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  • av Pinto Mazal Jorge Pinto Mazal

  • av Pablo Helguera

    In this charming English/Spanish story, a toddler encounters the fall leaves for the first time, and starts giving them away to people, helping adults rediscover the beauty of autumn.

  • - On the Experience of Life: Selection and Editor's Note by Jorge Pinto
    av Arthur Schopenhauer

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860) is an influential 19th Century philosopher whose works and ideas were followed by other important philosophers, particularly by Nietzsche, who viewed himself as Schopenhauer's successor. His work also influenced Freud's ideas on psychoanalysis.Thomas Mann, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, in his long essay Schopenhauer the Living Thoughts of Schopenhauer, says the philosopher is a "psychologist of the will" and his works to run by way of the psychological radicalism of Nietzsche, straight to Freud and the men who built up his psychology of the unconscious and applied it to the mental sciences.Following Thomas Mann's interpretation of Schopenhauer's ideas, it is not surprising to see Dr. Irvin D. Yalom, a well known psychotherapist and best selling author, choose Schopenhauer as a central character of one of his novels : The Schopenhauer Cure. As in his other two novels based on prominent philosophers, Nietzsche and Spinoza, (When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel Of Obsession and The Spinoza Problem: A Novel)I decided to include "The Stages of Life", of Schopenhauer's Counsels and Maxims in this volume. In this essay he considers that in our childhood we are more given to using our intellect than our will. Following that golden age or magic years of learning about the external world, Schopenhauer warns us that then "… comes the great period of disillusion, a period of very gradual growth; but once it has fairly begun, a man will tell you that he has got over all his false notions "l'âge des illusions est passé". ..Another essay included in this anthology with the evocative title On Thinking for Oneself is written in a didactic style. There, Schopenhauer expresses his strong opinions on the importance of discovering independently what is important for the creative mind. I consider this essay to be relevant in our political environment as well as in our personal and social lives, dominated by social media. In a time of excessive information and opinions that are shared and absorbed without thinking, the ideas contained in Schopenhauer's essay could not be more compelling and current.Following the same ideas, On Books and Reading, another essay included in this book, Schopenhauer can be perceived as an educator and not so much as a philosopher. Here he criticizes those who read for entertainment, as a pastime or for relaxation, consuming books without discerning what is good and what is not or, even worse, reading without assimilating the content. To make the point he uses the following example: you can ruin the stomach and impair the whole body by taking too much nourishment, so you can overfill and choke the mind by feeding it too much.Character is another Schopenhauer essay included in this book. He uses theater to show the contrast between the personality of a narcissistic individual that looks for honor and fame to those actors who only want to perform "great parts: ".In his essay Property, or What a Man Has, Schopenhauer presents the idea of happiness, one of the many topics we often find in his works. Here, the philosopher presents the link between money or wealth and a happy life.Finally, in The Metaphysics of Art, also included in this anthology, Schopenhauer gives an effective path to fight the "Will", which is one of the bases of his philosophy. The "Will", which is in conflict with the intellect, constitutes a series of needs that are an unavoidable part of the human condition and the source of unhappiness, frustration and suffering since what the "Will" commands can never be entirely satisfied.

  • - La Linterna M gica. Una Rese a
    av Jorge Pinto Mazal

    Con su biografía, Ingmar Bergman nos permite asomarnos a una vida llena de conflictos desde su infancia, sus múltiples relaciones amorosas, sus divorcios, fracasos profesionales.Para facilitar la lectura, esta reseña pretende presentar de manera temática, no necesariamente rigurosa, las partes de la biografía relacionadas con su niñez, sus matrimonios y su vida amorosa. Asimismo se agrupan algunas referencias a sus películas y experiencias como director de teatro así como traumáticas experiencias que marcan su existencia.La Linterna Mágica, nos da oportunidad de observar a Bergman explorando su propia vida para describir sus experiencias de forma tal que se parece a una sesión de sicoanálisis en la que el lector del libro se convierte en el terapeuta.Con el fin de enriquecer la reseña, se incluye una lista de las películas que dirigió y produjo Bergman durante su vida. Se incluyen ligas, que conducen a reseñas en español y ligas a la Fundación Bergman con reseñas de las películas en inglés. También, se enlistan las piezas de teatro que dirigió durante su activa vida profesional, misma que muestra la diversidad de su repertorio que comprende las mas famosas obras de autores que son universalmente reconocidos.Asimismo se listan sus obras publicadas y una lista con las traducciones de sus libros en español.¿Finalmente, se presenta una lista con los nombres de los personajes que Bergman menciona en su Linterna Mágicaquienes están directamente relacionados con la prolífica vida profesional y personal del prestigioso artista sueco.Nuestro agradecimiento a la Fundación Ingmar Bergman por la autorización expresa para utilizar las ligas de su rica pagina web.

  • av Pablo Helguera

    In 2017, the New Britain Museum of American Art invited artist Pablo Helguera to exhibit as part of its NEW/NOW series. Inspired by New Britain's rich industrial history and the museum's extensive holdings of American art and illustration,Helguera wrote and illustrated three short stories, now presented in this small book. The stories draw upon the legacy of the Shakers in Connecticut, the manufacturing legacy of New Britain (once known as "the Hardware Capitol of the World"), and the biography of one of New Britain's most illustrious residents, American artist Sol LeWitt. These stories, which interweave humor, the supernatural, and heartfelt reflections about education and the power of art making, serve as a small tribute to the history of this New England town and Museum.About the AuthorIn a methodical way and recurring to strategies connected to the baroque fugue and ars combinatoria (combinatory art), Pablo Helguera (Mexico City, 1971) often draws improbable relationships between human histories, biographies, anecdotes and historical events, always bringing them all together in a cohesive whole and making all serve as a reflection on our current relationship with art as a society. Helguera often focuses on history, pedagogy, sociolinguistics and anthropology in formats such as lectures, museum displays, performance and written fiction. His project The School of Panamerican Unrest (2003-2011), an early example of pedagogically-fo- cused socially engaged art, consisted in a nomadic think-tank, physically crossed the continent by car from Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego. He has exhibited and performed widely (MoMA, Havana Biennial, Performa, Reina Sofia, amongst many others) and has been recipient of the Guggenheim, Franklin Furnace and Blade of Grass Fellowships and the Creative Capital and Art Matters grants. He was the first recipient of the International Award of Participatory Art of the Emilia Romagna Region in Italy. His book Education for Socially Engaged Art, (2011), a primer for social practice has quickly become adopted as a main textbook for art schools and university programs internationally. He is also author of several other books including The Pablo Helguera Manual of Contemporary Art Style, Theatrum Anatomicum (and other performance lectures), What in the World, and Art Scenes: The Social Scripts of the Art World, a book on the sociology of contemporary art. In 2013 he launched the project Libreri¿a Donceles, consisting in creating the only Spanish used book- store in New York, a non-profit project intended to draw attention to the perceptions of Latin American culture in the U.S. Since 2007, he is Director of Adult and Academic Programs in the Education Department of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Currently, the Jumex Museum in Mexico City is presenting a multi-year mid-career retrospective of his work under the title Dramatis Personae.

  • av Oscar Yujnovsky

    Lena entre los pájaros canta y quiere alcanzar las alturas. Sueña un lugar lejano cuya luz proviene del vuelo amarillo del jilguero. ¿Tendrá ese lugar el olor del jazmín y la madreselva que evoca Borges preguntándose si eso es el poema? ¿Será una escena vacía donde sólo resuena la voz? Movida por el enigma de ese vacío, Lena se aleja de Mano Guazú. Va buscando un ideal, existir en el lamentode Ariadna, ser salvada por Dionisos, o aproximarse a lo sublime interpretando el destino de locura y muerte de Norma y de Lucía o el grito ensordecedor de Lulú. Los sueños de Lena se hacen voz en la estructura de la ópera hasta su encuentro con Pier Luigi. Un momento significante en su vida que se traducirá en un dejar el camino individual para adentrarse en el trabajo colectivo y dar otra forma, la forma del barroco, a su fuerza creativa. Al final del barroco, el regreso a Mano Guazú, la soledad y la pérdida en la ausencia.Oscar Yujnovsky nacióen Argentina, obtuvo el PhD en la Universidad de California, Berkeley (USA), vive en París, Francia. Fue asesor de las Naciones Unidas en el PNUD. Autor de libros de desarrollo urbano. Cuentista y novelista, participóen varias antologías de cuentos. Su novela "Forma sonata"fue galardonada con el primer premio del concurso organizado por la Editorial Mis Escritos de Argentina y publicada en 2005 por esa Editorial. Jorge Pinto Books publicósus novelas "Luz de Vitral"(2008), "La Decepción"(2010), "Resonancias de Don Juan"(2013) y "Place des Vosges"(2016).

  • - An Economic Chronicle
    av Vito Tanzi

    The first edition of this book, published in 2007, took the readers up to the period shortly after the debt default. After 2002, Argentina experienced some exciting and dramatic years and three different administrations. This new, updated, version describes, in simple terms, the main economic developments that took place in Argentina from 2002 until the end of 2017. It highlights the role that three different administrations played and the economic difficulties that remain. "Argentina started the 20th Century as one of the richest ten country in the world. For a while its economic position in the world was comparable to that of, say, Germany today. It had a per capita income much higher than that of Japan and Italy and comparable to that of France. However, it ended the century on the eve of the largest default in history.How did this dramatic change come about? In this unusual book, not based on library research but mostly on first hand and direct observations, the author takes the reader through a fascinating ride through time. The reader is introduced to the concept of fiscal cycles and the economic landscape of this fascinating country. The book is written in a style that will make it accessible and interesting to a general reader."Praise for V. Tanzi's Book on Argentina. Vito Tanzi has done it again. This book combines an intriguing prose, full of anecdotes and rich personal memoirs of Vito's many trips to Argentina, with serious economic analysis from a first class economist. …Vito has come to understand very well Argentina's idiosyncrasy, institutions and the nature of the protracted fiscal problems, and explains how these have lead over time to major macroeconomic volatility, stagnation, and repeated crises. This book is particularly useful for the general public …Domingo Cavallo, Former Finance Minister of ArgentinaVito Tanzi [book] is an invaluable document … of the dramatic fall of Argentina as the leading Latin American economy. …[show] .. the complicity of the IMF and of Argentine policy makers in the design of the disastrous fiscal policies that led to its huge debt default … It should be required reading for policy makers and for all those who love that wonderful country …Francisco Gil- Diaz, Former Finance Minister of MexicoExplaining the reversals of economic fortunes in Argentina during the 20th is a challenge for economists and social observers in general. After being one of most dynamic and vibrant economies in the late 19th century and early 20th century, …, the country started to travel a road of economic instability, stagnant and erratic growth and collapse of democracy. In this new and lucid book Vito Tanzi, drawing on 40 years of direct personal knowledge and field experience with Argentina, ….This book, … is a must reading for anyone interested in understanding the Argentina of today and yesterday. Highly recommended.Andrés Solimano . Regional Advisor UN-ECLAC. Former Country Director at the World Bank and Executive Director at the Inter-American Development Bank."For 27 years, Vito Tanzi was a senior staff member of the International Monetary Fund. He was the director of the Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF. He also was as Undersecretary for Economy and Finance in the Italian Government. A professional economist with a PhD from Harvard, he is considered a leading expert in fiscal policy. The author of many books and hundreds of articles in professional journals, he has given a named "effect" to economics, the "Tanzi Effect". In 1994 he was President of the International Institute of Public Finance of which he is now Honorary President.

  • av Benedictus de Spinoza

    Born in Amsterdam in 1634, Benedict Spinoza continues to be one of the most admired thinkers. His work, including the Ethics, the Tractatus Theologico Politicus and the Political Treatise that we present in this volume are widely read and the subject of philosophical, political, religious and psychological studies, not only by fellow philosophers but also by writers and poets.Famous writers and poets became admirers and followers of Spinoza, particularly Lessing, Heine, Auerbach, Coleridge, Shelley, George Eliot and many more. Robert Harvey Monro Elwes a renowned XIX century English scholar and the English translator of Spinoza's works, in his Introduction to the Tractatus Theologico Politicus (included in this book) wrote that these poets and intellectuals "not only admired him but studied him deeply. Shelley not only contemplated but began a translation of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, to be published with a preface by Lord Byron, but the project was cut short by his death.""to be a philosopher one must first be a Spinozist.".G. W. F. Hegel"I, at last, chanced upon the Ethica of this man. To say exactly how much I gained from that work was due to Spinoza or to my reading of him would be impossible; enough that I found in him a sedative for my passions and that he appeared to me to open up a large and free outlook on the material and moral world."Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"Spinoza, like Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, on whose lives and philosophy I have based two earlier novels, wrote much that is highly relevant to my field of psychiatry and psychotherapy-for example, that ideas, thoughts, and feelings are caused by previous experiences, that passions may be studied dispassionately, that understanding leads to transcendence-and I wished to celebrate his contributions through a novel of ideas."Irvin D. Yalom, from his novel The Spinoza Problem

  • av Jorge Pinto Mazal

  • av Francisco Delicado

    Imagine que Aldonza es mujer frondosa, sen¿al de saludable, y que ejerce el oficio mäs viejo del mundo entre las ruinas de lo que fuera la grandeza de Roma, la que fuera epicentro de un imperio inabarcable, la que ha sido saqueada por tropas espan¿olas al amanecer el siglo XVI y la que se ha visto inundada por el alud de judi¿os espan¿oles que huyen de las llamas del Santo Oficio.Esta historia nos llega al oi¿do por escuchar los ripios y retrue¿canos del idioma -espan¿ol e italiano-en el diälogo que florece entre Aldonza y su amigo Trigo, nombre de converso, espejo del autor Francisco Delicado, que fue cle¿rigo, ejercio¿ de me¿dico y tuvo fama de marrano. Jorge F. HernándezEl texto, originalmente escrito en Roma en forma de cro¿nica lo que hace que su lectura sea difi¿cil, no solo por el espan¿ol de la e¿poca, sino porque contiene refranes, nombres y comidas tomadas de conversaciones cotidianas en una ciudad poblada a principios del siglo XVI por italianos, catalanes, castellanos, judi¿os y conversos, con una igual seleccio¿n representativa de profesiones: cano¿nigos, hidalgos, criados, prostitutas, abogados y doctores. En los amenos diälogos y relatos de La Lozana, Delicado reproduce textualmente la rica pluralidad del habla de la calle. El texto de la presente edicio¿n esta tomada del libro publicado en 1871: Retrato De La Lozana Andaluza, En Lengua Espan¿ola Muy Clari¿sima, El Cual Retrato demuestra lo que en Roma pasaba, y contiene muchas mäs cosas que la Celestina. Compuesto En Roma. "Coleccion De Libros Espan¿oles Raros o Curiosos". Tomo Primero.Madrid, Imprenta Y Estereotipia De M. Rivadeneyra, calle del Duque de Osuna, 3. 1871.

  • - El Exilio y El Regreso a Espa a

    Del Exílio al Regreso a España1492 es el año en el que se manifiestan de manera clara las serias contradicciones que caracterizaban la vida en España en la época y representa un verdadero parteaguas en su historia. Por una parte, el espíritu emprendedor y la búsqueda de nuevos horizontes conducen al descubrimiento de América y al encuentro con nuevas culturas. Por otro lado, la intolerancia y la cerrazón de la inquisición obliga al exilio o a la sumisión a una importante comunidad que formaba parte de su capital humano, capital que otros imperios, particularmente el Otomano, reciben haciendo suyo ese activo intelectual y económico.JPB"En la diáspora que tuvo lugar como consecuencia de la expulsión pervivieron signos hispánicos que sirvieron de causa a políticos del siglo XVIII para llevar a cabo los primeros intentos de derogar el Edicto de 1492. "Prof. Celia Prados García La "Ley pretende ser el punto de encuentro entre los españoles de hoy y los descendientes de quienes fueron injustamente expulsados a partir de 1492, y se justifica en la común determinación de construir juntos, frente a la intolerancia de tiempos pasados, un nuevo espacio de convivencia y concordia, que reabra para siempre a las comunidades expulsadas de España las puertas de su antiguo país." Texto ley de 24 de junio de 2015, en materia de concesión de la nacionalidad española a los sefardíes originarios de España (Vigente)"el legislador considera que la condición de sefardí es, en sí misma, una circunstancia de carácter excepcional que permite la concesión de la nacionalidad española, suprimiendo la necesidad de residencia y la obligatoriedad de renuncia a la nacionalidad anterior, como venía sucediendo hasta el 1 de octubre de 2015."Prof. Ramón García Gómez, Universidad de SalamancaEstas páginas reúnen las lanzas que rasgaron la piel de las piedras y el espejo donde jamás se olvidarán los precisos nombres del dolor.Jorge F. Hernández

  • av Alfredo De Stefano

    In This Place En Este Lugar Though the work of Alfredo De Stéfano is presented in a traditional photographic format, all conceptions of the image contained in that support distance themselves from or even subtly confront the traditional ways in which photography has addressed the complex universe of time, space and movement. His "... work acquires a dual meaning: that of being a symbol of emptiness, of the void, of the dead and extinct, and that of being the landscape that is most susceptible to change in any number of ways --paradoxically, because of its vastness and its emptiness. In this sense, the desert is the place that is subject to the rapidest and most drastic changes in its land, due to the extreme conditions under which life is expressed there. De Stéfano's early interest in the visual arts--especially American abstract expressionism--played in his contemplation of nature.." Maria A. Iovino Art Critic ++++++++++++++++ De Stéfano was born in Monclova, Coahuila, a city in the northeastern Mexican desert and has a bachelor¿s degree in Communication Sciences by the Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila. He is considered one of Méxicös most important contemporary photographers. He has a passion for the landscape and especially the desert, an environment to which ha has traveled countless times, performing art interventions in it and photographing it. Among his photographic series, we should mention Of Places Without a Future (1992), Remains of Paradise (1996), Replenishing Emptiness (2002) and Brief Chronicle of Light (2005).All these series are set in the desert. His work has been featured in over ninety group and solo shows in various cities on the five continets. His photographs have also appeared in numerous books and magazines. His work forms part of public and private collections in Mexico as well as abroad.

  • - Aspects of Museums in Taiwan
    av Ying-Ying Lai

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Victor Rodriguez

  • av Jose Luis Martinez

    José Luis Matínez publicó en 1955, dentro de una colección que dirigían Octavio Paz y Carlos Fuentes, Problemas literarios, donde reunió diversos ensayos sobre técnica y teoría literarias, sociología de la novela, la Revolución Mexicana y la literatura, los problemas de la cultura literaria de México y el ensayo "Situación de la literatura mexicana contemporánea", escrito en 1948, cuando tenía 30 años, que motivó en su momento lo que él mismo denominó como "una escaramuza literaria", descrita en todo detalle al final del mismo.José Luis Martíneznació en Atoyac, Jalisco, el 19 de enero de1918 y murió en la Ciudad de México el 20 de marzo de 2007. Comenzó su trayectoria intelectual como poeta, editor y crítico en la revista Tierra Nueva que fundó al lado de Alí Chumacero, Jorge González Durán y Leopoldo Zea. Gracias a libros de crítica e historia literarias, convertidos en obras de referencia y consulta, se encuentra entre las figuras centrales del panorama literario mexicano. "El legado de su biblioteca personal, ahora pública, solo es comparable a su labor como editor, crítico e historiador. Convirtió su pasión por la lectura en un servicio a la sociedad."Rodrigo Martínez BaracsLetras Libres,Enero, 2018 "…mi Maestro Martínez fue un lector insaciable, ensayista de absoluta claridad, historiador de minuciosos rigores, uno de los mejores cronistas que ha tenido la Ciudad de México y la literatura mexicana, pero sobre todo, un entrañable Maestro con mayúsculas. Sus biografías de Nezahualcóyotly Hernán Cortés(amparada sobre cuatro extensos volúmenes que reúnen todos los papeles posibles sobre el conquistador de México) serán siempre lectura indispensable y el ancho mapa que nos hereda de todos los libros mexicanos escritos y publicados desde tiempo inmemorial hasta los albores del siglo XXI servirá para siempre de guía para navegación de nuestras letras y apuntalamiento de nuestra más íntima memoria.Jorge H. Hernández. EL hombre que fue todos los libros, Cartas de Cuévano, diario El Pais, X/ IV/ MMXVIII JLM, "Gracias a libros de crítica e historia literarias, convertidos en obras de referencia y consulta, se encuentra entre las figuras centrales del panorama literario mexicano."José Luís Martínez Hernández. Presentación, 2018

  • av Diego De San Pedro

  • av Paula Campos

  • - The Correspondence of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann 1910-1955
    av Hermann Hesse & Thomas Mann

  • av Washington DC) Tanzi & Professor Vito (International Monetary Fund Institute

  • av Pablo Helguera

    In this provocative new book, Helguera argues that contemporary art makes viewers perform self-conscious or instinctive interpretive acts; and that the construction of value in art is determined less by the objects themselves than by the nature of interpretive performances, having a trickle-down effect on practically every aspect of art in society.

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Sarah Demeuse

    In 2006, artist Pablo Helguera drove with a portable schoolhouse from Anchorage, Alaska, to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, exploring the historical ideals of Pan-Americanism. Five years after that journey, this bilingual anthology gathers a group of critical essays and documentary materials of this pedagogical and public art experiment.

  • av Pablo Helguera

  • av Marta Merajver-Kurlat

    This is the first book of a subseries included in Bibliotreatment. Reading is therapeutic, and many of the issues that may be worrying you have been broached by great writers whose insight sometimes makes you wonder whether you/ someone you know have been spied on to provide literary material. Despite a widespread belief to the contrary, reading is not a passive but an extremely demanding interactive process. It "involves mental activity, is embedded in other communication abilities, and converts graphic stimuli into meaning." Moreover, fiction works pose very real challenges. You need to pierce through the level of the enunciated (the actual words used and their arrangement in sentences) to reach the level of enunciation (to put it simply, what lies behind the words; what the author conveys even when she is not aware of actually having meant what seems patent to you.) Between-the-lines reading is a fascinating exercise in detection, association, comparison, identification, debate, and much more. Active reading, the only way to really profit from books, is reflected in notes pencilled on the margins, highlighted phrases or passages, question and exclamation marks, crosses, and the like. Nothing can be more wrong than to think that a book is a "valuable", a "sacred" object that must be preserved intact. Books call for intervention, in the same way as some forms of contemporary visual art appropriate an object and make a new imprint on it, thus turning it into a unique object, for every intervention is exclusive and individual. The key, indeed, is appropriation. Your copy, your interaction with the story, your conclusions. Books have an ending, but are not truly finished until readers reinterpret and actualize them. Enjoy your trip along these pages. Marta Merajver-Kurlat is an Argentine author whose attraction to the ways in which mankind tells its own history encouraged her to undertake studies in myth, language, literature, psychology, and psychoanalysis. Accordingly, her novels Just Toss the Ashes, Los gloriosos sesenta y después, and El tramo final delve into intriguing aspects of human nature. A lecturer in psychoanalytic associations of her country, she first took the challenge of addressing non-specialists in psychological issues in the self-help series entitled Bibliotreatment and released by Jorge Pinto Books Inc. In 2009-2010. Reading for Personal Development complements the series by recommending ten works of fiction of infinite value for the advancement of personal improvement.

  • av Miguel Barrnet

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