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Böcker utgivna av LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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  • av Akriti Chauhan
    1 145,-

    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recognizes that providing both primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care to individuals with special health care needs is an integral part of the specialty of pediatric dentistry. In the craniofacial team the pedodontist may need to assume an important coordinating role. The timing and integration of phases of general dental, minor oral surgical, orthodontic, periodontic and prosthetic treatment with plastic, ENT and maxillofacial surgery, speech therapy and audiology often become his/her responsibility. In addition, the provision of a high standard of preventive and general dental care for the cleft patient must be maintained. To carry out this coordinating role effectively, the pediatric dentist must know the patient and his/her family well; he must be aware of the current concepts, objectives, treatment and investigatory techniques used in all aspects of cleft palate management; and should be aware of the genetics of the clefting conditions, medical problems which may commonly be associated with clefts.

  • av Muzaffarova Nazokat Sharabovna

    This monograph talks about the theoretical justification of increasing the fire ability and stability of textile materials to high temperatures, the detection of multifunctional properties of local raw material-based metal, phosphorus, and Nitrogen-Group oligomeric antipyrine, as well as additional areas of effective use, the physicochemical properties of new oligomeric antipyrine compositions and improvements in the protective mechanisms of exposure. Scientific research is carried out around the world to produce special clothing in the field of fire extinguishers, welders, household goods, furniture production, and other industries based on Fireproof textile materials. Of particular importance in this regard is the determination of the optimal composition and physical-chemical properties of water-soluble oligomer-antipyrine, the mechanism of interaction of natural textile materials with oligomer-antipyrine modifiers to increase the fire ability of natural textile materials. The monograph is designed for textile materials, fireproof materials, chemical, and Chemical Technology specialists, professors and teachers of higher educational institutions, and doctoral students.

  • av Shrikant K. Phajage

    The production technology adopted in any cropping system should be cost effective, because economic viability and feasibility of these technologies decide the spread and popularity of a particular cropping system in any agro climatic region. The cost effective technologies for any cropping systems can be achieved by reducing the cost of cultivation and improving the productivity of the system. Present generation of farmers need such cropping system which have high benefit: cost ratio or high profitability. Therefore, now development of efficient cropping system for a particular agro-ecological situation through cropping system research needs more emphasis on yield maximization with high economic viability in a sustainable manner.

  • av R. Sundhararajan

  • av Zaffar Mahdi Dar
    1 145,-

    Drought, a natural occurrence, presents significant challenges to societies worldwide. Effectively managing drought involves a complex and ongoing process that requires a comprehensive strategy encompassing both immediate response measures and long-term planning. By enhancing crop resilience, conserving water resources, and mitigating drought impacts, we can protect various sectors and ensure sustainable development which is possible only when the researchers have a detailed comprehension of these changes to develop the most effective methods to manage them to boost crop yields. The plant response and management techniques discussed in this book are rooted in the latest research, and it offer practical solutions that can be implemented in real-world scenarios. In summary, this book is a vital resource for anyone seeking to grasp the effects of drought stress on crops and the most effective approaches to managing it for increased crop yields. It serves as an excellent reference for students, researchers, and professionals in the field of agriculture, providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

  • av Panagiota Xanthopoulou
    1 219,-

    In the vast expanse of the digital age, the quest for knowledge has transcended traditional boundaries, leading us to the doorstep of an educational revolution. "E-Learning for Entrepreneurs" is more than just a book; it's a voyage into the heart of modern education, where technology meets pedagogy to foster a new breed of learners and leaders. This prologue serves as the compass that will guide us through the intricate maze of digital learning, unraveling the threads of innovation that have woven the fabric of e-learning. As we embark on this journey, we delve into the historical depths of educational evolution, charting the course from chalkboards to virtual classrooms. This book is a testament to the transformative power of e-learning, highlighting its role in shaping the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. With each page, we invite you to explore the limitless possibilities that e-learning presents, challenging the status quo and embracing a future where learning knows no bounds.

  • av Anu Gigi

    In the vibrant coastal landscape of Kerala, the fishing community has long grappled with the challenge of school dropouts. However, a promising narrative is emerging, showcasing a significant decrease in high school dropouts in recent years. This book delves into this transformative journey, focusing on the factors that have propelled the reduction in school dropouts among the fishing community in Kozhikode, Kerala. With a unique emphasis on the student's perspective, the research explores various dimensions contributing to the decline in dropouts. The study meticulously investigates demographic details, the impact of academic performance, the pivotal role of family support, the influence of teachers, and the role of school-provided facilities in shaping the educational trajectory of these students.

  • av Shweta Rastogi

    There is a need to develop new methods to synthesize nanoparticles. Interest in these products has led to concerns about the environmental safety of their production; Objective: Currently, nanoparticle production is often expensive and uses chemicals that have an impact on the environment and requires the development of ¿greener¿ protocols. Here, we describe the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) using plant extracts, an alternative, effective, inexpensive and environmentally friendly method to create nanoparticle geometries. Method: phytochemicals present in the aqueous leaf extract act as powerful reducing agents. Produced AuNPs can be used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet visible spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA); Results and Conclusion: The prepared nanoparticles have been shown to be biocompatible and exhibit no bacterial or antiviral activity, so they are considered safe for many applications in nano medicine.

  • av Boris Zalesskij

    Dlq Belarusi strany Azii qwlqütsq wazhnymi partnerami w razwitii sotrudnichestwa w torgowo-äkonomicheskoj, promyshlenno-kooperacionnoj, nauchno-tehnicheskoj, obrazowatel'no-kul'turnoj oblastqh. V chastnosti, tradicionno klüchewym naprawleniem wneshnej politiki belorusskogo gosudarstwa na dannom kontinente qwlqetsq Kitajskaq Narodnaq Respublika. V marte 2023 goda lidery Belarusi i Kitaq prinqli sowmestnoe zaqwlenie ob osnownyh principah razwitiq obrazcowyh otnoshenij wsepogodnogo i wsestoronnego strategicheskogo partnerstwa dwuh stran w nowuü äpohu. Razwiwaütsq wzaimowygodnye otnosheniq s Iranom. V oktqbre 2023 goda w Tegerane storony soglasowali plan dal'nejshego sotrudnichestwa po perspektiwnym naprawleniqm partnerskih swqzej. Nalazheno regulqrnoe wzaimodejstwie na razlichnyh urownqh s V'etnamom, Pakistanom, Turciej. V qnware 2024 goda w Minske sostoqlos' 7-e zasedanie sowmestnoj belorussko-mongol'skoj mezhprawitel'stwennoj komissii po torgowo-äkonomicheskogo sotrudnichestwu, gde obsuzhdalis' sostoqnie i perspektiwy wzaimodejstwiq w oblasti promyshlennosti, sel'skogo hozqjstwa, transporta i logistiki, finansow. O tom, kak Belarus' razwiwaet partnerskie swqzi s ätim stranami, rech' idet w dannoj rabote.

  • av Dnyaneshwar Nagre

    "Biological Importance of Indole-Based Compounds" explores the significance of indole-based compounds in various biological processes. Indole is a heterocyclic aromatic compound that is widely found in nature and has been extensively studied due to its diverse biological activities. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the biological importance of indole-based compounds, highlighting their role in different biological systems.Indole-based compounds as pharmaceutical agents: The book highlights the pharmaceutical potential of indole-based compounds. It examines their role as anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral agents. The authors discuss the mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications of these compounds.

  • av T. Sri Shanmukha

    ABOUT THE BOOKThe present publication ¿Growth of Primary Education in Andhra Pradesh in Indiä has explored various aspects of education sector. The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. It is the secret and greatness of education in the life of human beings forever. Universalization of Primary or Elementary Education has got the following three steps:(a). Universalization of Provision (b) Universalization of Enrolment: (c) Universalization of Retention.

  • av Subhashish Dey

    Concrete is a material which widely used in construction industries. The generation of plastic wastage is increasing day by day, causing serious problem to the environment. In this research, the solid plastic waste particles are used in the concrete by partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete. The main purpose of this study to investigate the properties of concrete such as compressive, tensile as well as flexural strength in the partial replacement. The results indicate that the use of solid plastic waste particles in the concrete result the formations of light weight concrete. The disposal problem can be overcome by recovery, recycling and reuse. In order to have deep knowledge about the solid plastic waste. Plastic durable and degrade very slowly. In this project partial replacement of fine aggregate by solid plastic waste of about 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% for mix design of M40.The strength properties for this concrete mix at 7 days and 28 days have been tested.

  • av Alexandru Marius T¿tar

    Accommodation units are part of the basic facilities of the tourist infrastructure, as they allow visitors to stay in the area visited. This work aims to locate all individual and collective accommodation units in the study region. The studied area is made up in the form of a Geographical Axis that includes the counties of Bistri¿a-N¿s¿ud-Mure¿-Suceava-Maramure¿ and Cluj because these counties belong to the most important areas for tourism in Romania. The concepts of accommodation units analysed are reviewed. The classification characteristics of the qualities offered by the accommodation units are also investigated. At the level of the main cities comprising the geographical axis, the five-star hotels in the location are analysed. SketchUp software and the program are used to create a model for the design of accommodation units. It is a central element in creating a complete guide to hotel architecture and design. Knowing how satisfied is far from enough: a comprehensive customer satisfaction analysis framework based on hybrid text mining techniques. Thus, a rating system based on tourist reviews is created. The modular evaluation system is called STAR Etiquette.

  • av Yurii Tomka
    1 145,-

    This research explores the optical characterization of biological tissues, distinguishing them as highly scattering (opaque) or weakly scattering (transparent). The focus is on Mueller matrix imaging (MMI), offering detailed polarization information. The goal is to extend traditional photometric methods by incorporating MMI coordinate distributions, providing exhaustive insight into the optical anisotropic component of biological tissues. Correlation and topological analyses aid in statistical and fractal diagnostics of biological crystal networks.Tasks included exploring the relationship between laser-induced phase shifts by birefringent crystals and statistical moments of MMI, differentiation of optical-anisotropic properties through correlation analysis, and identifying topological structures generating polarization singularities in scattered laser radiation.It is established relationships between phase shifts and statistical moments, introducing the degree of mutual correlation of MMI, and unveiling scenarios for topological structures' formation. Wavelet analysis of singular distributions further enables diagnosing local changes in optical and geometric structures.

  • av Nilufar Razzakowa

    V sowremennom obschestwe woprosy polowogo sozrewaniq u dewushek i podrostkow predstawlqüt soboj aktual'nuü temu, priwlekaüschuü wnimanie kak specialistow w oblasti mediciny i psihologii, tak i shirokoj obschestwennosti. Zaderzhka w fizicheskom i ämocional'nom razwitii mozhet okazywat' wliqnie na razlichnye aspekty zhizni molodyh lüdej, wyzywaq interes i trebuq glubokogo issledowaniq.Dannaq monografiq poswqschena analizu prichin, posledstwij i perspektiw zaderzhki polowogo sozrewaniq u dewushek i podrostkow. My stremimsq ne tol'ko raskryt' fiziologicheskie aspekty ätogo qwleniq, no i proanalizirowat' ego sociokul'turnye i psihologicheskie izmereniq. My nadeemsq, chto monografiq budet polezna kak dlq professionalow w sfere mediciny i psihologii, tak i dlq roditelej, pedagogow i wseh, kto interesuetsq woprosami zdorow'q i razwitiq molodogo pokoleniq.

  • av Ahoora Kavoosi

    Undoubtedly, all the thoughts and humankind perspectives of in the present era about human, his nature, problems and their treatment were not achieved overnight and in our time, rather, they are the result of all the ideas and thoughts of thinkers who have shone like a light in the heart of night darkness in every era. In addition, they have had a great influence in guiding people. Maulana Jalaluddin as the founder of Mevlevi's mystical school, which is based on love for God and human, and its recommendation for uniformity, condemnation of bigotry and arrogance, and respect for human dignity. Considering that many theories and scientific achievements have originated from culture, new ideas can be achieved by establishing a link between past cultural repertoire and today's knowledge.

  • av Amuthalakshmi S

    Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry Experimental Book for Pharm.D GraduatesAbout the BookThis laboratory manual is a collection of experiments and will be useful for the Pharm.D first year students who study PIOC (Pharmaceutical Inorganic chemistry) as a full course or a part of a course. This syllabus mainly deals with fundamentals of Analytical chemistry and also the study of inorganic pharmaceuticals. So, this experimental book is designed to understand the principles and procedures of analysis of drugs. Along with accessible language the author has included calculation formulas and tables in each experiment to enable readers to investigate particular topics more deeply. The observation and report writing is also given for the limit tests. Hopefully the book may serve good for beginners to learn enough knowledge about Inorganic chemistry that it would rekindle a new-found sense of interest within you.

  • av Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw

    Jestetika ¿ äto chuwstwennoe wospriqtie, a tochnee ¿ chuwstwennoe wospriqtie prekrasnogo, garmonii. Pod ästetikoj takzhe ponimaüt filosofskoe uchenie o suschnosti i formah prekrasnogo w hudozhestwennom tworchestwe, w prirode, zhizni. V nastoqschem sbornike awtor stawit akcenty na prikladnom haraktere ästetiki w sowremennyh widah iskusstwa: literature nauchnoj fantastiki i fäntezi, ikonopisi i muzyke, kinematografe i wideopoäzii. V sowremennoj ästeticheskoj real'nosti urodliwoe sosedstwuet s prekrasnym. Lish' lübow' i chudo, swqzannye s nashej duhownoj äwolüciej, pomogaüt preodolewat' urodliwoe i bezobraznoe, preobrazowywaq ih w prekrasnoe.Sbornik mozhet byt' polezen dlq filosofow, psihologow, istorikow, metodologow i wseh myslqschih lüdej, interesuüschihsq filosofiej ästetiki i woobsche garmoniej sobstwennoj lichnosti i okruzhaüschego mira.

  • av Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw

    Sub#ektom uprawleniq w mnogokwartirnyh domah i kottedzhnyh poselkah qwlqütsq wse sobstwenniki domow i pomeschenij. Oni solidarno nesut bremq rashodow na soderzhanie, remont, äxpluataciü, uprawlenie wsej swoej sobstwennosti w predelah pomeschenij, domow i w predelah obschego imuschestwa, whodqschego w zemel'no-imuschestwennyj komplex mnogokwartirnogo doma ili poselka. Slozhnye prawootnosheniq pri samouprawlenii cherez TSZh ili ZhSK woznikaüt pri pereplanirowkah, stroitel'stwe, ispol'zowanii zemel'nyh uchastkow i ustanowlenii serwitutow. Zadachej awtora stalo issledowanie prawootnoshenij u kollektiwnyh sobstwennikow pri realizacii ih praw i obqzannostej w mnogokwartirnyh domah i kottedzhnyh poselkah pri samouprawlenii cherez TSZh.

  • av Primavera Fisogni

    Fashion is a challenging issue. It can be intuitively understood as a phenomenon that collects different ways of being and pertains to several domains of social life. The essay aims to scrutinize the processual ground of fashion through the lenses of systemic thinking arguing that 1) fashion is systemic at heart, and 2) several aspects of this multifaceted phenomenon ¿ style, elegance, and trends among others ¿ result from the intricacy of multiple interactions. The continuous relationship between the wearer, clothes, and the environment gives rise to a powerful temporal texture of garments for either the past (the vintage) or the forecasting attitude of the textile items. «Fisogni's metaphysical concept, in an essay as beautiful as rare in its comparative and synergistic reasoning, is a metaphor ¿ Marina Nelli writes - It is not the abstract "beyond" of a concrete discipline, but is the profound observation and acquisition of knowledge of the principles and phenomena that establish life and experiences».

  • av Natal'q Borisowna Bronükajtene

    Awtorami ranee byli opublikowany tri sbornika, poswqschennye issledowaniü globalizma: «Mifologiq globalizma i samoorganizaciq cheloweka», «Finansowaq piramida globalizma: samoorganizaciq vs prinuzhdeniq» i «Metodologiq uprawleniq finansowoj piramidoj».Nastoqschij sbornik poswqschen issledowaniü globalizma kak wysshej stadii kapitalizma i kak antichelowecheskoj sistemy uprawleniq i pokoreniq lüdej, popawshih w lowushku global'nogo finansowo-rostowschicheskogo kapitalizma i skowannyh lipkimi cepqmi global'nogo obschestwa potrebleniq.Sbornik budet polezen dlq filosofow, religiowedow, politikow, polittehnologow, zhurnalistow i wseh lüdej, zhelaüschih razobrat'sq s sistemoj uprawleniq obschestwom w äpohu global'nogo finansowo-rostowschicheskogo kapitalizma.

  • av I. R. Vengerov
    1 205,-

    This book is a continuation and generalization of the author's monograph "Chronoartifacts of thermodynamics", in which artifacts (erroneous results) associated with the concept of time have been identified and eliminated. The basis is a new approach named Borgartonics, that is a set of principles and methods using the concepts: macropoint, dissipator, chains of dissipators, discrete chronoscales, chronogenesis, etc. The artifacts of space and time in mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, and special theory of relativity are examined and classified; methodological ¿clues¿ (judgments of philosophers, physicists and mathematicians) are clustered. A generalization of Borgartonics, Protophysics (M. Bunge's term) is proposed. In Protophysics, the following concepts considered as physical fictions are excluded: point event, world line, the four-dimensional interval, light clocks, light vector, relative and absolute simultaneity. On the basis of protophysics, fundamental and structural artifacts of Space and Time have been eliminated. The book can be useful for students, teachers and researchers, physicists, mathematicians and philosophers with a penchant for nonstandard thinking.

  • av Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw

    Informaciü dlq cikla sbornikow «Global'naq hronologiq» awtor sobiral w techenie tröh periodow: a) rannij 1986 - 1991 gg.; srednij 1996 - 2003 gg.; pozdnij 2020 ¿ 2023 gg. Chast' materiala opublikowana w sbornikah «Istoriq russkih lüdej: soedinenie mifologicheskogo i kalendarnogo wremeni» i «Hroniki chelowechestwa: soedinenie mifologicheskogo i kalendarnogo wremeni». Nastoqschij sbornik stal ocherednoj popytkoj awtora podojti k drewnejshej russkoj istorii i global'noj hronologii chelowechestwa cherez osmyslenie mnogomernogo wremeni.Sbornik mozhet byt' polezen dlq filosofow, istorikow, religiowedow i wseh myslqschih lüdej, interesuüschihsq global'noj hronologiej.

  • av Fatma Ibrahim Abdel-latif Megahed

    One of the most pressing issues facing humanity today is climate change, which is mostly caused by rising greenhouse gas emissions. Sea levels are rising, there are already more extreme weather occurrences, and ecosystems are changing as a result of global warming. If nothing is done, these impacts will only worsen, putting our planet and way of life in jeopardy.Given the gravity of the situation, collaboration and quick action are needed. Fortunately, there are many solutions and recommendations available to reduce the negative consequences of climate change.

  • av Benjamin Diri

    The book title "Fundamentals of Civil Society Organization in Nigeria", is an insightful exploration into the roles and impacts of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Nigeria. Spanning twelve chapters, it covers the historical evolution of CSOs, their involvement in democracy, education, welfare, and health, and their role in social development. The book probes into how CSOs contribute to advocacy and policy formulation, tackle human rights issues, and participate in the anti-corruption crusade since 1999. It also examines the challenges CSOs face and their future prospects. This comprehensive guide is crucial for understanding the multifaceted role of CSOs in shaping Nigeria's social, political, and economic landscape. It's an essential resource for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in the dynamics of civil society in Nigeria.

  • av A. C. Jatapara

    Gram is one of the important grain legume crop grown in most parts of the world for its several uses as snake food, sweets, condiments and vegetables are prepared from its world-wide. In Gujarat gram covers about 17,5500 ha area with 19,9800 million tones productions (Anonymous 2011). Gram is cultivated as one of the major legume crop, in almost all the districts of Gujarat state. Amongst this, Dahod, Jamnagar, Surendranagar, Patan, and Porbandar are the major gram producing districts.Main gram research station Junagadh has released various improved cultivation practices for gram crop and are being communicated to the gram growers through various extension agencies like transfer of technologies centre (TOTs) like Krushi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs), Farmer Training Center (FTCs), Tribal Training Center (TTCs), Tribal Research and Training Center (TRTC), Tribal Farm Women Training Center (TFWTC) etc. State Department of Agriculture (SDAs), State Agricultural University (SAUs) and Non Government Organizations (NGOs).

  • av M. Monica

    Nowadays, in the 21st century, the global health sector is facing various problems. Among the problems faced by the scientific communities are antibiotic resistance, antiviral resistance, anticancer resistance, side effects of commercial drugs, underdeveloped drug delivery mechanism, treatment of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, COVID-19, infections, and neurological disorders. Many substances that help immunity develop are called immunomodulators. In other words, biomolecules of biological or synthetic origin, capable of modulating, normalizing, suppressing, stimulating, or modifying any components of adaptive or innate immunity, and reducing inflammatory responses through oxidation or alkylation are called immunomodulators. Immunomodulators in clinical practice are mainly classified into immunosuppressants, immunostimulants, and immunoadjuvants. Immunoadjuvants are distinct stimulants of the immune mechanism that are added to vaccines to enhance the immune system. Immunostimulants boost the immune system, while immunosuppressants reduce the effectiveness of the immune system. Therefore, in this section, synthetic immunomodulators are discussed.

  • av Madhura Wagh

    The development of integrated 3D tools for diagnosis and treatment planning is one of the most exciting developments in orthodontics as the specialty moves into 21st century. Highly sophisticated technologies from the fields of digital imaging, computer graphics, robotics, computational analysis and database management are cruzing their way into the specialty.The scope for orthodontics increases as recent innovative ideas becomes successfully demonstrated and applied. The emphasis nowadays in on the holistic correction of the face rather than the dentition. In the field of orthodontics new innovations have not only increased the efficiency of an orthodontist to produce better results but at the same time, reduced the treatment duration, thus positively influencing the patient compliance. New solutions for the old problems have resulted in advancements in orthodontic materials and their cascading effect on appliance design and treatment strategies.

  • av Vicente Monteverde

    Systematization is the act of organizing something in a system. It is the process of making something more orderly, efficient, and repeatable. Systematization can be applied to many different things, such as business processes, personal tasks, and even knowledge. Here are some examples of systematization: A company creates a system for onboarding new employees. This system includes steps for filling out paperwork, setting up computer accounts, and giving new employees tours of the office. A student creates a system for studying for exams. This system includes steps for creating flashcards, reviewing notes, and taking practice tests. A scientist develops a system for classifying different types of plants. This system includes identifying key characteristics of plants and grouping them together based on those characteristics. Benefits of systematization: Efficiency: Systematized processes are more efficient because they are less likely to be interrupted by errors or unexpected problems. Repeatability: Systematized processes can be repeated over and over again, which can help to ensure consistency and quality. Scalability: Systematized processes can be scaled up or down as needed.

  • av Brian Nduka

    In today's rapidly advancing digital landscape, the adoption of cloud technology has become a necessity for businesses of all sizes. The convenience and scalability offered by cloud computing have revolutionized the way organizations store and access their data. However, along with these benefits comes the critical need for robust cloud security measures.Cloud security is of paramount importance for organizations to protect sensitive data and ensure the continuity of their operations. This subchapter explores the significance of cloud security and provides valuable insights into best practices and successful cloud security implementations.One of the primary reasons why cloud security is crucial is the ever-evolving threat landscape. Cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to breach security systems and exploit vulnerabilities. Without proper measures in place, organizations risk exposing their valuable data to unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential financial and reputational damage.

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