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  • av Federal Handbooks

    A college degree has become the essential tool to unlock doors for future success. This handbook contains all the latest information about getting a college degree, including: types of higher education, resources for finding the right college, entrance exams, financial aid resources, paying for college, applying for federal student aid, Pell Grants, Direct and Federal Family Education Loans, PLUS loans, Consolidation loans, Federal Work-Study Program, U.S. Armed Forces and ROTC, and more! NOTE: Unless damaged upon receipt, this handbook is NON-REFUNDABLE. We strongly recommnend viewing the online version BEFORE purchasing it:

  • av Federal Handbooks

    Inside this truly unique Long-Term Care (LTC) handbook, you'll find everything you've ever wanted to know about LTC coverage, including an explanation of how LTC insurance really works, the costs and payment options, benefits, tax issues, options other than LTC coverage, things you should consider before choosing a policy, and how the Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program really works and more! Note: This handbook is NON-REFUNDABLE (unless damaged upon receipt). Review return policy here: We strongly recommend viewing the handbook BEFORE purchasing it at

  • av Federal Handbooks

    This handbook contains all the latest information about the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program! It has everything you need to know about eligibility, enrollment, finding a plan, coordinating benefits, cost, leave without pay, termination and conversion of coverage, annuitants and compensationers, military service, family members, former spouses, and health care flexibility spending accounts and more! NOTE: This handbook is NON-REFUNDABLE (unless damaged). We strongly recommend viewing it first BEFORE purchasing the printed version:

  • av Federal Handbooks

    This comprehensive handbook explains the very latest information on federal appointments including temporary, term, career and career-conditional appointments, probationary period, performance appraisals, transferring to other federal jobs, reinstatement rights, reductions in force (RIF) rules, the rights of military personnel, employment of Military retirees, Senior Executive Service, workers' compensation, ethics regulations, and more. Note: This handbook is NON-REFUNDABLE (unless damaged upon receipt). Review return policy here: We strongly recommend viewing the handbook BEFORE purchasing it at

  • av Federal Handbooks

    Planning for your retirement is getting much harder. That's why we published this highly detailed handbook - giving you the ins-and-outs of your federal retirement including all the latest federal changes, COLAs, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Liability Insurance, Family Benefits, Survivor Benefits, Social Security, Medicare, TSP, FERS and CSRS, and Retirement Resources. It also gives you a Five-Year Retirement Plan and more! Note: This handbook is NON-REFUNDABLE (unless damaged upon receipt). Review return policy here: We strongly recommend viewing the handbook BEFORE purchasing it at

  • av Federal Handbooks

    This comprehensive handbook explains the very latest information on federal employee benefits, including pay, awards, Thrift Savings Plan, flexible spending accounts, federal employee retirement system, civil service retirement system, federal long-term care insurance program, federal student loan repayment program, leave, alternative work schedules, employee assistance programs, health benefits and group life insurance programs. Note: This handbook is NON-REFUNDABLE (unless damaged upon receipt). Review return policy here: We strongly recommend viewing the handbook BEFORE purchasing it at

  • av &1602, &1585, &158, m.fl.

    يهدف الكتاب إلي مناقشة المعايير العالمية والفلسفة العملية والتي تساعد شعوبنا العربية في صناعة وصيانة نظام فعال لحياتهم العامة والعربية الموحدة والمحافظة على عقيدتهم المثلى، و بما ينشر بين عموم الناس بذور الفهم العلمي الدقيق و يغرس الشعور المخلص الواسع والعميق في الأمة المعاصرة وبما يجسد المسئولية الحقيقية الوطنية ومشاركة الأفراد في بناء الديمقراطية القانونية وممارسة السيادة بشرعية عبر الدستور وهو الأساس القانوني الثابت للدولة وأسلوب الحكم. فلا دولة بدون دستور.. ويناقش الكتاب هذه الجدلية الواقعية بتصور مقارن دقيق. يتسعرض الكتاب اربعة مواد مقررة ببرنامج ادارة الاعمال التطبيق، وهي -الدستور - الديمقراطية -الاحزاب -الانتخابات

  • av Greta &. Ron Reisman

    This book contains true stories and documentation of how our family became endangered refugees in WWII Europe. Some family-members escaped legally to the States. A few others 'illegally immigrated' into Mandatory Palestine. Many survived in Hungary until late 1944, and hoped to travel to Palestine. Instead, most were murdered in Nazi extermination camps in Poland. These stories are illustrated with annotated archival material collected by Greta (nee Schwartz) Reisman including photographs, government-issued identification and travel documents, hand-written notes, newspaper clippings, and Greta's autobiographical essays. The Schwarz children were separated from their parents for over a year, and escaped to the States in late May, 1940.

  • av Great &. Ron Reisman

    This book contains true stories and documentation of how our family became endangered refugees in WWII Europe. Some family-members escaped legally to the States. A few others 'illegally immigrated' into Mandatory Palestine. Many survived in Hungary until late 1944, and hoped to travel to Palestine. Instead, most were murdered in Nazi extermination camps in Poland. These stories are illustrated with annotated archival material collected by Greta (nee Schwartz) Reisman including photographs, government-issued identification and travel documents, hand-written notes, newspaper clippings, and Greta's autobiographical essays about her parent's 1939 emigration and the children's separation in Europe for over a year, finally escaping to the States in 1940.

  • av &1086, &1078, &O& 1044 & m.fl.

  • av &1072, &108, &1074, m.fl.

    Ова књига, поред више патриотских есеја, садржи историјско политичке анализе времена у коме живимо, као и преводе до сада заташкаваних, или игнорисаних "кључних" докумената за разумевање данашњих трагичних политичко-историјских околности по српски народ- Између осталог "Хронологију НАТО злочина"; Истину о западно спонзорисаном издајничком "Отпору"; Шта су енглези стварно мислили о Ђинђићу; Комплетан превод УНМИК-овог извештаја о несталим србима, текст који је у Србији први превео са енглеског на српски управо аутор, итд... Аутор

  • av Ella Romm

  • av &1088, &1085, &108, m.fl.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Intellectual Study Of Psychics' Claims And Metaphysical Faculties. Mega book of 704 pages including 3 volumes in one: How The Best Psychics, Mediums And Lightworkers In The World Connect With God, Angels And The Afterlife. Their TechniquesNote: From a set of three volumes previously published separately. Published by Times Square Press and the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, New York. This book deals exclusively with lightworkers, psychics, mediums and healers' reasonable and outrageous claims, including their psychic readings style and methodology. For this book, we chose and interviewed the best of the best in the business.

  • av Alan Berg

    Surreal and grotesque, the world presented here is a modern wasteland. In this dark testament, the human race is clearly God's mistake. The time has come for a new Messiah, whose mission is not to promise the salvation of humanity, but to enforce its cold extinction. The agent of this act is subject to horrific visions of a world torn by atrocity and holocaust and choked with industrial waste. A master of hideous illusions, Manheim is a dark magician, envisioning nightmare scenarios. Yet his madness reflects a mad world, which makes him an ideal agent for God's new purpose. In the story, reality and illusion merge, each reinforcing the vision of termination.

  • av &1086, &1080, &108, m.fl.

  • av Luz María López

    BENEATH THE SKIN means for any poet, the process of searching deep inside the self for the sores as well as the reveries that keep bursting with pulses that ultimately have to find its way into a poem. That drive is perhaps the most forceful of all and as such becomes an indelible spirit with which the poet has to struggle in the greatest of disadvantage, in front of a mirror that does not project an exact duplicate of the "outer self", but rather inverts the skin to reveal the "factual self". Therefore, vulnerability becomes poetry; sort of a naked sorceress spinning emotions like the skin does and this is what this poetry book is all about. These poems were written due to a need from the author to express irrepressible excitements, a moment of unrest, love, despair or simply a philosophical quest, never forgetting to hold words and nuances into the greatest of appreciation for poetry demands beauty!

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    LANDING AREAS OF THE RETURN OF THE ANUNNAKIPublished by Times Square Press, New York. Are the Anunnaki and/or the aliens returning to Earth (coming back)? In this context, it is extremely important and paramount to differentiate between the Anunnaki and aliens (Extraterrestrials) for numerous reasons we have explained in the book. The subject of the Anunnaki's return is known only to a few military scientists, an intellectual-ecclesiastic elite, and top echelon at the Pentagon, and it is rarely discussed inside or outside the Top Secret and Above Top Secret military perimeters.Nevertheless, it remains a sensitive and a very critical concern which has never left the "Foggy Room", a secret code, or appellation for "Center of Study and Operations Room of Extraterrestrials' Affairs", created in September 1947, and which our government has strongly denied its existence ever since.

  • av Renata Furtado De Barros

    A defesa dos direitos do homem, fundamento da República Federativa do Brasil, deve nortear a interpretação jurídica, seja no âmbito do Direito Público ou no âmbito do Direito Privado. Com base nisso, a presente obra perpassa temáticas práticas, nas quais o referido princípio se faz presente, levando à humanização do Direito. Nota-se que o avançar da sociedade faz com que o tratamento digno conquiste espaço não apenas como uma meta de governo, mas como um ideal a ser buscado, tendo toda a sociedade como sujeito ativo nessa perspectiva. A preocupação que antes se via restrita ao Direito Internacional passa agora a ocupar as pesquisas acadêmicas também no ordenamento interno. Nesta obra, verificar-se-á tal tratativa tangenciando os diversos ramos do Direito, trazendo um debate atual e humanizado.

  • av Jesseca Wheaton

    Helena and Max are just two normal cousins living in north-east Austria. But when Hitler takes over Germany and the unrest grows against the Jews, their families become two of many, helping Germany's Jews across the border. Then, on the night the Anschluss is signed and on their way to deliver a secret message, Helena and Max are captured by a high-ranking officer in the Wehrmacht. Confined within the enemy's walls, Helena and Max have many unanswered questions. If Germany is not at war with Austria, then why have they been captured? Who can they trust? And will they ever see their families again? Encountering many surprises along the way, Helena and Max learn that God's plans are always best, and the power of forgiveness.

  • av &1086, &1080, &107, m.fl.

  • av Mike Sparks

    MI6-SIS (Military Intelligence Section 6, Secret Intelligence Service) agent and Special Boat Service (SBS) Naval Reserve Commander James Bond encounters the ghosts of his WW2 father's Secret Weapons Past and must Race to South America to Find out the Truth about Nazi Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) before an Evil Mastermind ruins the World with a Free Energy, Extinction Level Event (ELE). Buckle your seat belts!

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Volume 3: LIGHTWORKERS WORLD ELITE: 300 Psychics, Mediums and Lightworkers You Can Fully Trust. Published by Times Square Press, New York. Volume 3 from a set of 4 volumes (Approx. 1,100 pages). LIGHTWORKERS WORLD ELITE: 300 Psychics, Mediums and Lightworkers You Can Fully Trust. The world's largest, most comprehensive and authoritative book ever published!Don't spend a nickel on any psychic, medium, healer, astrologer, or lightworker before you read this book. Simply put this set of 4 volumes is your perfect guide to find honest, caring, seasoned and bona fide practitioners in the United States and around the world. Keep it handy.

  • av Litsvet

  • av Album Shen

    A collection of works by a young aspiring artist documenting his experiences and views on life, love, and beauty. 88 poems written between the ages of 13 and 22 as he struggles and matures through his own feelings of isolation and worthlessness. Tries to forge an identity that can best define him.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    2015 EUROPE'S BEST PSYCHICS AND MEDIUMS (Meilleurs Médiums et Voyants en France et en Europe, 2nd Edition). Published by Times Square Press, New York. Based upon The 4th national & international election/vote of the United States and the world's best mediums, psychics, healers, astrologers and lightworkers 2014-2015. The national and international vote began on September 25, 2014 and ended on November 25, 2014 at 1:00 AM New York Time. Before you call any psychic, medium, astrologer, lightworker, find out first if his/her name is on the lists of the New York international vote! It's your money. Be cautious. Be smart. Play it safe!! Avoid scammers! This book is de facto, the world's number 1 reference, source of information, and surely the most authoritative documentary book on the most popular, the most reliable, the most trusted, and best lightworkers in Europe.

  • av Cas Brown
    1 029

    Budtender is a person whose job is to serve customers in a cannabis dispensary or shop. Budtender is a Patient Care Co-Ordinator in the Cannabis Industry. Similar to Bartender; Budtender is the person whom client meets when they walk into Cannabis Dispensary. On the other hand Budtender holds far more responsibility compared to Bartenders. As a Patient care Co-ordinator in Cannabis Industry Budtender is responsible for every patient or client who walks into the dispensary. Budtender facilitates the clients experience in the dispensary. As a Patient Care Co-Ordinator in Cannabis Industry and Dispensary Budtender Orients and Educates Customers on the availability and purpose of Various dispensary Cannabis items. Budtender helps Clients to have a smooth experience in the Cannabis dispensary; Industry or Shop.

  • av Solomon Khmelnik

    Периодическое многопрофильное научно-техническое печатное издание

  • av Saadiq La'Rue

    Rayne struggles making decisions that are best for her and not everyone else. As she held the gun in her hand Rayne accepted the reality that she was no longer a good girl she had been tainted by the life that she was drug into because of her love for Zyon. Life as she knew it would be different now, she had committed murder. How could she face her family or Demarcus now knowing she had blood on her hands? She grabbed her things and the bags as fast as she could silently praying that she didn't leave any evidence behind. She was practically naked driving as she followed the directions that Rashad had given her. Rayne's black Porsche Panamera sped up I-10 and exited to Laplace. When she arrived at the address she had been given she noticed she was surrounded by the swamp, there was one way in and one way out.

  • av &1091, &1077, &1087, m.fl.

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