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  • av &963, &95, &954, m.fl.

  • av Ilse Olive

    Progeny of the slave era, of questionable background, born in poverty, rejected by his parents - Niklaas Koen mixed fate with a sharp intellect and a pure heart and evolved into a missionary of highest esteem. Only to be discarded and forgotten - dispensed of when his racial background so suited the powers-to-be..... This is an interesting and captivating kaleidoscope of soul-jarring experiences, astounding love and hardship. It depicts the unique life and history of a man who traded his all for his convictions and, in the process, became a chattel of the Berlin Missionary Society, a castaway to a life of immense suffering, loneliness, and challenge in a barren and inhospitable land ravaged by Malaria and savages. It records a time in the history of South Africa when racial discrimination deplored and dishonoured a noble soul.

  • av Andy Evans

    Warning - Contains adult themes Bogdan is a simple man whose essence is enveloped within the love of his family. A simple but happy man whose life is shattered and forever changed in one horrifying night of murder and brutality he will carry with him for the rest of his days. Age old scars of indifference and hatred are opened yet again with the violent act of Nazi occupation of Yugoslavia. These deep divisions will find Bogdan plunged into a life of never ending bitterness and a deep rooted desire to seek out revenge and retribution against the neighbours who have soaked the mountain landscapes with blood and loathing. Family man to fighting man, Bogdan will now take the fight to the very epicentre of man's inhumanity to his fellow man. A new band of brothers set out to embark on a journey which will inevitably lead them to a horrifying crossroad of despair and never ending sacrifice. For King and Fatherland, Freedom or Death will herald a dawn of no return of what they always loved and lost.

  • av Federico Giudici

    Questo libro parla dell'ayahuasca, una portentosa bevanda psicoattiva utilizzata da millenni dalle popolazioni indigene dell'Amazzonia, come maestra e guaritrice. Non solo, in queste pagine vengono analizzate e sviluppate altre tematiche riguardanti il sistema medico tradizionale di quelle terre così come viene utilizzato, ad esempio, per la cura delle tossicodipendenze all'interno del centro Takiwasi, centro di recupero ventennale nella città di Tarapoto. E' inoltre presente una forte riflessione sul tema delle "droghe" e della terapia psichedelica in generale. Il tutto intriso di racconti d'esperienze personali derivate dalla ricerca sul campo dell'autore. Chiude il libro un ricco e dettagliato erbario sulle piante utilizzate dal curanderismo amazzonico.

  • av Barbara Anderton

  • av William Stevenson

    The attack on a simple victorious life of faith in Jesus Christ are numerous and many come from within the Christian Circle. Jude Warns of False Teachers and describes them and their behaviour.

  • av Remo Misisca

    Libro della collana "Quickly Learn" sia per imparare velocemente ad utilizzare Windows XP, sia per prepararsi velocemente a sostenere l'esame del modulo 2 della Patente Europea del Computer (ECDL) Gli argomenti trattati riguardano: - Utilizzo delle funzioni principali del sistema operativo. - Utilizzo dell'ambiente grafico del desktop. - Gestione ed organizzazione di file e cartelle. - Compressione ed estrazione di file di grandi dimensioni. - Utilizzare software antivirus per proteggere il computer dai virus. - Elaborazione testi e gestione delle stampe tramite applicazioni disponibili nel sistema operativo.

  • av Semtac Terrassa

    Cada un d'aquest contes ha vingut d'una escola diferent i aquesta manera de publicar-los ens permet gaudir de tots ells alhora. Les noves eines 2.0 ajuden als nostres alumnes a millorar les seves competències i capacitats, i als seus mestres a acompanyar-los en aquest camí. Només cal posar-s'hi. Equip de coordinació SemTac Terrassa

  • av Lloyd G. Reed

    This is not a religious book, but a book about a once very important site.In Part One read about the History of Tynemouth Priory:Was Tynemouth originally a Mixed Monastery?Which Kings were buried in the Priory.The attacks by the Vikings and the Scots and the English from the early 7th Century.Which Saints were buried in the Priory.What Miracles have been performed at the Priory.The connection to Earl Robert de Mowbray and St Albans Abbey.The siege of Tynemouth Priory.The Skulduggery of William Pygun and Earl Robert Fitzwalter.Who was in charge from when to when.Unchristian jealousies.And much more.In Part Two read the not too technical details about the Architectural History of the Priory & Castle:The very first Church at Tynemouth.The very first Monastery at Tynemouth.The very first Norman Priory Church at Tynemouth.The Castle at Tynemouth.The final Church at Tynemouth.And much more.

  • av Jonathan Pile

    In 1938 Winston Churchill stood alone with a few faithful friends against the recieved wisdom of Neville Chamberlains appeasement of Nazi Germany at Munich. Churchill was in financial hardship, he prepared to sell his beloved house Chartwell, he had lost valuable newspaper contracts and unawares to himself his phone was being tapped and mail read. A renegade ex-MI5 officer was organising a dirty tricks campaign against him which saw him facing deselection by his local Conservative Party and character assasination in a secretly controlled but influential newsheet called Truth. Drawing on unpublished private papers and declassified MI5 files this book tells the untold story of the campaign against Churchill by appeaserst and pro-Nazis in Britain which continued into Churchill's Premiership culminating in the Hess Peace Mission in 1941.

  • av Robert Warr

    Twelve tales of Victorian crime from the casebook of Inspector Richard Thompson, a Scotland Yard detective, as recounted by his Springer spaniel. The cases range from murder to a dognapping, and are solved in some unconventional ways The cases are interspaced by extracts from the journal of Isobel Fraser, a young American heiress who is banished to Britain to prevent an unsuitable marriage. Initially scathing about her relatives she gradually becomes enamoured with the Thompsons, especially when she becomes involved in one of Inspector Thompson's more dangerous cases, and a romance blossoms.

  • av 1050, &1091, &1085, m.fl.

  • av Domenico De Simone

    Una stimolante intervista a Domenico de Simone condotta con abilità e ingegno da Carlo Gambescia. Da una breve storia del pensiero economico scaturisce l'idea della soluzione all'economia del debito, la Faz, la Zona di Autonomia Finanziaria.

  • av Neil Drinan

    'A Little Thing' is an attempt to present the political background to the events of Easter week two thousand years ago in a way that resonates with the modern world. The imagined intrigues between todays major power, the US, and Brazil, form an ideal canvas for imperial Rome and the complex Judea. Whether the last page is an end or a beginning is a choice for the reader.

  • av Marion Kemp

    Tilly Underwood has spent all her life looking forward to her thirteenth birthday. She knew it would be a special day but the events which unfold far exceed her expectations.She meets new and alien friends. She discovers what a Thirteen is; and learns that members of her family have been harbouring secrets!Ancient prophecies are fulfilled and Tilly's life is changed forever!

  • av Ruth Posner

    . Ruth is a Holocaust survivor, born in Poland and came to England in 1945 at the age of sixteen having lost all her family during the war. She survived under an assumed name! She has had two careers, first as a dancer and later as an actress. She also taught movement at major acting colleges in London & New York As a response to and reflection on the world in which we live these verses express her feelings and thoughts.

  • av Erion Selmani

    Autori Erion Selmani rikthehet përballë lexuesit shqiptarë me këtë roman të ri. Kësaj here autori paraqitet krejt ndryshe nga libri romantik "Anija e dashurisë" e tepër më i thellë dhe i pjekur se melankonia apo ndjenjat e romanit "Endrrat e thyera". Krijimi është tejet origjinal dhe argëtues. Më i çuditshmi e, më i këndshmi përsa i përket autorit në fjalë. I bujshëm dhe i paparashikuar. Tronditës dhe joshës. Mahnitës dhe tundues. Lexuesi bëhet pjesë e librit dhe do i duket vetja sikur ndodhet midis skenave aq të këndshme dhe herë të dhimbshme por, pikërisht për këtë arsye ato duken shumë njerëzore, prekëse dhe njëkohësisht ledhatuese. Ngjarjet zhvillohen midis realitetit dhe fantazisë. Atje pra në një vend të papërcaktuar midis qiellit dhe tokës. Njëlloj si në ato çaste kur duam të përgatitemi për një "fluturim" marramendës e spektakolar, mbase imagjinar. Pa harruar se ka raste kur imagjnata bëhet realitet. Dhe, kjo mund të ndodhi tamam atëherë kur nuk e pandehim. Lexoje edhe ti! Zbukuro jetën tënde!

  • av Stephen Badman

    A corpse riding over the sea on a coffin, a cat's mess served up for dinner, brownies dancing on the rafters, The Devil carrying his skin under his arm, witches so old that their teeth grow moss, trolls, ogres, dragons, even a drunken fox - you'll find them all in The Ghost on Horseback. Thirty folk and wonder tales taken from the collection of Jens Kamp and translated into English for the first time.

  • av John F. Kippley

    These memoirs concern justice within the Church and the culture. They seek to shed light on the teaching of Humanae Vitae and the dissent from it. They may provide insights into the natural family planning movement, and they will clarify the role the Kippleys played in that movement.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    The Aliens' Transcripts (AT) are a collection, a record, a detailed account, a huge dossier on all the meetings with non-human entities that occurred from 1947 to the present. The Aliens' Transcripts have a paramount military significance and an enormous national security importance. And I shall not tap into these two areas. And I honestly appreciate your understanding.This book is based upon the Official Aliens' Transcripts contain thousands upon thousands of pages, sketches, illustrations, charts, graphs, communiqués, notes, statistics, secret Presidential orders, addenda, revised, and re-revised and updated addenda on everything pertaining to encounters and meetings with aliens.The objectives of this book is to shed light on the information obtained from extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials and aliens, and how to benefit from such extraordinary discoveries, information and revelations...

  • av Solomon I. Khmelnik

  • av Deborah A. Minix-Fuller

    This book is about abortion, life and death, for those who want and need some truths about the effects of abortion. From black slavery to the holocaust to the genocide of the mentally ill, the government has been trying for hundreds of years to control human lives. Planned Parenthood has disguised itself as a provider of healthcare in the United States. Planned Parenthood preys on the fears and undercuts of the nation's poor and underprivileged.

  • av Richard Cumpston Jones

    "My spirits were instantly lifted when I saw the glorious Cathedral and felt much happier" TNH Smith Pearse, Saint Omer 1917 Saint-Omer, an attractive ville fortifié in northern France has a British thread that weaves through each century. It was a caché for Saint Thomas Becket in 1165. It grew powerful as an English staple town in 1314. It had great religious and intellectual clout as home to the English Jesuits, fleeing the Reformation. It fell due to French Revolution. Napoleon based his troops here in his invasion plans of England in 1803. It was a central hub for the British Expeditionary Force during the start of WW1. It is home to the RAF and was the starting point for D.Bader's bid for freedom in 1941. "Written with huge enthusiasm and terrific research, it's an essential read for those interested in local history and travel in France." Tim Donovan, international property consultant and bon viveur

  • av Margalit Fendragon

    These erotic stories, journal entries and poems explore BDSM, kink and power exchange relationships. I write to communicate. I write to express my deepest desire. I write to honour my Master, my Sir and my lovers. I write to enflame my readers and to increase my own fire. What is my job you ask? I'm a catalyst. The spark that ignites the fires of transformation - the flames that transform or merely burn away, pare away the unnecessary; illuminating the core. The Trickster Gods I serve delight in being alchemists, using me as the element in the cauldron that sparks the reaction. Those whose natures are akin to mine, tend to stay around as our symbiosis makes it possible for us both to grow. The Gods I serve feed on the chaotic energy, the fires of purification and transmogrification. We are shifters of the highest order. Our energy encourages the shift towards the most natural form.

  • av Alison Brown

    God's BLUEPRINT reveals God's Master Plan for the redemption of mankind. Just the first few letters in the book of Genesis, in the original Hebrew language, reveals God's seven thousand year plan as Dr Brown explains. God outlines His Master Plan further, in Leviticus 23, with the seven festivals. Each of these Hebrew feasts contain more mysteries. Finally, using the science of gematria, numerology and the Hebrew alphabet more mysteries unfold. Dr Brown's letter to President Trump gives a glimpse into the accuracy of the Hebrew calendar from events that have already taken place, such as the rise of Hitler and the holocaust, and postulates when the 'hidden day', the rapture of the church, is likely to take place. Just as the first four feasts have been perfectly fulfilled in Yeshua's first coming so, she argues, the last three feasts will also be perfectly fulfilled in Yeshua's second coming. She also examines the significance of the two menorah's as well as the three trumpet blasts of the shofar. A fascinating study, this book should be part of the library of every serious student of prophecy.

  • av Manuel Quintáns Suárez

    Memoria dunha experiencia pedagóxica multidisciplinar de investigación colectiva.

  • av Leyland Torr

    Riga is sixteen, bored, angry, frustrated, unpredictable and way out of control. An ordinary teenager, in other words, but one who's desperately trying to make sense of an extraordinary world. Turns out that climate science ended up getting rid of the climate altogether, and the survivors live in artificial domes from which their only escape are the virtual worlds of the Second Skin. Unless you're a Mariner like Colt Covance, violinist, martial arts expert and genius in Artificial Intelligence, and your job is to help salvage what's left of civilisation after the Flood. It's the world post 2012, it's The Hunger Games without the rules, it's Twilight without the vampires, Donnie Darko without the rabbit, Avatar without the Smurfs, Xbox with electrifying extras, as Riga and Colt pursue the separate searches that will lead them to the edge of the horrifying mystery only the Turing Test can solve. Because there's only one way to tell if he's human...

  • av Simone Roncucci

    Un incidente al campo di sterminio di Auschwitz porterà Conrad ad un viaggio sovrannaturale nella storia Italiana (e non solo) dai Gladiatori a Nassirya. Un viaggio in prima persona a perenne memoria dei nostri eroi.

  • av Irving Freed


  • av &1086, 1061, &1077, m.fl.

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