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  • av &. 1587, &1606, &1585, m.fl.

    عندما ننظر للخلف برهة ونفكر فى ترديد الإخوان المسلمون بعدم دفع بمرشح عن الجماعة للرئاسة المصرية وإقصاء الدكتور عبد المنعم أبو الفتوح بعد إعلانه الترشح ثم تغيير موقفهم خلال أيام ودفعهم بالمهندس خيرت الشاطر ثم الدكتور محمد مرسى بعد عدم إستوفاء الأول لشروط الترشح يدفعنا للتفكير فى معضلة تغير الأمور بالنسبة للإخوان خلال هذه الأيام، ما الذى دفع الإخوان لعدم الترشح فى الإنتخابات وماذا تغير ليعدلوا عن قرارهم الأول بعدم الترشح؟ يتلخص فحوى هذا الكتاب فى تحليل فترة حكم الرئيس مرسى حتى الآن وما سبقها من خلافات ومعرفة ما أذا كان الرئيس محمد مرسى الذى رشُح للرئاسة قبل إغلاق باب الترشح بساعات، مستعد لمسئولية دولة بحجم مصر أم إنه إعتمد على الجماعة وما تمثله من قيمة إقليمية ودولية فقط دون أن يسأل نفسهُ لماذا أنا هنا؟ وماذا سأفعل لو فُزت بالإنتخابات؟ كل هذا كان مؤشر على قلة فرص نجاحه فى أدارة البلاد إذا تولى الحكم. فى هذا الكتاب تشرق شمس الحقيقة لتزيل الغيوم وتوضح الرؤية فى هذه الفترة المعاصرة الصعبة فى حياة الوطن.

  • av &1095, 1070, &1077, m.fl.

  • av &1085, &1095, 1070, m.fl.

  • av Johnnie L. Pharms

    Universities across the U.S. and Business alike should read this Journal as a standard text that greed and the lust for it should never be an acceptable behavior in a society that loves to boast that Godly principals and the ten commandments should be posted in every school and church. Ethics is an inherited behavior and not a learned behavior. You either have Godly principals or you don't. Ethics can't be bought or purchased. I believe the whole world should read this as a standard practice on how to live a Godly life.

  • av Richard Grayson

    Richard Grayson has been keeping a daily diary compulsively since the summer of 1969, when he was an 18-year-old agoraphobic about to venture out into the world - or at least the world around him in Brooklyn. His diary, approximately 600 words a day without missing a day since August 1, 1969, now totals over 9 million words, rivaling the longest diaries ever written. ROLLING STONE called Grayson's first short story collection, WITH HITLER IN NEW YORK, published in 1979, "where avant-garde fiction goes when it becomes stand-up comedy," and NEWSDAY said, "The reader is dazzled by the swift, witty goings-on." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY called Grayson's THE SILICON VALLEY DIET (2000) "compulsively talky and engagingly disjunctive" and THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, reviewing AND TO THINK THAT HE KISSED HIM ON LORIMER STREET (2006), said, "Grayson has a fresh, funny voice." The diary in OVER THE VERRAZANO covers Grayson's year in graduate school at Richmond College in 1973-74.

  • av Saint Jerome

    Simply Latin brings you the complete Latin text of The Epistles of Saint Paul to the Romans, the Corinthians, the Galatians, the Ephesians, the Phillippians, the Colossians, the Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and the Hebrews. It also includes the Epistle of James, the Epistle of Peter, The Epistles of John, The Epistle of Jude and the Revelation of St John. Altogether these comprise books six to twenty-seven of the New Testament of the Biblia Sacra Vulgata. This work was largely the work of Saint Jerome who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I. Simply Latin Books feature only the Latin text, with no distracting annotations for the student of Latin.

  • av Richard Grayson

    Richard Grayson has been keeping a daily diary compulsively since the summer of 1969, when he was an 18-year-old agoraphobic about to venture out into the world - or at least the world around him in Brooklyn. His diary, approximately 600 words a day without missing a day since August 1, 1969, now totals over 9 million words, rivaling the longest diaries ever written. But Grayson is not merely an eccentric with graphomania. His nonfiction has appeared in PEOPLE, THE NEW YORK TIMES, THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, THE SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS, THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC, THE NEW YORK POST and numerous other periodicals. Excerpts from his diaries have appeared online at McSWEENEY'S and THOUGHT CATALOG. ROLLING STONE called Grayson's first short story collection, WITH HITLER IN NEW YORK, published in 1979, "where avant-garde fiction goes when it becomes stand-up comedy," and NEWSDAY said, "The reader is dazzled by the swift, witty goings-on." In BOY FINDS BROOKLYN, Grayson is 19, a college junior trying to find himself.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    8th Edition. Synopsis: The Rise and Fall of La Goulue, Queen of the French Can Can.Published by Times Square Press. New York, Paris. Louise Weber nicknamed La Goulue, was the creator of the French Can Can. And during the golden era of Montmartre, La Goulue was the undisputed queen of Parisian cabarets. Unfortunately she could not handle fame. She was blinded by fame and restless ambition. But she was genuine, generous to a fault, and larger than life. She left Montmartre's Cabarets when she was on the top of the world, believing that she can do better if she starts her own cabaret; this was a fatal mistake that ruined her life. Once upon a time she threw money right and left. Tragically she ended her life homeless and died toothless and forgotten in the streets of Paris. This is the story of her rise and fall. Author's website

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    V3. The 1000 Most Important Women of the Middle East and the Arab World. Who's Who of La Crème de La CrèmePublished by Times Square Press, New York, Berlin. Volume II from a set of 4 volumes (Approx. 1200 pages). The Who's Who of La Crème de La Crème in Art, Entertainment, Cinema, Music, Leadership, Beauty, Power, Glamour, Intellect, Politic, Business, Position, Influence.Author's bibliography website: Contact:

  • av Dea Dickinson

    Author's Note Hello readers. Before I go on, I just want to say, I know not everyone is into poetry, so thank you for giving this book a chance. I began writing little stories when I was about eight or nine years old. As I entered my teens years I became more interested in poetry and novels. I'm happy to say I have written a ton of poetry over the years. I am sad to say that I have yet to complete a novel. I'm sure I will get to it someday. Some day when I can stick to one idea at a time. In June of 2012 after almost two years of thinking about it, I finally put together a tiny book of poetry entitled War Outside My Window. Most of it contained poetry I had written at the age of seventeen, with a few recent ones mixed in. While I am not too thrilled about the minor mistakes I over looked, I am still over joyed by the fact I can pick up from my bookshelf an actual book written by me.

  • av Jim Sims

    88 years after they were written, Jim Sims learned of and obtained a notebook containing letters exchanged in 1924 by his parents, Frazier Sims and Lucy Ensor, during the year before they married. Those letters, letters from Lucy's mother and other letters reveal much about them and about the rough life in poor, rural Kentucky at the time. This publication of "Lucy's Letters" contains scans of the 70+ letters and postcards plus some background information and photos about the families and locales of their early life.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Bu Anunnaki-Ulema oläanüstü güçleri ile ilgili bugüne kadar yay¿nlanm¿¿ en iyi yay¿nd¿r. Hayat¿n¿z¿ de¿i¿tirecek tekniklerini ö¿renin. Bir daha asla ayn¿ ki¿i olmayacaks¿n¿z. Bu kitap binlerce y¿ll¿k bilgileri aç¿¿a ç¿karmaktad¿r. Bu teknik ve dersler size säl¿k, mutluluk ve huzur getirecek ve geçmi¿i ve gelece¿i nas¿l ziyaret edece¿inizi ve uzay/zamanda yolculuk etmeyi, ölümden sonraki hayatta ölmü¿ arkadä ve hayvanlar¿n¿z¿ tekrar görmeyi, Çekirde¿inizi açabilece¿iniz gizli saati ve çift ve birden fazla evrene ¿¿¿nlanmay¿ ö¿retecek ve size ¿ans getirip gelece¿inizi de¿i¿tirecek.Ayn¿ zamanda ¿ngilizce, Frans¿zca, Almanca, ¿talyanca, ¿spanyolca ve Türkçe kitap olarak 'da ve'da ve dünya çap¿nda mevcuttur. ART, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine taraf¿ndan yay¿nlanm¿¿t¿

  • av Teejay Lecapois

    A Turkish Muslim heiress battles racial and religious prejudice when she falls for an Afro-Caribbean Christian man. A Haitian-born Toronto policeman falls for a Syrian woman who returns his love...but she's got cancer. A shy Somali Canadian college student falls for a wild, freaky and sexy Somali girl raised in America. Can his traditional family accept her ? In medieval Spain under Arab rule, Afro-Arabian prince Omar Abdul-Hafiz falls for tall, voluptuous German swordswoman Hilda Hauser. Problem is she kind of wants him dead. Tales of men and women crossing racial, cultural and religious barriers in their search for true love.

  • av Thomas Elders

    Four short spanking stories present corporal punishment from several angles. "Attitude Adjusted" shows how the cathartic release of tears can relieve a bad mood induced by stress. "Left in the Dark" demonstrates the simple connection between spanking and BDSM, and how enjoyable that can be. "Poor Service" is an example of how many of us would like to handle an irresponsible waitress who could surely use a good spanking. Finally, "The Long Road Home" presents a theoretical solution to the unending fate of the legendary phantom hitchhiker. (Spanking Erotica)

  • av &1575, &16, &1605, m.fl.

    الثقافة الجنسية المراد نشرها تركز على محاولة تقليل حجم المشكلات الناجمة عن الحرية الجنسية المطلقة، عن طريق إتاحة المعلومات الجنسية للصبية والمراهقين، مع توفير الوسائل التي تُقلّل من الأمراض، أو الحمل (غير المرغوب فيه)، أو حتى التخلص منه ، ومن ثم كانت الصحة الإنجابية والجنسية التي تعتبر أحد أهم بنود المواثيق الدولية الصادرة عن الأمم المتحدة، هي المدخل الرئيسي لتقنين الحرية أو الفوضى الجنسية ، ونشرها في ثقافات الأمم الأخرى بالتزامن مع توريد وسائل منع الحمل للدول النامية، بل ونقل التكنولوجيا إلى هذه البلدان لتتمكن من إنتاج وتوزيع وسائل منع الحمل محليًا. إن الاتجاه نحو تعليم الصغار والمراهقين طبيعة العلاقة الجنسية واستخدام وسائل منع الحمل، وإتاحة الفرصة كاملة لهم لإقامة تلك العلاقات وإضفاء الشرعية عليها، حتى لو وصلت إلى الشذوذ .. هذا الاتجاه ذو النهاية الواحدة سيؤدي إلى الدمار والهلاك وفساد الحياة والكون ، لأن كل ذلك مضاد للفطرة التي خلق الله الناس عليها، وقد مارست هذه الفواحش أمم سابقة فعجلت بهلاك أصحابها، كما في مصارع الأمم السابقة عندما اتبعت الشهوات، واستمرأت الفواحش، ومارست الشذوذ، فلم تقم لها قائمة.

  • av Justin Price

    Action/horror story centered on a secret organization formed by the Catholic Church to counteract the rising number of cases of demonic possessions across the country. The story follows a young godless man who is being recruited into the cloth in order to prepare a new generation with the tools needed to stop the rise of the ultimate evil; Beelzebub.

  • av Teejay Lecapois

    A Jewish woman introduces a Saudi man to the pleasures of BDSM. An Arab Muslim woman dates a handsome black Christian man she meets at university. A Somali man does a steamy threesome with a white couple. An Ethiopian mistress tames her Arab lover. Stories of women from the Muslim world who aren't the submissive and powerless nitwits the world thinks they are. Many of them rule the men in their and out of the bedroom !!!

  • av &1575, &16, &1605, m.fl.

    كونى داعية خارج المنزل ولكن داعره داخل المنزل &الملل الجنسى هو السبب فى اما فشل الحياة الزوجية او تؤدى الى الخيانة الزوجية او تقريبا عدم الاحساس بوجود الطرف الاخر &تعليم الخطوات التى تؤدى الى اداء الامر بطريقة حديثة او غير كلاسيكية حتى يشعر كل منهم ان هناك طرف اخر جديد كل يوم

  • av Darlene Russell

    How can behavior and outside influences have a direct effect on the human genome? What is transhumanism? How did Nimrod begin to become a gibborim? Where are the Nephilim now and what is their secret agenda for the great end time battle? How did Hitler use modern psychology to deceive the world? What is the prophetic meaning of "as in the days of Noah"? What is loosh and how do some demon controled occultists, luciferians and satanists use it for ritual sacrifices? Why does satan want loosh? Did God's word warn us of these coming events in the end of days? These questions and many more are answered by Dr. Darlene Russell, pastoral psychologist, in this fascinating and informative book. It's all part of an agenda on a massive global scale. It's the Killing Code.

  • av Joe Fisher

    The hilariously unfortunate true stories of my drunken mayhem, the sex, girls, and trainwrecks of my life, and navigating the stupidity of the internet and real-world BDSM community. Have you ever sport-f*cked a blind girl? Or met Merlin the Magician while on acid? Found the craziest person in the freakshow? Been belligerent at terribly inappropriate times? Thought you've found the dumbest girl in the world? Wondered what happens when you get pepper sprayed in the balls? Stopped caring about anything but having fun? I have. And the stories are hilarious.

  • av Judy Chien

    In a kingdom far away, there is a mean dragon that will breathe fire on any knight he sees. The king is getting worried and has a reward of 100 golden coins for the knight who can save the kingdom from the dragon. Who can save the kingdom? What will happen to the dragon?

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Published by Times Square Press, New York, Berlin. The book takes the reader on an unforgettable journey to the magnificent art of Mesopotamia. An abundant display of figurines, statues, drawings, sculpture and an astonishing gallery of the artifacts of Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, Akkad and neighboring areas. Discover and enjoy the beauty and magic of the art of the ancient world. In this book you will visit enchanted places and you will meet legendary figures who fashioned the culture, history and civilizations of the Middle East and the Near East. Author's website

  • av Lisa Porter

    Fast-paced and unpredictable, Matilda will take the reader on a journey into the unsettling resilience of the human spirit. Conceived on a late summer morning in 1999, the storyline for Matilda came to me in the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd. I walked out onto my front porch to survey the storm's damage. In my driveway, I found a run-down pick-up truck and two desperate looking men. In that instant, I knew real danger. Matilda is the tale of what might have happened if a shotgun had not intervened on that post-storm morning.

  • av &1604, &1610, 1581, m.fl.

    Fiction, Novel, Middle east and Canada, Latifa Halim is a novelist leaves in Canada and Morocco, her style is different from the Arab styles.

  • av Alhasan S. Ceesay

    Prince Reu was one who used power to extremes and like Hitler wanted to rule entire realms. It was the Silent warrior of Kedugou who brought him down to earth and by this victory over prince Reu federated the entire black continent of his days.King silence is a fictitious story based on real life of one that was West Africa's strongest man and warrior alive. His fame was sprawled throughout the region like wild fire. He was illustrious, rational, and benevolent and endowed with goodness and fair sense of universal justice. He would have been titled in today's jargons as 'Mr. World' for he was stronger than Atlas. Vassals from many parts of West Africa challenged his authority and failed miserably. His popularity and leadership gift enabled him galvanize the continent into a functional union serving its people. He was one that was guardian of African culture and custodian of its traditions. He was the quintessential African myth and symbol. Let us follow life of our warrior king of Kedougu.

  • av Granny J

    Pinky is excited because it's time for the Frink's family vacation and they're off to go camping at the Grand Canyon. As a first-time camper, Pinky quickly learns that you wake early as the many birds act as Mother Nature's natural wildlife alarm clocks. With her baby brother, Peter and her parents, Pinky learns how this great chasm developed and about the animals that inhabit the area. She also finds out that parental restrictions and park rules help to ensure her safety. Follow Pinky and her family as they hike trails, go on nature walks and even roast some marshmallows by the campfire.

  • av Granny J

    The healthy habits children learn in their early years stay with them for a lifetime. Pinky's Healthy Habits promotes proper hygiene, a healthy diet, the benefits of exercise and children's safety, all in a fun rhyming story that will engage a juvenile reader. Along with gladly completing assigned chores, Pinky also practices other aspects of a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle, such as reading for pleasure, maintaining a personal journal and performing charitable works with her family. This wonderfully endearing story gently promotes basic family values and a healthful approach to life in a way the youngest of readers will comprehend. This is a great book to have around when your youngster questions the necessity of washing hands frequently, brushing their teeth regularly or why mom and dad won't let them surf the web without parental supervision!

  • av Daniel Ratajkoski

    The Shower of Confusion is a story showing the journal entries of two people that have found each other in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany during the years of 1943 - 1944. The connection between the two grows strong before one is taken away. Where is he taken? What happens to the other? Are they reunited? Is there your usual fairytail ending? This book is a great read for all that will get your emotions flowing and questioning your feelings.

  • av Lindsey Hoffmann

    Two Worlds' of Contrast is about the rich and the poor, with metaphors that children can relate to. It teaches kids to trust God and to help others, while raising awareness for Artyom Savelyev and Lindsey Baum. All proceeds go to the We Yone Child Foundation of Sierra Leone, and Children's Home Society & Family Services.

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    Publicado pela Revista "UFOs & Supernatural Magazine"(OVNIs e Sobrenatural) New York. "13 Técnicas Extraterrestres do Poder da Mente para Viver uma vida mais longa, Feliz, Saudável, Abastada e outros Benefícios". Esta é a maior publicação, alguma vez impressa, sobre os extraordinários poderes Anunnak-Ulema. Aprenda técnicas que vão mudar sua vida para sempre. Você nunca mais será a mesma pessoa novamente. Este livro revela conhecimentos de milhares de anos atrás. Estas técnicas e ensinamentos irão trazer a você saúde, felicidade e prosperidade, ensinar como revisitar o passado, o futuro e as viagens no tempo/espaço; como visualizar, na pós-vida, amigos e animais de estimação já falecidos; a sua hora pessoal para abrir o Conduto e voar para dentro da sua Cópia e múltiplos universos; e trazer sorte e mudanças para o seu futuro.

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