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  • av 1047, &1083, &108, m.fl.

  • av &1088, && 1054, &1092 & m.fl.

  • av Colleen Criswell

    In the March 2016 issue, we have: Article: 5 Ways to Clean Out the Cobwebs by Freyja Mahogany Article: My Motivation by DannielleRae Article: Powerful Pebbles by Skyla Nightowl Club Notes: Crafting Club Club Notes: Divination Club Club Notes: Kitchen Witch Club Club Notes: LBGTQ Network Club Notes: The Magickal Book Club Club Notes: Photography Club Club Notes: The TMC Facebook Chat Group Game: Crossword Puzzle by Freyja Mahogany Game: Word Search Puzzle by Freyja Mahogany Ritual: March Full Moon Ritual by Colleen M. Criswell Ritual - A New You by Obsidian MoonDragon Ritual: Ostara Ritual by Kalloype Rothnas Spell - Up the Anchor Bath by Minnie Eerin Spell of the Month Contest Winner: Theme: Third Eye The Magical Circle School Graduates January - February

  • av &1082, 1052, &1090, m.fl.

    Книгата е написана на 26/07/2016г. във Варна, България. Тя съдържа Стихотворения, Басни, Песнички и митове за деца

  • av &2380, &2343, &2351, m.fl.

    सभ्यता का इतिहास शिक्षा का इतिहास है। इस कथन में कोई अतिश्योक्ति नहीं है। क्योंकि आदिम युग से वर्तमान अंतरिक्ष युग तक मानवीय प्रगति की यात्रा में शिक्षा का महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रहा है। शिक्षा समाज की आधारशिला है। समाज में जिस प्रकार की शिक्षा व्यवस्था होगी उसी प्रकार के समाज का निर्माण होगा। यद्यपि काल, स्थान एवं आवश्यकता के अनुसार शिक्षा के स्वरूप तथा उद्देश्यों में परिवर्तन होता है।

  • av Brandon T. Reed

    I discovered my voice through poetry, she became my muse. Wondering if we converse over fruit and wine would we cross that line or become complacent and life past us by?? Passion Fruit is a metaphor literally, it describes how we can have a random discussion with a woman and she provokes you appetite beyond reason. I look at the beauty of a woman as fruit, tasty, beautiful, sweet, spicy, savior her taste and become appreciative of her presence. Rather seducing her mind, being patient with her, live through her struggle, she's human. Through a wet dream I had in my mind with her, all types of emotions begin to occur on daily basis. Nutmeg is the origin of our spicy exchange, perfectly my feelings begin to elaborate on a edgy message as a lifetime with her would capture me in dreams....hope you enjoy my love letter to her lyrically while we take a bite into this fruit with passion.Brandon T. Reed

  • av 2319&2360 &2352&2379&2306&2327&2

    कृषी हा भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्थेचा कणा आहे . भारत कृषीप्रधान देश म्हणून परिचित आहे. प्राचीन काळापासून भारत हा शेतीप्रधान व ग्रामीण अर्थव्यवस्थेचा देश म्हणून ओळखला जातो . आजही भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्थेतील ६५ टक्के पेक्षा अधिक लोकसंख्या ग्रामीण भागात राहते आणि शेतीवर उदरनिर्वाह करते . देशातील कापड, ज्यूट, साखर, चहा, कॉफी, रबर इत्यादी उद्योगांना लागणारा कच्चा माल ग्रामीण क्षेत्रातील शेतीमधून प्राप्त होतो.

  • av &1602, &1585, &158, m.fl.

    يعد من الاعمال الحيوية الهامة التي تحمل مثل هذا الاسم (النظرية الاستراتيجية) في هذا المجال المتشابك بعلاقته بالواقع الماضي والمستقبل وبكافة التطورات والتهديدات والمصالح، والذي لا يزال بعد غير واضح للكثيرين المعنين، وتم تناول الامر وتبسيطه، عبر وصف نظري كامل متماسك وموضوعي وقوي يدعم العرب كقادة وعاملين وكمواطنين في عموم الاحوال والمجالات والاهداف من فهم الاستراتيجيات وتطبيقها الفعال بما يسهم بشكل جوهري في تحسين حياة الناس والاعمال. هذا الكتاب مقرر ببرنامج الدكتوراه DBA ، من ضمن ثلاثة كتب مقررة من الاكاديمية، مع مشروع رسالة الدكتوراه، والامتحانات عن طريق نظام الجامعة المفتوحة الكترونيا، عن بعد، وعن طريق الكتاب المفتوح، وللقبول يتطلب بكالوريوس مع خمس سنوات خبرة، او ماجستير مع ثلاثة سنوات خبرة ـو دبلوم عالي مع عشرة سنوات خبرة.

  • av Krystal Lenstra

    The ultimate pocket book to your TEN DAY GUIDE that WILL change your life! Try it, preach it, change it! Easiest Cheat to a newer better you!

  • av Theo Social Wor Reedbs Rel

    President Hoover, in his 1929 State of the Union message, proposed consolidating agencies administering veteran's benefits. The following year Congress created the Veterans Administration by uniting three bureaus - the previously independent Veterans' Bureau, the Bureau of Pensions and the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. President Hoover signed the executive order establishing the VA on July 21, 1930. Hines, who had served since 1923 as director of the Veterans' Bureau, was named the first administrator of the agency

  • av &2366, && 2344, &2325 & m.fl.

    दलित कवित्रींची कविता By प्रा. सीमा अरविंद नाईक मराठी विभाग

  • av && 1062, &1074, &1077 & m.fl.
    305 - 349,-

  • av 2325, &&., &2342 & m.fl.

    दलित ग्रामीण लेखिकांचा तुलनात्मक आभ्यास हा विषय मी पी एच डी प्रभांधासाठी निवडला...

  • av Maximillien De Lafayette

    THE SAD LIFE OF THE CHILDREN OF GREYS-ALIENS AND HUMAN HYBRIDS IN AMERICA: Their Habitat, How They Live And How They Grow Up. Published by Times Square Press, New York.Korashag "Khur-Sha" is an Anunnaki/Ulemite word for a hybrids' habitat. The hybrid-human race is very different from hybrid extraterrestrial race living on other planets. The hybrid-humans look exactly like human beings, but are much shorter, and have different facial structure.These hybrid children live in two different ways. a- Human environment:The first is the human environment. This happens when a hybrid child had been adopted by a human family, usually, by a high ranking United States military man working with aliens in secret military underground bases. b- Underground/underwater communities:The second kind of habitat is a large communal living in underground and/ or underwater dormitories, or sometimes in above ground level dormitories, but always on Earth, etc...

  • av &2366, &2352, &2350, m.fl.

    भारत में दलित वर्ग और दलितोंद्धार आंदोलन (१९०० ई. - १९५० ई.) By Dr. Rabindra Kumar

  • av Colleen Criswell

    In this edition of the Magical Circle School's newsletter we have: Spell of the Month Contest Winner Circle - Flowers Growth and Change by Freyja Mahogany Ostara/Easter by Cara Kinnear The Magickal Book Club Powerful Pebbles by Skyla NightOwl Short Story: Full Moon Diaries of the Teenage Witch by Silver Corona Moon Magick by DanielleRae The April Full Moon Ritual: Happiness Booster by Colleen M. Criswell April Fool's Day by Freyja Mahogany Club Notes Kitchen Witch Club's Cauldron Obsidian by Jonquil GreySkies February-March 2015 Class Graduates The Magical Circle School April 2015 Calender Beltane Ritual: Candle of Colors by Amy Davison Goddess of the Month: White Buffalo Calf Woman by Ianna Ryan More From the Cauldron by DanielleRae

  • av 1057, &1083, &1084, m.fl.

  • av Elias Smeir

    أشـعـار بالعـربيـه الـفصـحـى يقـدمهـا إلياس سـمـير في مواضـيع مخـتلفـه تعبر عن أحاسـيس الشـاعـر ومـواضيع العصـر

  • av &. 1050, &1087, &1077, m.fl.

  • av 1043, &1077, &108, m.fl.

  • av &1077, &. 1050, &1087, m.fl.

  • av Miriam Monleon Gimenez

    Laura és una nena petita que roba la caixa màgica de la bruixa Mariela, una bruixaque viu en mig del bosc i que fabrica pocions reparadores de mobles. No sap que dintre de la caixa viuen els objectes màgics! Uns objectes que viuen per la nit i que estan una mica esborrejats, no hi ha manera de parar-los.

  • av Matt Shaw

    You know some days you wake up and just think, "Fuck it"? Well, that's exactly what Matt Shaw did when he put this collection together. Originally the majority of these stories were only available on his ETSY store, in special signed collections. Within this collection, Matt Shaw takes aim at God, Hitler, the Prophet Muhammad and ISIS and - not a single f**k was given. Each of the twisted stories is done with tongue firmly in cheek and intended for those who can take a joke. Something to make you chuckle away at the wrongness of it all before you get to The Extreme Stories at the end of the book. Panty sniffing, c**t clots, cannibalism, incest, bestiality and more feature in this no-holds barred collection. Remember, if you're a pussy or of a sensitive nature, please do - kindly - f**k off.

  • av &1607, 1576, &160, m.fl.

    This book explains the meaning of existence, and looking at the best way to build a human. By building spirit and body together.In Visualize of a comprehensive and graded, within experiment's City, check all the needs of the spirit and body together.

  • av &1581, 1605, &1583, m.fl.

    نبذة عن الكتاب بين أفراد عائلة قاسية تمر عشرة سنين على ذلك الطفل الذي لا يعرف أحد حقيقته ولا حقيقة الأسطورة التي كتبت منذ مئات السنين حول مدينة يفوق جمالها الخيال, حكمها أبطال قد قهروا الشر ليعود أناس منهم لخيانه وطنهم وحاكمهم بسبب طمعهم وغيرتهم و تلاعب الأشرار من العالم الخفي بعقولهم فيأتي الأمر بحظر المدينة على أهل الأرض وابقائها سراً مخفياً كأسطورة, ولا يعرف أحد من العامة أن اللحظة التي قد ظهرفيها هذا الطفل أمام باب منزل هذه العائلة قد بدأ الشر ينشر جنوده حول البلاد لينتقم, وبدأ الملوك والحكام بتجهيز أنفسهم لمجابهة خطر هذا الشر, لتبدأ الأحداث و يبدأ الظلام ليأتي النصر على يد الخونة الذين خانوا بلادهم منذ مئات السنين والذين يجبرهم ظهور الحاكم الشرعي على تنفيذ أمره و القتال معه حتى النصر على خادم النار وجنوده الأشرار, لتبدأ أسطورة الحاكم مامونيلو الوريث الوحيد الشرعي لحكم تلك البلاد العظيمة ويبدأ عصر ذهبي ليعم السلام والأمان على جميع البلاد التي اتحد حكامها وملوكها وقادتها لمواجهة هذه الشرور الكبيرة ......

  • av &925, &932, &931, m.fl.

    Αφορμή για όλα τα γραπτά είναι προσωπικές παρατηρήσεις απο τον μικρόκοσμό μου.

  • av Federico Martini

    Un confronto tra tre generazioni sullo sfondo di un giallo. Il nonno, ex chitarrista, ancorato a un passato che non tornerà più; il padre, un poliziotto sbattuto fuori di casa dalla moglie; il figlio, un tredicenne tecnologico che filma ogni cosa, anche ciò che non dovrebbe.

  • av Remy L. Overkempe

    What if Dorothy Parker had published everything she had ever written? Every author deems some work to be subpar and not fit for publication; but will we ever know whether or not those works were actually bad? An author is insanely critical of their own work, even when it concerns potential masterpieces.The publication of these short stories follows the release of the poetry collection "Hope's in Vain" by Remy L. Overkempe and both collections share the same attitude and philosophy: let the reader decide whether or not something is good or bad. Take a risk and let the world read everything you have written.

  • av Vladimir Sapon

  • av && 1603, &1592, &1605 & m.fl.

    ديوان شعر الشاعر العراقي عبد الكريم كاظم (كعائد الى أزقة البلاد) صادر عن دار مخطوطات في هولندا. لوحة الغلاف والتصميم الفنان ناصر مؤنس.

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