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  • av &945, &956, &95, m.fl.

    Περίληψη Αντικείμενο του παρόντος βιβλίου είναι η αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας των επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων στις Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορίας και Επικοινωνίας (ΤΠΕ) για εκπαιδευτικούς σε επίπεδο γνώσεων. Το βιβλίο αφορά σε έρευνα που ολοκληρώθηκε τον Μάιο του 2016. Σκοπός της έρευνας ήταν να διερευνήσει τις απόψεις των φιλολόγων του Νομού Μεσσηνίας, που έχουν παρακολουθήσει επιμορφωτικά προγράμματα στις ΤΠΕ, όσον αφορά στην απόκτηση Τεχνολογικών Παιδαγωγικών Γνώσεων Περιεχομένου (ΤΠΓΠ) και στην εφαρμογή των γνώσεων αυτών στο σχολικό περιβάλλον και ιδίως στην διδακτική διαδικασία. Τα ερευνητικά ερωτήματα σχεδιάστηκαν για να ανιχνεύσουν κατά πόσο οι φιλόλογοι απέκτησαν γνώσεις ΤΠΓΠ, σε ποιο βαθμό τις χρησιμοποιούν στην καθημερινή εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία και κατά πόσο παράγοντες όπως η ηλικία, το φύλο, το επίπεδο εκπαίδευσης και επιμόρφωσης επηρεάζουν την απόκτηση και χρήση των γνώσεων αυτών. Στην έρευνα ακολουθήθηκε η ποσοτική προσέγγιση. Εργαλείο συλλογής δεδομένων αποτέλεσε ερωτηματολόγιο με ερωτήσεις κλειστού τύπου. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 91 φιλόλογοι, οι οποίοι υπηρετούν σε σχολεία της Διεύθυνσης της Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης του Νομού Μεσσηνίας. Summary The object of this present book is the evaluation of the effectiveness of ICT (Informatics Communication and Technology) training courses for teachers at a cognitive level. This research was completed in May 2016. The aim of this research was to broaden the views of philologists within the state of Messinia, who have participated in ICT training programmes, concerning the gaining of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and the application of this knowledge in the school environment and mainly in the teaching procedure. The research questions were planned to trace how much TPACK knowledge philologists gained, at what level this knowledge was used in the everyday teaching procedure and how factors such as age, gender, level of education and training affect the use of this knowledge. In this research the quantative approach was used. Data was collected by used of close ended questions. Ninety one philologists who serve in secondary schools within the state of Messinia participated in the research.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    7th Edition. Secret Transcripts of what the Extraterrestrials and Intraterrestrials Told our Governments. Volume 2. PUBLISHED BY TIMES SQUARE PRESS NEW YORK..The objectives of this book is to shed light on the information obtained from extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials and aliens, and how to benefit from such extraordinary discoveries, information and revelations...and not to fuel controversy and create gossip about this of that official, and what he/she has done and/or what he/she is hiding from the general public.Information obtained via Privileged access:Meaning access to governments' Above Top Secret files not shared with other intelligence agencies.In many instances and cases, United States Congressmen, The White House, and even the President himself were denied access to these files.This is an absolute fact.Reliability: 100%%.

  • av Federico Divino

    Con questo libro l'autore conclude definitivamente il suo progetto per sviluppare una filosofia del Senso. Questo terzo capitolo definitivo, che giunge dopo "Senso dell'Antropologia" che già racchiudeva in un solo volume la trilogia "L'Evidenza dell'Anima", "Andare verso il Nulla" e "La via Antropologica", e che è stata poi seguita dal breve saggio filosofico "Senso Del Linguaggio", il viaggio giunge alla sua conclusione con il primo testo sperimentale, non accademico, e assolutamente "libero". Dopo questa pubblicazione l'autore conclude l'esposizione con un viaggio unico, un'alternanza di brevi capitoli argomentativi e poesie, tra prosa e versi "Senso della Gnosi" costituisce una sorta di poemetto atipico che comunica al lettore attraverso suggestioni e simboli.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by times square press new York.The objectives of this book is to shed light on the information obtained from extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials and aliens, and how to benefit from such extraordinary discoveries, information and revelations...and not to fuel controversy and create gossip about this of that official, and what he/she has done and/or what he/she is hiding from the general public.Information obtained via Privileged access:Meaning access to governments' Above Top Secret files not shared with other intelligence agencies.In many instances and cases, United States Congressmen, The White House, and even the President himself were denied access to these files.This is an absolute fact.A combination of undisputed reports and findings:This, includes official reports, always Top or Above Top Secret level (Sections III, IV) by governments' specialized agencies and units, and knowledge/information "gained" from the Anunnaki Ulema;

  • av Boris Kapilevich

    These three small novels, compiled in one volume, will burn right through your heart. They tell about the idyllic childhood life of a Jewish boy, interrupted by World War II. Unfortunately, dreams of a peaceful post-war life did not materialize. No one could imagine that the genocide of the Jews, begun by Hitler, would continue the "leader" of the peoples - Stalin. Then were emigrations to South Africa and the USA. The author's life was a life of adventures, tragedies, and comedic episodes. It has been a life entire of pain but compelling, and unique one.

  • av E. Azalia Hackley

    Emma Azalia Hackley was an African-American singer and political activist. She promoted racial pride through her support and promotion of music education for African Americans. Born Emma Azalia Smith in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, she learned to play the piano at age three and took voice and violin lessons as a child.

  • av Yakov Kaunator

  • av Howard Morgan

    Holocaust scholar Raul Hilberg summarized the historical progression of "Christian" anti-Semitism in this way: 1. You have no right to live among us as Jews. 2. You have no right to live among us. 3. You have no right to live. In this book, I have organized this history chronologically. It shows a pattern repeated again and again from the Roman period through the present day. We witness Crusades, Inquisitions, Expulsions and Pogroms, all of which culminated in the Holocaust. As we study this history we can see the year-by-year, decade-by-decade and century-by-century operation of the spirit of anti-Semitism. History shows us when, where and how it spread. It temporarily subsides in one place and then emerges in another. We are witnessing its present-day resurgence, not only via violent terrorist attacks but in many other ways as well.

  • av Steve Reed

    The 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants is the source text for this edition of the Lectures on Faith. Though integrity to the original text is an overall priority, a small number of minor edits/updates have been made to this edition. Titles have been given to each lecture to highlight the general subject matter. Questions at the end of each lecture have been numbered to make them easier to reference. A very small handful of spelling corrections have been made. Modernized Book of Mormon references with the current chapter and verse. Originally, there were page numbers that referenced the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon. Scripture references show the full book name and are no longer abbreviated.

  • av William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare's classic tale of love and tragedy

  • av Preller Geldenhuys & Dee McColl

    Jan Geldenhuys was called up in October 1899 to serve in the Kroonstad Commando under Commandant Martinus Schoeman on the Western Front and deployed for the Siege of Kimberley. He fought at the Battles of Belmont, Graspan, Twee-Riviere (Modder River), Magersfontein and several other minor skirmishes. He was captured in April 1902 [a mere two months before the end of the war] and banished as a prisoner of war to Umballa, India, where his experiences till Thursday, 20th November 1902, were documented. He shared a tent with his father-in-law and later met up with his father and brother who were POW's at Bhimtal. His diaries, written in high-Dutch, are lodged with the Anglo-Boer War museum in Bloemfontein. The author's grandmother, Lizzie Preller, having published her "Oorlogsherinneringe", provided the motivation and inspiration to research and to add this addition to African history. Jan Geldenhuys and Lizzie Preller were buried on Rustpan, the family farm between Bothaville and Kroonstad in the Orange Free State. The author followed his grandfather and father's footsteps and joined the military - serving as a pilot for the duration of the Rhodesian War. Like his grandparents, he has published his war experiences.

  • av Carlos Reid

    Meet the living zombies of America. Mindless and blood thirsty. Super fast and strong. Hope that a COP is near by. Hope for a clean kill. These citizens have escaped the new plague. They alone are trusted with weapons to protect, serve and euthanize. They are hated and idolized. Each has a stat card with kills and shots and innocents put down. Collect them all.

  • av Daniel Evanko

    A short poem about a man who got too picky for his own good.

  • av &. 30922
    1 119


  • av &. 30922

  • av &15, &1583, 1605, m.fl.

    البحيري ظاهرة نادرة في دنيا الأدب والأدباء وهو دليلٌ على أن الموهبة الأصيلة، قادرة على تخطي .. الحواجز والعقبات مهما كان نوعها. ولست أدري كيف كان من الممكن، أن يكون عطاء البحيري الشعري.. لو أتيحت له في صباه حياة هانئة. وتعهدته في شبابه يدٌ تقوده إلى معارج الثقافة والعلم .. إن شاعرنا هذبته نفسه وهدته فطرته السليمة، إلى اختيار الدرب الصحيح، وكانت موهبته واستعداده الفطري، خيرَ دليل ومرشد .. واستطاع معتمدًا على ذاته أن يثقف نفسه، ويرفع مستواه ..

  • av Gosha Wen

    in an old nameless town in central China, life is a repetitive routine. Mou Feng, a young local works in a theme park goes through several incidents of his family and friends in a few days, among which birth, death, old and sickness, these incidents triggers a bold idea. He decides to carries out the plan before the typhoon hits the town.

  • av Desdu' Jen Puqlod, Hohvan Nad Puqbe' & Hij

    ghuQ Se'vIr 'oH Qugh'e'. 'oHDaq tIqchaj 'ang Holmaj jatlhwI'pu' po', ghuQ 'ey qontaHvIS.

  • av Hermin, Desdu' Jen Puqlod & Iikka Hauhio

    ghuQ Se'vIr 'oH Qugh'e'. 'oHDaq tIqchaj 'ang Holmaj jatlhwI'pu' po', ghuQ 'ey qontaHvIS.

  • av Tattiana Kifile

    ይህ መፅሃፍ አማርኛ ቋንቋን በቀላሉ ለልጆች ለማስተማርና እንዲሁም ደግሞ ለሌሎች ራሳቸዉን ለማስተማር ለሚፈልጉ ዜጎች የተዘጋጀ ነዉ። The intent of the book This book is primarily intended to teach children the Amharic language, but can also be used by all others to teach themselves the basics of the language as well

  • av ic & Nikola Mrakov&269

  • av &16, &1585, &1607, m.fl.

    در زمان تألیف کتاب مقدمه ... می خواستم به یاری ی شعر و داستان و نقدهای فارسی در تبعید بدانم ما رانده شدگان از وطن حالا چه می گوئیم؟ درد مشترکمان چیست؟ این درد مشترک، در آفرینش های ادبی و نقدهای ما با چه ابزار ذهنی و عینی ای تبیین شده است؟ جهان را چگونه می بینیم؟ هویت فردی و جنسی و قومی ی خود را در متن جهان چگونه تعریف می کنیم؟ چه پدیده هایی را به زیر سئوال برده ایم، و از چه زاویه ای به زیر سئوال برده ایم؟ تجربه ی انقلاب و تبعید در چه زمینه هایی از روان جمعی ی ما دست برده است؟ دریافت های تازه ی ما، تا چه حد به شناخت نزدیک شده، و تا چه حد در هاشوری از ایده ال/ شناخت شناور است؟

  • av &1088, &1085, &108, m.fl.

  • av &38754, &26641, 29492 & m.fl.

    7个国家,35座主要城市。 1万张照片,10万字旅行日记。 35公里自行车骑行。 450公里摩托车骑行。 650公里徒步。 穿着一双2美元的人字拖走完整个旅程。 在旧金山硅谷做数据分析师的她,决心与按部就班的生活做一场告别。没有详细的计划,没有时间的限制,她独自一人踏上了未知的冒险之旅。人类在整个宇宙中,不过如同一只蚂蚁,一粒尘埃。如果不曾不顾一切的为了梦中的旅程而坚持上路,岂不是辜负此生?能随心而活,哪怕短短几个月,这一生也终于是不虚此行。 "我们穷其一生的旅行, 都在试图穿越某个边界,重新认识自我。 而探险和人生, 就像一枚硬币的两面。 天地亦辽阔, 人生亦可歌。"

  • av Roy Maloy

    Australian society was once made up of very clear haves and have nots. The criminal class was at the bottom of the pile; and those with the least opportunities and the most vulnerable were often those with dark skin. The Colour of Crime presents a dozen biographies of some of the most thought provoking crimes in Australian history and includes new research into Australia's slave trade of the 1830s, the segregation in several states that forbade aboriginal people to marry white people, incidents of lynchings and intertribal murder by magic amongst the indigenous people of Australia. As a proud Dja Dja Wurrung man, Roy Maloy's fascination with his family history has been a driving force in his research throughout his career. As a prolific true crime author, his focus has always included the stories of the minorities who are often overlooked, and The Colour of Crime is no exception.

  • av [hc] Rex and Heather Gilroy

    It has been asked - What have Rex and Heather Gilroy got in common with people such as Sir Arthur Evans; Heinrich Schiemann; Augustus Le Plongeon, and his wife Alice Le Plongeon? The answer is that all were historical researchers and archaeologists, and the discoverers of 'Lost Civilisations'! Sir Arthur Evans unearthed the Minoan civilization; Heinrich Schliemann excavated Troy; while Augustus and Alice Le Plongeon revealed the Mayan civilization, and in more recent times the Gilroys have been uncovering the oldest [megalithic] civilization on earth, the Uru, which began in Australia, and whose stone remains date back 60,000 and perhaps over 100,000 years old! Our evidence is found in this epic, monumental book, of a Stone-Age Aryan civilization that spread its knowledge to help in the rise of cultures across the earth at the dawn of history. In 1964 long before I met Heather, I had theorized that certain ancient myths and legends of our Aborigines spoke of a mystical race of white skinned 'culture-heroes' who had ruled this land in the 'Dreaming'. These almost forgotten traditions led me to begin a search for evidence, which on Saturday 16th January 1965, while exploring dense Blue Mountains bushland, led me to discover a large sandstone altar in the form of a snake, the remains of megalithic structures and a crumbling terraced flat-surface pyramid! My quest, now with Heather, continues today. Those ruins were my first evidence of the "Lost Civilisation of Uru". Later I discovered the written [rock] script of this ancestral Aryan people and learnt to decipher it. Its rock inscriptions reveal evidence to dispute the fabled Atlantis of Platon. All our evidence survives in remote Australian mountain and jungle country; upon scattered Pacific islands, Easter Island; the Americas; South-eastern and mainland Asia. Our massive collection of relics, ie stone idols, inscribed stones and pyramids, reveal a lost history now re-discovered by Heather and I. Our evidence surely proves our theory that Australia, the Land of Uru, where the first life on earth began and the first hominins emerged, was the land where the first civilization evolved. Read of the earliest pyramids constructed on Earth; huge megalithic temples, great stone deities and the Uru's influence on the ancient world. Here truly was the "Motherland of the Gods".

  • av Inês Costa

    Do you like watching TV? Do you like drinking? So do we, and we believe they can be great when done together. Scientific studies* have shown that this book also helps marriages. Guys, is the wife watching the vampire diaries again? Thinking you can't take any more? This book will help it go so much smoother! Girls, is your husband watching something you just can't believe? Rather than plotting his death over it, grab a drink and play along with one of our games. With the economy in the toilet, a few drinks at home watching TV are a far better idea than that night down the pub you were considering. You may also find the motivation to get some use of that DVD collection you never look at! with 60 games to choose from, we think there will be something for everyone! *Disclaimer: may not be true.

  • av &1576, &1608, &1605, m.fl.

    In this book, the author Sheikh Abderrahman Abu Hamza - Hafithaho Allah - collects all possible ways to read Riwayat Ad-Douri An Abi Amr, Qiraat n3. In the first part of the book he gives all the ways (Toroq) one by one: the paths leading to this riwayat, then, in the second part, he shows how to read in a single time with all the possible paths without making any mistake . FR: Dans ce livre, l'auteur Sheikh Abderrahman Abou Hamza - Hafithaho Allah - recueille toutes les manières possibles de lire Riwayat Adori An Abi Amr. Dans la première partie, du livre, il donne toutes les voies (Toroq) une par une: les chemins qui mene a cette riwayat, puis, dans la deuxieme partie il montrecomment lire en une seules fois avec toutes les voies possibles sans faire aucune erreur. في هذا الكتاب كل ما يلزم للقارئ والمقرئ من تحريرات للقراءة الصحيحة برواية الدوري عن أبي عمرو من الطرق الكبرى أو طيبة النشر فيمكن من خلال الجزء الأول إفراد القراءة طريقا طريقا وفي الجزء الثاني يمكن به جمع الطرق دفعة واحد. هذا ليتجنب التركيب

  • av John Pateman

    This is the story of T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) as Aircraftman T.E. Shaw at RAF College Cranwell in Lincolnshire from August 1925 - December 1926.

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