δικό της, βλοσυρό μυστικό, παίρνει επιτέλους τον νόμο στα χέρια της. Εφτά συγκλονιστικές ιστορίες που θα σας καθηλώσουν!!!

  • av Daniel Mccoy

    Kind of like a reverse Poirot, or the bits of Sherlock Holmes where he's fresh out of an opium den and suddenly has a lot to say about 'the Orient'. A foreign detective in Paris has to negotiate the delicate situations of art heists and secret organisations, using the blunt tools of racial profiling and blind stabs in the dark.

  • av James Egan

    Dr. No was supposed to be a monkey. Christian Bale turned down the role of James Bond because he had "already played a serial killer." The actor who plays Goldfinger was a Nazi. There isn't a single American actor in Skyfall. The car flip in Casino Royale was achieved using an air cannon. Anthony Hopkins was cast as the villain of Tomorrow Never Dies. He quit after three days. Although Roger Moore played James Bond in seven films, he has a severe phobia of guns. The villain of Die Another Day is based on Richard Branson. Q's real name is Geoffrey Boothroyd. Quentin Tarantino nearly directed Casino Royale. He would've cast Samuel L. Jackson and Uma Thurman in significant roles. The main villain from Quantum of Solace is based on Tony Blair. Sean Connery wears a wig in every Bond film.

  • av Saeed Adnan

    عن مأسي الفساد وتطوراته من فساد في الطباع إلى فساد في المبادئ والضمائر سرد الموضوع يشمل حصيلة تجارب عملية مدى عمرٍ كاملٍ من مشاهدة تخلّقه في رحم الخبث والظلم والقهر

  • av 1040, &107, &1077, m.fl.
    279 - 475,-

  • av James Egan

    Crazy golf was invented for women to stop them from playing real golf. Treadmills were invented to punish prisoners. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. Adidas and Puma were created by Nazi brothers. Play-doh was invented to remove soot from wallpaper. Blue-eyed people have a higher tolerance to alcohol. The bulletproof vest was invented by a pizza delivery guy after he got shot twice while on the job. There's a volcano in Indonesia that shoots blue fire. Christmas was illegal in the US until 1836. One mayor of Megion, West Siberia banned excuses.

  • av James Egan

    In Adventure Time, Jake's insides are cursed to smell like vanilla. Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had his name misspelt for 20 years. Jim Davis created Garfield to see if he could make a character successful even though it isn't funny. The Simpsons characters, Itchy & Scratchy nearly had a spin-off. Zoidberg from Futurama has a pet slinky. Scrooge McDuck from Ducktales is immortal. SpongeBob SquarePants has won two BAFTAs. Queen Elizabeth II said her favourite scary movie is How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Dr. Krieger from Archer is a clone of Hitler. The word "radiation" couldn't be used in the cartoon, Spider-Man. Scooby Doo's real name is Scoobert. Mickey Mouse gas masks were created for children during World War II. Originally, Popeye the Sailor said spinach is full of Vitamin A, not iron. One of the villains in The Powerpuff Girls is a parody of Yoko Ono. Dragon Ball Z villain, Frieza, is based on a real-estate speculator. The creators of South Park hate Family Guy.

  • av Raphael Angelo San

    Ragazze, amici, birra, ricerca dell'Essenza della vita, un po' di follia... ecco gli ingredienti di questi racconti accomunati da un unico denominatore: la Libertà. Libertà a San Francisco, ricerca a New York, sogno a Lowell, e poi tutto a New York e ancora Libertà ovunque. Sirya e Lyin, un regalo del cuore; il sentimento per un amico scomparso, la perplessità per la visione di una vita border-line, la speranza che ogni cosa così faticosamente raggiunta non si volatilizzi nel buio della notte. Una apparente confusione nella certezza di ciò che Raf, il protagonista, sa di avere e cerca di tenere stretta tra New York e l'America.

  • av James Egan

    Spider-Man has fought Nazi bees. Batman has fought Superman at least 16 times. David Bowie nearly played Daredevil. The creator of Wonder Woman believed women should govern the world. Thor owns two killer goats. The Justice League have teamed up with He-Man. Stan Lee devised Iron Man to show that he could make the least likeable character successful. Originally, Aquaman had to make contact with water every hour or he died. Storm was meant to be called Black Cat and had the power to turn into a feline. Robin killed three people in his debut comic. There is a pig version of Gambit called Hambit. Flash can punch a person a billion times per second. Wolverine allied with Captain America during World War II. Green Arrow has a Nuclear Bomb arrow. Silver Surfer's surfboard is alive. Shazam popularized the phrase, "Holy moly!" The CIA tried to hire The Punisher to kill Osama Bin Laden.

  • av Mistress Paris

    Welcome to a world of agony and ecstasy! I enjoy breaking men and developing slaves. I know the power I possess over men and adore the rush as I inflict my sadistic ways. Naturally assertive, I discovered an appetite to humiliate and control men. This desire now forms the core of my very existence so trust me when I say I am not your average Dominatrix. I enjoy the spoils and benefits of my personal Maids and slaves; they in turn enjoy surrendering themselves to me totally. I will humiliate, torment, frustrate, tease and hurt you but I will not in anyway submit to you. Although renowned for my strict hard play, I also enjoy nurturing the less experienced.

  • av 1040, &107, &1077, m.fl.

  • av &1580, &1605, &158, m.fl.

    الشعر في حقول الألغام، مختارات شعرية لجماعة "ميليشيا الثقافة" الشعرية في العراق. أعدها وقدم لها الشاعر العراقي عبد الرحمن الماجدي. شعراء الميليشيا هم أحمد ضياء، أحمد جبور، حسين تحسين، علي تاج الدين، علي ذرب، محمد كريم، مازن المعموري، كاظم خنجر، وسام علي.

  • av && 1605, &1572, &1606 & m.fl.

    دفتر بغلاف معدني، كتاب شعري للشاعر العراقي ناصر مؤنس، صادر عن دار مخطوطات في لاهاي. عدد الصفحات 64 صفحة، تصميم الغلاف ناصر مؤنس.

  • av Alan Jaques

    Memories of my life as a National Serviceman in the RAF in Cyprus during the period 1956 to 1958.

  • av &107, &1088, &1091, m.fl.

  • av Suzanne Winterton

    Chakras with Love is designed to be used by readers to explore their centres of energy with mindful introspection and by using the Consciousness of Love; the book may be used by individuals or as part of a group workshop.

  • av &945, &959, &964, m.fl.

    Το βιβλίο αυτό είναι μια συλλογή κειμένων του που έχουν αναρτηθεί κατά καιρούς σε διάφορους ιστότοπους. Τα ασπάστηκαν πολλοί άνθρωποι, και τα ίδια τα κείμενα ασπάστηκαν πολλούς ανθρώπους. Διότι τις αλήθειες συνήθως δεν τις βρίσκουμε, μας προλαβαίνουν αυτές, μας βρίσκουν. Μας βρίσκουν θεατές, μαζί και ηθοποιούς σε όλους τους ρόλους μιας δικής μας σκηνής, μιας σκηνής πάνω στη σκηνή του κόσμου.

  • av &955, &959, &96, m.fl.

    Μια συλλογή από διηγήματα τα περισσότερα παρμένα από τη ζωή αλλά και ορισμένα δημιουργήματα της φαντασίας μου. Επίσης άρθρα που έγραψα στις εφημερίδες και έργα που σχετίστηκαν για την προώθηση της Κυπριακής Υπόθεσης. Τελειώνοντας με τα Νεκρολούλουδα - επικήδειες ομιλίες για τα πιο αγαπημένα μου πρόσωπα που μας άφησαν για πάντα.

  • av &1605, &158, 1575, m.fl.

    المعنى في الحاشية، ديوان شعر باللغة العربية للشاعر العراقي عبد الرحمن الماجدي، صادر عن دار مخطوطات في لاهاي، تصميم الغلاف الفنان ناصر مؤنس.

  • av Tupenny Longfeather

    George Formby was the cheeky chap from Lancashire who entertained the troops in WWII. He also had a secret life as an undercover agent battling the Nazis occult plots. Fighting everything from ghosts to vampires, this is the story of George Formby: Nazi Ghost Hunter.

  • av Frank Luyckx

    The success of companies depends on the speed of implementing their business model innovations. Innovating a business model is relatively easy - Osterwalder BMC can be applied. In order to continuously align the business model innovations with E2E processes, ICT template solutions and organizational performance metrics the ADM Business Transformation (BT) lifecycle can help. This book shows use cases within companies like Philips, ERIKS, Unilever, Achmea and Friesland Campina. Furthermore, SAP explains how Business Process Management and Internet of Things can enhance business innovations. This book provides information on how to set up an BT roadmap using best practices, how to define the governance model and determine ROI. The BT lifecycle can help to improve the organizational agility, optimizing the project portfolio and reducing the complexity of the ERP template, thereby increasing the success rate of digital business transformation projects within the operational processes. Look at preview!

  • av &&& 1605, &1591 & &1585

    رواية "احمرار" أول رواية باللغة العربية للكاتبة العراقية المقيمة في هولندا سارة مطر

  • av Master A. B.

    Has the Thelémic Messiah been reborn? Is this the Gospel of Babalon ? Or Is this the hagiography of an Anti-Christ? The long awaited answer to the mystery is simple. Yet the manoeuvring, to make this answer available to all has been more complex than a well played game of chess. Uncover secrets hidden deeper than the Da Vinci Code: a 4000 year old prophecy, the lineage of female Popes & Tzadikhim that the Catholic Church would like to erase from history, the Magick ritual that gave birth to Scientology and facilitated the rebirth of a prophesied and long awaited alternative messiah. Spanning topics like Reincarnation, Myth, Ritual, Astronomy, Wars, The real originator of the "Book of the Law' Triumph over Torture and Abuse, Near Death, Crossing The Abyss, Meeting the Holy Guardian Angel, understanding the Higher Self, the True Will and The Open Secret in this true life account, can result in an individual realising their own True Will and finding personal meaning in life.

  • av Federico Campoli

    This is the first volume of the postgresql database administration book series.The volume covers the procedure for installing, configuring and administering a PostgreSQL cluster Linux debian.There also an extensive description for the logical and physical layer with the backup and restore and a final chapter for the developers.The book covers PostgreSQL 9.3 on Debian GNU Linux 7.

  • av Raeven Leigh Winter

    For those that have loved and lost. For those that have never loved themselves. For those that cant find there way home. For those that have lost themselves in the harsh reality's of life. For those that have been taken from eating disorders. For those that considered suicide and self harm. For those that never put themselves first. For those that are on the road to happiness. Where bodies are a controversy. Where love doesn't have existence, people are being used constantly for their own pleasure. Where depression and self harm is the norm. Where being your first priority is out of the question.

  • av Maurice Ferares

    In september 1941 bepaalden de Duitse bezetters dat joden geen straat- en markthandel meer mogen drijven. Nathan Milstein, een joodse boekverkoper in Amsterdam gaat echter door. Hij wordt naar een speciaal kamp voor uitgevers, boekverkopers en iedereen die deel uit maakt van het internationale 'boekenmannencomplot', dat uit is op de ondergang van het Derde Rijk. In het kamp is er het Latrinecommando waaraan niemand ontsnapte. Na de oorlog terug in Amsterdam blijken Nathan's vrouw en zoontje in Sobibor te zijn vergast. Gebukt onder het schuldgevoel de oorlog te hebben overleefd terwijl zijn vrouw en kind zijn vermoord, is hij niet in staat weer een normaal leven te leiden. Hij gaat in Duitsland en in de Sovjet-Unie op zoek naar Litvak de commandant van het Latrinecommando, die bij de bevrijding van het boekenmannenkamp wist te ontkomen. Als Nathan Litvak tenslotte vindt, volgt een onverwachte ontknoping wanneer Nathan zijn pistool op Litvak richt.

  • av Federico Rubirosa

    Tutte le storie d'amore iniziano con una fragorosa vampata, una fiamma ardente.Si possono impiegare anni per accendere la miccia, ma quando esplode l'amore, la fiamma che divampa e ci scalda il cuore non si può fermare.Con il tempo questa fiamma è destinata ad attenuarsi, è normale, all'inizio è tutto bello, tutto facile, tutto magico, poi arriva la routine, le prime incomprensioni, i primi litigi e la fiamma tende ad affievolirsi e se la persona che è al tuo fianco non è quella giusta, la fiamma è destinata a spegnersi.Ma se hai la fortuna di aver incontrato la persona giusta, se il destino è stato così buono da concederti questo dono, allora quella fiamma si attenuerà di poco, dolcemente e la passione continuerà ad alimentarla per sempre.

  • av Linda Lercari

    詩、文学作品、戯言、そしてマドリガル。私たちは愛や失望、敗北や勝利について語ります。現代、さらに人間と動物についてもです。習慣と現実を映し出す鏡のような詩、それは伝統を変えるための伝統的な 1つの手段なのです。)詩のような手段は、様々な形で用いることができます。動物愛護倫理という重要な問題について魂を揺り動かすためにも。短くも、情熱的な詩集で繰り広げられる愛、死、シニシズム、そしてアニマリズム。私の魂に向かって常に開かれている窓 そこから顔を覗かせてくださる皆様に感謝を捧げます

  • av Maurice Ferares

    In Het Avondconcert wordt realiteit absurditeit en absurditeit realiteit. Geen enkele fictie kan de realiteit van wat er met de joden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog gebeurd is ook maar enigszins benaderen. Het Avondconcert doet een poging ertoe. Door omdraaiing van wat de realiteit was, geeft hij die realiteit een nog afschuwelijker inhoud dan hij reeds had. Vriendelijke SSers, op gymschoenen, gekleed in harnassen van papier, en zwaarden van karton in hun handen, begeleiden met de meeste voorkomendheid gedurende een hele lange tocht een onafzienbare menigte mannen, vrouwen en kinderen naar met bloemen en lampions versierde praalwagens die hen naar Auschwitz zullen brengen. Moshe slaagt er niet in zijn ouders ervan af te houden in een van de wagens te stappen. Het Avondconcert tracht te voldoen aan wat de Poolse dichter van Het lied van het uitgeroeide Joodse volk, Jizchak Katzenelson aan de wereld vroeg voordat hij in Auschwitz in de gaskamer omkwam: 'niet genezen door vergeten, die eeuwige wond'.

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